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我国养鹿业的主要产品是鹿茸,鹿茸作为人类的医疗保健佳品,已有上千年的历史。但是鹿的全身都是宝,现就鹿副产品的加工作一下简要阐述。 1鹿鞭的加工 鹿鞭能滋阴壮阳、调节神经功能。鹿鞭包括鹿的阴茎、辜丸、前列腺、  相似文献   

<正>鹿鞭又名鹿冲、鹿茎筋,由雄性成年鹿的阴茎和睾丸组成。传统鹿鞭单指鹿的阴茎。本规程鹿鞭是指鹿的阴茎和睾丸。1撸头将阴茎包皮向后撸,露出完整龟头。2晾干放置在荫凉处自然干燥。3烘干将鹿鞭放入70~80℃烤箱烘烤,每天烘烤2~3h。4鹿鞭的收割将屠宰或机械性死亡后的成年雄鹿,在剥皮时自坐骨弓处割取出阴茎,割破阴囊取出睾丸(带7~10cm精索,龟头端带包皮皮肤1~3cm)。  相似文献   

为了解鹿群胃肠道寄生虫感染情况,2011年9月至2012年5月,利用漂浮法和沉淀法,对新疆盛华马鹿驯养繁育基地的天山马鹿、阿勒泰马鹿和梅花鹿进行了调查。在检测的432份鹿粪便样品中,发现了蛔虫卵、鞭虫卵、球虫卵和钩虫卵,平均感染率分别为53.24%、34.72%、6.25%和2.31%,感染强度(EPG)分别为37.12、16.78、0.19和0.06。各品种鹿寄生虫感染情况略有差异,蛔虫卵和鞭虫卵发现于所有被检测的鹿种;球虫卵发现于天山马鹿和阿勒泰马鹿;而钩虫卵仅发现于天山马鹿。不同性别与年龄寄生虫感染率存在差异性,雌性鹿的感染率高于雄性鹿,成年鹿的感染率高于幼龄鹿。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,对鹿产品的需求日益剧增。由于市场上优质鹿产品供不应求,许多不法分子借此鱼目混珠以次充好,导致掺假鹿及其衍生品泛滥,因此急需一种简单快速鉴别鹿产品真伪的方法。本研究对马鹿线粒体D-loop基因特异位点进行分析比对,并作为扩增靶序列,设计马鹿特异性的引物和探针,通过对特异性以及方法灵敏度测试,建立了马鹿的特异性实时荧光PCR方法。该方法具有很高的特异性及灵敏性,检测灵敏性为0.00174 ng/μL,适用于鉴别马鹿及其相关产品的真伪。  相似文献   

梅花鹿前景及市场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鹿是特种动物,在人工饲养条件下可以生产繁殖,其主要产品鹿茸被称为“东北三宝”之一,具有很高的经济价值。鹿的其他产品如鹿肉、血、鞭、胎、皮及心、肾、肝等内脏都有很好的食和、药用价值,其中鹿肉以高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇及其独特风味等特点深受人们喜爱。我国饲养的鹿主要有梅鹿、马鹿、白唇鹿、麋鹿与水鹿等,其中主要的是茸用梅花鹿与马鹿。  相似文献   

鹿鞭是雄性梅花鹿和马鹿的外生殖器,<备急千金要方>中称鹿筋茎.古之鹿鞭单指鹿的阴茎,现今指鹿的阴茎与睾丸.鹿鞭单方或与中草药配伍用于滋补强壮,补肾壮阳,调节神经机能和体力;或做成药膳,通过食疗增强体质,促进健康.本文主要阐述了鹿鞭与牛鞭的性状鉴别,并通过鹿鞭与鹿茸和鹿血成分的对比分析,探讨了鹿鞭的药理作用和开发利用.  相似文献   

1 收茸前的准备1.1 建立收茸小组由领导或业主、技术员、饲养员组成.加强观察鹿茸生长情况,其中包括鹿脱盘后生长的时间、老嫩程度、枝杈形状,按国家商品规格,确定收茸时间适时收茸.1.2 物资准备维修好吊圈、锅灶、烘干炉、风干室、锯、止血粉、瓷盘、盆、纱布、绷带、碘酒、刷子、钉子、温度计、称量工具等.2 收茸方法2.1 收茸时间选择早晨,经过一夜休息,鹿血液循环平稳.2.2 拨鹿拨鹿要求准而稳,保持肃静.对拒绝进入吊圈的鹿,可以采取食物引诱或以老实听话鹿进行诱导入圈.禁止鞭抽、棒打、大声哧喊,以免鹿慌乱发生事故.  相似文献   

鹿是特种经济动物 ,在人工饲养条件下可以生产繁殖 ,其主产品鹿茸被称为东北三宝之一 ,具有很高的经济价值。鹿的其他产品如鹿肉、血、鞭、胎、皮及心、肾、肝等内脏都有很好的食用、药用及保健价值 ,其中鹿肉以其高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇及其独特风味等特点深受人们喜爱。我国饲养的鹿主要有梅花鹿、马鹿、驯鹿、白唇鹿、麋鹿与水鹿等 ,其中主要的茸用鹿种为梅花鹿和马鹿。1 养鹿的经济效益及市场情况养鹿业属于高效益型产业 ,其资源消耗小于其他动物。鹿为草食动物 ,具有易饲养、抗病力强等特点。与常规家畜相比 ,茸鹿饲养有很好的经济…  相似文献   

鹿是特种经济动物,在人工饲养条件下可以生产繁殖,其主产品鹿茸被称为东北三宝之一,具有很高的经济价值。鹿的其他产品如鹿肉、血、鞭、胎、皮及心、肾、肝等内脏都有很好的食用、药用及保健价值,其中鹿肉以其高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇及其独特风味等特点深受人们喜爱。我国饲养的鹿主要有梅花鹿、马鹿、驯鹿、白唇鹿、麋鹿与水鹿等,其中主要的茸用鹿种为梅花鹿和马鹿。一、养鹿的经济效益及市场情况养鹿业属于高效益型产业,其资源消耗小于其他动物。鹿为草食动物,具有易饲养、抗病力强等特点。与常规家畜相比,茸鹿饲养有很好的经济…  相似文献   

根据线粒体保守序列检测鹿属动物源性成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据鹿线粒体mtDNA细胞色素b中的保守序列 ,设计了针对鹿属动物的特异性扩增引物。通过聚合酶链反应 (PolymeraseChainReac tion,PCR)得到 1 94bp的特异片段 ,而其它动物如鸡、牛、羊、兔、猪、鱼、骆驼、马等中则无此条带。通过内切酶AlwI酶切可对扩增结果进行验证。该方法对鹿成分的检测低限为 0 1 % ,可作为饲料中鹿属动物源性成分鉴别检测的有效方法之一 ,也可作为鹿类药材真伪鉴别的方法。  相似文献   

真伪血茸片的PCR鉴别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据梅花鹿和马鹿与驯鹿、鸡、猪的种属性差异 ,设计了 1对特异性鉴别引物 ,对血茸片的真品和伪品进行PCR扩增 ,结果表明 ,真品与伪品扩增片段的数目和长度不同 ,以此便能够鉴别出血茸片真伪。  相似文献   

鹿产品检测的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鹿产品是珍贵的中药材,目前市场上存在着严重的以假充真,以次充好的现象,科研工作者对鹿产品的检测做了大量的研究工作。作者回顾了近年来鹿产品检测方面的研究进展,分别从性状检测、显微检测、理化检测及分子检测等几种主要检测方法进行综述,为鹿产品检测的进一步研究提供了参考依据,同时提出了鹿产品检测中存在的问题及进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

The level of non-specific reactions found in the brucellosis serology of ruminants in New Zealand was very low until July 1992. This changed when, in an export consignment of 1071 deer, 35% reacted in the Brucella abortus tube agglutination test with titres varying from 50 to 200 IU. The reactors were also positive in the Rose-Bengal agglutination test and most of them reacted in the complement fixation test with titres varying from 10 to 80 IU. Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 was later isolated from one deer of this consignment. It was the first isolate of this serotype recovered in New Zealand from an animal. Shortly after, false reactors occurred more frequently than before in sera from Brucella abortus accredited free cattle herds. As the involvement of Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 was suspected in these cases, faecal samples from reactors and in-contact animals were cultured for this organism. Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 was isolated from nine of 19 herds showing one or more false Brucella abortus seroreactions. Prior to 1990, Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:9 had not been isolated in New Zealand, despite the recovery of a number of other bio- or serotypes of the organism from humans and animals. From 1990 onward, serotype 0:9 began to be isolated from human faecal samples with increasing frequency. Since the first isolations from deer and cattle in 1992, it has now also been recovered from a cat and an alpaca and from cattle without any association with false positive Brucella abortus reactions. All serotype 0:9 isolates were of biotype 2.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii causes significant reproduction losses in livestock and the disease Q fever in humans. Transmission of C. burnetii is facilitated by the stability of the bacterium in the environment and the susceptibility of a variety of host species to infection. Consequently, inter-species transmission occurs frequently through either direct or indirect contact. Wildlife may represent reservoirs of C. burnetii and could therefore be a source of infection for domestic animals. Understanding the prevalence of C. burnetii infections at the wildlife-livestock interface is important for disease control. This study aimed to investigate the extent of C. burnetii exposure in wild deer in eastern Australia. Serum samples were obtained from 413 wild deer from seven regions in four eastern Australian states from 2017 to 2020. Antibodies were detected using a commercial Q fever antibody kit validated for ruminants. Seroprevalence of C. burnetii antibodies in deer was determined and true prevalence estimated, for each region. The overall seroprevalence of C. burnetii antibodies in wild deer was 3.4% (14 seropositive of 413 deer sampled) with true prevalence estimated to be 4.3% (95% credible interval: 0.6%, 10.9%). Seropositive deer were identified only in Queensland (7/108 seropositive) and northern New South Wales (7/120 seropositive). This geospatial distribution is consistent with seropositivity in other animal species and indicative of the level of C. burnetii in the environment. The low seroprevalence suggests that wild deer are unlikely to be a major reservoir species for C. burnetii in eastern Australia but may still be implicated in inter-species transmission cycles.  相似文献   

The level of non-specific reactions found in the brucellosis serology of ruminants in New Zealand was very low until July 1992. This changed when, in an export consignment of 1071 deer, 35% reacted in the Brucella abortus tube agglutination test with titres varying from 50 to 200 IU. The reactors were also positive in the Rose-Bengal agglutination test and most of them reacted in the complement fixation test with titres varying from 10 to 80 IU. Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 was later isolated from one deer of this consignment. It was the first isolate of this serotype recovered in New Zealand from an animal. Shortly after, false reactors occurred more frequently than before in sera from Brucella abortus accredited free cattle herds. As the involvement of Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 was suspected in these cases, faecal samples from reactors and in-contact animals were cultured for this organism. Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 was isolated from nine of 19 herds showing one or more false Brucella abortus seroreactions.

Prior to 1990, Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:9 had not been isolated in New Zealand, despite the recovery of a number of other bio— or serotypes of the organism from humans and animals. From 1990 onward, serotype 0:9 began to be isolated from human faecal samples with increasing frequency. Since the first isolations from deer and cattle in 1992, it has now also been recovered from a cat and an alpaca and from cattle without any association with false positive Brucella abortus reactions. All serotype 0:9 isolates were of biotype 2.  相似文献   

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) has not been reported in Europe, whereas it is considered to be enzootic in free-ranging mule deer, Rocky mountain elk and white-tailed deer in the area of Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, and new foci of CWD have been detected in other parts of the United States. However, no large-scale active epidemiosurveillance of European wild cervids has been installed in Europe. In accordance with the opinion of the European Scientific Steering Committee, a preliminary (active) surveillance scheme was installed, in order to improve the knowledge of the CWD status of the Belgian free-ranging cervids (roe deer and red deer). Spleen samples (n=866) of roe deer and red deer collected in the south-eastern part of Belgium, were examined for CWD using a enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of Bio-Rad. Afterwards, the ELISA was systematically confirmed by immunohistochemistry using three antibodies, namely R524, 2G11 and 12F10. There were no indications on the occurrence of transmissible spongiform enncephalopathy (TSE) in any of the samples. A Bayesian framework was used for the estimation of the true prevalence of CWD in south-eastern part of Belgium that was estimated to have a median value of zero with a 95% percentile value of 0.00115.  相似文献   

A staining procedure which enables distinction between spermatozoa possessing a true and false acrosome reaction (AR) was utilized to assess the incidence of capacitation and the true AR of bull spermatozoa recovered from the uterine horns of estrous and diestrous cows. Results show that at 3 and 6 h post-insemination, approximately 14.5 and 31.5%, respectively, of the live spermatozoa recovered had undergone a true AR in the uterus of estrous cows. An increasing percentage of those spermatozoa recovered from estrous cows with time were categorized as undergoing a false AR. This suggests that spermatozoa underwent capacitation, a true AR, then died prior to fixation and staining, therefore being grouped as false acrosome-reacted. Few spermatozoa were observed to have undergone a true AR in diestrous cows. It is apparent from this study that individual spermatozoa undergo capacitation and a true AR at different times during incubation in utero in estrous cows.  相似文献   

AIM: To review cases in which Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was identified in farmed deer in New Zealand. METHODS: Case histories were reviewed where M. paratuberculosis was identified in deer by either culture or a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test using primers from IS900. RESULTS: Between 1986 and 2000, M. paratuberculosis was identified by bacterial culture and/or PCR in 619 farmed deer from 299 herds, representing approximately 6% of deer herds in New Zealand. Over 85% of cases were identified during the last 6 years. In 60% of the infected herds, only one infected animal was identified. The maximum number of cases identified in a single deer herd was 47, and these were identified over a period of 8 years. Only 36 (5.8%) cases came from clinically affected animals identified on farms by veterinarians. The majority (89.7%) of the 619 cases were identified from lesions in mesenteric lymph nodes, including the ileocaecal lymph nodes, identified at meat inspection as being macroscopically either typical or equivocal of bovine tuberculosis (M. bovis). While the overwhelming majority of lesions were identified in mesenteric lymph nodes, M. paratuberculosis was also identified in 27 lesions in lymph nodes of the head, especially the retropharyngeal lymph node. CONCLUSIONS: The figures presented underestimate the true prevalence of infection with M. paratuberculosis, especially since not all suspect cases were submitted for culture or PCR. However, they do show that M. paratuberculosis appears to be spreading in farmed deer in New Zealand and highlight the possibility that Johne's disease is emerging as a potential major problem affecting this species. Identification of the organism by bacterial culture or PCR is required in many cases to distinguish lesions in mesenteric lymph nodes and lymph nodes of the head caused by M. paratuberculosis from those caused by M. bovis and M. avium.  相似文献   

Cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild cervids have yet not been reported in Europe, whereas the disease is considered enzootic in free-ranging mule deer, Rocky mountain elk and white-tailed deer in the area of Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska. New foci of CWD continue to be detected in other parts of the United States. However, no large-scale active epidemiosurveillance of European wild cervids is yet installed in Europe. In accordance with the opinion of the European Scientific Steering Committee, a preliminary (active) surveillance scheme was installed, in order to improve the knowledge of the CWD status of wild cervids (roe deer) in the Northern part of Belgium. Spleen samples (n=206) and brain samples (n=222) of roe deer collected in the Northern part of Belgium, were examined for CWD using the antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) of IDEXX. Afterwards, the EIA was systematically confirmed by immunohistochemistry using three antibodies, namely R524, 2G11 and 12F10. There were no indications on the occurrence of TSE in any of the samples. A Bayesian framework was used for the estimation of the true prevalence of CWD in the Northern part of Belgium that was estimated to have a median value of zero with a 95th percentile value of 0.0049 and 0.0045 for spleen and brain samples respectively.  相似文献   

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