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【目的】明确不同湿度条件下富士系苹果花过冷却点的分布频率,为苹果霜冻监测和预测提供参考。【方法】以中国种植最广泛的富士系苹果为研究对象,使用人工霜冻试验箱控制温湿度,模拟霜冻降温过程,设置高、中、低3个湿度范围,对富士系苹果花蕾和花朵子房过冷却点进行监测,研究环境相对湿度对富士系苹果花器官过冷却点的影响。【结果】富士系苹果花蕾和花朵子房过冷却点在-6.4^-1.9 ℃,50%的过冷却点集中在-4.4^-3.5 ℃,80%的过冷却点集中在-4.4^-2.5 ℃,平均过冷却点为-3.7 ℃。苹果花蕾和花朵子房的累积冻害率达到30%(轻度)的温度为-3.2 ℃,累积冻害率达到50%(中度)的温度为-3.6 ℃,累积冻害率达到80%(重度)的温度为-4.2 ℃。花蕾过冷却点的变异大于花朵子房过冷却点,不同湿度处理下花蕾和花朵子房过冷却点差异显著。中湿(相对湿度50%~70%)条件下,过冷却点最高,抗寒性最差,而低湿(相对湿度50%以下)和高湿(相对湿度大于70%)处理均可降低植株的过冷却点。【结论】-4.4^-2.5 ℃是富士系苹果花组织开始出现损伤的主要温度范围。干燥和高湿的环境均可降低富士系苹果花蕾和花朵的过冷却点,尤其是干燥的环境可降低苹果花蕾的过冷却点0.6 ℃,可降低苹果花朵子房的过冷却点0.4 ℃,提高苹果花蕾及花朵子房抗寒性。  相似文献   

采用1956~2010年黑龙江省双鸭山单站逐日最低气温资料,利用线性倾向估计法分析该市霜冻变化特征。分析表明:双鸭山市近55年来的平均初霜冻日为9月28日、终霜冻日为5月8日,平均无霜冻期为143天;初、终霜冻日年代变化表现为20世纪50~60年代初霜冻日偏早、终霜冻日偏晚,70、80年代初、终霜冻日接近55年平均,90年代以后初霜冻日偏晚、终霜冻日偏早;初、终霜冻日和无霜冻期的线性变化趋势分别为2.0d/10a、-3.5d/10a和5.6d/10a。  相似文献   

沙地平欧杂种榛子花期物候学观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以章古台地区沙地栽培的4个品种(系)的平欧杂交榛为试材,进行连续3年的花期物候观测调查。结果表明:平欧杂交榛在章古台地区一般于3月底4月初进入开花期,花期持续时间为11-14d;雌花初花时间一般稍晚于雄花初花时间1~4d,但盛花期都有重叠;另外,不同品系间花期持续时间、盛花期重叠时间存在一定差异。  相似文献   

【目的】为筛选出适合库尔勒香梨的绿色、安全果实脱萼方案。【方法】以库尔勒香梨为试验材料,分别在初花期、盛花期喷施不同浓度的母梨剂、氟硅唑、苯甲·丙环唑、美翠、金村秋进行脱萼处理,喷清水为对照,研究不同脱萼剂的不同处理对库尔勒香梨果实脱萼率及果实单果质量、果形指数、可溶性固形物等外观和内质指标的影响。【结果】母梨剂处理后,脱萼率与对照相比均显著提高,果形指数与对照相比均有不同程度的降低,效果较好的是处理T2(2 000倍液盛花期喷施1次),脱萼率为79.28%,对果实品质无不良影响。氟硅唑处理后,脱萼率与对照相比均显著提高,不同氟硅唑处理的果形指数、果柄长度均低于对照,且呈现随着处理浓度的升高而降低的趋势。脱萼效果较好的是处理T6(4 000倍液,初花期和盛花期各喷1次),脱萼率为98.68%,比对照提高了49.50%,平均单果质量显著高于对照。苯甲·丙环唑处理后,脱萼率与对照相比显著提高,脱萼率呈现随处理浓度增大而提高的趋势,果形指数、心果比和果柄长度均低于对照。脱萼效果比较好的是处理T12(4 000倍液,初花期和盛花期各喷施1次),脱萼率为88.43%,比对照提高了39.25%,可...  相似文献   

该文以复合型霜冻——绝对气温-3.6℃为背景,调查了果园防护林、果园郁闭度、树龄、品种、降温前灌水及生烟防寒等因素对减轻霜冻的效应。结果表明:气象因素是构成霜冻程度的主要因素;果园防护林具有减轻霜冻程度的效能,其最佳防护区背风面在2倍树高之内,迎风面在1倍树高之内;郁闭度大的梨园受害程度明显轻于郁闭度小的梨园;树龄大受害轻;品种间的受害程度,主要与物候期有关,盛花期与霜冻相遇受害重,相反则轻;降温前灌水和霜冻时生烟是减轻霜冻的有效应急措施。霜冻危害的垂直分布为越近地面受害越重,2.0m以上的受害程度对产量影响较小。结果部位低的果园必须采取应急防寒措施。  相似文献   

为选育油茶春花优良品种,以油茶杂交子代(YZ2×DY2)及亲本[母本(YZ2)、父本(DY2)]为研究对象,调查测定其花期和花器官性状,对花期性状进行分级,并对9个性状(花横径、花纵径、花柱裂数、雌蕊长、雄蕊长、花瓣数、花药数、盛花期相对时间、开花持续时间)进行变异、相关性、主成分、聚类分析。将盛花期相对时间和开花持续时间进行等距分级,筛选出符合良种选育目标的花期类型(95株)和极长持续期类型(43株)。9个性状变异系数为9.75%~35.74%,其中,盛花期相对时间的变异系数最大,花柱裂数的变异系数最小。9个性状的中亲优势率范围为-23.17%~0.84%,除盛花期相对时间外均为负值,所有性状均出现超低亲和超高亲个体。杂交子代群体花药数与其他花器性状之间均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);盛花期相对时间与花横径、花纵径、雌蕊长、花瓣数、开花持续时间呈极显著相关(P<0.01),与花柱裂数呈显著相关(P<0.05)。根据聚类分析将杂交子代群体分为3个类群:Ⅰ类属于最早花期长花期型:Ⅱ类属于最晚花期短花期型:Ⅲ类属于中花期型。  相似文献   

以榆叶梅(Prunus triloba)为代表对花期延迟技术进行总结,包括2019年北京世园会开幕式、6月和8月展品评奖、闭幕式展区评比等时间节点的榆叶梅开花规律及开放状态。将花期延迟调控的榆叶梅与地栽榆叶梅对比,发现闭幕式用的榆叶梅在-5~-3℃库中储存的天数为300 d,其盛花期(10月3日)与地栽榆叶梅(对照)的盛花期(4月10日)相比,推迟176 d,其盛花期为4 d,比地栽榆叶梅缩短1 d。花期延迟调控的榆叶梅从-5~-3℃库移出进行升温调控的天数为19~26 d,可根据布展需要倒推榆叶梅的升温调控开始日期;榆叶梅花蕾在膨大期至初花期阶段适应性最强,返回4~6℃库内储存的天数≤7 d,不会缩短其出库后的盛花期。  相似文献   

通过对石台县不同年龄阶段的山茱萸进行观察研究,初步掌握山茱萸的物候期、开花习性与结果习性,为山茱萸的栽培管理提供了科学依据。一、物候期的观察1.开花物候期。初花期为25%小花开放,盛花期为50%小花开放,终花期为100%小花开花。2003年花期天气温暖晴朗,花期较早。2004、20  相似文献   

为划分福建山樱花无系性花期物候,在福建省南平市延平区茫荡镇北山村对42个福建山樱花嫁接无性系进行为期2 a的花期观测。结果表明,无性系间花期物候差异极显著,花芽膨大期、花芽开放期、花蕾出现期、始花期、盛花期和末花期的重复力分别为0.8799、0.8800、0.8386、0.8961、0.8923和0.8679。依据始花期、盛花期、末花期对无性系进行系统聚类分析,42个无性系可分为早花型、中花型、晚花型3类,无性系花期平均时长17 d。以盛花期为目标性状,分别从早花型、中花型和晚花型中各筛选1个无性系,分别为fy49、zx3、fy56,可作为构建长花期福建山樱花观花景观的无性系。  相似文献   

田埂报春为 1a生宿根野生花卉 ,花期为 1月中旬至 3月下旬 ,总状轮生伞形花序 ,单花 5~ 7朵轮生 ,花瓣 5枚 ,雄蕊 5枚 ,花粉红色或浅紫色 ,单花花期 3~ 6d ,单花序花期 7~ 15d ,全株花期长达 2个月之久。在授粉受精过程中 ,花粉的萌发受温度影响较大 ,2 0~ 2 5℃温度范围较适宜花粉萌发 ;不同花期花粉萌发率存在较大差异 ,初花期与盛花期的花粉萌发率分别达4 1 79%和 6 7 4 4% ,在杂交育种中宜选用初花期和盛花期的花粉 ;花粉生活力保存时间的长短对育种工作具有重要意义 ,以 5℃加干燥剂的储藏方式效果最佳 ,394h后萌发率仍有 2 1 0 %。田埂报春自然授粉杂交结实率低 ,需人工辅助授粉 ,以长花柱花 (♀ )×短花柱花 (♂ )组合表现了较高的结实率 (6 4 5 8% ) ,自交不亲和。  相似文献   

目前仁用杏生产中存在的最大问题是开花早,花期和幼果期易遭受晚霜、寒流的危害,引起冻花冻果现象的发生,导致减产甚至绝收。为了解决仁用杏生产上易受霜冻危害的问题,以仁用杏主栽品种‘优一’为试验材料,研究了喷施抗冻剂1,2-丙二醇、1,2-丙二醇+葡萄糖的混合液、金硅谷和灵护防冻液和水杨酸、施肥、柴堆熏烟处理对仁用杏抗抵御晚霜能力的影响情况,从中筛选出了能有效增强仁用杏抵御晚霜能力的处理方法。结果表明:在其盛果期的采果之后,每株施有机肥10~15 kg或者复合肥1.0~1.5 kg,不仅能促进仁用杏树势的生长,提高其来年的花果质量,而且能有效减轻晚霜的危害,使其在幼果期的冻果率减少50%左右;在霜冻来临之前,喷施2~3次20%~30%的1,2-丙二醇溶液与10%的葡萄糖溶液的混合液,可使其在花期或幼果期能抵抗5~8 h以上、-5℃以下的低温,能使其在幼果期的抗冻率提高80%以上,且对仁用杏花朵(花瓣、雌蕊、子房、雄蕊)和幼果均不会造成伤害,也不影响仁用杏的坐果率。试验结果表明,这两种方法操作简单,低成本,农民容易掌握,易于生产中大范围内推广。  相似文献   

Frost resistance and ice nucleation temperatures of leaves, from bud swelling until after full expansion, were measured in situ for five major woody timberline species with recently developed field freezing equipment. Frost resistance determined in situ on leaves of attached twigs was significantly higher than values determined on detached leaves in laboratory tests (e.g., the temperature at which incipient frost damage was observed (LTi) was 1.2 degrees C higher for detached leaves than for attached leaves of Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Frost resistance of leaves of all species changed significantly during shoot expansion (e.g., changes of 7.2 and 11 degrees C for Rhododendron ferrugineum L. and Larix decidua Mill., respectively). Expanding leaves (between 0 and 60% of full expansion) were the most sensitive to frost, with LTi values ranging from -3.4 degrees C in R. ferrugineum to -6.3 degrees C in L. decidua. Among the studied species, P. abies and R. ferrugineum were the most frost sensitive throughout the shoot elongation period. In situ freezing patterns of leaves of attached twigs also differed from those of leaves of excised twigs. During leaf expansion, two distinct freezing exotherms were always registered in situ. The first freezing event (E1, high-temperature exotherm) was recorded at -1.5 +/- 0.2 degrees C and reflected extracellular ice formation. Exposure of leaves to temperatures at which E1 occurred was, in all cases, noninjurious. The low-temperature exotherm (E2) mostly coincided with frost damage, except for some stages of leaf expansion in R. ferrugineum and P. abies, indicating that in situ freezing exotherms were not accurate estimators of frost damage in these species.  相似文献   

几种植物生长调节剂对油茶花期授粉率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同生长调节剂在油茶(Camellia oleifera)花芽分化期和盛花期进行试验,结果显示,花芽分化期采用2 000 mg/L细胞分裂素或1 000 mg/L乙烯利进行喷雾可促进花芽分化;盛花期采用200 mg/L防落素+0.5%尿素或500 mg/L细胞分裂素处理可较大幅度地增加花朵的授粉受精率,促进座果,座果率显著高于对照.  相似文献   

Artificial freezing tests were performed with two sets of 12 full‐sib families of Picea abies. Each set was selected from a complete diallel cross performed within a natural population. Significant differences in autumn frost hardiness were observed between the two populations, which originate from the same altitude and longitude approximately 60 km apart. Substantial variation in frost hardiness was observed within both populations. Significant pheno‐typic correlations at the individual level were found between freezing injury and the two traits terminal bud‐set and height growth year one. However, no significant relationships were present between freezing injury and bud‐set at the family level, indicating that bud‐set cannot be used to predict autumn frost hardiness for families.  相似文献   

榆林仁用杏晚霜冻害防治技术措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据陕北榆林仁用杏分布的地理特征和区域气候特点设立了4个试验点,从观测仁用杏物候期与气象条件变化的关系入手,探讨仁用杏晚霜冻害发生规律及其有效预防措施,提出采用灌水(GS)或用植物防冻剂100倍液灌根(ZW1)措施可推迟仁用杏花期3~4d,能有效避开春季晚霜冻害,提高座果率;及时准确的气象预报,可以为熏烟法提供具体的实施时间,减轻冻害,促进丰产;从而为仁用杏的丰产栽培管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Bigras  F.J.  Margolis  H.A. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):29-49
Damage to containerized forest seedlings due to freezing can occur in the fall or early winter in Canadian forest nurseries. The following spring, damage to shoots and impairment of growth is observed. The objectives of this experiment were to measure the impact of late fall low temperatures (0° to --30°C) on whole seedlings of the three most common species used for reforestation in Quebec: black spruce (BS), white spruce (WS) and jack pine (JP). Impacts of freezing temperatures on (i) whole seedling and apical bud mortality, (ii) shoot growth and root mortality, (iii) stem electrical resistance, (iv) shoot and root water relations, (v) concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and total sugars in shoots were assessed. JP showed the highest rate of whole seedling mortality while WS showed the highest rate of apical bud mortality. JP was the most severely affected: destruction of the root system at low temperatures as well as a reduction of shoot growth and stem diameter and a decrease (more negative) in shoot and root water potential. WS showed a reduction of shoot growth despite no apparent damage to the root system at low temperatures. BS was not affected by temperatures as low as --30°C. Nutrient and sugar concentrations were not affected by low temperature treatments.  相似文献   

幼龄橄榄开花结实初步调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
2000年在高州对幼龄橄榄开花结实进行调查,结果如下:春梢萌发期不同,成花株率、成花梢率、每梢花穗数和中穗花蕾数相差相当悬殊,在2月中旬至3月上旬萌发的春梢,其各种成花指标均居最高;成花株率、成花梢率、每梢花芽数、每梢存果穗数、每梢存果数随树龄的增大而明显增加;不同农家品种橄榄的成花挂果特性有很大差异,要提高橄榄园产量,选用优良品种是关键;母枝粗壮,枝上叶片浓密、较大、浓绿色、厚而硬的榄树,有利于成花挂果,其各种成花指标较高;花芽数、中穗花蕾数与结果母梢径粗分别呈极显著正向线性相关(相关系数分别为0.831和0.916);经营管理水平高低对橄榄成花有显著影响,特别是立地条件较差的榄园,精细管理更显得迫切与重要,应及时对树体的养分供应及营养生长进行适当的调控。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Pinus oocarpa to freezing temperatures limits the commercial deployment of the highly productive Pinus patula × P. oocarpa hybrid in South Africa. Identifying P. oocarpa germplasm with increased frost tolerance is important. Twenty-three P. oocarpa provenances, originating from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua, were therefore assessed for their tolerance to freezing conditions by analysing field survival after frost events, subjecting needles to freezing temperatures and assessing damage using the electrolyte leakage test, and exposing young plants to freezing temperatures in a semi-controlled environment and scoring tissue damage based on a visual assessment. The performance of many of the provenances represented in the field and artificial freezing studies were similar and there was a strong correlation between provenance ranking in the whole plant freezing and electrolyte leakage test. We therefore support the use of these techniques as a means to assess cold tolerance in P. oocarpa at the provenance level. Provenances from north-western Mexico demonstrated more frost tolerance than those from southern Mexico. Provenances representing Honduras and Guatemala appear to be highly susceptible to frost.  相似文献   

Roots of 2-year-old black spruce seedlings (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) were exposed to freezing temperatures to destroy 20, 40, 60, and 80% of the root systems. For comparison, other root systems were pruned to eliminate the same proportions of roots. Treated and control seedlings were planted in spring 1992 at Forêt Montmorency (the Université Laval forest research station, 50 km north of Quebec City). From 1992 to 1995, survival, shoot height and stem diameter were measured. Mortality mainly occurred in 1993, the year after planting; pruned seedlings showed practically no mortality while seedlings with 20, 40, 60, and 80% of their root systems affected by frost showed mortality rates of 0, 6, 17, and 24%, respectively. Shoot height and stem diameter decreased with increasing root damage when compared to controls. After three years on the planting site, shoot height was reduced by 2, 8, 11, and 18% while stem diameter was reduced by 4, 21, 25, and 24% for 20, 40, 60, and 80% frost damage, respectively. For pruned seedlings, shoot height was increased by 3% at 20% damage and was decreased by 1, 3, and 13% for 40, 60, and 80% root damage while stem diameter was reduced by 1, 4, 8, 19% for 20, 40, 60, and 80% respectively. Use of damaged seedlings on the planting sites should be limited in order to reduce the cost of replacement planting.  相似文献   

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