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符合生态工法之林道植生工程技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
"生态工法"是以生态学为基础的应用概念,是将生物学及地域生态学的知识活用于构造物的建设或保全上的技术。生态工法主要是利用水、土石、植物等自然性素材为基础,建造能达成自然保全或改善景观机能的构造物,其功能有助于复原被破坏的自然环境,同时对地域景观的改善也有帮助。植生工程(Vegetation engineering)以植生被覆为主要目的,辅以工程方法,用以防止地表冲蚀、浅层崩坍、涵养水源、减少洪害、美化景观。此种方法之优点不仅美化景观,并兼具安全上的考量。例如,植物可吸收水分,降低坡体内的孔隙水压;其根系且  相似文献   

由于特殊的地理条件和气候条件,台湾地区水土流失和地质灾害十分严重,每年给台湾带来巨大的损失,所以台湾当局十分重视水土保持工作,并重点开展了治山防灾、山坡地治理与山区农村规划与建设工作。近年来,台湾吸取了欧美日等发达国家的先进经验,提出在水土保持工作中运用“生态工法”这一新的理念与方法。生态工法是一个对环境、生态友善的工程概念,它包括生态系统、生态原则、生物多样性保育、人类与自然共存共乐及永续发展等几方面。台湾采用工程、农艺、植生的方法,或三种方法相互配合,使生态工法广泛应用于山坡地灾害防治、坡地保育和河溪治理中,取得了良好的水土保持效果。  相似文献   

河溪缓冲带的生态功能及其管理原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
河溪缓冲带位于陆地生态系统与水生生态系统的之间,是河溪生态系统的重要组成部分,具有多种生态功能。着重介绍了河溪缓冲带的物种天堂、养分来源、稳固河岸、改善水质、景观价值、缓解影响这6种功能。由于现在交通和建设用地的不断增加,河溪缓冲带的人为破坏现象严重,亟需得到科学的管理和恢复。提出了3条缓冲带科学管理的基本原则,为不同地域、不同等级的河溪缓冲带的建设和恢复提供了指导。并以北京市海淀区内的南沙河河溪缓冲带的情况为例,加以印证说明。  相似文献   

创造适宜河溪生物栖息环境是河溪生态恢复的主要目标之一。总结了近年来国内外在该领域的研究成果,指出人工化的河溪或平缓顺直的、激流的河溪通常不能为河溪生物提供良好的栖息环境。从构建河道内生物栖息地的措施出发,论述了创造深潭-浅滩结构、改变河床底质以及一些直接提供生物栖息环境等生态河溪建筑物的特点、作用、功能和可行性。最后提出在中国开展创造河溪生物栖息环境生态工程研究应注意的问题和发展方向,以期对我国河道的生态治理有所裨益。  相似文献   

河溪近自然治理评价指标体系探讨以及应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
河溪近自然治理从河溪生态系统的生态特征、地貌特征和水体特征三个方面入手,针对我国特殊的经济情况和复杂的水域特点,提出了由11个因子组成的河溪近自然评价指标体系,包括:(1)河流的平面形态:(2)河流的横断面形态:⑶河流的水深:(4)水体宽度:(5)岸坡的结构:(6)水流的流速:(7)缓冲带植被宽:⑻水体与河床的接触情况:(9)河道粗木质情况:(10)水质:(11)底栖大型动物。再根据评价结果将河溪生态系统健康划分为四个等级,并对北京市怀柔区的典型河溪——怀九河进行河溪近自然治理评价,发现其处于河溪受到微小的人类活动的侵扰阶段,需要利用河溪近自然治理加以调控。  相似文献   

景观生态学在河流生态修复中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
景观生态学强调景观的时空变化,非常适于评价和定量描述河流的变化,已被广泛用来管理和修复河流生态系统,对我国大规模的水土保持生态环境建设将产生深远而重要的影响。基于景观生态学的预案方法是生态修复的有效工具。  相似文献   

河溪近自然治理的基本模式与应用界限   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
河溪系统是流域管理中最基本和最重要的单元。在分析传统河溪治理的基础上,简要地介绍了河溪近自然治理的概念、发展和特征,提出了河溪近自然治理的原则,并对河溪近自然治理的基本模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于生态学理论,通过对厦门市的环境特征分析,根据生态城市的内涵,将健康、安全和发展这3个概念引入生态城市的综合评价,建立厦门市的生态城市评价指标体系。利用主成分分析法对数据进行生态健康指数、生态安全指数和生态发展指数的计算,最终得出各城区的生态城市评价综合指数并进行了相关分析。研究结果表明:(1)基于生态导向的生态城市评价与分析是从生态健康、生态安全、生态发展3个方面将城市规划引向重建自然和保护自然的过程。(2)在厦门生态城市的评价中,岛内城区与岛外城区存在明显的差距,岛内的思明区和湖里区的评价指数明显高于岛外的集美区、海沧区、同安区和翔安区。(3)生态导向下的生态城市是集自然与人类影响于一体的和谐平衡的复合系统,在城市规划中应以生态功能为基础进行城市的布局,以生态功能区划来引导区域的建设模式,让生态理念更好地融入到城市建设中。  相似文献   

区域景观生态规划研究——长株潭案例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着地区社会经济发展,人与自然环境的矛盾日益突出,急需对资源利用及其生态影响进行重新审视并做出调整。以长株潭地区为案例,应用景观生态学理论作指导,借鉴前人研究经验,对区域景观生态进行了规划研究。通过地区景观生态功能格局范型构建,以期寻求科学合理的区域发展空间模式。  相似文献   

关于石漠化科学内涵的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
石漠化是近年来倍受关注的生态地质环境问题.介绍了石漠化概念提出的环境背景,通过对当前主要的石漠化概念比较和分析,结合对概念界定的哲学依据的剖析,从更全面更合理的角度探讨了石漠化的科学内涵.石漠化是在热带亚热带暖温带湿润半湿润气候条件的喀斯特环境背景下,由于人类活动和自然因素,导致地表植被遭受破坏,土壤严重侵蚀,基岩裸露或砾石堆积,土地生产力严重下降,地表出现类似荒漠景观的土地退化过程和现象.石漠化是人类活动和喀斯特脆弱生态环境相互影响的过程及其现象,它的本质是土地生产力退化,诊断标志是各种石漠化景观.  相似文献   

输油管线工程生态环境的影响及保护对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据管道建设的特点,对输油管线工程的生态环境影响要素进行了识别和影响性质分析,进一步具体分析了对各个生态环境要素的影响,并提出相应的生态保护措施。  相似文献   

Society is faced with environmental issues that exceed the level of local governments, but which need to be dealt with at international or even global scales. These issues include nature conservation and management, development of a more sustainable agriculture, effects of environmental pollution, biodiversity, and effects of global change. The development of political and technical protocols necessary to control the future state of such environmental issues requires a detailed knowledge of the structure and functioning of the world’s ecosystems. Studies that integrate the interpretation of results from (detailed) community and ecosystem process and pattern studies and that, moreover, include social and economic aspects might be defined as ‘integrated ecosystem studies’. Four examples of integrated ecosystem studies are presented, and it is concluded that a full understanding of the contribution of soil zoology to such studies requires detailed analyses of interactions of fauna with other system components. If not, analyses can result in superficial conclusions that possibly underestimate the vulnerability of ecosystems to disturbances or their sensitivity to management.  相似文献   

土地整理过程中农田景观生态工程建设   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
农田景观生态工程是土地整理的重要内容之一,同时也具有很高的生态价值。将农田景观生态工程归纳为5种类型,即农田防护生态工程、生物栖息地保护工程、自然景观生态工程、污染隔离带工程和景观美化生态工程,并提出了其具体的建设内容和布局,在此基础上进一步探讨了各种农田景观生态工程的关键指标控制标准,有利于有效维护农田生态安全。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSince 1996,relevant sectors of different level had madeenormous efforts on investigating and promoting theEcological Engineering Method(E.E.M.)in Taiwan.Meanwhile,a project entitled“Establishment of EvaluationIndices and Design Reference Bo…  相似文献   

A traditional focus in conservation biology has been on rare species as they are often those most at risk of decline or extinction. However, we argue in this paper that some kinds of currently common species also can be susceptible to decline. Those at particular risk are species that are specialized on widespread environmental conditions. Such specialization may make such species vulnerable to a range of drivers of environmental change, placing them at risk of significant decline or even local extinction. We illustrate this with a case study of the arboreal marsupial the Greater Glider (Petauroides volans) in south-eastern Australia. The Greater Glider was formerly common in two large-scale studies but in one it suffered rapid extinction (within a 3 year period) and in another it is declining at an annual rate of 8.8%. We therefore argue for more research to better predict those kinds of currently common species which might be at risk of future rapid decline or extinction. In addition, we suggest there will often be a need to take pro-active conservation and management action to reduce the number of potential environmental stressors on populations of common species to ensure they do not become uncommon or rare. We also argue that conserving common species will ensure the retention of their key ecological and functional roles in ecosystems. Finally, we believe there is a need to develop better monitoring programs that can detect changes in the population trajectories of common species, help identify the reasons for temporal changes in such populations, and underpin timely management interventions. Despite these good intentions, we acknowledge that in one of our own long-term investigations we: (1) failed to anticipate the extremely rapid decline (and likely local extinction) of the Greater Glider, (2) were unable to diagnose the reason/s underpinning the population collapse, and (3) nor were we able to instigate a timely intervention program of management to prevent this from occurring. The key lesson from this sobering result is that common species can sometimes be at risk of rapid decline and it is wise to avoid complacency in conservation.  相似文献   

生态屏障是近些年我国生态环境建设中提出的一个新概念,曾引起学术界的广泛讨论。在探讨生态屏障概念的基础上,对生态屏障功能及其特点做了进一步探讨。认为生态屏障功能是指构成生态屏障的生态系统及其生态过程所形成的对生态系统内、外人类赖以生存的环境的保护效应。主要体现在构成生态屏障的生态系统对不利环境因素的阻滞、净化和有利因素的保育和涵养。生态屏障功能包括净化、调节与阻滞、土壤保持、水源涵养、生物多样性保育等5大功能。  相似文献   

Ecological monitoring is widely used to measure change through time in ecosystems. The current extinction crisis has resulted in a wealth of monitoring programs focussed on tracking the status of threatened species, and the perceived importance of monitoring has seen it become the cornerstone of many biodiversity conservation programs. However, many monitoring programs fail to produce useful outcomes due to inherent flaws. Here we use a monitoring program from south-eastern Australia as a case study to illustrate the potential of such endeavours. The threatened carnivorous marsupial, the brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa), has been monitored at various locations between 2000 and 2010. We present strong evidence for a decline in relative abundance during this period, and also describe relationships with environmental variables. These results provide insights likely to be valuable in guiding future management of the species. In the absence of the monitoring program, informed management would not be possible. While early detection of population declines is important, knowledge of the processes driving such declines is required for effective intervention. We argue that monitoring programs will be most effective as a tool for enhanced conservation management if they test specific hypotheses relating to changes in population trajectories. Greater emphasis should be placed on rigorous statistical analysis of monitoring datasets in order to capitalise on the resources devoted to monitoring activities. Many datasets are likely to exist for which careful analysis of results would have benefits for determining management directions.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been devoted to monitoring heavy metals in temperate zones of the world, largely due to the concentration of industries and populations in these regions. With increases in global transport of mercury, it has become important to examine the effects of mercury on components of tropical ecosystems, and to design biomonitoring schemes to assess environmental changes involving mercury. Tropical ecosystems differ from temperate ones in fundamental ways, including increased species diversity, and decreased niche width, spatial heterogeneity, food web lengths and complexity, productivity and soil laterization. Because of these differences, the fate and transport of mercury may differ in temperate and tropical systems, and it is suggested in this paper that bird feathers be used as a biomonitoring tool to assess broad-scale trends in mercury exposure, as well as being indicative of adverse effects on the birds themselves. In many ecosystems, some species of birds occupy top trophic levels. It is apparent that the mercury level in feathers of some tropical birds are as high as those from temperature regions, exceeding levels associated with adverse effects in laboratory studies.  相似文献   

 对目前台湾地区所使用生态工程施作地点及应用材料等进行调查汇整、研究及分析,并就符合多样性生物栖息环境之生态工程材料进行开发研究,包括现地调查,岛内外资料搜集与资料分类整理,将已汇整的材料表格化。材料组件分为生物材料与非生物材料,而工法组合材料则分为木材工法类、地工材料类、土石材料类、植生工程类和再生材料类。工法所用材料之评估,分别就其功能性、生态栖地特性、经济性和材料再生特性进行综合指数评估。将材料整合评析,如种类、适用范围、使用条件、生命周期及各阶段对环境之兼容性等,进而归纳出生态工程应用材料的规划设计原则。  相似文献   

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