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White clover seedlings were defoliated when either two, four or six leaves had opened. There were four defoliation treatments, involving removal of younger laminae, older laminae, all laminae or all laminae and petioles, plus a control (no defoliation).
Leaf removal reduced area of subsequently emerging leaves when measured as they became fully opened, though some compensatory expansion occurred after this. Petiole length was also reduced considerably. The magnitude of these effects varied according to severity of the treatment: removal or older laminae had little effect, removal of younger laminae had a similar effect to removing all laminae, but the effect was considerably increased by removing petioles in addition to laminae. The youngest plants showed the greatest reductions in leaf size following leaf removal. Defoliation had little effect on the rate of development of subsequent leaves.
The most severe defoliation treatments reduced plant dry matter but younger seedlings appeared to have a capacity for recovery equal to or greater than that of older seedlings.
It is concluded that white clover seedlings have a considerable ability to recover from leaf removal, especially if only laminae of old leaves are removed, but the growth reduction following removal of petioles as well as laminae appears to be especially severe.  相似文献   

The effects of different defoliation regimes on the growth and development of three contrasting white clover cultivars (S184, Menna and Alice) were assessed in three experiments in the glasshouse. Experiment 1, with clover growing on its own, investigated the effects of three times of onset × two intensities of defoliation. In Experiment 2, clover was grown with grass and there were two times of onset × two heights × two frequencies of defoliation. Experiment 3, also with grass, investigated the effects of changing defoliation frequency at different intervals from sowing. All clover cultivars responded similarly to the various treatments and there were no interactions between time of onset and subsequent defoliation regimes in Experiments 1 and 2. Without competition from grass (Experiment 1), defoliating early at the three leaf-stage of clover decreased the number of growing points by 32% and stolon weights and lengths by 50% compared with delaying defoliation until the nine leaf-stage. Maintaining one compared with two leaves per growing point had similar effects. Over 17 weeks undefoliated seedlings produced ten times more stolon than early defoliated or intensively defoliated seedlings. In competition with grass (Experiment 2) delaying defoliation significantly decreased all aspects of stolon growth. Seedlings growing in swards defoliated frequently and closely had most growing points whereas those defoliated infrequently had least. Stolon lengths and weights were larger for seedlings growing in swards defoliated frequently than for those defoliated infrequently at both heights of cutting. Mean weight of stolon per unit length was greater when swards were defoliated at 6 cm than at 2 cm height. Changing defoliation from every 2 weeks to every week (Experiment 3) decreased stolon growth slightly when the change was made early but increased it when the change was made late, although similar amounts of stolon were produced by seedlings continuously defoliated throughout every week and every 2 weeks. The results are discussed in relation to the seedlings' leaf complements and growth habit; the over-riding influence of grass competition is highlighted. The possibility of devising optimal defoliation strategies and the need to test these in the field are also outlined.  相似文献   

Four experiments are described in which various defoliation methods and frequencies were imposed on grass/white-clover swards. Clover was not reduced in any of these hy increasing the length of growth period or hy cutting at a late stage of growth, but intensive sheep grazing reduced clover compared nitb cutting and taking a silage cut in a grazing sequence improved clover yield. These results do not support the contention that cutting a mixed sward for hay or silage suppresses clover because of competition for light: with a ‘big white’ type of clover infrequent defoliation may cause no more shading than frequent. Alternatively, any additional shading may be compensated for by an increase in clover growth, stimulated hy the longer growth period. It is suggested that, in practice, competition for nutrients and moisture also contrihute towards clover suppression when swards are cut for hay or silage.  相似文献   

White clover was slot-seeded into a low-fertility permanent pasture in May 1979. The effects of cutting interval (1, 2 and 4 weeks) and cutting height (3 and 7 cm), in the presence and absence of above-ground partitions, were recorded in terms of clover establishment and growth up to 15 weeks. The partitions resulted in a considerable increase in growth, stolon production and survival of clover plants, especially from 6 weeks after sowing, indicating a large effect of shoot competition from the surrounding sward. However, the effectiveness of defoliation in reducing grass competition appeared limited; close cutting did give some benefit to establishing clover but cutting frequency had little effect. In view of the limited success in reducing grass competition by cutting, further attempts at alleviating root competition are needed, possibly involving fertilizer placement and the use of grass-suppressing herbicides.  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) is an important stoloniferous pasture legume in the Great Lakes region of the United States, but it often has limited persistence. Researchers in New Zealand and Wales have found that in spring, compared with other seasons, white clover plants have reduced branching complexity and have the fewest buds that produce leaves. They therefore suggested that in spring the plants are most vulnerable to grazing and climatic stress. Because of severe winter and cool, wet spring weather in New York State, it was hypothesized that white clover plants would also be of low branching complexity, smaller and have low axillary bud activity in spring compared with later in the grazing season. To test this, growth of white clover was monitored in an orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.)/white clover pasture in New York that was rotationally grazed with dairy cows during the 1993 and 1994 grazing seasons. Three sets of plants were sampled. The first set consisted of forty random plants sampled before each grazing event. Stolon branching order, number of each stolon branching type and area the plant occupied were determined. Approximately each month before one grazing event, a separate set of 32 random plants was measured in the field to determine the area they occupied; these plants were then removed to the laboratory for the measurement of stolon order, number of each stolon type, stolon lengths, total number of growing points, number of taproots and adventitious roots, root position and above-ground dry matter. Once a month, 12 additional plants were removed to measure axillary bud activity at each node. Leaf development from nodes tended to increase from spring to summer. However, the stolon branching order of white clover plants was not simpler in spring compared with summer or autumn. In 1994 during and after a dry and hot period, white clover plants were smaller, of lower stolon branching order and had fewer roots. Climate and associated soil organism activity appear to explain the different white clover growth patterns observed in New York and New Zealand. Severe winters in New York limit earthworm activity and stolon burial, which is important in contributing to stolon/plant breakdown in New Zealand. During the years of this study in New York, a hot and dry period had the most negative effect on the growth pattern of white clover.  相似文献   

The frequency and severity of defoliation of individual grass tillers and clover plant units was studied in Lolium perenne-Trifolium repens swards grazed by sheep at stocking rates ranging from 25 to 55 sheep ha-1 and either receiving no N fertilizer or 200 kg N ha-1. On average, sheep at the highest stocking rate defoliated individual tillers once every 4·2 d compared with once every 9·2 d at the lowest stocking rate with the removal of 58% and 47% of the leaf length of each tiller leaf at these stocking rates. Clover plant units were defoliated once every 4·2 d at the highest stocking rate and once every 7·2 d at the lowest stocking rate with the removal of 51% of its leaves and 12% of its stolon at the high stocking rate and 42% and 4% respectively at the low stocking rate. Differences in frequency and severity of defoliation between N fertilizer treatments were smaller than between stocking rates. Grass tillers and clover plant units were both defoliated less frequently and less severely in swards fertilized with N, though the difference in defoliation frequency between fertilizer treatments decreased as stocking rate increased. Defoliation frequency was related to the length of grass leaf per tiller or number of clover leaves per plant unit, and to the number of these tillers and the herbage on offer.  相似文献   

Single pugging events, which involve remoulding of the soil around the hooves of livestock during treading, of moderate or severe pugging intensity were imposed in plots in a long‐term white clover‐ryegrass pasture during spring, by using dairy cows at varying stocking rates (4·5 cows 100 m?2 for 1·5 or 2·5 h respectively). Changes in the growth and morphology of white clover were investigated over the following 12 months. Defoliation at approximately 3‐week intervals was carried out by mowing. Annual herbage production was reduced following moderate and severe pugging proportionately by 0·16 and 0·34 compared with the non‐pugged control treatment. The corresponding decreases in white clover production were 0·09 and 0·52 respectively. Annual perennial ryegrass production was reduced by 0·37 under severe pugging. Pugging had an immediate adverse effect on growth of white clover which persisted for up to 156 d, and coincided with a large decrease in the proportion of white clover in herbage over the same period (e.g. 0·40 vs. 0·12, in control and severely pugged treatments, respectively, on day 112). In comparison, recovery in ryegrass growth was apparent after 50 d in severely pugged treatments, indicating that white clover is more vulnerable to severe pugging than perennial ryegrass. Analysis of individual white clover plants extracted from turves (300 mm × 300 mm) showed that direct hoof damage, fragmentation and burial of stolons were the major factors which reduced white clover production, rather than the changes in soil physical properties measured. Morphological characteristics associated with plant size (e.g. stolon length, growing points, and leaf numbers) all decreased under pugging. The situation had reversed by late summer, with larger plants dominating pugged plots, and coincided with the recovery of the proportion of white clover in herbage. Strategic pasture management practices, such as restricted grazing and the use of stand‐off pads when soils are overly wet, are suggested as means of minimizing treading damage to pasture and reducing negative impacts on the growth and productivity of white clover.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the association between leaf number per tiller at defoliation, water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration and herbage mass of juvenile ryegrass plants when grown in a Mediterranean environment. Seedlings of ryegrass were grown in nursery pots arranged side‐by‐side and located outside in the open‐air to simulate a mini‐sward in Experiments 1 and 2, and a mixture of annual ryegrass and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) was grown in a small plot field study in Experiment 3. Swards were defoliated mechanically with the onset of defoliation commencing within 28 d of germination. Frequency of defoliation ranged from one to nine leaves per tiller, whilst defoliation height ranged from 30 mm of pseudostem height that removed all leaf laminae in Experiment 1, to 50 mm of pseudostem height with some leaf laminae remaining post‐defoliation in Experiments 2 and 3. A positive relationship between herbage mass of ryegrass, WSC concentration and leaf number per tiller at defoliation was demonstrated in all experiments. In Experiment 1, the herbage mass of leaf, pseudostem and roots of tillers defoliated at one leaf per tiller was reduced to 0·10, 0·09 and 0·06 of those tillers defoliated less frequently at six leaves per tiller. However, the reduction in herbage mass from frequent defoliation was less severe in Experiment 2 and coincided with a 0·20 reduction in WSC concentration of pseudostem compared with 0·80 measured during Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, the highest harvested herbage mass of ryegrass occurred when defoliation was nine leaves per tiller. Although the harvested herbage from this sward contained senescent herbage, the in vitro dry‐matter digestibility of the harvested herbage did not differ significantly compared with the remaining treatments that had been defoliated more frequently. Leaf numbers of newly germinated ryegrass tillers in a Mediterranean environment were positively associated with WSC concentration of pseudostem and herbage mass. A minimum period of two to three leaf appearances was required to restore WSC concentrations to levels measured prior to defoliation thereby avoiding a significant reduction in herbage mass. However, maximum herbage mass of a mixed sward containing ryegrass and subterranean clover was achieved when defoliation was delayed to nine leaves per tiller.  相似文献   

Three experiments designed to investigate different facets of autumn management on white clover stolon development are described. The effects of defoliation interval (2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks during 16 weeks from 27 July) were investigated. The shortest interval resulted in the shortest length of stolon material per unit area but cutting interval had no effect on growing point density nor on hardiness of stolon tips evaluated in October, December and January.
Chemical grass suppressants were employed to reduce grass biomass during winter in two experiments to evaluate the influence of grass on white clover development. One experiment involved varying grass tiller density by spraying a perennial ryegrass/white clover sward in October with three rates of three chemical suppressants (Clout, Kerb and Checkmate). Although tiller and clover growing point density were inversely related in January, the overall relationship was not strong.
Clout at l·5kg a.i. ha−1 was sprayed in October on one of two subplots in each of twelve grazed grass/white clover plots that had been maintained at 7 or 9 cm from July to October then grazed to 3–4 cm with sheep. Sward height had no effect on clover population density but the shorter sward had a greater mean node number per secondary stolon branch. By March, suppressing grass resulted in more than double the stolon population density, a higher proportion of plants with tertiary and quaternary branches, and on marked stolons, five times more branches and 60% higher dry matter (DM) produced during winter but with shorter petioles compared with clover in untreated plots.
It is concluded that white clover has the capacity to branch during a mild winter and as stolon branch numbers can suffer a net loss as a result of the presence of the grass canopy, management that controls grass growth during winter should aid over-wintering and improve persistence of white clover.  相似文献   

The defoliation tolerance of cultivars of four temperate perennial pasture grasses, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne, cv. Yatsyn1), phalaris (Phalaris aquatica cv. Australian), tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae cv. Demeter) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata cv. Porto), was determined under controlled conditions over a period of 12 weeks. Undefoliated plants were compared with defoliated plants, where only half of one leaf was left intact at the initial defoliation, and leaf regrowth was harvested every 3–4 d. The growth responses measured were plant tiller number, dry weight, relative leaf regrowth rate, root:shoot ratio, sheath:stem ratio and specific leaf weight. All species showed morphological adaptations that potentially increased their ability to tolerate defoliation (e.g. increased allocation to shoot at the expense of roots and lower specific leaf weights) but cocksfoot was found to be the most defoliation‐tolerant and perennial ryegrass the least. The adaptation that favoured cocksfoot most strongly was high sheath:stem ratio, which, it is proposed, allowed it to maintain photosynthesis and a level of carbon supply sufficient to support regrowth throughout the experiment. The strategy of perennial ryegrass which favours leaf growth and leads to rapid leaf turnover rates made it particularly susceptible to defoliation under the conditions of this experiment. This highlights the likely importance of defoliation‐avoidance responses in explaining the well‐known grazing resistance of this species. Phalaris and tall fescue showed responses that were intermediate between the other two species. The importance of defoliation‐avoidance mechanisms and implications for grazing management are discussed.  相似文献   

An established sward of binary mixtures of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) and white clover (Trifolium repens) (either AberHerald, Grasslands Huia or Sandra) was subjected to (A) no further defoliation, (B) a defoliation in late September or (C) a defoliation in late October after four harvests had been taken during the grazing season. About a tonne of dry matter (DM) was removed by the autumn defoliations. There were two levels of nitrogen application in spring, either 0 or 90 kg ha?1. The development of grass and clover morphology and population sizes from early autumn until the first harvest the following year was followed by regular sampling of the above-ground material. Stolons were analysed for total non-structural carbohydrates (TNCs), and the temperature at stolon level was continuously recorded. There were no interactions between autumn defoliation, clover cultivar or nitrogen treatments on any of the parameters studied. White clover growing-point numbers and stolon morphological characteristics were reduced in size during the winter and did not recover during the spring. A defoliation in late September resulted in the greatest reduction, whereas there were no differences between the other two treatments. The grass tiller population increased from early autumn until the last sampling occasion in May, but both autumn defoliations resulted in a smaller increase. Defoliation in late September had the greatest impact. The TNC content of white clover stolons fell from about 350 g kg?1 to 150 g kg?1 DM from late autumn until late April. There were small differences between the treatments, but a defoliation in late September resulted in a significantly lower level in late autumn. The temperature amplitude at stolon level was consistently greater in plots defoliated in late September. Total DM harvested in spring was 4367, 2564 and 3536 kg ha?1, of which 388, 352 and 460 kg ha?1 was white clover, from treatments A, B and C respectively. It is concluded that an autumn defoliation may affect the overwintering of white clover negatively, but that the effect on the grass may be even more detrimental.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of white clover and perennial ryegrass were examined in sown perennial ryegrass/white clover swards subject to a 2 × 2 factorial treatment combination of defoliation (rotational grazing by sheep and cutting) and nitrogen fertilizer application (0 and 40 kg N ha–1 year–1) in NW Greece. Sward surface height and percentage cover were measured before and after five defoliation periods in 1996 within permanent microplots (30 × 30 cm, divided into nine cells) in which white clover was either initially present or absent. Both white clover and perennial ryegrass achieved maximum height and cover in April–May. Defoliation treatment and whether white clover was present initially significantly affected height and cover of both species. Total plant cover was similar prior to all defoliation periods except in July, a time of drought. Cover of perennial ryegrass was greater where white clover was initially absent, but total plant cover was greater in microplots containing white clover and the extent of the differences varied during the year. In contrast, N fertilizer application had little effect on species cover, other than small reductions in white clover cover. When white clover was present in April, it was found in virtually every microplot cell until July, but if it was absent in April there was little colonization of the microplot.  相似文献   

Rotational stocking theoretically enables regrazing of regrowth, but regrowth may be limited in xerophytic vegetation. We tested the hypothesis that regrowth would be slow and fixed in Hesperostipa comata (a caespitose, drought‐tolerant grass), while growth would be flexible in Pascopyrum smithii (a rhizomatous, less drought‐tolerant grass) under increasing defoliation and moisture, by assessing tiller growth rates, population dynamics and plant yield on marked plants in a Dry Mixed Grass prairie. Plots were clipped in late summer to simulate a deferred control, or intermittently during the growing season (May–August) at high intensity–low frequency (HILF), low intensity–high frequency (LIHF) or high intensity–high frequency and crossed with two water treatments (ambient and addition) in both a xeric upland and a mesic lowland. Growing season defoliation increased tiller growth rates of P. smithii in the upland, whereas HILF and LIHF reduced growth in the lowland. All defoliation regimes increased tiller growth for H. comata. Tiller populations of H. comata increased with frequent defoliation, while tiller populations of P. smithii decreased regardless of defoliation regime. Frequent defoliation, regardless of intensity, reduced yield relative to the deferred control for both grasses. While water addition consistently increased growth rates and reduced differences in tiller number among defoliation treatments, the regrowth of both grasses remained similar under varied defoliation with ambient moisture. High moisture conditions also promoted regrowth more in P. smithii compared to H. comata. In summary, neither grass species displayed an inherently fixed or flexible tiller or plant yield response in response to defoliation or moisture.  相似文献   

Mixtures of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) and white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) sown in alternate rows or in a thoroughly mixed matrix were grazed by sheep, either continuously or during short grazing tests, and were used to investigate the influence of the vertical and horizontal components of the sward structure on defoliation by sheep.
In an experiment under continuous grazing, the defoliation intensity was greater for white clover compared with perennial ryegrass leaves (0·80 and 0·58 respectively). In spring, perennial ryegrass leaves were more defoliated than white clover leaves, whereas the reverse was observed in summer. The ratio of the proportion of white clover to perennial ryegrass leaves grazed was negatively correlated with the difference between the surface height of the perennial ryegrass and white clover rows in spring. In both spring and summer, white clover leaves of the same extended leaf length had a higher proportion of them grazed than perennial ryegrass leaves.
In another experiment, during short grazing tests with perennial ryegrass–white clover swards that were grazed at the same sward surface height and at the same white clover content as in the previous experiment, there were no significant differences in the proportion of white clover and perennial ryegrass leaves grazed between strips of the two species and thoroughly mixed structures. The proportion of white clover leaves grazed was higher than that of perennial ryegrass leaves.
These results show that the differential defoliation by sheep of perennial ryegrass and white clover leaves varies according to their vertical distribution in the mixed canopy, but is little affected by their horizontal distribution. Even small differences in sward surface height between mixed perennial ryegrass and white clover can affect diet selection by sheep to a rather large extent.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine how the frequency and intensity of defoliation of tall oat grass [Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Presl.], affected (i) annual dry‐matter (DM) accumulation, (ii) seasonal distribution of the accumulated forage, and (iii) morphological traits related to persistence and vigour. Data were collected twice a year throughout three growing years, beginning the second year after establishment. Two frequencies (A: each time modal height of plants reached 20 cm; B: each time modal height of plants reached 40 cm) and two defoliation intensities (I: 5 cm; II: 10 cm stubble) were arranged in a completely randomized block design with a fully factorial combination and four replicates. Measurements were made of annual DM accumulation, seasonal distribution of accumulated DM and morphological traits related to persistence and vigour, i.e. number of tillers m?2, number of tussocks m?2, crown diameter, and crown area of tussocks. The infrequent defoliation (B) increased annual DM accumulation besides maintaining levels of persistence and vigour. The most productive treatment (BI) had a significantly higher annual DM accumulation than treatments AI and AII. Frequent and severe defoliations (treatment AI) led to plant depletion, which reduced crown diameter, number of tillers m?2 and crown area at the end of the third year compared with infrequent but severe defoliation (treatment BI). Annual DM accumulation was intermediate for less intense defoliations (AII), which produced forage during winter, but resulted in less vigorous plants by the end of the experiment. Crown area was a good indicator of tiller number, particularly under frequent defoliation.  相似文献   

Abstract This field study investigated the effect of timing of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application in spring on the survival of grazed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv. Dobson and Yatsyn) over summer in a subtropical environment. There were five N fertilizer treatments: no applied N, 46 kg N ha?1 on 22 October or 22 November or 22 December, or on 22 October and again on 22 December. Water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of perennial ryegrass plants entering the summer was altered by varying defoliation frequency, with defoliation interval based on the number of leaves per tiller. Frequent defoliation was set at a regrowth level of one leaf per tiller and less frequent defoliation at a regrowth level of three leaves per tiller, over a total of two by three‐leaf per tiller regrowth periods. Application of N fertilizer was found to have no significant effect (P > 0·05) on survival of perennial ryegrass plants over summer. On the other hand, defoliation had a marked effect on perennial ryegrass persistence, with frequent defoliation decreasing ryegrass plant density (51 vs. 88 plants m?2; P < 0·001) and increasing the density of tropical weed grasses (99 vs. 73 plants m?2; P < 0·001) by autumn. Frequently defoliated plants had a lower stubble WSC content on a per plant basis than less frequently defoliated plants in spring (103 vs. 201 mg per plant; P < 0·001) and summer (59 vs. 101 mg per plant; P < 0·001). The lower WSC content was associated with a smaller root system in spring (1·50 vs. 2·14 g per plant; P < 0·001) and autumn (1·79 vs. 2·66 g per plant; P < 0·01), and this was reflected in 0·29 more plants being pulled from the soil by livestock between November 1996 and April 1997. Rhizoctonia fungus was associated with roots of pulled plants, but not with roots of seemingly healthy plants, indicating that this fungus may have a role in a weakened root system, which was more prone to sod pulling. Nitrogen applied in October and November resulted in a reduced WSC concentration, although the effect was restricted to 1 month after N application. The present study indicates that survival of perennial ryegrass plants over the summer in a subtropical region is prejudiced by frequent defoliation, which is associated with a lower WSC concentration and a shallower root system. Under grazing, sod pulling is a reflection of this weaker root system and contributes to plant mortality.  相似文献   

An examination was made of the effects of different spring treatments on the growth of white clover in a ryegrass/white clover sward. Plots were either cut once (in February, March or April) or twice (in February and April) or left uncut. Nitrogen was applied to half of the plots in each instance. The clover was sampled at intervals of approximately 3 weeks from February to June to determine numbers of leaves and growing points and weights of plant parts. Rates of leaf appearance were also observed and estimates were made of total herbage mass from ground-level cuts.
Percentages of white clover in the herbage were higher in unfertilized than in fertilized plots and in defoliated than in undefoliated plots. The percentage increases that followed defoliation were usually maintained into later regrowth, showing that clover content was not automatically reduced as herbage mass increased. Increases in growing points were recorded after the beginning of April in defoliated unfertilized plots but not in undefoliated fertilized plots or in plots fertilized and defoliated twice during the spring period, in which numbers fell substantially.
Inverse relationships were found between rates of leaf appearance, or the number of green leaves retained per stolon, and herbage mass, whereas heights of clover and grass leaves and the percentage of dry matter allocated to petiole rather than leaf in the clover increased with increasing herbage mass.
We suggest that the observed differences between spring treatments in clover percentage result primarily from their differential effects on the formation and death of tillers and growing points in the early stages of regrowth.  相似文献   

After uniform defoliation in February, spaced plants of S.48 timothy were cut on one of 12 fortnightly dates, starting at the end of March.
Analysis of the herbage removed at each cut showed an increase in plant and unit tiller weight throughout the season, but a decline in the number of tillers, especially before the beginning of shooting.
The date of ear emergence was not affected by cutting up to 5 May and only slightly delayed in plants cut on 19 May. Plants treated subsequently flowered much later but after a fairly constant interval following defoliation.
Cutting on and after 7 April depressed fertile tiller formation with increasing severity, until only vegetative tillers appeared in the recovery growth following treatment at the beginning of August.
Seed yield per plant declined with the decrease in fertile tiller numbers, but after the early cuts some compensation by production of slightly more seed per ear was recorded.
The results are discussed in terms of the physiological transition of the plant towards flowering.  相似文献   

The nutritive value of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) may be influenced by changes in the nutrient concentrations of morphological fractions as a consequence of cutting treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different cutting treatments on the nutritive value of herbage and leaf and stem components in two Mediterranean berseem genotypes during growth in order to develop management approaches for harvesting forage with a high nutritive value. Spring growth of genotypes of Egyptian (cv. Giza 10) and Italian (cv. Sacromonte) origins was harvested in each of 2 years beginning 196 days after sowing and thereafter every 6 days (twelve harvests in total) to measure dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive value. Cutting treatments were initiated at sixth internode elongation (A) and early flowering (B) and there was an uncut control treatment (C). In vitro digestibility of organic matter (IVOMD) and crude protein (CP) concentration were determined for leaf, stem and total forage of each cultivar at each harvest. For both cultivars, in the uncut treatment (C), DM yield increased linearly to a maximum of 14 800 kg ha?1, on average, by 250 days after planting, the same time at which stem DM accumulation peaked, whereas the nutritive value, in terms of IVOMD and CP concentration, declined with age, coinciding with a reduction in leaf:stem ratio (LSR) from 1·00 to 0·30. Plant parts differed (P < 0·01) in nutritive value with stems being of lower nutritive value than leaves, in the two cutting treatments. There were strong positive correlations between LSR and herbage IVOMD and CP concentration, in both cutting treatments, indicating that, during growth, part of the changes in IVOMD and CP concentration of berseem clover plants was due primarily to the changes in the LSR. Defoliation induced a considerable reduction in DM yield, but an increase in the LSR and a small increase in nutritive value. Plants cut at the sixth internode elongation (A) showed a small proportional decrease (0·19) in total DM yield, but higher LSR values and similar or higher IVOMD and CP concentration than initiating cutting at early flower (B). Delaying defoliation to the early flowering stage (B) increased the proportion of stems and, therefore, decreased nutritive value. Therefore, harvest management in which cuts are applied at the stage of sixth internode elongation appears to be the most favourable for obtaining relatively high yields of forage with high nutritive value in berseem clover grown in Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   


Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations [CO2] have the potential to enhance growth and yield of agricultural plants. Con-comitantly plants grown under high [CO2] show significant changes of the chemical composition of their foliage and of other plant parts. Particularly, high [CO2] result in a decrease of plant nitrogen (N) concentration, which may have serious consequences for crop quality. This presentation summarizes the results of a variety of CO2 enrichment studies with pasture plants (Lolium spp., Trifolium repens) and cereal species (Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare) which were conducted at our laboratory under different growth and CO2 exposure conditions ranging from controlled environment studies to investigations under free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE). With the exception of clover in all experiments a CO2-induced decline of forage and grain N concentration was observed. The magnitude of this reduction differed between species, cultivars, management conditions (N fertilization) and CO2 exposure conditions. No unambiguous evidence was obtained whether N fertilization can contribute to meet the quality requirements for cereals and grass monocultures with respect to tissue N concentrations in a future high-CO2 world. As shown in the FACE experiments current application rates of N fertilizers are inadequate to achieve quality standards.  相似文献   

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