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Predation after release is one of the major concerns of hatchery fish propagation. However, size-specific interaction between predator and prey on the survival of hatchery-released salmonid fish is largely unknown. To understand the size-selective predation risk, 24-h predation experiments were conducted on masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in tanks. Four ranges of fork length (FL) were examined for masu salmon as a prey, in combination with three ranges of FL for white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis as a predator. The results show that not only predator and prey sizes, but also interaction between prey size and predator size, strongly affected the survival rate of masu salmon. Predation on masu salmon with the FL exceeding 40% of the FL of white-spotted charr was rare in the experiment. A logistic regression suggests that 37% relative FL of masu salmon to white-spotted charr results in the 50% survival of masu salmon. Our results suggest that adjusting relative size of hatchery fish to the size of local fish predators at the time of hatchery release will have a significant impact on the survival of hatchery fish in the wild. From this perspective, site-specific, adaptive management might be important to improve the effectiveness of hatchery fish propagation.  相似文献   

Endurance of farmed and sea-ranched Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. males was analysed during spawning time. The fish were endurance tested at different swimming speeds (1.6–2.1 m s?1) in forced swim trials. The sea-ranched males (51-65 cm, n= 20) fatigued significantly earlier than the farmed males(59-72 cm, n= 20),although the sea-ranched males were significantly smaller than the farmed males. When the size difference between the two groups were corrected for, no significant difference in the endurance of the two groups was found. Farmed salmon had a significant higher fat content in white muscle (4.7%) than sea-ranched salmon (1.1%).  相似文献   

Wild and farmed Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) and Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.) were collected to assess changes in mercury with size in wild vs. farmed fish. Mercury concentrations were compared with Health Canada and United States Environmental Protection Agency consumption guidelines. Lipid dilution of mercury was examined by comparing lipid-extracted (LE) and non-lipid-extracted (NLE) flesh samples in both farmed and wild fish. Mercury concentrations in the flesh and liver of farmed salmon were significantly lower than concentrations in wild salmon of similar fork length ( P <0.001), possibly due to growth dilution in rapidly growing farmed fish. Mercury concentrations were higher in LE tissue compared with NLE ( P <0.05), suggesting lipid dilution of mercury in farmed fish with a high lipid content. Farmed cod, which do not grow more rapidly than wild cod, did not have significantly different flesh and liver concentrations compared with wild cod of similar fork length ( P >0.05). Between species of farmed fish, cod had significantly higher mercury concentrations than salmon ( P <0.05), but neither farmed nor wild salmon mercury concentrations exceeded federal consumption guidelines. These results suggest that rapid growth rates and a high lipid content may play important roles in regulating concentrations of contaminants such as mercury.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses related to effects of juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) foraging behaviour and size on their predation risk were evaluated using field data collected in Prince William Sound, Alaska 1 995–97. My results supported the hypothesis that low macrozooplankton density leads to dispersion of juvenile salmon from shallow nearshore habitats and greater predation risk, but zooplankton type was an important factor. When the biomass of large copepods (primarily Neocalanus spp.) declined, salmon dispersed from shallow nearshore habitats, and mean daily individual predator consumption of salmon increased by a factor of 5. A concomitant five‐fold increase in the probability of occurrence of salmon in predator stomachs supported the notion that increased predation on salmon was caused by a greater overlap between predator and prey when salmon dispersed offshore, not an increase in the number of salmon consumed per feeding bout. The results also generally supported the hypothesis that the timing of predation events modifies the nature of size‐dependent predation losses of salmon to different predator groups (small and large planktivores and piscivores). Size‐dependent vulnerabilities of salmon to predators were a function of both predator and prey sizes. When simulated predation was shifted from May to June, the vulnerability of salmon became more dependent on their growth than initial size. But, the size‐ and growth‐dependent vulnerabilities of salmon differed more among predator groups than between May and June, suggesting that changes in the composition of predator fields could more strongly affect the nature of size‐dependent predation than changes in the timing of predation losses.  相似文献   

Wild salmonids and farmed salmon can both be sources of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1838) larvae . Farmed salmon smolts free of L. salmonis infections are stocked in sea cages and may subsequently contract L. salmonis infections, probably from wild fish. The contribution of gravid L. salmonis at Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms to populations of L. salmonis larvae in the water column has in the past been based on estimated parameters, such as louse fecundity. This present study augments these calculations by combining empirical data on densities of infective L. salmonis copepodids in the field with estimates of the number of gravid L. salmonis on farmed and wild salmonids in Loch Torridon. Data collected between 2002 and 2007 show a significant correlation between mean densities of L. salmonis copepodids recovered in the water column and the numbers of gravid L. salmonis at the local salmon farms. Generally, the farms with greatest numbers of salmon were observed to have stronger correlations with densities of copepodids in the water than the farms with fewer fish. The study suggests that louse management approaches, e.g. treatment trigger levels, need to take account of individual farm biomass, or numbers of fish. This study highlights the importance of control of L. salmonis on salmon farms for the co-existence of both wild salmonid populations and the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

The migratory behaviour of adult wild and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., before, during after spawning in the River Namsen, Norway, was analysed using radio telemetry. The fish were caught, radio tagged and released into the fjord between 7 and 25 km from the river mouth. A significantly higher proportion of wild (74%) than farmed (43%) salmon was subsequently recorded in the river. Wild salmon (33%) were more frequently captured in the sea and in rivers than farmed salmon (14%). The migration speed from release to passing a data logger 11 km upstream from the river mouth was not significantly different between wild (20.6 km day?1) and farmed (19.8 km day?1) salmon. Wild salmon tagged when water flow in the river was increasing had a significantly higher migration speed than wild salmon tagged when water flow was decreasing. This was not true for farmed salmon. Farmed salmon were distributed significantly higher up the river than wild salmon during spawning, although both types of fish were found together in spawning areas. Thus, there was no geographical isolation to prevent spawning between wild and escaped farmed salmon. Farmed salmon had significantly more and longer up- and downstream movements than wild salmon during the spawning period. Unlike farmed salmon, the number of riverine movements by wild salmon increased significantly when variation in water flow increased. A smaller proportion of wild (9%) than farmed (77%) salmon survived through the winter after spawning.  相似文献   

Abstract  The prevalence of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the River Ewe, western Scotland, was assessed. After the establishment of smolt cages in the catchment and marine cages near the river mouth during 1986–1987, approximately 425 000 parr and smolts, and 122 000 growers have escaped. Between 1987 and 2001, farmed salmon occurred in the rod fishery in 13 of the 15 years, contributing at least 5.8% of the total catch, with a maximum annual frequency of 27.1%. It was estimated that <1% of fish escaping from the marine cages entered the river, but contributed at least 27% of potential anadromous spawners in 1997. Radiotagged, farmed fish in 2001 probably spawned in three subcatchments also used by tagged wild fish. Despite the likelihood of hybridisation there was no change in the median weight or marine age of wild fish, but smolt age decreased significantly ( P  < 0.02). The Ewe has a depleted wild salmon population (≤900 anadromous adults), and further genetic introgression by escapees should be prevented.  相似文献   

Local fishermen in several areas of Norway assert that salmon farms have caused the wild migrating cod to change their migratory behaviour, so that they no longer enter their natural spawning grounds in the fjords. If the asserted changes in behaviour of wild cod populations can be linked to establishment of salmon farms, water-soluble odorants are then possible candidates to explain such a connection. Chemical stimulants are important to the individual fish's conception of the surrounding environment. High density stocks of fish in a farm are expected to release large amounts of waterborne information. The present laboratory experiments were conducted to test behavioural responses in Atlantic cod exposed to water containing metabolites and waste from farmed salmon. The trials were conducted on single fish in a multiple chamber preference system. The results show that migrating wild Atlantic cod chose to spend more time in chambers without addition of water from the salmon tank, regardless of their maturation status, and even at very low concentrations (0.2%). The avoidance is probably due to presence of chemical compounds with olfactory properties from salmon, since anosmic cod did not elicit such response. Farmed cod, on the other hand, does not avoid water from the salmon tank, and stationary wild cod caught nearby a fish farm had a less pronounced response as compared to wild migrating cod. The response seen is not species specific, as wild migrating cod responded similar to water from a tank holding farmed cod as to water from salmon. These results do not preclude fishermen's observations that cod change their behaviour in areas with fish farming activity. Such a change in behaviour could be a response to water-soluble odorants, but needs to be validated and detailed in further laboratory experiments as well as in nature before any conclusions can be made.  相似文献   

Run timing of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar vs. wild fish was compared by the use of video camera surveillance in 15 rivers over several years, covering 1600 km of the Norwegian coastline (from 58°N to 69°N). Annual runs of wild salmon varied among rivers from <200 fish to more than 10 000. During the surveillance period that for most rivers extended from late May to early October, larger‐sized salmon (fish ≥ 65 cm) generally entered the rivers earlier than small fish. The percentage of salmon identified as escaped farmed fish ranged from 0.1% to 17% across rivers with an average of 4.3%. Estimates of escapees are, however, assumed to represent minimum values because an unknown number of farmed fish passing the video cameras may have been misclassified as wild fish. By the use of a linear mixed model and generalised additive mixed models, it was found that the relationship between run timing and fish length differed significantly between farmed and wild salmon. While small‐sized farmed and wild fish (<65 cm) entered the river at about the same time, wild large salmon returned on average 1–2 weeks earlier than similarly sized escapees. The proportion of large‐sized farmed escapees also increased until late August and decreased thereafter. In contrast, there was a relatively constant and lower proportion of small‐sized escapees throughout the season. Within the surveillance period, there was no evidence of any exceptionally late runs of fish classified as escaped farmed salmon.  相似文献   

Farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, frequently escape from the aquaculture industry and interact with wild populations. The impact of these interactions on the wild populations will depend, in part, on differences in their performances. This study compared the swimming and cardiac performance of farmed salmon (Aquagen) with their founder population from the River Namsen both before and after gamete stripping. Cardiac output (CO), heart rate (HR), and stroke volume (SV), which were measured by placing Doppler flow probes around the ventral aorta of the fish, increased with exercise, but the response did not significantly differ between farmed and wild salmon. Similarly, the swimming performance of wild salmon never significantly differed from the farmed salmon. The overall similarity in swimming and cardiac performance between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon observed in the present study suggests that cultured salmon may have the ability to be competitive with the wild salmon in native waters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The present study aimed to investigate functional changes of the kidney in mature masu salmon. The urine flow rate (UFR), kidney-somatic index (KSI), and epithelial cell height of second proximal convoluted segment of renal tubules were examined in mature and immature masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou . Two methods of calculating UFR were made as either the units per body weight, or body weight without gonads. The former calculation using body weight may be used for comparison between data obtained from immature fish, and the latter method was suitable when comparing mature sexes and assessing the transition from immature to finally mature stages. In both calculations of UFR, KSI, and epithelial cell height of the second proximal segment, the values for mature fish were significantly higher than for immature fish. These results first suggest that functional transition of the kidney occurs in maturing fish.  相似文献   

Little is known about the survival rate of wild masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou. To examine the effects of smolt length and migration timing on the recovery rate of wild masu salmon, we reanalyzed past tagging and recovery data (1993–1994). The tagging study was conducted in the Shokanbetsu River, northern Japan; 863 wild masu salmon smolts were captured, tagged, and released in a downstream site, and a total of 19 fish were recovered in coastal fisheries and in the natal river the following year. The data were analyzed by a logistic regression analysis with recapture as a response variable and tagging date and smolt length as explanatory variables; the tagging date had a significant effect on the recapture rate, whereas the effect of smolt size was not significant. Despite the small number of recaptures, this study indicates that migration timing is a factor affecting the marine survival of wild masu salmon smolts, although this conclusion has been repeatedly documented for other species of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp.  相似文献   

Densities of wild masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou Brevoort, were investigated before (late-September) and after (mid-November) autumnal habitat shifts in a small river in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Abundance of instream cover habitat formed by coarse woody debris, submerged vegetation and undercut banks was quantified. Density of 1+ and older masu salmon was significantly correlated with cover abundance in autumn, although cover was not significant for density of 0+ fish, indicating that clear-cut reaches were utilized by 0+ masu salmon in autumn. In early winter, densities of 0+ and 1+ and older masu salmon were both correlated with cover availability. These results suggest that the amount of cover habitat is an important regulator for densities of juvenile masu salmon during winter.  相似文献   

Using mark-recapture methods, the movements of the fluvial form of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) in a mountain stream on the island of Kyushu, Japan, were studied. Most (78%) of the masu salmon were recaptured in the pool in which they had been originally caught and tagged. Of those that moved between pools, the proportion of individuals that moved during the breeding period was not significantly higher than the proportion that moved during the non-breeding period. However, during the breeding period, a higher proportion of larger salmon moved than did smaller fish. The proportion of mobile large males during breeding period was higher than that for small males. Also, it was found that a few individuals showed long-range movement in the autumn. As a long-term movement, 78 individual fish (65%) that were recaptured more than three times showed high sedentary tendencies. Sixteen individual mobile fish (13%) moved and returned to the original pool. Fluvial form of masu salmon in Kyushu show a high sedentary nature; however, large mature males seem to actively move in search of female during breeding period.  相似文献   

Abstract. To estimate the proportion of escaped fanned Atlantic salmon. Salmo salar L., at the feeding grounds in the north-east Atlantic Ocean, samples of salmon caught with long-lines north of the Faroe Islands were examined. Identification of reared fish was carried out using scale analysis. The proportion of fanned fish was estimated to range from 25 to 48% in the different samples, suggesting that high numbers of escaped farmed salmon occur in the Norwegian Sea. The farmed fish were significantly smaller in size than the wild salmon. Although it is suggested that most of the farmed fish are of Norwegian origin, farmed fish of Scottish, Faroese and Irish origin are also believed to be present. If not accounted for, high numbers of reared salmon in fisheries and stocks will seriously affect the assessments of fisheries and stocks of wild salmon.  相似文献   

Thousands of Scottish wild fish were screened for pathogens by Marine Scotland Science. A systematic review of published and unpublished data on six key pathogens (Renibacterium salmoninarum, Aeromonas salmonicida, IPNV, ISAV, SAV and VHSV) found in Scottish wild and farmed fish was undertaken. Despite many reported cases in farmed fish, there was a limited number of positive samples from Scottish wild fish, however, there was evidence for interactions between wild and farmed fish. A slightly elevated IPNV prevalence was reported in wild marine fish caught close to Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms that had undergone clinical IPN. Salmonid alphavirus was isolated from wild marine fish caught near Atlantic salmon farms with a SAV infection history. Isolations of VHSV were made from cleaner wrasse (Labridae) used on Scottish Atlantic salmon farms and VHSV was detected in local wild marine fish. However, these pathogens have been detected in wild marine fish caught remotely from aquaculture sites. These data suggest that despite the large number of samples taken, there is limited evidence for clinical disease in wild fish due to these pathogens (although BKD and furunculosis historically occurred) and they are likely to have had a minimal impact on Scottish wild fish.  相似文献   

The aquatic orthomyxovirus infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) causes a severe disease in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Although some ISA outbreaks are caused by horizontal transmission of virus between farms, the source and reservoir of the virus is largely unknown and a wild host has been hypothesized. Atlantic salmon are farmed in open net‐pens, allowing transmission of pathogens from wild fish and the surrounding environment to the farmed fish. In this study, a large number of fish species were investigated for ISAV host potential. For orthomyxoviruses, a specific receptor binding is the first requirement for infection; thus, the fish species were investigated for the presence of the ISAV receptor. The receptor was found to be widely distributed across the fish species. All salmonids expressed the receptor. However, only some of the cod‐like and perch‐like fish did, and all flat fish were negative. In the majority of the positive species, the receptor was found on endothelial cells and/or on red blood cells. The study forms a basis for further investigations and opens up the possibility for screening species to determine whether a wild host of ISAV exists.  相似文献   

Total aggression and individual behavioural traits of equal-sized juveniles of farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. selected for five generations in the Norwegian Breeding Programme for Salmonids and a wild strain originating from the River Rauma, Norway, were compared in pure (10 fish) and mixed (5 + 5 fish) groups. Total aggression was defined as the sum of the following five offensive behaviour patterns: intentional movements, lateral display, frontal display, charge and bite. Experiments were carried out in 2-m2 tanks with either a grey fibreglass substrate (pure and mixed groups) or diagonally divided into a fibreglass and river cobble substrate (mixed groups only). In mixed groups kept on a fibreglass substrate, the aggressive behaviour directed by wild salmon towards farmed salmon was more frequent than the reverse (84.2 and 27.0 aggressive acts h–1, respectively, P < 0.025). Total aggression was not significantly different between wild and farmed juveniles in tanks with divided substrate. The aggressive behaviour of wild and farmed salmon was significantly increased when kept in tanks with fibreglass substrates (437%, P < 0.005, and 296%, P < 0.05 respectively). Pure groups of either wild or farmed salmon kept on a fibreglass substrate exhibited similar frequencies of total aggression (85.7 and 101.6 0 aggressive acts h–1, respectively, P > 0.1) and single behaviour patterns. The aggressive behaviour of farmed offspring was not influenced by vertical distribution in the tanks with a fibreglass substrate. Farmed salmon tended to position pelagically (78%) and used the water column more frequently than wild salmon (19%), whereas wild salmon hid more. It is concluded that social interactions among groups of juvenile Atlantic salmon are influenced by substrate.  相似文献   

Heart morphology is particularly plastic in teleosts and differs between farmed and wild Atlantic salmon. However, little is known about how different culture practices and sex affect heart morphology. This study investigated how vaccination, triploidy and sex affected heart size and heart morphology (ventricle shape, angle of the bulbus arteriosus) in farmed Atlantic salmon for 18 months following vaccination (from c. 50–3000 g body weight). In addition, hearts were examined histologically after 7 months in sea water. All fish sampled were sexually immature. Vaccinated fish had significantly heavier hearts relative to body weight and a more triangular ventricle than unvaccinated fish, suggesting a greater cardiac workload. Irrespective of time, triploids had significantly heavier hearts relative to body weight, a more acute angle of the bulbus arteriosus and less fat deposition in the epicardium than diploids. The ventricle was also more triangular in triploids than diploids at seawater transfer. Sex had transient effects on the angle of the bulbus arteriosus, but no effect on relative heart weight or ventricle shape. From a morphological perspective, the results indicate that vaccination and triploidy increase cardiac workload in farmed Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract –  To examine whether or not sex-specific growth occurs in fry of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou , 90 half-sibling fry chosen from three different classes of egg size (small, medium and large) and emergence time (period from fertilisation to first feeding; early, middle and late) were raised in a tank for 60 days. In all four replications, male fry grew faster than females. The difference in growth between sexes was greater among siblings hatched from larger eggs. Fast-growing, young male masu salmon show a precocious form that tends to mature without migrating to sea. Slower growing males tend to show the anadromous form, which is only shown in females. Sex-specific life histories may influence the sex-specific growth patterns during early life history.  相似文献   

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