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<正>小麦纹枯病又称尖眼斑(点)病,是由禾谷丝核菌(Rhizoctonia cerealis)和立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)引起的一种以土壤传播为主的小麦真菌病害~([1])。引起小麦纹枯病的病原菌主要是禾谷丝核菌的第一菌丝融合群(CAG-1)~([2~4])。在自然条件下,病原菌首先侵染寄主植株基部叶鞘,随着  相似文献   

河南省小麦纹枯病菌对三唑酮的敏感性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
正小麦纹枯病是一种世界分布的土传真菌病害。近年来该病在我国冬小麦种植区发生普遍,已成为小麦高产、稳产的重大障碍~([1])。河南省是我国小麦主产区之一,近几年小麦纹枯病的发生面积连续在300万hm~2左右,危害严重~([2])。目前,尚未发现高抗纹枯病的小麦品种,控制该病害主要依靠药剂种子处理结合春季喷雾来进行,所用药剂包括井冈霉素和以三唑酮为代表的三唑类化学药剂。随着  相似文献   

正小麦叶锈病是一种重要的小麦病害,培育和种植抗病品种是最为经济有效的防治方法。我国在小麦抗病育种工作中引入了1BL/1RS易位系,已知小麦抗病基因Lr26、Pm8、Yr9和Sr31均位于1BL/1RS易位系上~([1])。然而目前Lr26已丧失抗性~([2]),所以育种过程中需要谨慎考虑Lr26的使用。Lr19来源于长穗偃麦草~([3]),在我国目前为有效的  相似文献   

高粱链格孢叶斑病病原鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正高粱是世界上重要的禾谷类作物之一,仅次于小麦、水稻、玉米和大麦,居第五位~([1])。高粱也是我国最早栽培的作物之一。在生产上,高粱病害是制约产量提高的重要因素。目前己报道的高粱病害有60余种~([2]),较普遍发生的有15种~([3])。2014年,在内蒙古民族大学农场发现一种新病害,在农场种植的  相似文献   

藜麦霜霉病病原菌鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正藜麦原产于南美洲的安第斯山地区,具有适应恶劣环境的特性,在美洲、欧洲、亚洲、澳洲等地都有种植~([1])。联合国粮农组织推荐为适宜人类食用的"全营养食品"~([2,3])。我国的藜麦产业起步晚,2008年山西省最早实现了规模化种植藜麦~([4])。2016年山西省藜麦面积约5307hm~2,其中山西省  相似文献   

综合遥感与气象信息的小麦白粉病监测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>小麦白粉病是小麦生产过程中的主要病害之一,常在小麦生育后期爆发,造成严重的减产和品质降低。对该病的准确监测是植保工作的一个重点,对病害的有效防治具有重要意义~([1,2])。近年来,遥感数据的空间连续观察能力及其包含的丰富信息引起作物病害监测领域的广泛关  相似文献   

陕西石榴枝条干腐病的病原鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正石榴干腐病是我国石榴生产中的重要病害,主要危害花器、果实和枝干,造成落花落果、枝干枯死,严重制约石榴产业发展~([1])。陕西临潼是我国石榴五大主产区之一,石榴干腐病非常严重。本实验室自2007年开始研究陕西石榴干腐病的病原菌及其防控,曾于2011年报道陕西临潼石榴果实干腐病(脓包果)是由石榴垫壳孢菌(Coniella granati)引起~([2]),这与希腊~([3])、韩国~([4])等关于该病病原菌的报道一致。近年来发现石榴枝条干腐病在该地区的发生也非常严  相似文献   

正小麦纹枯病和小麦全蚀病是河南省小麦生产上重要的土传病害,发病面积分别在300万和30万hm~2~([1,2])。近年来,由于小麦高产栽培措施(早播、密植、高肥)的推广,以及气候条件适宜、农机跨区作业等原因,两种病害的发生面积日益增大,  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌转主寄主小檗的离体叶片接种培养鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正近年,小檗(Berberis)被鉴定是小麦条锈菌的转主寄主,从而发现了小麦条锈菌存在有性生殖,使得研究条锈菌与转主寄主小檗相关的生物学、遗传学成为可能。小麦条锈菌(Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp. tritici Erikss. et Henn.)是活体营养的专性寄生物,只能在活体上侵染繁殖。当前,小檗对小麦条锈菌感病性的测定只能在活体上进行~([1])。种子繁殖和扦插繁殖两种途径繁殖小檗均耗时较长~([2]),影响利用小檗进行小麦条锈菌相关研究。利用离体叶片接种病原菌测定或繁殖已在  相似文献   

正病毒病是引起甘薯品质降低和减产的重要原因之一,现已报道30多种能侵染甘薯的病毒~([1,2])。山东省是甘薯种植大省,病毒种类近10种~([3,4])。甘薯羽状斑驳病毒(Sweet potato feathery mottle virus,SPFM V)、甘薯潜隐病毒(Sweet potato latent virus,SPLV)是为害甘薯的主要病毒,在全国甘薯种植区广泛分布~([5,6])。甘薯病毒2(Sweet potato virus 2,SPV2)为Potyvirus的一个暂定种,多与同属的其他病毒混合侵染~([7])。多重PCR技术由Chamberian等~([8])1988年首次提出,可实现多基因的同时扩增,具有节省时间、提高效率的优点,已初  相似文献   

 为了揭示苜蓿轮枝菌Verticillium alfalfae的生物学特性及其致病机理,在室内条件下测定不同温度、pH值、碳源和氮源对菌株Ms198的生长速率和产孢量的影响,同时利用农杆菌转化法(Agrobactirium tumfacience-mediated transformant,ATMT)将带有潮霉素(Hygromycin,Hyg)抗性标记和绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)报告基因的双元载体转入苜蓿轮枝菌的分生孢子,获得147株阳性转化子,以野生型菌株为对照,对挑取的15株阳性转化子的菌落形态、生长速率、产孢量、孢子萌发率、粗毒素分泌量和致病力进行研究。结果表明,苜蓿轮枝菌具有较宽的温度和酸碱度适应范围,最适生长和产孢温度分别为25 ℃和20 ℃,最适生长pH值为6 ~ 9,最适产孢pH值为9。可以利用多种碳、氮源,最适生长的碳、氮源分别为可溶性淀粉和牛肉膏,最适产孢的碳、氮源分别为D-牛乳糖和胰蛋白胨。与野生型菌株相比,15株供试转化子中有66.67%的转化子在菌落形态方面与野生型菌株无明显差别,而其生长速率、产孢量和孢子萌发率均有不同程度的降低。在产毒能力和致病力方面,1株转化子的粗毒素分泌量显著高于野生型菌株,9株显著低于野生型菌株,其余5株与野生型菌株无显著差异;4株转化子的致病力显著低于野生型菌株,其余11株转化子的致病力与野生型菌株均无显著差异。研究结果表明,转化子的生物学特性以及产毒能力和致病力,随外源基因插入位点的随机性而有所变化。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The intensive use of site-specific fungicides in agricultural production provides a potent selective mechanism for increasing the frequency of fungicide-resistant isolates in pathogen populations. Practical resistance occurs when the frequency and levels of resistance are great enough to limit the effectiveness of disease control in the field. Cherry leaf spot (CLS), caused by the fungus Blumeriella jaapii, is a major disease of cherry trees in the Great Lakes region. The site-specific sterol demethylation inhibitor fungicides (DMIs) have been used extensively in the region. In 2002, CLS control failed in a Michigan orchard that had used the DMI fenbuconazole exclusively for 8 years. That control failure and our observations from around the state suggested that practical resistance had developed in B. jaapii. Field trial data covering 1989 to 2005 for the DMIs fenbuconazole and tebuconazole supported observations of reduced efficacy of DMIs for controlling CLS. To verify the occurrence of fungicide-resistant B. jaapii, monoconidial isolates were collected in two surveys and tested using a fungicide-amended medium. In one survey, 137 isolates from sites with different DMI histories (no known history, mixed or alternated with other fungicides, and exclusive use) were tested against 12 concentrations of fenbuconazole, tebuconazole, myclobutanil, and fenarimol. Isolates from sites with no prior DMI use were DMI sensitive (DMI(S) = no colony growth at 0.2 mug/ml a.i.) whereas the isolates from the site with prior exclusive use showed growth at DMI concentrations 3 to >100 times higher, and were rated as DMI resistant (DMI(R)). A second survey examined 1,530 monoconidial isolates, including 1,143 from 62 orchard sites in Michigan, where DMIs had been used to control CLS. Resistance to fenbuconazole was detected in 99.7% of the orchard isolates. All isolates from wild cherry trees were sensitive and isolates from feral and dooryard trees showed a range of sensitivities. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection method for identifying B. jaapii and DMI(R) was developed and tested. The species-specific primer pair (Bj-F and Bj-R) based on introns in the CYP51 gene of B. jaapii, and the DMI(R)-specific primer pair (DMI-R-Bj-F and DMI-R-Bj-R) based on an insert found upstream of CYP51 in all DMI(R) isolates, provided an accurate and rapid method for detecting DMI(R) B. jaapii. The PCR-based identification method will facilitate timely decision making and continued monitoring of DMI(R) subpopulations in response to management programs.  相似文献   

虫生真菌蝉拟青霉及其角变株的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蝉拟青霉GZUIFR-JZD3菌株在沙氏培养基上可产生孢子型(JZD3-C)和菌丝型(JZD3-M)两类不同的角变。为了进一步研究其差异,笔者比较了两个角变株与原始菌株(JZD3)在不同培养基上的生长及产孢量。研究了其对甘蓝蚜的致病性并测定了它们的胞外多糖、蛋白酶、蛋白质、SOD和POD的含量。结果表明:3个菌株形态差异较大,在多数培养基上,JZD3生长最快,产孢量最大;胞外多糖、SOD、POD含量以及对蚜虫致病率也是JZD3菌株最佳;而蛋白酶和蛋白质含量则分别是JZD3-C和JZD3-M较高。  相似文献   

 为明确灰葡萄孢BcPDR1基因与病菌cAMP信号途径中PKA编码基因BcPKA1BcPKA2BcPKAR之间的关系,利用Real-time PCR技术分析了BcPDR1基因突变对PKA编码基因BcPKA1BcPKA2BcPKAR表达的影响,以及PKA编码基因突变对BcPDR1基因表达的影响。结果发现,BcPDR1基因突变体中BcPKA1BcPKA2BcPKAR的表达水平均显著高于野生型和回复菌株,BcPKA1BcPKA2BcPKAR基因的RNAi突变体中BcPDR1基因表达水平显著低于野生型。我们分别构建了PKA编码基因BcPKA1BcPKA2BcPKAR在敲除突变体ΔBcpdr1中过表达的菌株ΔBcpdr1/BcPKA1-OE、ΔBcpdr1/BcPKA2-OE、ΔBcpdr1/BcPKAR-OE;对过表达菌株的表型和致病力进行分析发现,过表达菌株的菌落形态、菌核形成、菌丝形态、生长速率、产孢量和致病力均与突变体ΔBcpdr1表现显著的差异,而更接近野生型BC22的表型和致病力。结果表明,灰葡萄孢BcPDR1基因与PKA亚基基因BcPKA1BcPKA2BcPKAR的表达水平密切相关,BcPDR1基因负调控这3个基因的表达,而这3个基因对BcPDR1基因表达有正调控作用。本研究为进一步阐明灰葡萄孢BcPDR1基因调控病菌生长发育和致病力的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Cereal eyespot fungi Tapesia acuformis and Tapesia yallundae are closely related species which show different behaviours upon treatment with sterol 14-demethylase inhibitors (DMIs). T. acuformis is naturally resistant to DMIs belonging to the triazole family and susceptible to the imidazole ones, whilst T. yallundae is sensitive to both inhibitors. Cloning of the target enzyme gene, CYP51, from the two species revealed an important polymorphism between them. Further sequencing of CYP51 from sixteen T. acuformis and eleven T. yallundae strains with different phenotypes with regards to resistance to DMIs confirmed that at least eleven variations are species related. Among them, a conserved phenylalanine residue at position 180, found both in T. yallundae and in all known CYP51 proteins from filamentous fungi and yeast, was replaced in T. acuformis by a leucine. Therefore, a leucine at 180 could be possibly involved in natural resistance of T. acuformis to triazoles. Other mutations were observed in some resistant strains, sometimes simultaneously, but in contrast to what was reported for other filamentous fungi, where a mutation at the 136 position of the CYP51 gene product seemed to correlate with resistance to DMIs, we did not find a clear relationship between a given mutation and a particular phenotype. This result suggests that resistance to DMIs could have a polygenic nature in Tapesia. We took advantage of species-related variations to develop a PCR-based assay allowing rapid and easy discrimination between field strains of the two species.  相似文献   

Since the occurrence and spread of resistance to quinone outside inhibitors (QoI) in Mycosphaerella graminicola in the early 2000s in Europe, demethylation inhibitors (DMIs) form the backbone for control of Septoria leaf blotch. European monitoring studies, carried out by various research institutes and DMI manufacturers, have shown a shift of the European M. graminicola population towards increased ED50 values for DMI fungicides. Populations of M. graminicola consist of very heterogeneous isolates within a region, and even within a field, in terms of DMI sensitivity. Sensitivity to DMIs is influenced by the haplotype of CYP51, the target of DMIs. New CYP51‐haplotypes have emerged and the frequency of less sensitive haplotypes in Europe has increased in recent years. Studies with efflux transporter inhibitors showed that not only CYP51, but also enhanced efflux, may play a role in the DMI sensitivity response. Sensitivity studies with 5 DMIs registered for Septoria leaf blotch control indicated that sensitivity of isolates to the 5 DMIs is heterogeneous and the overall correlation of sensitivity to the different DMIs is poor. A key requirement for sustainable control and resistance management of Septoria leaf blotch is therefore the continued availability of different DMIs.  相似文献   

The association of Fusarium graminearum isolate China-9 with the dsRNA mycovirus FgV-ch9 was evaluated for hypovirulence-related traits. Single conidia-originating cultures of China-9 isolate can be associated either with high, medium or low amounts of the viral dsRNAs. At high and medium dsRNA levels, China-9 isolates exhibit reduced mycelia growth rate and conidiation capacity, abnormal colony morphology, disorganized cytoplasm, as well as reduced virulence for wheat and maize plants. At low dsRNA levels the fungus shows no symptoms, however, the RNA segments can be detected by RT-PCR. Transfection of the virulent F. graminearum PH-1 isolate with purified Virus-like Particles (VLPs) of FgV-ch9 reduced its conidiation capacity, perithecia formation, and pathogenicity for wheat and maize several folds. These results further demonstrate that FgV-ch9 is associated with hypovirulence of F. graminearum.  相似文献   

对采自美国白蛾僵虫的虫生真菌Bb08 12菌株进行了生物学研究及致病性测定。根据该菌株的形态特征将其初步鉴定为球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)。室内测定结果表明:该菌株在26 ℃恒温、高湿度下对1龄中期美国白蛾幼虫具有较强的致病力。107 孢子/mL剂量饲毒处理幼虫72~120 h,幼虫死亡率可达25.47%~79.32%,120 h的LC50 为1.169×106孢子/mL。该菌株在不同培养基上菌落形态差异明显。沙氏培养基上产孢量最高,10 d产孢量可达到5.59×108孢子/cm2,极显著高于PSA、查彼培养基和5%麸皮 蔗糖固体培养基上的产孢量。24 h光照和24 h黑暗两处理间的菌落生长量差异不明显,而在培养的最初48 h,24 h黑暗处理可显著促进分生孢子萌发。  相似文献   

Tapesia yallundae is reported for the first time in the Federal Republic of Germany. Apothecia were found on wheat and rye stubble at two sites in the north of the country and one in the centre, in April 1988. Isolates of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides var. acuformis were obtained from germinating single ascospores, identified on the basis of colony morphology, mode of conidial production and pathogenicity to wheat and rye.  相似文献   

为了筛选高毒力的生防白僵菌菌株,本研究对分离获得的4株白僵菌F1、F5、F6、F8的生物学特性进行分析,并在室内检测对甜菜夜蛾的致病力,最后通过大田试验验证了高毒力菌株对花生甜菜夜蛾的防治效果。结果表明,上述4株白僵菌的菌落形态、生长速率、产孢量等生物学性状及致病力存在显著差异。生长最快以及产孢量最高的是菌株F1,菌落呈粉状。菌株F6的分生孢子较其他菌株的分生孢子大。致病力检测结果表明,菌株F1对甜菜夜蛾的致病力最强,LC50和LT50分别是2.9383×106 cfu/mL和5.79 d;其次是菌株F8,菌株F5和F6的毒力相对较弱。大田防效试验表明,菌株F1对花生甜菜夜蛾的防治效果可达75%以上,并在花生叶片具有较强的定殖能力。  相似文献   

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