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陆平  梁巧玲 《杂草科学》2011,29(2):57-59
新疆伊犁河谷大豆田杂草种类有7科13种,其中发生普遍、危害严重的优势种有灰绿藜、田旋花、稗、画眉草、金色狗尾草5种。杂草的防除,以精选种子、使用腐熟有机肥、合理栽培、轮作倒茬等农业防除措施为基础,化学防除为主要手段,可把杂草危害控制在最低程度。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河谷玉米田杂草有9科17种,其中发生普遍、危害严重的优势种有田旋花、稗、金狗尾草、灰绿藜、狗尾草5种。杂草的防除,以清选种子,使用腐熟粪肥,加强栽培管理,合理密植,轮作倒茬等农业防除为基础,化学防除为主要手段,可把杂草危害控制在最低程度。  相似文献   

本研究系统调查海南南繁区玉米田的杂草种类,确定玉米田的杂草优势种群,并提出杂草防除的技术措施。调查结果表明,南繁区玉米田杂草共有21科100种,其中优势杂草主要有牛筋草、红尾翎、短颖马唐、龙爪茅、香附子、异型莎草、碎米莎草、粟米草、伞房花耳草、野甘草、少花龙葵等11种。鉴于南繁区农田杂草种类繁多,在杂草防治措施上应采取植物检疫、人工防除、物理机械及化学防除相结合的综合防除技术,以控制玉米田杂草的发生危害。  相似文献   

常德市园林绿地越冬杂草有58种,隶属于22科,其中以菊科、禾本科、茜草科、十字花科等科的杂草为主,早熟禾、繁缕等杂草为优势种。对杂草种类、危害、防除的方法进行了探讨,为杂草的开发利用提供了依据。  相似文献   

农牧交错区保护性耕作大豆田杂草综合控制的研究与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用定点观察及踏察相结合的方法,调查农牧交错区保护性耕作大豆田的杂草种类及其危害;设计6大处理,研究保护性耕作大豆田杂草的综合防除效果和草害水平。结果表明:保护性耕作大豆田主要分布的杂草有6科13种;6种杂草防除措施中,综合除草效果最佳。  相似文献   

陕西省汉阴县麦田杂草有13科23种,其中分布范围较广、密度较大的有看麦娘、日本看麦娘、菵草、长芒棒头草等单子叶杂草和繁缕、猪殃殃、大巢菜、藜、刺儿菜等双子叶杂草.水稻茬麦田杂草发生危害重于旱地麦田,水稻茬麦田的优势杂草主要有看麦娘、繁缕、日本看麦娘、菵草,旱地麦田优势杂草主要有繁缕、猪殃殃、大巢菜、刺儿菜.针对麦田杂草的发生特点,提出协调农业防除与化学防除的综合治理策略,化学防除要针对麦田的不同杂草优势种群,合理选用除草剂,以达到综合除草效果.  相似文献   

对江苏省太湖洞庭山地区枇杷苗圃杂草危害调查发现有杂草27科94种,其中禾本科杂草的发生数量占60%~80%,有些田块甚至可达90%以上,成为苗圃中的优势杂草种群。枇杷苗圃杂草防除应从"封、杀、拔"三方面入手。  相似文献   

制定合理的大豆田杂草防除策略,有效地控制杂草危害,对大幅度增加大豆产量,改进品质,提高生产效益至关重要。合理的杂草防除策略应建立在对杂草发生和危害规律的正确认识上,现根据已有的研究结果,仅就黑龙江省大豆田杂草防除策略提出如下看法,供进一步研究探讨。 (一) 黑龙江省大豆田杂草的发生和危害根据我们调查,黑龙江省大豆田杂草以一年生杂草为主,其中稗草危害最严重,其发生频率和危害指数均居首位。其次是藜、蓼、苋、鸭跖草和狗尾草,再次是苍耳和香薷,野燕麦在部分地区危害也很严重。多年生杂草以苣荬菜和问荆的发生频率和危害指数最高。  相似文献   

赤峰市稻田杂草的发生、危害及防除   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赤峰市稻田杂草的发生、危害及防除舒占涛,刘中民,陈玉清,乌守业(内蒙古敖汉旗植保站024300)(内蒙古赤峰市植保植检站)赤峰市稻田面积有两万多公顷,无不受到杂草危害。据调查,每年约有5%的稻田因杂草防除不及时,而形成草荒。一般减产10%~30%,全...  相似文献   

河南省南阳市草坪主要杂草种类与防除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2004年采用目测法对南阳市区及辖区7个县市的1.2万m2草坪杂草种类及分布进行调查并统计。结果表明,主要杂草有22科49种,其中单子叶杂草2科11种,双子叶杂草20科38种,危害较重的有香附子、狗牙根、马唐、狗尾草、牛筋草、艾蒿等。根据杂草分布情况,提出对该地区草坪杂草进行综合防除措施。  相似文献   

The nature of a reductive system which actively degrades mexacarbate in the rat intestine and liver was investigated. The system is characterized by its stability against heat and protease treatments and its requirements for a flavin cofactor and an acidic pH for a maximum activity. As a result of purification and spectroscopic identification attempts the system responsible for the above reductive activity was identified to be flavoprotein. Under anerobic conditions such flavoproteinflavin cofactor systems degrade mexacarbate first to 4-N-desmethylmexacarbate and then to polar water-soluble metabolites.  相似文献   

利用祁连山老虎沟地区海拔4200m气象观测站2010年的观测资料,采用FAO Penman-Monteith公式,再利用作物系数法,对高寒草甸生长季(5月22-9月22)的蒸散发量进行估算和分析。结果发现:研究期共有124天,蒸散发总量为238.3mm,日均为1.87mm·d-1。生长初期、生长中期、生长末期的蒸散发总量依次为22.6mm,179.1mm,36.6mm,依次占研究期总量的8.4%,75.2%,15.3%。5月下旬至6月中旬,日均蒸散发量以较低水平缓慢上升;6月下旬迅速增加;6月末至7月中旬猛然回落;7月中旬至8月末,日均蒸散发量迅速上升且维持在较高水平;此后直到9月22日,缓慢减少。5-9月月蒸散发总量依次为6.6mm,46.4mm,74.5mm,77.6mm,33.1mm。  相似文献   

Aetiology of Rhizoctonia in sheath blight of maize in Sichuan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rhizoctonia isolates obtained from maize grown in commercial fields in 33 representative counties (or cities) in Sichuan province in China were characterized according to colony morphology, hyphal anastomosis and pathogenicity. Of 141 isolates, 116 were identified as R. solani , 23 as R. zeae and two as binucleate Rhizoctonia . The isolates of R. solani were assigned to four anastomosis groups (AG): AG-1-IA (101 isolates, accounting for 71.6% of the total), AG-1-IB (2, 1.4%), AG-4 (9, 6.4%) and AG-5 (4, 2.8%). The two isolates of binucleate Rhizoctonia belonged to AG-K. On maize, isolates of AG-1-IA caused typical sheath blight symptoms. Lesions produced by isolates of AG-4, AG-5, AG-1-IB and AG-K were darker than those of AG-1-IA. Rhizoctonia zeae usually caused discontinuous lesions with a dark brown margin and a brown centre on the leaf sheaths, as well as ear rot. Isolates of AG-1-IA were the most virulent to maize, with an average lesion length of approximately 15 cm. Isolates of R. zeae produced lesions approximately 12 cm long, while those of AG-4, AG-5, AG-1-IB and AG-K were progressively shorter. On potato dextrose agar (PDA; pH 6.4), the minimum temperature for mycelial growth of R. zeae isolates was 14–18°C, the maximum 38–40°C and optimum 30°C. Isolates of R. zeae did not grow on PDA (28°C) at pH 2.0, the optimum for growth being pH 6.4.  相似文献   

西北地区冬季室内三种常绿植物的光合特性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用Li-6400XT便携式气体交换系统的红蓝光源和液化CO_2钢瓶注入系统,模拟冬季室内较密闭环境下存在较高CO_2浓度且为弱光环境,设置CO_2浓度为600μmol·mol~(-1),并以400μmol·mol~(-1)作为对照组(CK),对绿萝(Scindapsus aureus)、鹅掌柴(Scheffera octophlla(Lour).Harins)和燕子掌(Crassula agenten Thunb.)进行光响应(Pn-PAR)曲线的测定。结果显示:在CO_2浓度600μmol·mol~(-1)下,三种植物的光饱和点(LSP)均比(CK)更早出现,绿萝和鹅掌柴总体的净光合速率(Pn)比(CK)高,燕子掌比(CK)低;绿萝的最大光合速率(Pmax)、光饱和点(LSP)和表观量子效率(YAQ)均最高,分别为5.62±0.145μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)、373.51±24.15μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)和0.041±0.003μmol·μmol~(-1),但暗呼吸速率(Rd)较低(-0.51±0.14μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1));鹅掌柴和绿萝的水分利用率(WUE)和蒸腾速率(Tr),极显著高于燕子掌(P<0.01);绿萝的叶绿素SPAD值最高(70.03±4.18),极显著高于其余两种(P<0.01)。研究表明,绿萝对光照具有最强的利用能力,且能在高CO_2浓度且干旱的环境里健康生长,并能对室内环境起到较强的增湿效应,是西北地区冬季较为理想的室内植物。  相似文献   

本文通过对2012年山西省蔬菜农药残留监测结果的分析,找出造成山西蔬菜农药残留问题原因,并针对性的提出了解决问题的对策,为蔬菜生产提供依据。  相似文献   

环流特征量指数在新疆汛期降水趋势预测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
利用中国气象局气候中心下发的74类环流特征量值,通过相关分析,建立了新疆10个区域的汛期降水预测模型。结果表明:预测模型对新疆汛期降水趋势有一定的预报能力,尤其是在新疆洪涝灾害多发的伊犁及博尔塔拉蒙古自治州、北疆沿天山一带、天山山区,建立的3个区域预测模型可以作为汛期降水预测的主要工具。  相似文献   

In 1986, mass-mycelial isolates of Botrytis cinerea from 67 tomato crops in England and Wales were examined for benomyl and iprodione resistance. Of the 706 isolates obtained, 62.7% were resistant to benomyl at 2μg/ml and 43.2% were resistant to iprodione at 2 μg/ml. Iprodione resistance persisted in the absence of a dicarboximide spray programme. The incidence of benomyl resistance has not decreased since the last survey in 1984 in spite of a considerable reduction in the use of benzimidazole fungicides. There were no clear indications that the use of dichlofluanid influenced the incidence of benomyl or iprodione resistance. Disease control was poorer in crops with a higher incidence of iprodione resistance.  相似文献   

During a survey of virus diseases affecting pepper grown in plastic houses in Crete, during 1984–1986, tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) were detected. The most common virus was TMV, being present in samples of alle pepper cultivars carrying the L1 resistance gene, while ToMV was isolated only from susceptible pepper cultivars. According to responses ofCapsicum spp. the isolates from 640 samples checked were classified into three pathotypes: P0, P1.2 and P1.2.3. Results of this study show that P1.2 represents at present the major threat to the Cretan pepper industry.Samenvatting Bij een in de jaren 1984–1986 gehouden inventarisatie van virusziekten in paprika in plastic-foliekassen op Kreta werd zowel het tabaksmozaïekvirus (TMV) als het tomatemozaïekvirus (ToMV) aangetoond. TMV kwam zeer algemeen voor: het werd aangetroffen in alle monsters van de paprikarassen met het resistentiegen L1. ToMV werd alleen geïsoleerd uit planten van vatbare paprikarassen. Volgens de waargenomen symptomen die de isolaten van 640 monsters opCapsicum spp. vertoonden, konden de isolaten in drie pathotypen, nl. P1, P1,2 en P1,2,3, worden geklassificeerd. Uit het onderzoek is gebleken dat P1,2 de belangrijkste bedreiging vormt voor de teelt van paprika op Kreta.  相似文献   

Tomatoes grown in plastic houses in Crete have been inspected since 1980 for virus diseases. Plants with virus-like symptoms were checked by sap inoculation to test plants and the isolated viruses were identified by host reaction and serology. The most common viruses were, in order of frequency, tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), potato virus X, tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), potato virus Y and cucumber mosaic virus. The large use of ToMV-resistant cultivars reduces gradually the importance of ToMV while TBSV tends to become a serious problem of tomato in Crete.Samenvatting Van 1980–1984 werden op Kreta de in plasticfolie-kassen geteelde tomaten geïnventariseerd op de aanwezigheid van virussen. Verdachte plante werden door sapinoculatie op toetsplanten onderzocht. De daarbij geïsoleerde virussen werden daarna via de symptomen op de waardplanten en serologisch geïdentificeerd. In volgorde van belangrijkheid werden de volgende virussen het meest aangetroffen: tomatemozaïekvirus, aardappelvirus X, tomatedwerggroeivirus, aardappel Y virus en komkommermozaïekvirus, De laatste jaren is door de toenemende teelt van tomaterassen met resistentie tegen tomatemozaïekvirus het belang van dit virus sterk verminderd, terwijl het tomatedwerggroeivirus een steeds ernstiger probleem lijkt te worden.  相似文献   

辽宁省果园杂草发生情况调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用倒置W九点取样法调查辽宁省果园杂草,结果明确辽宁省果园杂草有24科72种,其中阔叶杂草占73.61%,禾本科占15.28%,其他杂草占11.11%;一年生杂草占80.56%,多年生杂草占19.44%。相对多度达10%以上的杂草依次为鹅观草、藜、鸭跖草、三叶鬼针草、小飞蓬、刺儿菜、铁苋菜。其中鹅观草和藜相对多度在15%以上。  相似文献   

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