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为筛选出适宜在陇东地区种植的青贮玉米品种,试验探究了13个青贮玉米品种的农艺性状及草产量,以筛选出草产量高、适应性好的青贮玉米品种,从而为青贮玉米在陇东地区的示范推广提供科技支撑。结果表明,参试青贮玉米品种的鲜草产量以大京九26最高,为109.50 t/hm2,且与其他青贮玉米品种差异显著(P<0.05),其次为西蒙青贮707、禾玉9566、金凯711,其鲜草产量分别为103.95 t/hm2、97.20 t/hm2、97.05 t/hm2,禾玉9566和金凯711的鲜草产量差异不显著(P>0.05);干草产量以金凯711最高,为40.80 t/hm2,其次为西蒙青贮707、大京九26、禾玉9566,其干草产量分别为38.70 t/hm2、37.80 t/hm2、34.35 t/hm2,西蒙青贮707和大京九26的干草产量差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验表明,13个参试青贮玉米品种中,大京九26...  相似文献   

<正>玉淇淋58是由四川农业大学玉米研究所唐祈林课题组培育的,含有栽培玉米、四倍体多年生大刍草和四倍体指状摩擦禾的基因组,聚合了玉米适口性好,四倍体多年生大刍草分蘖多、品质高,四倍体指状摩擦禾高耐寒性和抗病性等优点,适合各类草食家畜饲用,目前在四川获得大面积推广。本文根据四川大安、乐至、荣县等地区的生产试验,对其高产栽培模式进行了总结。1玉淇淋58的栽种条件1.1温度玉淇淋58在日平均温度到达10℃  相似文献   

[目的]研究不同氮肥施用量、种植密度、刈割期及其互作对河套地区大麦饲草产量及营养品质的影响。[方法]以蒙啤麦5号为研究材料,设置不同水平的氮肥施用量[氮肥选用尿素(N:46%),纯氮施用量为82.5 kg/hm2(A1)、108.0 kg/hm2(A2)、135.0 kg/hm2(A3)]、种植密度[375万株/hm2(B1)、450万株/hm2(B2)、525万株/hm2(B3)]、刈割期[抽穗期(C1)、灌浆期(C2)及乳熟期(C3)],分析三者及其互作对蒙啤麦5号饲草产量及营养品质的影响。[结果]氮肥施用量、刈割期对蒙啤麦5号的株高、鲜草产量、干草产量、鲜干比以及粗蛋白、酸性洗涤纤维、中性洗涤纤维、钙含量均有极显著(P<0.01)影响,种植密度对蒙啤麦5号饲草产量的影响有限。氮肥施用量是影响鲜草产量以及粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维含量的主要因素,对三者的贡献率分别为57.60%、55.90%、34.34%;刈割期是影响干草产量以及酸性洗涤纤维含量的主要...  相似文献   

为筛选出适宜在陇东地区与秋播小黑麦复种的青贮玉米品种,本试验连续2年对12个青贮玉米品种的农艺性状、鲜草产量和干草产量进行研究,以筛选出最佳适宜于秋播小黑麦复种的青贮玉米品种,从而为该区推广秋播小黑麦茬后复种青贮玉米“一年两作”饲草高效生产技术提供理论依据。结果表明:秋播小黑麦茬后复种禾玉36和北农青贮208的鲜草产量分别为74.83、72.58 t/hm2,干草产量分别为24.59、22.85 t/hm2,而且2个年份均能够表现出高产、稳产的优势。因此,禾玉36和北农青贮208可作为陇东地区秋播小黑麦复种生产优质饲草的主推品种。  相似文献   

本试验研究了江汉平原苏丹草-黑麦草轮作制中氮磷钾肥配合施用效果及养分利用率。结果表明:氮磷钾配施(NPK)的饲草鲜草产量分别比不施氮(PK)、不施磷(NK)和不施钾(NP)增产123.3t/hm2、34.5t/hm2和24.7t/hm2;氮、磷和钾肥显著增加鲜草、干草产量,鲜草增产率分别为313.1%、26.9%和17.9%,干草增产率分别为196.3%、22.2%和9.7%;氮磷钾配施显著促进饲草对氮、磷和钾的吸收,3种养分两季吸收总量分别达到500kgN/hm2、208kgP2O5/hm2和1196kgK2O/hm2;氮磷钾配合施用条件下苏丹草和黑麦草的养分吸收比例(N:P2O5:K2O)分别为1:0.37:1.96和1:0.50:3.19;轮作体系中,N、P、K肥利用率分别为60.0%、21.7%和61.6%;氮、磷和钾肥对饲草吸收相应养分的贡献率分别为81.0%、32.7%和23.2%。  相似文献   

河北省草地产量动态监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据河北省2005-2007年草地地面调查,基于110个样地、990个样方的调查数据,对河北省草地产草量进行了监测估算,结果表明,1)2005-2007年河北省鲜草年均产量为62 254 697.81 t,平均单产为13 134.57 kg/hm2;干草年均产量为19 438 911.94 t,平均单产为4 101.24 kg/hm2。2)2005-2007年各类草地干草平均单产:暖性灌草丛(5 133.35 kg/hm2)>暖性草丛(4 182.22 kg/hm2)>沼泽草地(3 376.13 kg/hm2)>山地草甸(坝上高原区,3 268.35 kg/hm2)>温性草甸草原(2 665.94 kg/hm2)>山地草甸(山地丘陵区,2 111.55 kg/hm2)>低地草甸(1 872.44 kg/hm2)>温性草原(1 103.29 kg/hm2)。暖性灌草丛草地、暖性草丛草地、山地草甸草地干草产量分别占全省草地产量的56.04%,20.85%和18.13%,是河北省草地产量主体。3)2005-2007河北各地市草地干草单产:沧州7 134.40 kg/hm2>保定6 981.15 kg/hm2>承德4 850.26 kg/hm2>石家庄4 677.78 kg/hm2>邯郸2 802.83 kg/hm2>张家口2 519.58 kg/hm2>邢台2 436.47 kg/hm2>秦皇岛2 227.55 kg/hm2>唐山1 984.14 kg/hm2。承德、张家口、保定3地市草地干草产量占全省草地干草产量的84.44%,其他6地市草地干草产量占全省干草产量的15.56%。4)2005-2007年河北省草地干草年均单产与1979-1984年草地年均干草单产相比,干草单产下降36.49%,明显减产,草地干草产量平均每年下降1.46%。山地草甸、温性草原、沼泽草地、低地草甸、温性草甸草原等草地类的草地干草单产降幅属于严重减产,暖性灌丛草、暖性草丛草地类的草地干草单产降幅为明显减产。减产的草地面积占全省草地面积的91.96%,其中,严重减产的草地面积占全省草地面积的31.92%,另有8.04%的草地产量基本持平。  相似文献   

新型多年生饲草玉草5号的生长动态及刈割期的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验对玉草5号(玉淇淋58,MTPP-58)不同生长阶段的生长速率、物质积累与分配、营养成分进行研究。试验结果表明,玉草5号的株高、分蘖、鲜(干)产量、茎叶比和水分含量动态变化均符合Logistic模型;从分蘖期至抽雄始期,饲草产量和茎叶比值逐渐增加,而水分含量、营养价值呈逐渐降低趋势。在抽雄始期,鲜、干草产量分别达96.607和14.768 t·hm-2,粗蛋白(CP)、粗脂肪(EE)、粗灰分(CA)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量分别为11.37%、2.87%、7.95%、52.01%和31.53%,相对饲用价值(RFV)为115.90%;在吐丝期,干草产量和蛋白质产量都维持在较高水平,同时全株水分含量较低。比较表明,既获得较高饲草产量和营养价值且利于第2茬生长,玉草5号作为青饲在抽雄始期收割最佳;在吐丝期刈割有利于青贮。玉草5号的生产示范表明,在西南资阳乐至县和自贡大安区示范点第一年刈割一茬鲜草产量在77.758~89.207 t·hm-2之间,第二年对大安区点刈割了3茬,产量可达109.410 t·hm-2。实践表明,新型高产优质多年生饲用作物“玉草5号”适宜在西南及南方“种草养畜”地区种植,具有极大的生产潜力与广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

陇东旱塬冬小麦复种饲草轮作系统产量和水分利用特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陇东黄土高原大田条件下,连续2年研究了冬小麦-饲草复种轮作系统的干物质产量和水分利用,研究采用的处理有:休闲-冬小麦-箭筈豌豆-冬小麦(F-W-V-W),休闲-冬小麦-饲用油菜-冬小麦(F-W-R-W),饲用油菜-冬小麦-箭筈豌豆-冬小麦(R-W-V-W)和饲用油菜-冬小麦-饲用油菜-冬小麦(R-W-R-W)。结果表明:麦茬复种饲草可比麦茬休闲提高系统生产力27%,蛋白质产量增加1100 kg/hm2, 同时对后茬冬小麦产量无影响。R-W-R-W模式下干物质产量、粗蛋白产量、干物质水分利用效率和蛋白质水分利用效率均最优,分别为30.68 t/hm2、3.25 t/hm2、7.80 kg/(mm·hm2)和0.92 kg/(mm·hm2)(P<0.05)。复种饲用油菜较箭筈豌豆产量高,有效利用了麦茬后降雨量,但箭筈豌豆粗蛋白含量较饲用油菜高22.4%,因此确定麦茬复种模式则需权衡干物质产量与蛋白质产量的需求。  相似文献   

对墨西哥大刍草、玉草3号和玉草6号3种不同类型饲草玉米在孕穗期、抽雄期和吐丝期的产量、青贮品质及其营养价值进行了分析。结果表明:品种和生育期对鲜、干草产量有显著影响,而二者之间的交互作用对鲜、干草产量影响不显著;3个品种鲜、干草产量均在吐丝期最高,其中,玉草6号鲜、干草产量极显著高于玉草3号和墨西哥大刍草。从抽雄期及以后,所有饲草玉米干物质(DM)含量均达20%以上,符合青贮对水分的要求。粗蛋白(CP)含量从孕穗期到吐丝期逐渐降低,变幅为8.19%DM~12.80%DM;各时期CP含量均以玉草6号最高,玉草3号和墨西哥大刍草CP含量差异较小。可溶性糖(WSC)含量在孕穗期最高,纤维含量随生育期延长均呈上升趋势。青贮发酵品质在不同生育期差异显著,孕穗期pH值为3.69,乳酸(LA)含量为7.00%DM,发酵品质最优。品种主效应分析表明,玉草6号发酵品质最好,玉草3号和墨西哥大刍草差异不显著。综合分析品种和生育期对青贮发酵品质和营养成分的影响,玉草6号在孕穗期青贮,相对饲用价值达103.28,发酵品质和营养价值最好;玉草3号和墨西哥大刍草在抽雄期青贮发酵品质和营养价值最佳。  相似文献   

2018~2020年,对国内12份谷子材料进行饲草生产适应性与成本效益评价,以期筛选适宜呼和浩特地区种植的饲用谷子材料。结果表明:参试材料株高、鲜草产量和干草产量变幅分别为146.8~202.2cm、38819.40~63181.6kg/hm2和10469.9~16698.2kg/hm2,3项指标在不同材料间存在显著差异(P<0.05);3年平均鲜草产量与株高的回归方程为:Y=-20245.917+384.250X,干草产量与株高的回归方程为:Y=-4792.872+99.097X;材料DXXM-13-2饲用品质优于蒙金谷1号;成本效益分析表明,净利润最高的是DXXM-13-2,为8712.75元/hm2。综合分析表明,材料DXXM-13-2和蒙金谷1号较适宜在呼和浩特地区推广种植,是极具发展潜力的优质饲草。  相似文献   

Campesino systems on hill slopes in Central Mexico rely on equids for multiple activities and have a problem in adequately feeding them. A participatory trial was conducted to evaluate the inclusion of common vetch in the traditional forage oat crop to improve its feeding value. An agronomic evaluation was undertaken by intersowing common vetch at 40 kg seed/ha with oats at 80–100 kg/ha in small plots, recording the yield and the chemical composition of the fresh forage in ten plots at harvest. The data were analysed as a completely random design, taking each farmer/plot as a treatment. A feeding trial compared the live weight of 7 donkeys fed oats and vetch against 17 donkeys fed traditional forage. There were differences between farmers in forage yields (p<0.01) that could not be explained as due to soil types or management. The mean yield of 31.0 t/ha of fresh forage of oats–vetch was 20.5% higher than that from monoculture, and had a higher crude protein content. Donkeys fed the oats–vetch were heavier (p<0.001). The farmers evaluated the oats–vetch association positively, appreciating the higher yields and good condition of their equids. The combination is an appropriate technology for these campesino farming systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the nutritive characteristics of 6 grain crops and 4 herb forages over 4 seasons, when all species were grown at the same site, under the same climatic and edaphic conditions, and with soil moisture and nutrient availability being non-limiting to growth. The forages grown were maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), millet (Pennisetum americana), wheat (Triticum aestivum), triticale (Triticum × secale), oats (Avena sativa), fodder radish (Raphanu sativa), rape (Brassica rapa), chicory (Cachorium intybus) and plantain (Plantago lanceolata). The in sacco degradation characteristics of organic matter (OM) and crude protein of herbages were measured in the rumen of cannulated sheep in order to calculate the availability of effective rumen degradable protein (ERDP), rumen by pass protein, metabolisable protein (MP) and the synchrony index (Is), which describes the efficiency of utilization of degradable nitrogen (N) and OM for microbial protein synthesis (MPS) in the rumen.In this study, all grain crops except maize had a ERDP/fermentable metabolizable energy (FME) ratio varying from 14 for millet to 23 for wheat, well above the ratio of 11 required for optimum MPS in the rumen of dairy cows. In contrast, maize had the lowest ERDP/FME ratio of 3, indicating that ERDP would be limiting MPS in the rumen. The availability of MP varied from 58 g/kg DM in maize to 153 g/kg DM in wheat and all forage species except maize were be able to meet the MP requirement of high-producing dairy cows (30 L/milk/day) provided they were able to consume 11 to13 kg DM/cow/day of the forage.The availability of MP from herbs varied from 95 g/kg DM in fodder radish to 163 g/kg DM in plantain, which would be sufficient for high-producing cows, however, most dairy cows could not consume sufficient forage to achieve these high levels of production due to very high nitrate content in rape (mean of 11.1 g/kg DM) and fodder radish (mean of 8 g/kg DM).  相似文献   

Melatonin modulates the functional activation of antioxidative enzymes to maintain the oxidant–antioxidant balance in the physiological system. Melatonin administration via subcutaneous injection increases endogenous melatonin concentration that has been used to modulate the immune function in rodents and reproductive activity in small ruminant like goats. However, to date, no report exist which could suggest the effect of corn seed supplementation on the endogenous melatonin concentration and its impact on cellular‐immune function and antioxidative enzymes activity in any small ruminant like goats. Therefore, in this study, Zea mays (corn seeds), as source of melatonin, were supplemented with regular diet to explore its impact on endogenous melatonin concentration in goat, Capra hircus. Zea mays supplementation with regular diet for 40 days significantly elevated the endogenous melatonin concentration, proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and antioxidative enzymes activity along with total antioxidant capacity of the plasma. An increase in circulatory IL‐2 and IL‐6 level along with declined TNF‐α, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide was noted with elevated endogenous melatonin concentration. In conclusion, it might be suggested that corn seed could be used as supplement to modulate endogenous melatonin concentration that may improve cellular‐immune function and antioxidant status. The corn seed might also be included as nutraceutical in regular diet to maintain immune‐antioxidant homoeostasis in other species.  相似文献   

Feed shortages hamper livestock rearing and thus impede the development of rural livelihoods in Central Asia. The production and in vitro quality of foliage from Ulmus pumila, Elaeagnus angustifolia and Populus euphratica on degraded cropland were examined to determine the potential of these species to supplement diary cattle diets. Leaf dry matter (DM) production of the species, respectively, averaged 6, 8 and 17 t DM/ha, 4 years after planting. Over seasons and years, crude protein concentrations (g/kg DM) ranged within 151–257 for E. angustifolia, 70–241 for U. pumila and 92–187 for P. euphratica. The metabolizable energy concentrations (MJ/kg DM) were the highest in U. pumila and ranged within 9–10, followed by 7–10 of E. angustifolia and 7–9 of P. euphratica. The organic matter digestibility (%) ranged within 58–70, 54–66, and 51–66, respectively, for these species. These indicators combined denoted a medium‐to‐good feed quality of E. angustifolia and U. pumila leaves as a cheap protein supplement to roughages. The foliage of P. euphratica was the least suitable. The seasonal profile of in vitro indicators revealed the highest feed quality in spring but early fall seems most appropriate for forage collection given the peak leaf production and an adequate quality.  相似文献   

荣良燕  柴强  姚拓  张榕  冯今  杨浩  曹蕾  朱倩 《草业学报》2015,24(2):22-30
通过测定16株供试菌株的固氮酶活性、溶磷量、分泌生长激素能力以及拮抗病原菌特性,筛选出5株优良促生菌,将其与1株豌豆根瘤菌(ACCC 16101)制成复合微生物接种剂,进行田间小区试验,研究复合微生物接种剂替代部分化肥对豌豆间作玉米体系生长状况及产量的影响。结果表明,复合微生物接种剂在210 d的储存期内有效活菌数均大于3.0×109 cfu/mL,符合《微生物肥料》标准(NY227-94)。与使用100%化肥相比,制成的复合微生物接种剂替代20%化肥后,豌豆成熟期的根长增加3.18 cm(P<0.05),豌豆盛花期和成熟期的根系干重分别增加0.88和2.39 g(P<0.05),豌豆单株结荚数、单荚粒数、单株粒重、籽粒产量分别增加1.2个、0.5个、0.63 g、0.64 t/hm2(P<0.05);玉米开花期株高增长8.91 cm(P<0.05),玉米穗重、籽粒产量分别提高4.33 t/hm2、1.87 t/hm2(P<0.05)。复合微生物接种剂替代20%化肥使豌豆、玉米分别增收972.00元/hm2、3835.05元/hm2。  相似文献   

An 18‐month‐old European shorthair cat was subjected to genetic studies due to ambiguous external genitalia (underdeveloped both penis and scrotum). Further anatomic and histopathological studies revealed the presence of abdominal, atrophic testes and uterus. Cytogenetic analysis showed two cell lines, one with X monosomy—37,X [90% of the analysed metaphase spreads], and other line had 38 chromosomes with normal X chromosome and abnormally small Y‐derived chromosome—38,X,der(Y) [10%]. Further fluorescence in situ hybridization study with telomeric probe revealed a ring structure of the der(Y). Eight Y chromosome‐specific genes, SRY, TETY1, TETY2, CUL4BY, CYORF15, HSFY, FLJ36031Y and ZFY, were detected. We conclude that the described abnormality of the reproductive system, leading to sterility, was caused by a very rare type of chromosomal mosaicism—37,X/38,X,r(Y).  相似文献   



The feeding value and nutritional adequacy of two cereal fodder, viz. sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) and maize (Zea mays), were evaluated in spotted deer (Axis axis) and compared with that in sheep in two consecutive feeding trials of 35 days each.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin in purple corn (Zea mays L.) has been reported to show several functional and biological attributes, displaying antioxidant, antiobesity and antidiabetic effects in monogastric animals. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of feeding anthocyanin‐rich corn (Zea mays L., Choko C922) silage on digestibility, milk production and plasma enzyme activities in lactating dairy cows. The cows were fed diets based on the control corn or the anthocyanin‐rich corn silage (AR treatment) in a crossover design. The anthocyanin‐rich corn silage‐based diet had a lower starch content, nutrient digestibility and total digestible nutrients content when compared to the control diet. The milk yield, lactose and solids‐not‐fat contents in the AR‐treatment cows were lower than in the control cows. The feeding of the anthocyanin‐rich corn silage led to a reduction in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity and an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the plasma. These data suggest that the anthocyanin‐rich corn has a lowering effect on AST activity with concomitant enhancement of SOD activity in lactating dairy cows. However, a new variety of anthocyanin‐rich corn with good nutritional value is needed for practical use as a ruminant feed.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood samples from a 13-year-old Thoroughbred mare were submitted for chromosome analysis. The mare had a poor reproduction record only producing four live foals during her 10 years as a broodmare. She had remained barren or experienced early embryonic loss in the other 6 years. Chromosomal analysis revealed the mare carried a rare nonreciprocal translocation involving chromosomes 2 and 13 [64,XX,t(2;13)]. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with probes specific for horse chromosomes 2 and 13 were used to confirm the nonreciprocal translocation. Both conventional and molecular cytogenetic techniques are important for identifying and characterizing chromosomal abnormalities in horses with poor reproductive performance, particularly in mares experiencing repeated early embryonic loss.  相似文献   

Twelve sheep were used in a 3 × 3 Latin square design to evaluate the effect of substituting wheat bran with forage soybean silage in the diet on apparent digestibility and nitrogen balance. Forage soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) was cultivated in a no‐till, no‐herbicide cropping system with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) as a living mulch. Forage soybean and Italian ryegrass were wilted and ensiled in round bales without additives, respectively. The experimental diets were based on corn silage supplemented with protein sources (tow silages or wheat bran). The crude protein and the acid detergent insoluble protein contents of forage soybean silage were the highest among the protein sources. The apparent digestibility of crude protein and the nitrogen balance did not significantly differ among the diets. In addition, the phytoestrogen content of forage soybean silage was below the level at which animal reproductive performance would be negatively affected. These results suggest that forage soybean silage has comparable feeding value to wheat bran, and can be given at an inclusion level of 17% (dry matter basis) as an alternative protein source to wheat bran without adverse effects on digestion or nitrogen balance in sheep fed a corn silage‐based diet.  相似文献   

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