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固原县从1980年开始对红豆草(Ono-brychis viciaefolia)进行引种试验,通过试验观测和生产实践证明,这种牧草适应在宁夏南部黄土丘陵沟壑区种植,也能用于改良天然草原。目前固原县已培植人工草地2100亩,为畜牧业生产建设提供了一定的物质基础。一、栽培技术红豆草的根系发达,主根入土很深,因此在播前一年要深耕整地,蓄水保墒,  相似文献   

以Landsat TM影像为数据源,借助3S技术的一体化集成平台,利用典型区调查和路线调查数据,结合相关专业图件和知识,完成了肃州区天然草地类型划分、植被指数提取、草地产草量估产模型构建及产量估测.将肃州区天然草地划分为3个草地类(8个亚类),4个草地组,10个草地型,确定肃州区天然草地面积为16.83万hm2,理论载畜量3.86万个羊单位,并对其利用现状进行了评价,为肃州区天然草地资源合理规划、保护、建设和利用提供了依据.  相似文献   

在简述了扎兰屯市天然草地资源概况的基础上,重点分析了该市草地利用状况,根据草地的载畜量以及草地利用状况,将全市的草地划分为草地超载退化区,畜草基本平衡区,少畜富草区;对不同区域的草地提出了合理利用建议。  相似文献   

多年生香豌豆在黄土高原地区的引种栽培试验   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过贸易购买方式从美国引进优良牧草-多年生香豌豆,在黄土高原地区进行引种栽培试验。多年生香豌豆引种后的适应性很强,适生中心区为黄土高塬沟壑区、黄土丘陵沟壑区一副区、二副区、三副区和冲积平原区;一般适生区为黄土丘陵沟壑区四副区、五副区;适生边缘区为黄土丘陵沟壑区五副区。其生长迅速,产草量很高,产草量鲜重可达80t/hm^2,为紫花苜蓿的2倍以上;生态经济利用价值很高,粗蛋白含量为27.92%,粗脂肪为3.16%,适口性好;枝叶氮、磷、钾含量高,特别是通过其根瘤的固氮作用,可以很好地促进与其间作的林木快速生长;草层茂密,根系发达,水土保持作用很好;栽培技术简便易行,在饲料、园林以及水土保持等方面具有广阔的推广前景。  相似文献   

<正>草地是涵养水源、防风固沙、保持水土的重要生态屏障以及畜牧业的重要生产基地。发展人工种草对调整农业产业结构、保障畜产品安全、促进农民增收致富、推进乡村振兴战略的实施、改善生态环境等方面有重要意义。一、草产业发展的有利条件1.优越的自然资源。榆阳区位于陕西省北部、榆林市中部,毛乌素沙漠和黄土丘陵沟壑区交接地带,地势北高南低,海拔870~1400米,境内以明长城为界,沿北为风沙草滩区,约占总面积的75%;沿南属丘陵沟壑区,约占25%。多晴少雨,昼夜温差较大,处于内陆干草原自然地理带,属寒温带半干旱季风区,年平均气温8.8℃,无霜期155天,年降水量420毫米,年均蒸发量1905毫米。根  相似文献   

甘肃省坡耕地利用状况与退耕还林还草技术对策研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
邸利  岳淑芳 《草业科学》2003,20(11):32-35
对甘肃省坡耕地的利用状况及其退耕的可行性进行了较为全面的分析,按照因地制宜的原则,将退耕区域划分为陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区、陇东黄土台塬区、山高坡陡的陇南山区与河西防风固沙区四大区,并就各区退耕后的还林还草方式进行了具体的论证,提出了15°~25°和25°以上坡耕地退耕还林还草的具体技术对策。  相似文献   

广东地区地毯草野生种质资源调查及生态特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对广东地区地毯草野生种质资源的分布区域,群落组成以及生态特性等进行了调查和研究,结果表明:地毯草在广东的分布除了三连地区没有发现外,其他各地区都有分布。自然分布的地毯草群落主要分布于潮湿的河滩地、沟旁、路边、田坎、丘陵山地、山坡林地以及山谷地带,土壤pH 4.24~5.97。根据生境特点初步将地毯草野生种质资源划分为河滩草地型,疏林灌丛草地型和丘陵坡地型3种。地毯草群落结构中主要的优势植物种有竹节草、狗牙根、假俭草、双穗雀稗、两耳草以及百花地胆头等,其中以地毯草+竹节草+双穗雀稗和地毯草+竹节草+狗牙根两种群落组成类型较多。地毯草的耐旱、耐寒性一般,但具有非常好的耐淹、耐热、耐荫性以及耐贫瘠能力。地毯草丰富的群落特点和生态特性为培育有自主独立产权的地毯草新品种(品系)提供了有利的资源条件。  相似文献   

草畜产业就是以草资源和畜资源为基本生产资料进行生产经营的行业,是在保护利用天然草原、培植利用人工草地以及畜禽种质资源的基础上,通过保护、生产、加工、利用、流通等手段,进行牧草生产、畜产品生产以及草地生物多种用途开发,产生综合效益的行业。现就同心县草畜产业发展的不利因素作以简要分析,并提出相应对策,供同行的参考。  相似文献   

化隆县天然草地资源利用现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对化隆县天然草地资源的调查,发现牲畜超载过牧,利用不合理,草地退化严重,建议通过优化天然草地生产结构,实施退牧还草工程,划片轮牧,加大灭鼠力度,巩固草地使用权,天然草地改良,加强法制建设,实现草畜平衡,使天然草地资源得到合理利用,从而达到天然草地生态保护与畜牧业可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

文章从宜建人工草地适宜性及经济社会区位角度出发,结合地区生产特点,将人工草地布局划分为建设区和中心建设区;在建设上分为3个结构层面布局:一是以牧区圈窝种草和农村饲草料地为基础建设家庭式自用型草产品经营户,二是以弃耕地、劣等地为基础建设全区性草产品生产基地,三是可改良型天然草地为基础建设地域性草产品生产基地。  相似文献   

Monitoring of forage utilization typically occurs at sample locations, or key areas, selected for their presumed potential to represent utilization across pastures. However, utilization can vary greatly across landscapes and may not be well represented by traditional ground-based sampling without great effort. Remote sensing from satellite and manned airborne platforms offers spatial coverage at landscape scale, but their poor spatial resolution (satellite) and cost (manned airborne) may limit their use in monitoring forage utilization. High-resolution photogrammetric point clouds obtained from small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) represent an appealing alternative. We developed a method to estimate utilization by observing the height reduction of herbaceous plants represented by 3-dimensional point clouds. We tested our method in a semiarid savanna in southern Arizona by comparing utilization estimates with ground-based methods after a month-long grazing duration. In six plots, we found strong correlation between imagery and ground-based estimates (r2 = 0.78) and similar average estimate of utilization of across all plots (ground-based = 18%, imagery = 20%). With a few workflow and technological improvements, we think it is feasible to estimate point cloud utilization over the entire pasture (150 ha) and potentially even larger areas. These improvements include optimizing the number of images collected and used, equipping drones with more accurate global navigation satellite systems (e.g., Global Positioning System), and processing images with cloud-based parallel processing. We show proof of concept to provide confident estimates of forage utilization patterns over large pastures and landscapes, at levels of spatial precision that are consistent with ground-based methods. The adoption of drone-based monitoring of utilization of forage on rangelands could follow the paradigm shift already demonstrated by Global Positioning Systems and Geographic information systems technologies, where the initial high computing costs were reduced, use became the norm, and the availability of more precise spatial patterns was applied to prescribe and evaluate management practices.  相似文献   

Novel concepts and tools to promote progress in grazing science and management need to incorporate heterogeneity and nonlinear scaling of spatially and temporally distributed ecological interactions such as diet selection, defoliation, and plant growth. Traditional grazing management factors are number of animals, species and category of animals, spatial distribution of forage demand, and temporal distribution of forage demand. These traditional methods have been based on a paradigm that is static, assumes equilibrium conditions, and does not consider scaling issues, neither in time nor in space. Three related issues that can contribute to the progress in the understanding and management of grazing systems are spatial heterogeneity, event-driven dynamics, and scaling effects. Spatial heterogeneity of species and defoliation determine pasture stability by modulating competition and response to heterogeneous defoliation. When pasture species are well mixed, livestock are less able to select their preferred diet. When species are separated into larger and more easily identifiable patches, the selected diet approaches the preferred one. Simultaneously, patchiness in pasture components and redistribution of nutrients by grazing can lend global compositional stability to grass–clover pastures. Grazing at high animal density can be studied using the paradigm of event-driven dynamics. Several mechanisms suggest that grazing systems should have allometric spatial and temporal scaling in addition to the well-recognized allometric scaling of food requirements with body mass. Grazing system performance should scale allometrically with pasture size because both resource distribution and animal movements frequently have fractal properties. As pasture size increases, fewer hierarchical levels of grazing behavior are constrained, and the new spatial patterns introduce nonlinearity in the response to pasture size. Operant conditioning of foraging behavior, conditioned aversions, plant spatial pattern, pasture size and shape, timing and duration of grazing periods, and number of animals are discussed as precision tools to manage grazing systems.  相似文献   

Intensive pastures form an important component of livestock production systems in South Africa. The sustainability and environmental impact of intensive pastures via their effects on soil properties and nutrient fluxes vary considerably depending on the systems adopted. Soil organic C and N data from various pasture systems provide evidence of a rapid decline in organic matter levels under annual pastures, particularly on coarse or medium‐textured soils. This evidence, coupled with the vulnerability of annual pastures to soil erosion during establishment, places their sustainability at risk. Soil acidification, accelerated by the use of nitrogenous fertilizers, must be counteracted by liming to ensure the sustainability of pasture systems. Phosphorus and K, both relatively immobile in pasture top soils, are not susceptible to much loss. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is susceptible to both gaseous and leaching losses. Balanced fertilization may limit N losses and soil acidification by ensuring more efficient plant utilization of this element. Research priorities indicated are the development of systems that enhance the sustainability of annual pastures, and the improvement of the efficiency of soil and fertilizer N usage in both annual and perennial intensive pastures.  相似文献   

Best management practices for equine pastures include following the recommended stocking density, rotating, clipping, dragging manure, soil testing, and renovating as needed. Assuming these practices are implemented collectively, pasture resources can contribute significantly to annual forage needs. A survey was mailed to New Jersey pasture property owners in January 2000 to assess pasture management practices and determine the relationship between the recommended stocking density and individual management practices. Our survey indicates that many horse pasture managers follow individual recommendations, but generally do not implement multiple management practices. About 69% of survey respondents currently have between 0 and 20 horses. About 28% of respondents have between 6 and 10 acres of pasture, while only 20% have between 11 and 20 acres. Our analysis reveals a decreasing tendency to follow the recommended stocking density as horse numbers increase, but no difference as the number of acres of pasture changes. Our survey indicated that 66% soil test and about 45% fertilize every three years or greater while 50% lime pastures in intervals exceeding three years. The most commonly implemented management practice is mowing pastures (89%), while 54% of respondents rotate pastures. Despite the large proportion of managers that mow or rotate their pastures, there was generally only a small likelihood of these managers following the recommended stocking density and mowing, and no relationship between rotating and the recommended stocking density. Our results also indicate that at most about one-third of pasture managers have access to or own some piece of equipment used in pasture renovation or maintenance, although 92% make annual pasture expenditures. Consequently, pasture managers need additional information regarding the benefits of following best management practices to achieve the synergistic effect of multiple management practices on pasture productivity and persistence.  相似文献   

Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution of water resources may occur from congregation of cattle near streams or ponds. Therefore, relationships of physical characteristics, shade distribution, and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) prevalence in cool-season grass pastures to the temporal/spatial distribution of grazing cattle were evaluated in two studies on beef cow/calf farms. Global positioning system (GPS) collars recorded the location of 2–3 cows per pasture at 10-min intervals for 5–14 d in the spring, summer, and fall annually. Pasture botanical composition was visually assessed annually. In Study 1, cow location was recorded on five pastures ranging in size from 13 ha to 125 ha with 1.9–3.8% of the pasture area in a stream or pond (water source) and 2–30% of the pasture area within 30.5 m of the water source (waterside zone) for 3 yr. Shade covered 27–73% of the pasture area with 3–64% of shade located within waterside zone. In Study 2, cow location was recorded in three pastures with areas of 8 ha, 10 ha, and 15 ha with 17.8%, 43.4%, and 14.7% of the total area and 28%, 73%, and 68% of the total shade in the waterside zone for 1 yr. In Study 1, proportions of cow observations within the waterside zone increased with decreasing pasture area (r2 = 0.61) and increasing proportions of the total pasture area (r2 = 0.37) and shade (r2 = 0.29) within the waterside zone. In Study 2, proportion of cow observations in the waterside zone increased as the proportion of total area (r2 = 0.62) and shade (r2 = 0.42) in the waterside zone increased. Results imply more restrictive measures to minimize the risks of NPS pollution of water resources may be most effective in smaller and narrow pastures.  相似文献   

小哨示范牧场的草场是1983年和1984年在澳大利亚专家的指导下建植的,共有改良草场367hm2,现已发展到567hm2。本文总结了该草场建植和管理的成功经验,以利于相似地区所借鉴。其主要经验有:1、多种生态型和多种寿命的牧草用于放牧草场改良;2、豆科牧草与禾本科牧草的混播组合及比例要相对稳定;3、要施予合理的定植肥和维持肥;4、载畜量要合理;5、因地制宜进行草场更新复壮。  相似文献   

齐素芳 《草业科学》2012,29(3):495-498
岷县地处秦岭、黄土高原和青藏高原的交汇带。本研究通过分析其草产业现状,指出岷县草产业发展主要存在天然草地退化严重、栽培草地管理粗放和特色草产业加工技术不完善的问题,提出岷县草产业今后发展的方向是分区管理和分类经营,从建立草地生态补偿基金、发展草地观光旅游业、提高栽培草地生产力、提高草地资源的利用效率和培训农民能手等方面提出了岷县草产业的发展策略。  相似文献   

The fire-grazing interaction is well studied in mesic grasslands worldwide, but research is limited in semiarid systems. We examined the principal drivers and feedbacks of the fire-grazing interaction on the strength of cattle grazing selection, herbaceous biomass, crude protein, and vegetation structure and composition in two pastures in the Northern Great Plains. Cattle showed significant preference, use, and grazing utilization in recently burned patches that declined as time since fire increased. Cattle selection was driven by significantly increased crude protein in recent burns. Grazing utilization of 70% in patches with < 1 yr after fire established low herbaceous biomass, but the extent to which it was maintained varied with precipitation. Herbaceous biomass increased to nonburned levels 2 yr after fire, and crude protein decreased to nonburned levels 120 d after fire. Species composition was influenced primarily by site and year, though bare ground and litter were influenced by the fire-grazing interaction. Our data indicate that mixed-grass prairies of the Northern Great Plains are resilient to the fire-grazing interaction and that rest from grazing following fire is likely ecologically unnecessary. The use of the fire-grazing interaction is an alternative management strategy suitable for the Northern Great Plains, effectively increasing heterogeneity of grassland habitat.  相似文献   

Monoculture and mixed pastures in Florida provide habitat for a variety of resident and migratory bird species. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of grazing on vegetation structure and bird species richness and abundance in grazed monoculture and mixed pastures. Study pasture units were subject to four cattle grazing intensities: 0 = nongrazed (control), 15 = low, 20 = medium, or 35 = high animal units (AU) per pasture unit (no cattle, 1.3, 1.0, and 0.6 ha · AU?1, on monoculture pastures and no cattle, 2.1, 1.6, and 0.9 ha · AU?1, on mixed pastures). Monoculture pastures displayed a greater decrease in spatial heterogeneity of the vegetative community in the presence of grazing than mixed pastures. An increase in grazing intensity led to declines in total avian species richness and abundance and species richness within short-distance migrant, neotropical migrant, and permanent resident guilds on monoculture pastures. Declines in total species richness and abundance and neotropical migrant guild species richness and abundance were observed on mixed pastures subject to increasing grazing intensity. However, species richness within short-distance migrant and urban guilds and abundance within the grassland guild increased on this pasture type in the presence of grazing. Loss of spatial heterogeneity typically results in a lack of suitable habitat for birds that occupy the extremes of the vegetation structure gradient. This can lead to a loss of species richness and abundance. For the majority of avian guilds, a low grazing intensity of 1.3 ha · AU?1 and 2.1 ha · AU?1 on monoculture and mixed pasture, respectively, is recommended to maintain abundance. However, these grazing intensities may result in declines in species richness. Ultimately, if a range of avian species are to be supported on monoculture and mixed pastures, spatial heterogeneity of plant structure and composition must be maintained.  相似文献   

文章以云贵高原的人工草地为研究对象,分析了草地资源分布的时空特征及增长动态,运用生物控制论方法组建了牧草资源种群保护性利用的最大持续产量模型,并以试验为例,确定了具体的保护指标与放牧管理措施,研究了单播人工草地的最优控制模型与放牧对策,进行了相应的定量分析。  相似文献   

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