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在猪场要识别不同的猪只,光靠观察是很难做到的。为了随时查找猪只的血缘关系,便于管理记录,必须给每头猪进行编号。编号的方法有耳标法、剪耳号法和电子识别法。耳标法是用耳标安装器(耳标钳子)将耳标装钉在猪耳朵上,用专用记号笔书写数码。耳标虽简单,但易掉。有条件的猪场可用电子识别法。将仔猪的个体号、出生地、出生日期、品种和系谱等信息转译到脉冲转发器内,装在一个微型玻璃管内,插到耳后松弛的皮肤下,需要时用手提阅读器进行识别阅读。但此种方法很少使用。一般情况下,较常用剪耳法。剪耳法是用耳号钳在猪耳上打缺口,一个耳缺代表…  相似文献   

随着智能传感器、 人工智能等相关技术的发展, 精准养猪不断向知识型、 科技型、 现代智慧畜牧业方向发展。 传感器模式和专家知识相结合, 朝着标准化、 规模化和智能化方向发展。 继续开发复杂养殖环境中猪的表型和内在生理状态的自动识别系统, 建立多模态方法,利用视觉和声音信号检测猪只不同生长阶段的行为和诊断疾病, 进一步量化识别结果。 此外, 还应建立数字化生猪生长模型和健康福利评价系统, 以提高产品可追溯性, 促进自动化生猪管理。  相似文献   

随着现代科技的发展,物联网、区块链、人工智能、云计算、5G通信技术已经融入到人们的生活中,智能化设备将逐步解放劳动力资源,代替人类开展各项智慧化的复杂工作。在社会经济大发展和国家乡村振兴战略大背景下,为了更好地适应智慧畜牧业的发展趋势,文章以养猪生产为例,主要从现代化技术应用方面综述了国内外智慧畜牧的发展过程,描述了智慧畜牧业的概念及关键性技术,介绍了当前智慧养猪模式及其共性化智能管理技术方案、市场销售及溯源体系建设等,目的是为推广应用智慧养殖提供技术参考,进一步提高养猪生产效率和科技含量,提升智能管控水平,增进动物福利,实现资源共享,更好地推动养猪业朝着现代化、高质量、可持续方向发展。  相似文献   

在智能信息化时代,传统的人工养殖已经越发彰显其劣势。智慧养猪开启的智能装备和大数据模式正走进养猪人的视野。文章综述了在智慧养猪背景下,智能饲喂系统、环控系统、监控系统、AI和大数据在猪场的应用现状,并进行了简要分析,以期为农牧公司智能猪场的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解智能系统在奶牛生产中监测采食行为的研究现状,文章对2000年至2020年的文献进行检索,回顾了智能设备从自动采集数据到自动决策的普遍流程,根据自动数据采集装置的不同应用特点对五类系统,即自动计重料槽、项圈颈部压力传感器、耳标加速度传感器、鼻羁压力传感器和图像信息技术,进行了归纳和总结,同时对实现智能化的大数据分析工具,即统计过程控制中使用的控制图进行了简述,并综述了智能系统通过监测采食行为在牧场中的生产应用。  相似文献   

在种猪场的生产管理中,耳标是非常重要的,关系着整个猪场的配种、妊娠、分娩、防疫、治疗以及系谱建立、猪群分析,公猪性能测定,杂交利用等重要的环节,传统耳标随着时间的推移会出现墨迹模糊、标示模糊等现象,往往造成疫苗漏打、配种混乱、母猪产期无法确定等一系列问题。利用RFID制作的耳标,采用非接触式IC卡,通过读写器读写猪的信息,犹如给每头猪做了一个“身份证”,可用于猪饲养管理的各个方面。RFID作为猪只与电脑“连接”部分,由于RFID体积小,通讯性能稳定,是制作电子耳标的可靠材料,配合无线通讯读写器,读取猪只个体资料,传输到电脑中,为猪群建立档案,也可以配合诊断,定制治疗方案,还可以结合配种建立猪群妊娠档案,妊娠期管理;配合猪群资料建立“一猪一卡一方案”的管理模式。  相似文献   

王凯  吴丹  蔡更元 《猪业科学》2019,36(7):88-91
生猪追溯管理体系对于国内目前的集约化养殖和智能化管理来说是必不可少的重要环节。生猪追溯管理体系涵盖多方面,其中电子耳标识别系统扮演了极其关键的角色,文章总结了电子耳标识别系统(RFID)在不同领域及不同国家在养猪业上的应用情况,可对养猪企业以后如何加强生猪产业追溯管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Velos智能化母猪管理系统在饲养过程中的优点与难题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正荷兰研发的Velos智能化母猪管理系统,通过给母猪安装电子耳标,能自动识别、记录母猪信息,根据管理者的设置规程可作出相应处理措施。为了提高企业竞争力,我公司购入Velos饲喂系统建立月亮塘母猪舍,并于2011年从美国引进485头原种猪,在隔离场隔离饲养后放入管理系统饲养。下面就介绍一下Velos智能化母猪管理系统使用过程中的优点和一些难题。1三大智能化系统,降低生产成本Velos智能化母猪管理系统集聚三大智能化系统:精确饲喂系统、发情鉴定系统、智能化分离系统。首先为每头母猪安装电子耳标、设置参数,然后投入使用。1.1饲喂系统可以控制单头母猪进入饲喂系统,当一头母猪  相似文献   

动物身份识别技术是人们管理动物、研究动物生态学的基础,随着社会的进步和科学技术的发展,动物身份识别技术也在不断地更新和完善。文章从有侵入性和无侵入性两方面对动物身份识别技术进行了梳理,介绍了侵入性动物身份识别技术,该技术包括烙印法、纹身法、耳痕法、喷涂法和传统耳标法、电子耳标法和生物识别技术(包括视网膜或虹膜识别、唇鼻纹识别、面部识别及DNA识别),并对无侵入性身份识别方法(包括传统图像处理和机器学习方法与深度学习方法两种)数据集的获取及不同应用场景(包括固定场景、开放场景、单一物种和多物种)进行了介绍,总结了动物身份识别技术的挑战与发展趋势,旨在为动物身份识别技术的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

1 生猪养殖信息化现状 近年来,在中央对畜牧标准化规模养殖等扶持政策的推动下,我国畜禽业正处在由传统养殖向现代养殖转型的关键时期.过去的6年,是中国养猪业走向自动化、高效化、信息化和智能化的一个过渡时期,无论是养猪观念还是猪场建设理念都发生了根本性的变革,给国内的生猪市场带来越来越多的挑战和机遇. 由于猪是活体,在数据采集方面十分困难,我国部分猪场采用了可追溯性体系管理生猪,仅限于商品猪来源管理,采用特殊标签的普通耳标.随着养猪生产管理和技术研究的需要,真实、准确、可靠的猪场数据成为生产管理和育种技术进步必不可少的条件.智能化养猪模式在数据收集、管理以及提高生产力等方面具有明显优势.智能化养猪设备成为猪场信息化管理的主要工具,可以帮助猪场持续提高生产效率和管理效率.  相似文献   

Traceability during slaughter was studied in 1,581 pigs identified by different devices. Treatments were visual ear tags (n = 1,300), electronic ear tags of different technologies (half-duplex, n = 636; full-duplex, n = 632), and intraperitoneally injected transponders of different technologies (half-duplex 32 mm, n = 645; full-duplex 34 mm, n = 642). Piglets were individually identified at weaning and intensively fed until 100 kg of BW. Pigs were slaughtered in 2 commercial slaughterhouses (including scalding, flaming, and peeling) at different throughputs (450 and 550 pigs/h). Readability during slaughtering was checked visually and using standardized hand-held transceivers. No effect of slaughterhouse was detected (P > 0.05). Ear tag losses in the slaughtering line were similar for visual (3.7%) and half-duplex (3.5%) but were increased for full-duplex (11.5%; P < 0.05). Moreover, electronic failures during slaughtering did not differ (P > 0.05) between ear tags (half-duplex, 1.1%; full-duplex, 0.6%). Intraperitoneally injected transponders were not affected by slaughtering (retention 100%, no failures), and 89.0% of the transponders were manually recovered from the abdominal viscera in the offal trays. The remaining transponders (11.0%) were lost on the floor, but none were found in the carcasses. No differences (P > 0.05) in recovery were observed between intraperitoneal transponders. Considering on-farm and slaughterhouse data, total traceability from farm to carcass release was greater (P < 0.05) for intraperitoneally injected transponders (98.2%) than for ear tags. Between ear tags, the greatest traceability was obtained with visual tags (95.7%), which differed (P < 0.05) from electronic tags (half-duplex, 91.4%; full-duplex, 84.5%; P < 0.05). Intraperitoneally injected transponders were an efficient and reliable identification system for tracing pigs from farm to the end of the slaughter line, allowing the transfer of pig identification to the carcass. Adherence of intraperitoneally injected transponders to the viscera should be improved to reduce risks of loss in the meat chain. A dual system based on intraperitoneally injected transponders and plastic ear tags would allow a redundant and automatic reading system that is efficient and reliable for data management and traceability in the swine industry.  相似文献   

智慧养殖业是指运用电子信息技术和先进管理理念,对养殖生产全过程进行智能化管理和优化,以提高养殖效益和产品质量。智慧养殖业中应用到的电子信息技术有以下几种。(1)物联网(IoT)技术:通过在养殖场安装传感器和监控设备,实时收集养殖场的环境数据,实时监测动物的生长状况、行为习惯等,为养殖场提供精准的数据支持。(2)大数据分析技术:通过数据分析发现养殖动物的生长规律、疫病预防和控制要点等,从而提高养殖效益。(3)人工智能(AI)技术:对养殖数据进行智能分析,实现对养殖场的自动化管理;通过人工智能技术进行疫病诊断,自动识别患病动物并采取相应措施,降低疫病传播风险。(4)移动互联网技术:实现养殖场信息的实时传递和共享,方便养殖户、兽医、专家等各方进行沟通交流,为养殖户提供智能服务。(5)云计算技术:将养殖场的数据存储在云端,实现数据的集中管理和高效利用;以为养殖场提供强大的计算能力,支持复杂的数据分析和模拟。(6)3S 技术(遥感技术、地理信息系统、全球定位系统):对养殖场的地形、地貌、土壤等进行全面调查,为养殖场选址、规划和管理提供科学依据。总之,电子信息技术在智慧养殖业中的应用,有助于提高养殖生产效率,降低生产成本,并保障养殖产品的质量安全。  相似文献   

A total of 1,822 pigs from 2 farms (farm A, n = 1,032; farm B, n = 790) were used to evaluate pig traceability under on-farm conditions by using identification devices (n = 4,434) of different technologies. The devices were visual ear tags (n = 1,533; Model 1, n = 776; Model 2, n = 757), electronic ear tags (n = 1,446; half-duplex, n = 702; full-duplex, n = 744), and intraperitoneally injected transponders (n = 1,455; half-duplex, n = 732; full-duplex, n = 723). A group of 790 pigs wore 3 types of devices, and 1,032 wore 2 devices. Piglets were identified before (wk 1 to 3 of age; farm A) or after (wk 3 to 4 of age; farm B) weaning and intensively fattened until approximately 100 kg of BW. Readability of devices was checked at each farm operation by using standardized handheld transceivers. No negative effects of the identification devices on animal health (mortality rate, 8.4%) or performance were detected. On-farm losses averaged 1.6% for ear tags (visual, 0.8%; half-duplex, 1.9%; full-duplex, 2.7%; P > 0.05) and 1.8% for intraperitoneally injected transponders (half-duplex, 1.7%; full-duplex, 1.9%; P > 0.05). Moreover, 1.4% electronic failures occurred in the electronic ear tags (half-duplex, 2.2%; full-duplex, 0.6%; P < 0.05) but not in the intraperitoneally injected transponders. Final on-farm readability was greater (P < 0.05) for visual ear tags (99.2%) than for electronic ear tags (half-duplex, 95.9%; full-duplex, 96.7%; P > 0.05). Readability for intraperitoneally injected transponders was intermediate (half-duplex, 98.3%; full-duplex, 98.1%; P > 0.05). Electronic devices were in all cases easier and faster to read than the visual ear tags. Visual ear tags and intraperitoneally injected transponders were efficiently retained under conditions of commercial pig farms, which agrees with the minimum values recommended by the International Committee for Animal Recording (> 98%). When readability and reading ease were also included as decision criteria, injectable transponders were preferred.  相似文献   

新型多层楼房式猪舍智能化机械清粪系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由于规模养殖业用地越来越紧张,多层楼房式猪舍逐渐被众多业主所接受。与多层楼房养猪相适应的清粪、环控、喂料等配套工艺技术是这一模式成功应用的关键。文章针对四层楼房式猪舍设计了一种楼房式猪舍自动化刮板清粪工艺,在大跨度小单元全进全出式猪舍,舍内一层每单元采用一拖二刮板清粪机将粪便从湿帘端刮入风机端主粪沟;二、三、四层采用刮粪机刮粪、收集粪便通过落粪管落入一层主粪沟;舍外主粪沟采用一拖一刮粪机清粪。整套工艺采用自动化智能化控制,该系统能够大幅度提高清粪效率,减少人工,节约用水,有效改善猪舍内环境,提高舍内猪群的健康水平,从而提高养殖场的总体效益。  相似文献   

智能化技术在楼房养猪中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘飞  甄艳红 《猪业科学》2020,37(7):62-63
我国是农业大国,其中畜牧业占据举足轻重的地位,而养猪业已成为畜牧业的支柱产业。目前,我国的养猪业正在向高标准、高产能的智能化升级转型,楼房养猪应运而生,智能化技术在楼房养猪中的应用使养猪效率大大提高。文章就楼房养猪和智能化技术应用进行探讨分析,为养猪业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

A field study was conducted on a 2,300-sow piggery in southwestern New South Wales, Australia, over a 17-wk period (from weaning at 4 wk of age) to assess the suitability for lifetime traceability of weaners of 4 identification devices: 1) full duplex ear tag (FDX, Allflex), 2) half duplex ear tag designed for cattle (HDX, Leadertronic), 3) conventional ear tag (Leader), and 4) ear tattoo (Ketchum ear tattoo 101). Visual readability, retention rate, electronic failures, and adverse side effects were assessed at 8 wk after application at both sites and before slaughter at 14 or 17 wk after application at site A and site B, respectively. A total of 394 weaner pigs were randomly assigned after weaning to 6 treatment groups and reared either in small groups in intensive, indoor, concrete-based pens (n = 224; site A) or in a large group on deep litter (n = 170; site B). Visual readability was similar for all ear tag types before slaughter (P > 0.05); however, visual readability of the ear tattoo was lower (P < 0.05), with between 78.2 and 60.0% illegible due to ink fading. Few tags were lost in the 8-wk period after application; however, tag loss increased for each tag device after this period and varied with housing system. Conventional tag loss was greater among pigs housed at site A (29.0%) than in pigs housed at site B (4.9%) in the 6- to 9-wk period before slaughter. The overall readability of FDX and HDX tags did not differ (P > 0.05) between sites; however, overall readability of FDX tags at 98.4% was better (P < 0.05) than 71.8% for HDX tags. Tag costs ranged from $0.73 for the conventional ear tag to $2.42 for the HDX ear tag. The identification devices did not induce production-limiting adverse effects after they were applied. Under conditions of this study, FDX electronic ear tags were the most efficacious for lifetime identification of weaner pigs on-farm.  相似文献   

A cost model was developed to compare different implementation strategies of the new European Commission regulation for sheep and goat identification and registration (EC 21/2004) in Spain. Strategies were as follows: 1) conventional identification (CID) by two ear tags; 2) electronic identification (EID) by one bolus and one ear tag; and 3) mixed CID and EID strategy (MID), consisting of CID for fattening stock and EID for breeding stock. Complete and simplified implementations of the regulation were considered as options. Total costs per animal identified for all strategies and options varied according to the implementation option, ranging from Euros 2.48 and 4.64. The EID was the most expensive strategy (Euros 4.47 to 4.64) for all implementation options. Cost of CID and MID strategies ranged from Euros 2.63 to 2.98 and from Euros 2.48 to 3.03, respectively. The model was submitted to a sensitivity analysis without considering extra benefits of sheep and goat identification. Critical values for which the cost of MID equaled CID depended on strategy and option, and ranged from 7.5 to 11.5% for ear tag losses and from Euros 1.80 to 3.30 for bolus price. In conclusion, the use of a mixed strategy combining conventional ear tags (animals intended for slaughter) and electronic boluses (breeding stock) seems to be an affordable strategy that fulfills the European Commission regulation requirements for the identification of sheep and goats in Spain. Price reductions for devices and equipment would make the full electronic identification strategy less expensive in the future.  相似文献   

[目的]将物联网、云计算、大数据及人工智能技术相结合,提高规模化奶山羊场智能化精准繁育技术,加速奶山羊的遗传进度和改良效果是智能化畜牧业的发展趋势。[方法]本系统运用C编程技术、Java编程技术、物联网信息化技术及数据融合技术,依据奶山羊个体生理信息、行为信息、个体表型、系谱分析、基因组数据、蛋白组数据及代谢组数据等进行最佳的配对组合,开发了规模化奶山羊场智能化精准繁育系统。[结果]内容包括 Web 服务器端及智能手机客户端,通过设置“智能模式”来实现对羊场环境和繁殖配对的智能化调节。[结论]在无须人工干涉的情况下,就可实现智能控制,从而加速遗传进度和繁育效果,在现代化奶山羊养殖领域必将得到快速推广和应用。  相似文献   

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