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Three operational-sized watersheds in pine flatwoods of the Lower Coastal Plain in north Florida were isolated and continuously monitored for 312 years. Recording flumes assessed quantity of runoff water. After 1 year of calibration monitoring, two of the watersheds were, harvested, site-prepared, and planted under distinct harvest and regeneration practices.Minimum practices, imposed on one watershed, consisted of manual shortwood harvest of pinelands, roller drum chopping of harvest residues and residual understory, bedding, and planting. Maximum practices, imposed on another, consisted of tree-length logging of pinelands with heavy equipment, extraction of lightwood stumps, burning and windrowing of logging residue and residual understory, harrowing, bedding, and planting.Both silvicultural systems increased stormflow volumes; maximum practices moreso. Under both systems stormflow volumes apparently increased immediately following tree harvests. The increase persisted through site preparation, planting, and subsequently for 112 years without further detectable change.Results of this and two earlier reports on the effects of silviculture on hydrologic regimes of flatwoods forests are reviewed and summary conclusions drawn.  相似文献   

We assessed the effectiveness of alternative forest management strategies for maintaining American martens (Martes americana) in a sub-boreal landscape subject to an extensive mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak, associated salvage logging, and climate change in north-central British Columbia, Canada. We structured the analysis in a Bayesian network (BN) meta-model that incorporated the results of spatially explicit modelling of landscape conditions (natural and logging disturbance, habitat quality, number of potential territories, and connectedness of territories) with analytical population modelling. The BN meta-model was then used to examine habitat and population size responses (adult females only are presented) to management scenarios, in the context of uncertainty of model parameters, management objectives, and climate change. Status quo management is dominantly clear-cutting with 3–20% of each harvest unit retained as mature patches, with reforestation by planting in the remainder. Management options we examined were: (1) the status quo, (2) varying the total annual timber harvest on the landscape (100%, 80% or 50% of current long-term sustained yield estimates), (3) the protection of understory trees during logging, and (4) 30–70% retention of overstory (partial cutting in distinct patches <1 ha in size) in each harvest unit, for 33% or 50% of the annual timber harvest. We found that marten habitat and population size declined substantively with the beetle outbreak and associated salvage cutting. The choice of management strategy then had a long-term effect on the potential for marten recovery after the beetle outbreak. Partial cutting scenarios had the greatest average long-term marten population levels, followed in order by reduced harvest rates, understory protection, and the status quo. Management scenarios with the best chance of meeting conservation goals without over-protecting habitat (and thus unnecessarily constraining timber management) varied with the population objective chosen. The choice of management strategy will depend on the weighting of marten outcomes against the economic desirability of timber harvest strategies, willingness to gamble on climate change, and the time-frame of interest.  相似文献   

Selective logging is one of the main economical activities in tropical and subtropical forests. While most of the effects of this activity on bird communities have been studied by comparing exploited vs. non-exploited areas; the use of human-created treefall gaps by birds is relatively unknown. We studied habitat structure, resource abundance (fruits, flowers and arthropods) and bird activity in logging gaps of different age (1-year-old and 10- to 20-year-old) in a mountain forest (Yungas) of northwest Argentina in both dry and wet seasons. In less than a year after creation, short herbs colonize logging gaps increasing the abundance of arthropods in the ground and the activity of understory insectivores. During dry seasons recently created gaps become an important source of resources for understory frugivores-insectivores. Later on in succession logging gaps are invaded by exotic graminoid vegetation and tall herbs (dispersed through extraction tracks) which can impede the colonization and development of pioneer trees and natural regeneration. Probably as a consequence of a high abundance of fruits and flowers in the understory and a very low abundance of these resources in the canopy, old gaps were mainly used by understory frugivores-insectivores while arboreal frugivores were rare. Because arboreal frugivores disperse most tree seeds in tropical and subtropical forests, the low activity of this guild in logging gaps contribute to the low observed regeneration. Sustainable timber harvest in tropical and subtropical forests should include gap and logging track management to minimize the invasion by exotic graminoid vegetation and facilitate natural succession.  相似文献   

Interception loss represents an important factor of water balance. The reduction of interception loss through silvicultural treatments to the benefit of water yield is very important for countries with large periods of limited rainfall like Greece. In the context of climate change and its possible effects on water availability, oak ecosystems can play a significant role in water production, as they comprise the largest part of the forested area in Greece. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationships between water interception changes, as a result of different forest management treatments, and water yield. For this reason, experimental watersheds have been established for the study of the hydrological impacts of thinning and clearcutting in an oak ecosystem in northern Greece. Two watersheds were used as control while different combinations of thinning (removal 50% of basal area) and clearcutting treatments were used in the other three study watersheds. Canopy annual interception amounted for 9.0%, 6.7% and 1.8% of the total precipitation in the untreated, thinned and clearcut plots respectively. The practiced thinning and clearcutting operations increased the available amount of water by a mean annual average of 13.2 mm and 42.8 mm respectively compared to the control watersheds. The total water surplus represented 29.5%, 30.9% and 33.9% of the average annual precipitation for the control, thinned and clearcut plot respectively. Surface flow was very low even during large rainfall events, possibly due to the soil and bedrock attributes and the topography of the area. Analogous silvicultural treatments can increase water availability but they should incorporate reduced-impact logging and skidding practices and thus cause the least possible soil disturbance, by carefully selecting the best suited wood harvesting systems and methods.  相似文献   

All or a part of a sequence of forest practices (i.e., salvage logging, site preparation, planting crop trees, and weeding) has been implemented after natural disturbances for the rapid re-establishment of tree cover. Forest policies in Japan have recently changed from monocultural planting of coniferous crop trees to planting native broadleaved trees to restore forests and nurture local biodiversity following large windthrows. However, the effects of this new practice on preserving biodiversity, as well as the effects of legacy retention, have never been verified in Asia. Thus, the objective of our research was to compare the effects of legacy retention with plantation after salvaging on the initial stage of vegetation recovery in a blowdown area, specifically focusing on plant species diversity, the occurrence of alien species, and the composition of plant species. Following the analysis of our results, we finally describe appropriate practices to alter disturbed coniferous plantations to bring the species composition closer to that of the original natural mixed forests.A control (A, legacy retention) and three experimental treatment sites (B, salvage logged, site prepared, and Quercus crispula seedlings planted; C, same as B, but weeded once during the summer; and D, residual rows that emerged after establishing sites for planting) were prepared, and quadrats were set. Eleven indicators of the ground condition and the number of vascular plant species, including ferns, were quantified, and the number and abundance of residual and newly colonized plants of the main woody species were estimated.Our main findings were as follows: (1) in unsalvaged sites and residual rows, the diversity of plant species was poor, but a variety of plant species compositions were observed due to the heterogeneous conditions of the ground and ample residual plants; (2) in the planting site, many species appeared, but little variety of the species composition was observed due to the homogeneous condition of the ground and the destruction of residual plants; (3) a large number of alien species emerged in broad, unvegetated areas; (4) the impact of site preparation overwhelmed the impact of salvage logging on the initial recovery of plant species; and (5) to restore a natural mixed forest, a combination of legacy retention and plantation after salvaging would be the most appropriate.  相似文献   

There is interest in producing alfalfa as an alley crop because alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most profitable hay crop in the USA. Field experiments were conducted near Stockton, MO in 2003 and 2004. Treatments consisted of alfalfa grown in open plots and in plots that were alley cropped between 20-year-old black walnut trees (Juglans nigra L.) planted in rows 24.4- and 12.2-m apart. Alfalfa was sampled for three harvest cycles each year. In the alley-cropping plots, samples were taken beneath the canopy (2.5 m from the tree row) and in the center of the alleys. Data were taken on dry-matter yield, maturity, and forage quality. At all harvest dates over both years, yields from beneath the canopy of both alleys and the narrow alley centers were less than yields from the wide alley centers and open plots. Yield from the wide alley centers was similar to that in open plots in every harvest but the final harvest of 2004. Transects across the plots indicated that yields increased linearly from the tree row to the center of both alleys. Alfalfa tended to mature faster in the open and wide alley centers compared to beneath the canopy of both alleys and the narrow alley centers. Forage quality differences were inconsistent across treatments. Alfalfa yield was significantly reduced and maturity was delayed by the narrow 12.2 m tree spacing, but yield was not reduced in the centers of the wider 24.4 m alleyways.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the amount of advanced regeneration before logging and different understory treatments on forest recovery, particularly the establishment of lucidophyllous (evergreen broadleaved) species, following the logging of conifer plantation with a focus on the sprouting ability. The establishment of lucidophyllous tree and shrub species originating from advanced regeneration was closely related to the total amount of these elements in the advanced regeneration, regardless of understory treatment. The understory-left treatment could preserve understory as surviving individuals by high proportion (60% or more of the understory) compared with the understory-cleared practice after logging. However, half of the surviving individuals were damaged to some extent by logging and skidding. Relatively large trees were likely to survive with no damage, indicating that they face a lower risk than smaller trees. In understory-cleared stands, a high proportion (60% or more) of the understory regenerated by resprouting. However, the resprouting ratio depended on tree size and species. Therefore, as well as the amount of the understory, the tree size of understory before logging would be also an important factor for early forest recovery. Further, the infrequent (low-density) species could easily disappear after logging because of their low resprouting ratio and low density. Thus, recovery from resprouting alone would risk simplification of the species composition after logging. We concluded that leaving the developed understory intact before logging can enhance the speed and biodiversity of forest recovery.  相似文献   

Currently, the aim of modern forest management is not only timber production but also the protection of biodiversity. The initial effects of clear-cut logging on forest understory vegetation, soil and the diversity of litter beetles have been studied. We examined unstudied effects of clear-cutting disturbance on understory vascular plant species abundance, forest soils, and understory vegetation nutrients as well as beetle diversity one year after clear-cutting. Substantial changes in the prominence values and above-ground mass of forest-related vascular plant and moss species were detected. Clear-cuttings resulted in fast appearance of new light-loving plant species. The significant decrease in understory plant biomass influenced the reduction of nutrient pools in clear-cut areas after one year. The clear-cut logging negatively influenced the richness of species and the number of individuals of stenobiontic forest-related beetles in the forest litter. However, forest clear-cuttings were beneficial for eurytopic and open land species.  相似文献   

林下栽培黄精可以减少黄精野生资源的消耗,并满足市场对黄精的需求。在简述湖南省洪江市自然地理概况的基础上,从选地和种子的采收、处理与保存及根茎采收,以及根茎的选择与处理、整地、种植、管理、采收与初加工等7个方面综述了黄精的林下栽培技术,并分析了其林下栽培生长情况和生产成本。可为黄精开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Lowland evergreen rainforests in southern Chile growing on highly productive soils and accessible sites have been subjected to traditional and industrial logging of valuable timber trees. Old-growth rain forests in this area are characterized by highly conservative N cycles, which results in an efficient N use of ecosystems. We hypothesize that different logging practices, by changing forest structure and species composition, can alter the quantity and quality (i.e. C/N ratio) of litterfall and soil organic matter and soil microbial processes that determine N storage and availability. To test this hypothesis we investigated chemical properties, microbial N transformations, N fluxes and N storage in soils of lowland evergreen rainforests of Chiloé Island after 10 years since industrial selective logging (ISL) and in stands subjected to traditional selective logging (TSL) by landowners in small properties. We compared them to reference unlogged old-growth stands (OG) in the same area. Tree basal area was more reduced in the stands subjected to ISL than to TSL. Litterfall inputs were similar in both logging treatments as in OG stands. This was due to greater biomass of understory species after logging. In TSL understory tree species determined a higher litterfall C/N ratio than ISL. We found higher soil N availability and content of base cations in surface soils of logged forests than in OG. The litter horizon of OG forest had significantly higher rates of non-symbiotic N fixation than logged forests. In the ISL treatment there was a trend toward increasing soil denitrification and significantly higher NO3–N/Nt ratio in spring waters, which led to a stronger δ15N signal in surface and deep soils. We conclude that massive understory occupation by the shade-intolerant native bamboo Chusquea quila in ISL led to enhanced litter quality (lower C/N ratios) relaxing the tightness of the N cycle, which increased soil N availability leading to a higher proportion of nitrate in spring waters and higher gaseous N losses. In contrast, under TSL a higher litterfall C/N ratio slowed decomposition and net N mineralization rates thus reducing the chances for N losses, and enhancing C and N storage in soil. We suggest that sustainable logging practices in these rain forests should be based on lower rates of canopy removal to enhance colonization of the understory by shade-tolerant trees, which are associated with a more efficient N cycle.  相似文献   

With the global bioenergy boom, the planting of jatropha (Jatropha curcas) was widely promoted by the private sector and non-government organizations as one of the candidate tree species for bioenergy in Kenya. This was motivated by the belief that it grows easily with minimal management requirements. The present study attempts to determine whether management practices by smallholder farmers, which are heterogeneous, are optimal for jatropha yields in Kenya. A survey conducted in different agro-ecological zones showed that yields are very low under Kenyan farm conditions. Regardless of the age and management condition, 41 % of the farmers obtained no seed yield, while 79 % obtained up to 0.1 kg/tree. This is dismal in comparison with the figures (up to 2.0 kg/tree) reported from elsewhere for 1–5 year old trees grown under similar conditions. Examination of farmer management practices indicated that irrigation, manuring and weeding, in order to maximize yields, could be offset by misapplication of other components especially, selection of planting materials, timing of planting and choice of intercrops during the establishment phases. This indicates that the anticipated high yields have not been achieved partly because growers are still using unimproved germplasm, management practices are sub-optimal, and the biophysical boundaries of high jatropha yield are poorly defined. Thus at the current stage, jatropha should not be grown by smallholder farmers in Kenya because of low or dismal productivity. If jatropha is to play a role in the pro-poor bioenergy development, future projects need to identify management recommendations that optimize yields. This also needs to take into consideration the preferences and constraints of farm households on labor and land allocation to other farm and livelihood activities.  相似文献   

为探究互叶白千层(Melaleuca alternifolia)无性系植株精油的品质,选择合适的收获时间,连续15个月取2年生互叶白千层无性系植株带叶枝条,采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取精油,采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析不同月份精油得油率及主要化学成分含量的变化。结果表明,该无性系植株为4-松油醇型优良品系,4-松油醇平均含量高达38.39%,1,8-桉叶素含量仅为1.05%。随砍伐时间间隔的延长,得油率、4-松油醇、γ-松油烯和α-松油烯含量呈上升趋势,1,8-桉叶素含量则呈下降趋势,间隔5个月后各成分指标均符合ISO 4730:2017标准,因此建议砍伐间隔至少保持5个月以上。得油率和主要化学成分含量受收获时间影响,9月至次年2月得油率较高,尤其是次年1-2月,此时4-松油醇含量高,1,8-桉叶素含量低,所得油的品质最佳。  相似文献   

Farm-level simulators such as the Agroforestry Estate Model use as inputs either yield tables or outputs from forest modeling tools. Forest models rely upon assumptions on site index, stem diameter (DBH) distribution, wood production and tree mortality, which may or may not apply to agroforestry practices. Differences may arise because of the effects on tree growth of unusual spacings and configurations, fertilizer, pruning and grazing regimes, and tree-understory relationships as well. We examined data from published or existing field trials to determine mid- and long-term trends in tree growth and understory yields in silvopastoral practices with southern pines (Pinus spp.) in the United States. Tree DBH and height were greater in practices with improved pastures than in those with spontaneous grasses. Understory affected DBH more than height and, therefore, DBH-height relationships differed among practices. Sigmoidal models predicted that tree height will peak at different age depending on tree spacing and understory type. These changes may affect the accuracy of site indices and wood yield predictions. Livestock gains decrease linearly with increasing stand basal area and stand age, although forage yields sometimes decay exponentially. In one of the experiments, livestock gains decreased to almost zero at age 19 but with stand basal areas at that age markedly differing (14 and 25 m2 ha–1) for two different spacings. Additional data would allow to generate empirical algorithms to obtain farm-level simulations of broad application, improve economic analysis and generate hypotheses to guide future experimental work. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pinelands in a 49 ha naturally-regenerated, mature flatwoods forest in north Florida were clearcut harvested in the fall of 1978, site prepared by burning, shearing and piling, discing, and bedding, and planted to slash pine (Pinus elliottii) in 1979. Three vegetation surveys were conducted: one prior to harvest in the summers of 1977 and 1978, and two subsequent to planting in the summers of 1980 and 1981.Cover and frequency of all plant species encountered were assessed on permanent transects. Foliage biomass by species was assessed by destructive sampling of distinct subplots within permanent plots. The aim was to assess plant species cover, frequency, and biomass responses to the forest operations imposed.Pine was eliminated as a dominant genus by harvesting. Planted pines were a fast increasing, but not dominant, component of the vegetation at 2 years of age. Previously dominant shrubs were severely reduced — often by approximately two orders of magnitude. Indeed, woody species were severely reduced: woody cover from 151 to 12% of surface area at plantation age 2 years; woody biomass from 6223 to 521 kg/ha.Conversely, herbaceous species were substantially increased: herbaceous cover from 38 to 51% of surface area at 2 years; herbaceous biomass from 382 to 1439 kg/ha. Thus, a predominantly woody ecosystem was converted to a predominantly herbaceous one for 2 years following planting.There was little change in plant species richness as a result of forest operations. Plant diversity changes were mixed the 1st year but diversity substantially increased the 2nd year. Comparisons with a companion study (Conde et al., 1983) suggest that, while increases in diversity following maximum site preparation may lag increases following minimum site preparation, cover, frequency, and biomass diversity all converge to common values after 2 years despite disparity in treatments.  相似文献   

厚朴林下轮作玄参、大黄种植技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为更好地指导厚朴规范化种植,充分利用土地资源,大力发展林下经济,增加农民收入。2002年,在龙坪乡开展了厚朴林下轮作玄参、大黄种植模式和厚朴单作种植模式对比试验研究。试验结果表明:在厚朴林下轮作玄参、大黄种植模式下,厚朴各测树因子及皮产量较对照具有明显地增长和增产作用,同时每个轮作期内比对照增产大黄药材520 kg/666.7 m2、玄参药材320 kg/666.7 m2。  相似文献   

Using data from a logging experiment in the eastern Brazilian Amazon region, we develop a matrix growth and yield model that captures the dynamic effects of harvest system choice on forest structure and composition. Multinomial logistic regression is used to estimate the growth transition parameters for a 10-year time step, while a Poisson regression model is used to estimate recruitment parameters. The model is designed to be easily integrated with an economic model of decisionmaking to perform tropical forest policy analysis. The model is used to compare the long-run structure and composition of a stand arising from the choice of implementing either conventional logging techniques or more carefully planned and executed reduced-impact logging (RIL) techniques, contrasted against a baseline projection of an unlogged forest. Results from “log and leave” scenarios show that a stand logged according to Brazilian management requirements will require well over 120 years to recover its initial commercial volume, regardless of logging technique employed. Implementing RIL, however, accelerates this recovery. Scenarios imposing a 40-year cutting cycle raise the possibility of sustainable harvest volumes, although at significantly lower levels than is implied by current regulations. Meeting current Brazilian forest policy goals may require an increase in the planned total area of permanent production forest or the widespread adoption of silvicultural practices that increase stand recovery and volume accumulation rates after RIL harvests.  相似文献   

To insure adequate regeneration and future timber yields of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King), many logged forests will have to be restocked through enrichment planting and managed using silvicultural techniques that maintain this species’ long-term survival and growth. This study compared the effects of planting method and two silvicultural treatments on the survival and growth of mahogany seedlings in logging gaps in Bolivia. We tested the hypotheses that survival and growth will be higher among transplanted seedlings than seedlings established from sown seeds and higher in silvicultural treatments that reduce competing vegetation and increase light. The first silvicultural treatment consisted of gaps logged 6 months prior to planting, gaps logged just prior to planting, and gaps treated with herbicide prior to planting. The second treatment, applied 12 months after planting, consisted of manual vegetation cleaning around mahogany seedlings in half of the gaps. The first hypothesis was supported in terms of initial seedling growth but not survival, which was similar between planting methods during the 12-92 months after planting. Transplanted seedlings grew significantly faster than those established from sown seeds during the first year, but this growth advantage disappeared by the second year. Although transplants were 84 cm taller than seed-sown seedlings by the end of the study, this height gain was probably not worth the cost of growing and transplanting seedlings. The second hypothesis was supported in terms of both survival and growth. A significantly greater proportion of seedlings survived in herbicide (62%) compared to 6-month-old (46%) and recent gaps (18%) and in cleaned (51%) versus control gaps (39%). Seedlings initially grew faster in herbicide and recent gaps than in 6-month-old gaps. These differences among silvicultural treatments were largely explained by canopy cover, which, throughout the study, was at least 14% lower in herbicide gaps and 9% lower in cleaned gaps relative to their respective alternatives. By 64 months growth diminished to near zero and no longer differed among gap treatments, despite lower canopy cover in herbicide gaps. By 92 months, saplings in herbicide gaps were only 145 and 77 cm taller than those in recent and 6-month-old gaps, respectively. To maximize survival and growth of mahogany seedlings in logging gaps while minimizing costs, silvicultural strategies should focus on direct seed sowing and appropriately timed interventions (i.e. manual cleaning) to control competing vegetation.  相似文献   


? Background

A culture/density study was established in 1995 in the Lower Coastal Plain of the southeastern USA to evaluate the effects of intensive silviculture and current operational practices on the growth and yield of loblolly pine plantations across a wide range of planting densities (741–4,448 trees/ha). The operational regime consisted of bedding and herbicide application in site preparation and fertilizer applications at planting and in the eighth and 12th growing seasons. The intensive management regime had additional complete competition control, tip moths control, and more repeated fertilization treatments.

? Methods

The data from 14 locations from this split-plot experiment design with repeated measurements were analyzed with a mixed-effects model approach in terms of average DBH, average height, average dominant height, survival, stand basal area, and stand volume.

? Results

In the first few years after planting, there were no significant effects of management intensity and planting density. In later years, both management intensity and planting density significantly impacted response variables, and their interaction was only significant for average diameter at breast height (DBH). Responses to intensive management in DBH were greatest at the lowest planting densities. Intensive management resulted in larger average DBH, average height, dominant height, stand basal area, and volume. Intensively managed plots had more mortality at age 12. There were negative average DBH, average height, dominant height, and survival responses but positive stand basal area and volume responses to increasing planting density. However, there were no significant differences for planting densities above 2,224 trees/ha.

? Conclusions

The results demonstrate that both management intensity and planting density significantly affect loblolly pine productivity in the Lower Coastal Plain, and their effects are additive in nature due to the general lack of interactions.  相似文献   

For sustainable forest management, it is important to know the response of timber species to the change in environment caused by logging. We performed a 2-year study on germination, survival and growth of four timber species, Cedrela odorata, Swietenia macrophylla, Hymenaea courbaril, and Cariniana micrantha, and one non-commercial species Tachigali vasquezii. We sowed seeds of these species in five microenvironments: log landing, gap-crown and gap-trunk, skidder trail and understory, in a tropical lowland moist rain forest in northern Bolivia. We related seed and seedling performance to light availability, soil compaction, and plant competition. Germination did not differ significantly between microenvironments but survival of germinated seeds for most species was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the log landing (46–100%) than in the understory (0–7%). After 2 years, the tallest plants were always found in the log landing (119–190 cm) and the smallest in the understory (12–26 cm) caused by a higher relative height growth rate (RHGR) in the log landing (0.003–0.004 cm cm−1 per day) compared to the understory (0.000–0.001 cm cm−1 per day). During the first year RHGR was positively related to canopy openness for all species and negatively to the number of overtopping competitors for three species. During the second year also water infiltration explained observed variation to RHGR. These results show that abandoned log landings and logging gaps are suitable environments for the regeneration of timber species studied. This finding suggests that the removal of competitors in log landings and logging gaps combined with leaving seed trees near these microenvironments or sowing seeds, will improve regeneration of timber species in tropical forests.  相似文献   

日本光叶楮引种试验及示范推广技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本光叶楮是优质造纸原料树种,具纤维长、制浆白度高、得浆率高、加工节水节碱和速生、丰产、超短期采伐等优良特点。笔者从2005年始,分别在当地的平原、丘陵和低丘岗地等不同地形对该树种开展了物候观察、不同种植土类、不同栽植密度、不同超短伐期和纸浆质量分析及示范推广相关问题的试验研究,旨在为全省大面积推广该树种提供技术依据。  相似文献   

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