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首次对松材线虫病在信阳市的传播和扩散风险以及对信阳林业生产和生态环境的危害进行分析,提出信阳市松材线虫病的防控策略,将会有助于信阳各级林业主管部门对该病害进行有效地防治。  相似文献   

通过对松材线虫病在江西省内发生状况、松材线虫病对江西林业生产和生态环境潜在的危害性、松材线虫寄主植物的分布和经济重要性、松材线虫的传播媒介和扩散的途径、以及松材线虫病风险管理难度的分析,进而对松材线虫病在江西的传播和扩散风险进行评估,并提出江西松材线虫病防控的策略,供江西有关林业部门参考。  相似文献   

广东省松材线虫病的发生现状及防控措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章介绍了松材线虫病的危害状况,概述了广东省松材线虫病的发生和现状,分析了松材线虫病扩散的原因,提出了防控的具体措施。  相似文献   

<正>针对全国松材线虫病扩散危害持续加重的情况,国家林业和草原局将采取查清疫情、落实责任、科学除治、严管疫木等一系列防控手段,坚决遏制松材线虫病疫情快速扩散蔓延势头。松材线虫病是全球最具危险性、毁灭性的森林病害,松树一旦感染松材线虫病,40天左右就可死亡,3-5年即可造成整片松林死亡。近年来,该病害在我国仍呈加速扩散态势,已成为当前林业建  相似文献   

松材线虫病是一种毁灭性的林木病害。该病在国内危害严重、扩散迅速,是重要的对内、对外检疫性林木病害。本文对松材线虫病发生、危害及当前的主要检验技术进行了介绍。  相似文献   

正松材线虫是重要的检疫性有害生物,松材线虫病是世界上最具危险性的森林病害,已对我国森林资源造成了严重破坏,需坚决遏制松材线虫病严重发生和扩散蔓延的势头。松材线虫病作为外来入侵种的一种,危害大、蔓延快,除治难度大。以长沙某乡镇为例,  相似文献   

指出了松材线虫病属于松树的毁灭性病害,其病原为松材线虫,主要的传播途径有自然扩散和人为传播两种途径,其中人为传播是最主要的途径,分析了霞浦县松材线虫病发生现状、传播风险及传播途径,提出了几点防控措施,以期为霞浦县的松材线虫病防控工作提供参考。  相似文献   

松材线虫病疫情分布、危害及传播具有一定地理空间分布与时间演变规律,以湖北省宜昌市2018—2021年松材线虫病疫情危害松林位置空间信息为研究对象,运用空间数据统计分析与地图可视化、反距离权重法、时空模式挖掘、Slope趋势分析等分析疫情传播扩散时空演变,揭示其时空分异特征。结果表明:宜昌市属危害严重区域,2018年松材线虫病疫情出现危害高峰值,疫情由点状扩散到面状辐射蔓延,经政府主导防治后危害呈逐年递减趋势。危害高发区域随时间转移,2018年和2019年危害程度集聚性最高。反距离权重插值图显示疫情传播的最危险和严重性区域分布在夷陵区和当阳市。归一化植被指数(NDVI)具有明显的空间异质性,Slope线性回归预测松材线虫病疫情治理与扩散变化趋势呈现危害增加和危害减少两种类型。疫情时空热点呈分散型,空间演变体现治理成效特征,冷点趋势类别为连续冷点、持续冷点、分散冷点,分布区域长阳县、五峰县治理成效显著,危害较轻。辅助空间统计建模分析、测度时空演变差异性以及挖掘相关影响因子,为研究松材线虫病疫情传播扩散蔓延提供了借鉴,为探索综合防控提供辅助决策。  相似文献   

摘要:松材线虫病因其致病性强、传播速度快、治理难度大等特性对中国多省市生态安全造成严重威胁。湖北省安陆市是松材线虫的适宜生长区,且易感松材线虫病的马尾松与传播媒介昆虫松褐天牛在该地区普遍分布。近几年,安陆市松材线虫病疫情发生面积年均约400hm2。在调查安陆市松材线虫病的发生现状,并对当前存在问题进行阐述与分析,从防止疫情扩散与防治层面提出遏制松材线虫病扩散和蔓延的对策。  相似文献   

松材线虫是日本的外来入侵物种,同时也是松材线虫病的病原体,该生态病害已摧毁了日本大部分地区的松林,并且具有不可知的耐药性.该文综述了日本松材线虫病的危害与治理研究进展,主要包括日本松材线虫病的危害、发生范围,松材线虫病的病原体与媒介昆虫及其关系,松材线虫病的防控等,为我国有效治理松材线虫病提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

松材线虫病在我国不断扩展蔓延,形势紧迫,其爆发前的早期监测预测已成为当前研究的热点和难点.为了有效发现和控制松材线虫病,将遥感应用于其早期监测预测成为一种快速而且必要的方法.国内外研究进展主要集中在染松材线虫病的病株在光谱曲线上的变化,以及基于"水分含量"指示性因子研究松材线虫病早期遥感监测.结果表明,建设一套完善的、适合中国病虫害发生发展规律的森林病虫害监测预测理论、方法与技术体系是十分必要的.  相似文献   

松墨天牛携带松材线虫所引起的松树萎蔫已成为我国南方松林最严重的森林病害。利用生物防治方法防治松墨天牛已经成为关键措施。本文从病原微生物的利用和天敌的利用两方面综述了我国近年来松墨天牛防治工作取得的成绩,并针对松墨天牛的防治方面提出建议。  相似文献   

木麻黄青枯病风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木麻黄青枯病是危害木麻黄生长的植物土传病害,严重者可造成木麻黄的大面积死亡。通过定性因素和定量指标体系对木麻黄青枯病进行风险分析,评估结果显示,其风险综合评价值为1.54,属于中度危险性林业有害生物。  相似文献   

Pine wilt disease (PWD) represents a major threat to forest ecosystems worldwide. Although PWD is now better understood, effective control measures for this disease have still not been devised. Here, we report several years of field studies on preventative silvicultural control of PWD. Silvicultural control through preventative clear-cutting and the manual removal of logs was implemented between 2005 and 2009 in 16 Korean districts that had newly PWD-infected stands. Preventative clear-cutting of neighboring asymptomatic pine trees (within a 10-50-m radius of wilt trees) and the removal of felled logs or branches suppressed spread of PWD. Occurrences of PWD wilt pines in districts (city or county) subjected to this silvicultural control method were significantly reduced compared with those in districts using conventional controls (physical or chemical treatment of wilt pine trees). Through silvicultural control, PWD was successfully suppressed in 11 of 16 districts investigated. In contrast, successful control was achieved in only 1 among 18 districts subjected to conventional control. Our results will be of considerable interest to those engaged in the very difficult battle against the global spread of PWD.  相似文献   

松材线虫病对宜昌市林业生态的影响评估及风险管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自2006年宜昌市首次发现松材线虫病,松材线虫病在宜昌地区有扩散蔓延的潜在风险,严重破坏了森林生态资源和威胁了三峡坝区生态安全。通过对松材线虫的风险分析,其风险评估值R=2.54,在宜昌市属于特别危险的林业有害生物。根据十年的防控经验,从加强综合防控和检疫监管两个方面,提出了具体的风险管理措施,供相关部门参考。  相似文献   

Pine wilt disease caused by pine wood nematodes is a deadly disease of the genus Pinus requiring strong quarantine measures.Since its discovery,it has been widely distributed throughout the world.China is one of the countries with a severe rate of infections due to its abundant pine resources.In this study,nematode-trapping fungi were collected from pine trees in Ninghai City,Zhejiang Province,which is the key area of pine wilt control in February,May,September,October and November.The results s...  相似文献   

镇江市于1985年发现松材线虫致病松树以来,该病迅速扩散蔓延,给当地的经济和生态造成了重大损失,成为江苏省松材线虫病发生最为严重的地区之一,镇江市多个县、区为松材线虫病疫区。自从发生松材线虫病疫情以来,镇江市积极采取行动,采取了一系列综合防控松材线虫的方法。包括开展松材线虫病普查工作、加强松材线虫检疫、感病松林病死松木清理、传播媒介林间施药防治和引诱防治、生物防治以及开展营林措施防治。经过多年的防控实践,从2009年开始,镇江市各辖市、区松材线虫病的发生面积和病死树数量都呈现双下降趋势,镇江市松材线虫防治工作取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

由松材线虫引起的松材线虫病对松林构成了严重威胁,松材线虫病的防控受到社会极大关注。30多年来,韩国为了遏制松材线虫病的扩展蔓延,减少灾害损失,保障生态安全,对松材线虫病采取立法及检疫、化学防治、清理病死树及疫木无害处理、预防性造林、检测和监测等措施,取得了良好的防治效果。文中回顾韩国松材线虫病发生过程,分析其流行特点,介绍防控措施及成效和近期研究现状,提出韩国松材线虫病防控成效对我国松材线虫病研究与防控的主要启示,即制定和完善松材线虫病防治相关法规,分类施策、综合治理,建立适合我国国情的松材线虫病防控体系和加强科学研究,提高科技支撑水平。  相似文献   

During the last few decades, pine wilt disease has spread to cool-climate regions in Japan and, more recently, the potential risk of it spreading into the European midwest has also become a concern. In a coastal pine stand (84.7?ha) in Akita, near the northern limit of pine wilt disease in Japan, we investigated seasonal variations in the incidence of damage caused by the disease to trees and oviposition by the disease’s insect vector, Monochamus alternatus, during a two-year period. Foliage discoloration occurred throughout each year, and its seasonal variation showed a bimodal pattern in Pinus thunbergii (a higher peak in May–June and a smaller peak in October) and a clear peak in June in P. densiflora, which differed from the patterns in seasonal variation seen for warm-climate regions. Oviposition scars by M. alternatus were found in 40–45% of the trees damaged each year. The percentage of trees that had oviposition scars was higher in P. thunbergii than in P. densiflora. This appeared to reflect the difference in seasonal discoloration pattern between the two species. Analysis of the oviposition risk showed that trees that exhibited discoloration starting between July and October had a significantly higher risk or significantly higher oviposition scar densities, particularly for those that became discolored between August and September (2.5–14.6-fold higher risk than during other months). Oviposition scar densities per damaged tree were similar within the period of higher oviposition risk. Considering both oviposition risks and scar densities, we concluded that trees with discoloration that become apparent between July and October are important targets for preventing the spread of pine wilt disease in Akita.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between the incidence of pine wilt disease and moisture conditions in the stand level ofPinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. forests in the warm-temperate zone of the western part of Japan. For this analysis, pine trees killed by pine wilt disease were distinguished from the suppressed trees by their position in the layer of the pine forest stand. The drainage area, which is small in the upper part and large in the lower part of the slope, was adopted for representing the moisture conditions in the soil of the slope. The percentage of the pine trees killed by pine wilt disease increased as the size of the drainage area increased. This result suggested that the incidence of pine wilt disease tended to be high in areas with moist conditions. Pine trees attacked by the pinewood nematode die from extensive water deficit due to tracheid cavitations. Pine wilt disease mainly emerges in the summer when the soil water conditions become especially severe, and the radical water stress is thought to accelerate the disease. It was assumed that pine trees in the plots with the small drainage area resisted the influence of the attack of the pinewood nematode because pine trees in the plots with the small drainage area encountered long-term water stress and acquired drought tolerance. Pine trees in the plots with the large drainage area were presumed to be well established in the moist conditions and not to have acquired drought tolerance. The drought tolerance of pine trees was thought to be an important factor in resistance to pine wilt disease.  相似文献   

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