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正良好的园林植物景观可以优化住宅环境,创造温馨舒适的居住空间。住宅小区植物景观设计,不仅有净化空气的作用,也为居民提供了交往空间和活动场所。广州市嘉爵园小区为花都区建设北路住宅发展项目,其景观工程以多样的空间划分和丰富的植物配置为特色,富有南国风情。本文以嘉爵园小区的植物景观为例,从园林景观设计角度探讨城市住宅小区园林景观设原则和方法。小区景观整体区域配置住宅小区园林环境设计应按照人们的不同活动需求,适当进行区域划分,  相似文献   

优化乡村人居环境,改善农户生活质量,统筹城乡发展是社会主义新农村建设的一项重要内容。以实地调研为基础资料,以湖南省新农村示范点——工联村为例,探索制度约束下乡村人居环境建设的特征、困境与优化路径。在集体合作经营体制下,工联村人居环境建设在筹集资金、约束农户人居行为、改善基础设施、推进社会事业等方面具有一定的制度优势,但也存在诸多困境。从4个方面提出了优化路径,即鼓励制度创新,完善人居环境建设模式;优化村庄布局,规范农户居住行为;加快村庄整治,引导农户生活行为;整体营销村庄,扩大人居环境示范效应。  相似文献   

<正>居住区绿地在整个城市绿地系统中处于十分重要的地位,很大程度上反映了城市的基本面貌与特征,是城市内涵的直接表达。因此,居住区绿地设计的第一步是要明确绿地的景观主题,突出主景。绿地中各种造景要素的组合都需要在主题的引导下,协调统一安排,烘托主景。笔者以河北省沧州市和兴小区居住绿地设计为例,重点介绍  相似文献   

住宅小区绿化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市建设中,城市园林绿地对生态环境的改善,对居民生活环境质量的提高,起着非常重要的作用。它不但可以完善投资环境,也可以为居民创造一个自然、轻松、幽雅的生活环境,使居民在紧张的工作、学习之余,将休闲、健身、娱乐有机地结合在一起,既得到精神享受,又可增长科学知识。笔者参与的一住宅小区绿化设计,企盼与业内人士交流、探讨。设计原则1.分级设计,使小区绿地系统化,以宅间绿地为分散点,公共绿地为面,道路绿化为面,来覆盖整个小区。2.绿地采用开放式的形式,在有限的空间内,为居民提供一个实用、自然、温馨的休息空间。3.绿化主要以适合…  相似文献   

<正>近年来,由于国家加大了环境治理力度,湿地湖泊生态修复、河道景观绿化、人工观光湿地建设等项目逐渐增多,大大推进了水生植物产业的发展。同时,随着人们对城市及居住环境的要求越来越高,城市公园、农业观光园等加大了水景投入,一些高档楼盘小区也相继打出水景牌,这也在很大程度上带动了水生植物的需求量。作为水生植物和水体景观的主角,荷花需求量逐年增加,荷花产业也逐渐向多元化、精品化转型。荷花需求量攀升目前,国内生产荷花的大大小小的企业有100多家,以长江中下游地区居多,在北方地区,北京、唐山、廊坊、山东等地也有不少生产企业。其中,生  相似文献   

都说爱花爱园艺的人会永葆青春,周粥也不例外。步入50岁的周粥,看上去要比实际年龄小10多岁,笑意盈盈的脸上几乎看不出岁月的痕迹。周粥不是园艺圈内人,但她设计的花园却被很多人青睐。除居住在同一小区慕名而来的左邻右舍,周粥在抖音分享的700多条花园短视频,吸引了12多万名粉丝。  相似文献   

利用住宅小区园林绿化技术,可以给小区居民创造更为舒适的居住环境,还能改善当地的生态环境,具有环保价值和观赏效果。通过分析住宅小区园林绿化的现状,分析了住宅小区园林绿化种植施工技术。  相似文献   

为了实时监测‘富士’苹果的贮藏环境,维持冷库内苹果的高品质。在Zigbee技术和GPRS数据传输技术应用的基础上,结合温湿度、CO2乙烯传感器等模块,设计了一组数据采集节点,构建了冷库环境中的无线传感网络,同时利用J2EE技术开发了‘富士’苹果贮藏期品质安全预警远动系统,解决了数据采集和冷库实时环境监测及远程数据预警问题。在温度分别为0℃、相对湿度为90%及CO2浓度为1%的环境下对冷库进行了数据传输包收发率测试。测试结果表明,收包率可达80%以上。通过使用本系统,可以有效的对冷库内的‘富士’苹果品质安全进行实时远程监控。  相似文献   

通过对呼伦贝尔市2008 年春季监督抽查的9 个大豆品种共294 份种子样品进行真实性和品种纯度的田间小区种植鉴定。以GB/T3543.5-1995 为准,4N原则设计田间排列,采取人工精量点播、优质化学除草管理,于不同生育期记载试验品种及标准对照品种的主要特征特性,并比对印证。试验结果表明:样品平均出苗率为87.0%,其中92.2%的样品出苗率高于80%。168 个小区有硬实苗,比例为57.1%,但高硬实苗率样品小区不多,硬实没有严重影响种子质量。259 个小区样品纯度鉴定达标,总达标率88.1%;68 个小区为高纯度样品区,未检出杂株,比例为23.1%;10 个小区的样品纯度低于90%,比例为3.4%,其中4 个小区检出为非本品种(异品种)问题样本,比例为总样品的1.4%。样品田间出苗率整体表现优良;纯度表现良好。但极少数低纯度样品种子质量堪忧。纯度鉴定结果显示,高纯度样品与低纯度样品均有聚集现象,即优质企业样品质量愈加优良;问题企业样品质量愈加低劣。试验再次证实了田间小区种植鉴定方法的稳定性、可靠性,今后仍将长期是种子真实性与纯度检验的主要方法之一。  相似文献   

环境心理学是研究环境与人的心理和行为之间关系的一个应用社会心理学领域.近年来,国内外学者围绕这一主题的研究成果甚丰,但与我国环境心理学发展现实,特别是室内居住空间设计对人的感受之影响的现状有一定差距,在此领域有许多问题值得研究.  相似文献   

Under the background of the new rural construction in China, it is an important scientific question and an urgent social task to construct the harmonious society and to achieve the sustainable regional development on how to construct concentrative residence and manage the human habitat environment in the fast industrializing and typically urbanizing area. This paper analyzed the problems in the construction of the human habitat envi- ronment in the rural area of southern Jiangsu, discussed the methodologies of planning and design for rural con- centrative residence, researched the human habitat environment improvement technologies, and put forward the resolution of the recycling community for the rural inhabitation, which aimed at demonstrating the practicing in rapidly urbanizing regions.  相似文献   

Housing design in Chinese cities has reached a new summit since the middle of 1980's.In the past decade,great changes have taken place about conception and method of housing design.During the alternation of two centuries,people pay much more attention to the new housing design.This paper is concerned with the conception and principle of new housing design and architectural pattern of new housing. The design conception,of coexistence between housing and environment and the balance of ecosystem,should be set up in design of the new housing leaping over the era.We should consider human being as the core of housing design,improve the quality of housing environment adaptability and changeableness of housing to make housing grow with the development of living- pattern and society.The Architecture pattern of new housing in the period of nineth five year plan is as follows: The housing which save the land,energy and material.The living- style housing with complete function and all necessary fittings;adaptable and changeable house,with household participation;The growing- style housing completed gradually.  相似文献   

Continuous industries CIMS is a complex system consists of human and machines under certain environment. It has been proved that there is limitation to only pursue high degree intelligent system, so the idea of human machine can be used to research CIMS under system theory viewpoint. Combining advanced multi agent technology and theory, a human machine cooperation mechanism with agent as the middle medium is presented which can provide a more flexible information mutual interface. In addition, the roles of human and machine under this new mechanism are analyzed.  相似文献   

In its development history, man has always tried to be close to nature, and get physical and spiritual help from the nature. According to the development of medical model from the deity worship to modern medical science, a near-nature and ecological therapeutic and recuperative model has been more favored, thus in modern therapeutic environment, proper landscape designs can be combined with effective medical methods to achieve physical and mental immunoregulation and balance using natural and quality climatic factors. This paper introduced the development of natural science and medicinal model in different periods, and analyzed their impact on environment, concluded the benefi ts of therapeutic medicine, and demonstrated the signifi cance of therapeutic environment and landscape healing as the therapeutic factors for facilitating human rehabilitation from the perspective of therapeutic medicine. Taking "evidence-based design" as the basis of therapeutic environment design, this paper proposed landscape design methods for the therapeutic environment, in order to provide people opportunities for closing to, sharing and participating in the nature, help people to relax physically and psychologically using the positive impact of natural environment on human spirits, relieve their stress, and achieve physical and psychological peace. In addition, the development tendency of therapeutic environment in China was predicted according to the actual conditions of urban society.  相似文献   

Human settlement environment is the basis of people existence and development, and currently Chinese urban construction is being faced with many problems on human settlement environment. Through contrasting the concepts of the American Edged Urbanism with the New Urbanism in the later half of the 20th century theoretically, this paper indicated the change in concept of urban design from the technological rationality to the nature and humanity. It expounds that the essence of New Urbanism is the idea of human settlement environment, and enlightens that people should promote urban construction and human settlement environment by way of humanism, and maintain harmonious development of human, nature and human settlement environment, thus the urban environment should walk up a correct way, and the idea has academic and extensive practical value for new development zones.  相似文献   

为揭示社区花园健康效益作用机制与影响因素,促进人群健康,激发城市活力,笔者借助中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Sience(WoS)文献数据库分析2000—2021年国内外社区花园健康效益相关研究。结果表明:(1)2000—2021年国内外研究呈显著增长趋势,国外研究多以食品健康发展研究为导向,更加关注人居环境与健康的定量和实证研究;国内研究则多以实际应用为导向,开展以规划设计和园艺活动等方面为主的场所营造。(2)社区花园健康效益作用机制及影响因素是目前国内外研究的重点,作用机制侧重于缓解精神压力、增强生理效益及增进社会交往等方面,影响因素以社区花园营建特征、生物多样性、植被类型以及管理维护为主。(3)多学科交叉生态治理、绿色发展构建低碳健康人居环境是未来热点研究领域。  相似文献   

新型农业经营主体发展出路探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张潇  旷宗仁  孙哲 《中国农学通报》2021,37(13):161-164
采用文献研究法和数据分析法,剖析新型农业经营主体发展障碍,以期为破解发展瓶颈提供思路。研究显示,新型农业经营主体存在人力资源短缺与浪费并存、经营权不稳定、合作难、创业进展缓慢等问题。笔者认为破解发展障碍,应区分现有和未来的新型农业经营主体,分类培养;以城乡融合观念推动土地流转,为其成长创造适宜条件;加强对创新创业的重视,通过创业解决发展难题。  相似文献   

Systems in human bodies do not work independently when conducting physiological activities and making reaction to external environment,as their functions will be regulated by the multidimensional network structure composed by nerve,endocrine,and immunity system.The three systems each performs their own functions and realizes joint control so that the functions of each cell,organ and system can be normally achieved and thus forms the theory of nerve-endocrine-immunity system. This theory combines nerve,endocrine,and immunity system in an organic way,integrating the relationship of mutual regulation among the three functional systems of human bodies. It informs people of how the three systems of nerve,endocrine,and immunity influence,coordinate and restrict each other to together regulate functional activities of the human body and maintain the stability of internal environment. The generation and development of this theory manifests that modern science also gradually starts exploring regulation of the whole body at the same time of emphasizing in-depth local microexamination,providing a new meaningful research model for understanding the general function of bodies from the level of molecules. In this paper,the author concludes relevant conditions for the realization of the regulation function of this network as composed of three parts: structure foundation,neural master control,and micro-substance foundation,and elaborates on them respectively.  相似文献   

Material is the substance foundation and carrier of indoor environment, and it is the premise and guarantee to realize the excellent indoor environment. It contains physical and sensory properties. In recent years, the material design in indoor environment tends to be more rational, it not only pursues the external performance of material, but also pays more attention to the health and emotional of residents on the basis of scientific and rational use of its properties. This paper based on some scientific methods of literature study, field survey and case study combs the new trends of material design and analyses specific performance and application of materials in development. It is expected that the research can enrich the theory of contemporary material design and provide valuable reference for future material and interior environment design.  相似文献   

By centering on the problems in rural environment and ecology in new rural planning of China,this study is to discuss the new rural planning modes through the effective methods on the near water rural landscape planning and design.Based on the studies of the status at home and abroad,borrowing ideas from successful cases,this study intends to apply the landscape ecological design technique to the Shiping Village,Zhijiang City in Hubei Province by depending on the near water geographical position and water resources.Through improving pools,fishponds,rivers,canals and other environments near water and planning and design of landscape,modern ecological new countryside with features of water resource is formed.Through discussion,we find effective ways to improve ecological environment of countryside,protect style and feature of countryside near water,construct people-oriented rural development system of and promote the construction of rural human habitat environment.Such landscape planning model of countryside near water obtains good ecological and environmental effect,and provides references for projects of similar themes.  相似文献   

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