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改革开放以来,特别是1993年内蒙古自治区党委、政府作出关于加快发展农区畜牧业的决定后,各地对农区、半农半牧区的畜牧业给予更大重视。从发展潜力来讲,牧区超载过牧严重,发展畜牧业的潜力主要在于种草养畜,提高草地资源的转换率和牲畜质量。而农区粮食秸秆资源丰富,无论是增加饲养规模,还是提高质量和效益,都有很大潜力没有发挥出来。半农半牧区农牧结合,兼有二者所长,具有较为丰富的草地与耕地资源,资源潜力非常大。  相似文献   

牦牛、藏羊历来是甘南州当地农牧民群众的当家畜种,传统畜牧业及现代畜牧业依旧是甘南州国民经济的支柱产业、特色产业和主导产业。按照实施“农牧互补”战略的要求,以最具代表性的典型区域临潭县、舟曲县(农区),卓尼县(半农半牧区)为例,通过对甘南农区及半农半牧区牛羊短期育肥技术研究并把研究的成果尽快付诸生产实践,以提高当地农牧民牛羊短期育肥效益。  相似文献   

应用草地农业系统理论发展半农半牧区农村经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玉杰  宿彦贵 《草业科学》1998,15(4):40-41,44
在半农半牧区,草地农业系统的植物生产过程应包含种植生植物和一年生饲料作物两方面,动物生产过程是以草食畜禽为主综合发展的畜牧业生产,把草地农业系统理论应用到生产实践中,就是广泛建立生态模式家庭牧场,以期达到增加收入和农牧业持发展的目的。规划固定饲物用地可使耕种农业形成新的三元种植结构。畜牧业的发展和农业种植结构的变化,必将促进农村经济的有效和可持续发展。  相似文献   

而草业和畜牧业是相辅相成的产业,草料丰盛则畜增、畜壮,草料缺乏则畜瘦、畜死。无论是半农半牧区、农区、还是城镇,都可以根据当地优势,因地制宜地开展多种形式的草业生产和草业开发建设。这样,草业不仅可以促进草地畜牧业的发展,而且是半农半牧区和农区结合的纽带,也为草业与畜牧业协调发展开辟了广阔的道路。  相似文献   

阐述了半农半牧区草原执法监理工作的重要性,分析了半农半牧区草原执法监理工作现状及存在的问题,并根据半农半牧区特点,针对性地提出了加强半农半牧区草原执法监理工作的措施.  相似文献   

阐述了半农半牧区草原执法监理工作的重要性,分析了半农半牧区草原执法监理工作现状及存在的问题,并根据半农半牧区特点,针对性地提出了加强半农半牧区草原执法监理工作的措施。  相似文献   

<正>半农半牧区畜牧业经济是甘孜州经济的重要组成部分和经济发展的重要依托,在全州的畜牧业经济和国民经济中所占比重很大。加快该区域的畜牧业经济发展不仅对促进全州畜牧业的发展有重要作用,而且对促进整个藏区畜牧业开发,带动藏区畜牧业的发展有重大意义。1畜牧业发展情况1.1发展现状甘孜州半农半牧区主要分布在山原和高山峡谷地貌地区,地域涵盖雅垄江、金沙江和大渡河的整个流域。改革开放以来,半农半牧地区畜牧业有了较大发展。  相似文献   

农牧交错区又称半农半牧区,是指以农业经营为主和以牧业经营为主的生产单位交错分布的地区。农牧交错区的主要特点是:①农业和畜牧业对整个区域的经济发展有直接影响;②农牧结合、农业经营和畜牧业经营在当地生产中的地位和比重大体相当,因而反映当地的经营情况时,需有农业和畜牧业方面的经济技术指标;③影响生产结构的因素较多;  相似文献   

内蒙古地域辽阔,草地类型多,牧区、半农半牧区和农区特点各异。为此,我区从实际出发,先后出台了《关于转变生产经营方式发展生态畜牧业的意见》、《关于加快发展农区畜牧业的决定》和《关于促进牧民增加收入的实施意见》等一系列重大举措,在农区、半农半牧区和牧区推进规模化养殖,在转变畜牧业发展方式上坚持因地制宜、分类施策,选择不同路径,取得了一些积极的成效。1牧区大力实施"以草定畜、草畜平衡",发展生态家庭场牧近年来,广大牧民群众在畜牧业生产实践中创新形成草牧场流转建设规模牧场、自觉自愿联合组  相似文献   

内蒙古地区总土地面积17.7亿亩,其中耕地面积7342.4万亩,占总土地面积4.1%;草原面积13.2亿亩,占总土地面积74.6%。可见,我区农区面积远远小于牧区面积。但是,据1987年统计,全区农区和半农半牧区年末牲畜存栏数占全区年末牲畜存栏数的83.4%。因而,农区和半农半畜区畜牧业在我区畜牧业生产中占有举足轻重的地位。这些地区饲料工业发展的好坏,无疑直接影响着全区畜牧业生产的发展。本文试图以内蒙古实际出发,谈谈解决农区和半农半牧区畜  相似文献   

阐述丙酮酸在动物机体内的代谢途径,论述了丙酮酸与糖类、脂类和氨基酸代谢的关系,从理论上表明丙酮酸对奶牛酮病有一定的预防和治疗效果,结合国内外的研究成果推测丙酮酸可能对奶牛的体况的维持以及预防和缓解能量代谢性疾病具有积极地作用。此外,丙酮酸对改善心功能、增强机体抗氧化功能、调节反刍动物的瘤胃发酵类型以及提高采食量等方面都有积极地作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对日粮中钙、磷含量及其比例的研究,结合气候、降雨、土壤pH值、土壤含磷量及施肥等因素对牧草、农作物含磷量的影响,对温棚养殖肉牛发生骨质疏松病的病因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

采用已建立的家蚕(Bombyx mori)造血器官(HPO)体外培养系统,研究了2种蜕皮激素ecdysone和20-hydroxyecdysone(20E)以及保幼激素类似物methoprene对体外培养的家蚕HPO造血功能的调节作用。添加0.005~0.5μg/mL20E可促进5龄第2天幼虫(V-2)HPO的血细胞增殖和释放,但会抑制熟蚕开始时期(W-0)HPO的血细胞增殖和释放;添加低浓度(0.036 5μg/mL)ecdysone可以促进V-2和W-0期HPO的血细胞增殖及释放,高浓度(0.365~3.650μg/mL)ecdysone对血细胞增殖无促进作用,但有促进血细胞释放作用;添加低浓度(2μg/mL)methoprene不会阻止HPO的血细胞增殖,但抑制血细胞的释放,高浓度(20~200μg/mL)methoprene可抑制HPO的血细胞增殖和释放。此外,0.036 5μg/mL ecdysone与2μg/mL methoprene共同处理时,ecdysone可以掩盖methoprene抑制血细胞释放的作用。研究结果表明,ecdysone和20E对家蚕HPO的造血功能起促进作用,而methoprene则起抑制作用,ecdysone可以拮抗methoprene抑制血细胞释放的作用。  相似文献   

滞育是昆虫适应环境的重要生理特性,家蚕的滞育还与其经济性状有着密切关系,相关生物学问题一直是研究热点。家蚕滞育发生于胚胎早期,为卵滞育型,受遗传和环境的共同支配。家蚕二化性品系卵的滞育性由亲代卵期即胚胎发育时期所处的环境条件决定。本文就近年对家蚕滞育及解除过程中生理生化机制、分子机制和遗传机制方面的有关研究进展进行了综述,包括滞育过程中涉及的色素、酯酶A4、多巴胺、氧化循环过程的物质变化,二甲亚砜对解除家蚕滞育的影响以及滞育激素作用过程中瞬时受体电位通道亚家族成员对家蚕滞育非遗传多型性的分子调控机制的最新研究成果。  相似文献   

纳米技术在生物领域的广泛应用形成了纳米生物技术,而纳米药物载体和纳米中药的研究也成为近年来生物制药领域的研究热点之一。综述了纳米技术、纳米生物技术的定义,详细介绍了纳米药物载体和纳米中药的相关研究进展,以期为该技术的进一步应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The mechanosensory lateral line system of fish is responsible for several functions such as balance, hearing, and orientation in water flow and is formed by neuromast receptor organs distributed on head, trunk and tail. Superficial and canal neuromasts can be distinguished for localization and morphological differences. Several information is present regarding the superficial neuromasts of zebrafish and other teleosts especially during larval and juvenile stages, while not as numerous data are so far available about the ultrastructural characteristics of the canal neuromasts in adult zebrafish. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate by transmission electron microscopy the ultrastructural aspects of cells present in the canal neuromasts. Besides the typical cellular aspects of the neuromast, different cellular types of hair cells were observed that could be identified as developing hair cells during the physiological turnover. The knowledge of the observed cellular types of the canal neuromasts and their origin could give a contribution to studies carried out on adult zebrafish used as model in neurological and non‐neurological damages, such as deafness and vestibular disorders.  相似文献   

随着微量元素饲料添加剂的广泛应用,其对动物的生殖毒性已经引起了人们的关注。文章就微量元素氟、砷?锰?镍、硒对动物生殖的毒性作用作了简要的综述。  相似文献   

In experiments with calves during the milk-nutrition period we tested the use of the colonisation preparation Amylastim, containing a bacterial strain of Streptococcus bovis AO 24/85, as a factor speeding up the development of the rumen microflora. We gave the preparation to the animals for a period of four weeks and studied its influence on the microflora adherent to the epithelium of the rumen wall. We ascertained a significant increase in the number of Streptococcus bovis germs (P less than 0.001) as well as of alpha-amylase activity (P less than 0.05). When giving the preparation Amylastim to calves in large-scale production conditions we ascertained a positive effect on the health condition, total losses being lower.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examination of the liver in cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The size of the liver, as well as the situation and diameter of vessels in cattle were determined by use of ultrasonography. Ultrasonographic examinations of the liver were performed on 10 cows 10 times within 2 weeks, using a 3.5-MHz linear transducer on the right side in the 12th, 11th, and 10th intercostal spaces. Dorsal and ventral margin of the liver as well as localization and diameter of the caudal vena cava and the portal vein were determined in each intercostal space. Furthermore, the angle of the liver in the ventral area between the visceral surface and the diaphragmatic surface, the dorsal margin, and the circumference of the gall bladder were determined. The ultrasonographic values of liver size and localization in healthy cows can be used as reference values for the diagnosis of changes in liver size attributable to illness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the accuracy of two ultrasonographic measurements, inner chorionic cavity diameter and biparietal diameter, for the prediction of parturition date in small and medium size bitches. The effects of litter size and fetal sex ratio on the accuracy of the prediction were also investigated. METHODS: Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on pregnant bitches and, depending on the stage of pregnancy, the inner chorionic cavity diameter and biparietal diameter were measured. The mean value of the data of each structure was calculated and the predicted day of parturition was obtained by the application of equations derived from growth curves we previously developed for different size bitches. RESULTS: The parturition term was predicted with similar accuracy during early gestation, by the measurement of inner chorionic cavity diameter, as well as during late gestation, by the measurement of biparietal diameter. Litter size affected only biparietal diameter accuracy, whereas fetal sex ratio did not influence the estimation of the day of parturition. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Inner chorionic cavity diameter and biparietal diameter were equally reliable parameters in obtaining a reasonably accurate prediction of parturition date at any gestational period at which a bitch is examined.  相似文献   

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