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A comparison was made between two soil climosequences on north- and south-facing slopes in northern Italy to determine the influence of slope aspect on soil processes. The climosequences span an elevational gradient ranging from moderate (1200 m a.s.l.) to high alpine (2420 m a.s.l.) climate zones on surfaces having an age of about 15 000 years. The soils were investigated with respect to organic C, oxalate and dithionite extractable Fe, Al and Si, elemental losses (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Al, Si, Mn) and clay minerals. The stocks of soil org. C as well as of oxalate-extractable Fe and Al was greatest in the subalpine zone near the timberline. There are no clear differences in organic C content between the soils on north- and south-facing sites. Fe-oxalate and to a lesser extent Alo-stocks were, however, greater on north-facing sites, indicating that weathering is greater there. Eluviation and illuviation of Al and Fe within the soil profile, typical for podzolisation, was more distinctly expressed on the N slopes. The probability of ITM (Imogolite-type-material) formation in the soil seemed to be greater on south-facing sites. On the north-facing sites, element leaching was most intense in the subalpine zone close to the timberline while on the south-facing sites this was only the case for the base cations. The N slopes exhibited higher leaching of elements which generally indicates a higher weathering intensity. On south-facing sites, typical podzolisation processes were measurable only above 2000 m a.s.l. The development of smectites is also a reflection of the weathering intensity; smectite was discernible in the surface horizon at all sites on N slopes but the highest amount was detected in the sub-alpine climate zone. For the south-facing sites only in the alpine climate zone could smectite be detected. Higher temperatures and an increased number of freeze-thaw cycles on south-facing slopes should theoretically enhance rates of chemical weathering. This could, however, not be confirmed with our measurements. The degree of chemical weathering increases from the south- to the north-facing sites that are characterised by lower temperatures, lower evapotranspiration and consequently by a higher humidity. Although precipitation in Alpine regions is abundant, the availability and flux of water through the soil is the prime factor in weathering intensity.  相似文献   

This paper presents measurements of soil aggregation parameters and rainfall simulation experiments from areas of Mediterranean scrubland vegetation in La Costera district, in the southern part of Valencia Province, Spain. Data were obtained using a portable rainfall simulator and from laboratory studies of aggregate stability, using the water-drop test and ultrasonic dispersion methods. Three locations were chosen to enable the influences of aspect and the post-fire recovery time of the vegetation on soil erosion and hydrology to be investigated. The slopes studied were (a) a north-facing slope burnt ten years before the experiment, (b) a south-facing slope burnt at the same time, and (c) a north facing slope, burnt two years before the experiment, similar to slope “a” in terms of its basic characteristics. The experiments demonstrate the importance of both wildfires and aspect on hydrological and erosional soil surface processes.The north facing slope at La Costera (slope a) has a higher aggregate stability than the corresponding south facing slope (slope b). The recently burnt north facing slope (c) is intermediate in terms of aggregation, but has the most erodible soils because of the lower infiltration rates and the low vegetation and litter cover. Nevertheless, for the slopes burnt ten years previously, the south-facing slope is more erodible than the north-facing one.The results suggest that the forest fire ten years ago did not produce a persistent degradation of the ecosystem, only higher soil and water losses during the first years following the fire. A southern aspect, where vegetation recovery rates are slower and the hydraulic stress is higher, favours the development of soils with a relatively low aggregate stability.  相似文献   

Soil characteristics in a small steepland watershed underlain by schist in a rainy, tectonically active area in northwestern California show close associations with drainage-basin position and slope characteristics. Five soil-topography units based on these associations are defined in the study watershed. Spatial relationships of soil series, and patterns of soil development as indicated by B-horizon clay content and redness, reflect interactions between pedogenesis and erosion. General soil-topography patterns include: (1) decreases in soil-development moving from low-order to higher-order stream vallyes; and (2) more developed soils on north-facing as opposed to south-facing slopes. Decreases in soil-profile development moving from slopes near low-order streams to slopes near higher-order streams approximately correlate with increases in gradient, vertical relief, and drainage density, and reflect a more vigorous stripping of regolith by erosion on the slopes near the higher-order streams. The larger percentage of area covered by the more developed soils on north-facing as opposed to south-facing slopes appears to reflect a contrast in the way dominant erosional processes interact with pedogenic processes.Roadcuts on middle and upper slopes show soil discontinuities indicative of disturbance by block slides or slumps or both. Roadcuts on lower slopes show disrupted soils in small bedrock hollows that could have been created by rapid, shallow landslides or by the pulled-up root wads of toppled trees. Soil-profile characteristics and soil-topography patterns in the study area demonstrate that both erosional and pedogenic processes need to be considered when interpreting characteristics of hillslope soils.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the spatial patterns of soil nitrogen (N) transformations in relation to slope aspect and position, and to investigate the main factors controlling N transformation patterns during both the growing and dormant seasons in cool-temperate deciduous natural forests and larch plantations in eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan. Net rates of N mineralization (NRminN) and of nitrification (NRnit) in surface soils on north-facing and lower slopes were higher than those on south-facing and upper slopes, whereas the net rate of ammonium-N production (NRamm) on south-facing and upper slopes was higher than that on north-facing slopes in both the natural forests and larch plantations. Both NRminN and NRnit were higher in the growing than in the dormant season, whereas NRamm was higher in the dormant season. The soil C/N ratio, water content, soil pH and frequency of freeze–thaw cycles were important variables affecting N transformation patterns in any season. In relation to seasonality, the solar radiation index, daily temperature range and earthworm biomass were important controlling factors only during the growing season, and watershed area and soil N concentration only during the dormant season, suggesting that biological control accompanied with wet–dry events were important factors affecting N transformations during the growing season, but that run-off water and chemical controls were important determinants of spatial variation in N transformations during the dormant season.  相似文献   

Runoff sediment from disturbed soils in the Lake Tahoe Basin has resulted in light scattering, accumulation of nutrients, and subsequent loss in lake clarity. Little quantified information about erosion rates and runoff particle‐size distributions (PSDs) exists for determining stream and lake loading associated with land management. Building on previous studies using rainfall simulation (RS) techniques for quantifying infiltration, runoff, and erosion rates, we determine the dependence and significance of runoff sediment PSDs and sediment yield (SY, or erodibility) on slope and compare these relationships between erosion control treatments (e.g., mulch covers, compost, or woodchip incorporation, plantings) with bare and undisturbed, or ‘native’ forest soils. We used simulated rainfall rates of 60–100 mm h−1 applied over replicated 0·64 m2 plots. Measured parameters included time to runoff (s), infiltration and runoff rates (mm h−1), SY (g mm−1 runoff), and average sediment concentration (SC, g L−1) as well as PSDs in runoff samples. In terms of significant relationships, granitic soils had larger particle sizes than volcanic soils in bulk soil and runoff samples. Consequently, runoff rates, SCs, and SYs were greater from bare volcanic as compared to that from bare granitic soils at similar slopes. Generally, runoff rates increased with increasing slope on bare soils, while infiltration rates decreased. Similarly, SY increased with slope for both soil types, though SYs from volcanic soils are three to four times larger than that from granitic soils. As SY increased, smaller particle sizes are observed in runoff for all soil conditions and particle sizes decreased with increasing slope. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

J. Dan  A. Singer 《Geoderma》1973,9(3):165-192
The soils of the Golan basaltic plateau were surveyed and analyzed. Soils on uneroded plateaus range from montmorillonitic calcareous Reddish Brown Grumusols in the semi-arid areas through noncalcareous Brown Grumusols in the sub-humid areas to Brown and Red Mediterranean Soils with typical argillic horizons and dominance of kaolinitic clay in the humid parts of this region. Protogrumusols and basaltic Lithosols are found in eroded places. Volcanic cone soils in the humid Golan parts range from tuffic Regosols on the youngest cones and most eroded areas through tuffic Red Mediterrranean silty clay loam and silty loam on less eroded areas to tuffic Red Mediterranean clays on the older volcanic eruption sites and comparatively stable slopes.The weathering of the basalt is comparatively very slow, especially in the drier upland areas of the southern Golan. The weathering of the pyroclastic materials, on the other hand is fast, due to the great internal surface of this parent material.The various soils exhibit different leaching stages. A gradual disappearance of lime, decrease in pH values, increase in exchangeable H+ and a shift from montmorillonite clay dominance to kaolinite and similar clay types expresses the increase in the leaching degree from the dry areas to the moist ones.The textural profile of Golan soils depend on clay content and type. A soil sequence commencing with self-mulching Grumusols through various intermediate types to typical ABC Red and Brown Mediterranean Soils may be distinguished along climatic, time and drainage gradients.  相似文献   

Slopes that have been disturbed through roadway, ski slope or other construction often produce more sediment than less disturbed sites. Reduction or elimination of sediment loading from such disturbed slopes to adjacent streams is critical in the Lake Tahoe basin. Here, use of a portable rainfall simulator (RS), described in the first paper of this series, is used to evaluate slope effects on erosion from bare volcanic and granitic soils (road cut and ski run sites) common in the basin in order to establish a basis upon which revegetation treatment comparisons can be made. Rainfall simulations (60 mm h−1, approximating a 100‐year, 15‐minute storm) at each site included multiple replications of bare soil plots as well as some adjacent ‘native’, or relatively undisturbed soils below trees where available. Field measurements of time to runoff, infiltration, runoff, sediment discharge rates, and average sediment concentration were obtained. Laboratory measurements of particle‐size distributions using sieve and laser counting methods indicated that the granitic soils had larger grain sizes than the volcanic soils and that road cut soils of either type also had larger grain sizes than their ski run counterparts. Particle‐size‐distribution‐based estimates of saturated hydraulic conductivity were 5–10 times greater than RS‐determined steady infiltration rates. RS‐measured infiltration rates were similar, ranging from 33–50 mm h−1 for disturbed volcanic soils and 33–60 mm h−1 for disturbed granitic soils. RS‐measured runoff rates and sediment yields from the bare soils were significantly correlated with plot slope with the exception of volcanic road cuts due to the narrow range of road cut slopes encountered. Sediment yields from bare granitic soils at slopes of 28 to 78 per cent ranged from ∼1 to 12 g m−2 mm−1, respectively, while from bare volcanic soils at slopes of 22 to 61 per cent they ranged from ∼3 to 31 g m−2 mm−1, respectively. Surface roughness did not correlate with runoff or erosion parameters, perhaps also as a result of a relatively narrow range of roughness values. The volcanic ski run soils and both types of road cut soils exhibited nearly an order of magnitude greater sediment yield than that from the corresponding native, relatively undisturbed, sites. Similarly, the granitic ski run soils produced nearly four‐times greater sediment concentration than the undisturbed areas. A possible goal of restoration/erosion control efforts could be recreation of ‘native’‐like soil conditions. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Leaf litters from beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) and oak (Quercus robur L.), and needle litters from fir (Abies nordmanniana Spach.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees were collected from north-facing site and south-facing site and at three slope positions (top, middle and bottom) on each aspect that varied in soil chemical characteristics (soil pH, cation exchange capacity and base saturation). The litters were analysed for initial total carbon, nitrogen, acid detergent fibre, lignin and cellulose concentrations. Nitrogen, acid detergent fibre and lignin concentrations and carbon:nitrogen and lignin:nitrogen ratios varied significantly within and between species according to soil chemical characteristics on aspects and slope positions. Litter decomposition was studied in the field using the litterbag technique. The litters were placed on two aspects and at three slopes on each aspect in October 2001, and were sampled every 6-month for 2 years. The main effects of aspect, species and slope position on decomposition rates were all statistically significant. Oak leaf litter showed highest decomposition rates, followed by pine, fir and beech litter, and the litters placed on north-facing site decomposed faster than those on the south-facing site. The litters placed at the top slope position decomposed slower than at those at either the bottom or middle positions. Initial lignin concentrations explained most of the variation in decomposition rates between species, and within species for the aspects and the slope positions, but the explained variance showed differences between aspects and slope positions. This result illustrates the important point that litter quality may define the potential rates of microbial decomposition but these are significantly influenced by the biotic and abiotic environment in which decomposition takes place.  相似文献   

The opposite slopes of lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel, designated “Evolution Canyon”, display physical and biotic contrasts, although both are cut in Upper Cenomanian calcareous limestone. The three-fold greater solar radiation makes the south-facing slope warmer, drier and more variable than the north-facing slope and valley bottom. Consequently, biodiversity is greater. Microclimate (mesic–xeric) is a major force driving adaptive evolution, and causing soil divergence. The soils on both slopes are Terra Rossas in the Israeli classification system (Rhodoxeralfs in US taxonomy). However, selected properties (pH, humus content, NH4–N content, cation exchange capacity and others) display greater interslope than intraslope differences. The north-facing Terra Rossas have a dark-coloured A1 humic horizon, which is better developed than in south-facing Terra Rossas. Differences in soil morphology, moisture regime and microfabric between the north- and south-facing soils suggest that they belong to different taxonomic classes. These differences probably result in part from the forested ecosystem of the north-facing slope versus the savanna-like ecosystem of the opposite slope.  相似文献   

The present paper includes the first comprehensive list of a collembolan community in a site in Israel. Comparison was made between the assemblage of collembolan species on the north- and south-facing slopes of Lower Nahal Oren, Mt. Carmel, Israel. The valley runs from east westward. Its slopes, only 100 m apart at the bottom, contrast sharply due to the much higher solar radiation on the south-facing slope. The assemblage of Collembola found includes 50 Arthropleona and 20 Symphypleona species, including 14 species that are new to science. Arthropleona species richness was very similar on the north slope (43) and the south-facing slope (41). In contrast, a rich assemblage of Symphypleona was recorded on the north-facing slope (19 species), but only eight were recorded on the south-facing slope. Differences in species richness were found between and within slopes according to altitude zone, soil depth and vegetation. Collembola of the alluvial zone on the contrasting slopes were more similar to each other than those of the alluvial zone on each slope with its adjacent altitudinal zone on the same slope.  相似文献   

Revegetation, or other erosion control treatments of disturbed soil slopes in forested areas and along highways of the Lake Tahoe basin are directed at reduction of sediment loading to waterways reaching the lake. However, following treatment, little vegetation monitoring, or hydrologic evaluation has been conducted either to determine if the various treatments are successful or to assess the duration of erosion control anticipated in the field. Here, we build upon results from use of the portable rainfall simulator (RS) described in the first two papers of this series to evaluate cover and revegetation treatment effects on runoff rates and sediment concentrations and yields from disturbed granitic and volcanic soils in the basin. The effects of slope on rainfall runoff, infiltration and erosion rates were determined at several revegetated road cut and ski run sites. Rainfall simulation (∼60 mm h−1, approximating a 100‐year, 15‐minute storm) had a mean drop size of ∼2·1 mm and approximately 70 per cent of ‘natural’ rainfall kinetic energy. Measurements of: time to runoff; infiltration; runoff amount; sediment yield; and average sediment concentration were obtained. Runoff sediment concentrations and yields from sparsely covered volcanic and bare granitic soils can be correlated to slope. Sediment concentrations and yields from nearly bare volcanic soils exceeded those from granitic soils by an order of magnitude across slopes ranging from 30–70 per cent. Revegetation, or application of pine‐needle mulch covers to both soil types dramatically decreased sediment concentrations and yields. Incorporation of woodchips or soil rehabilitation that includes tillage, use of amendments (biosol, compost) and mulch covers together with plant seeding resulted in little or no runoff or sediment yield from both soils. Repeated measurements of sediment concentrations and yields in the subsequent two years following woodchip or soil rehabilitation treatments continued to result in little or no runoff. Revegetation treatments involving only use of grasses to cover the soils were largely ineffective due to sparse sustainable coverage (< 35 per cent) and inadequate infiltration rates. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of slope aspect and position on microbial biomass C (MBC) and some hydrolytic enzyme activities involved in soil N, P, and S cycles in a rangeland ecosystem of west central Iran. Soil samples were collected from three slope positions (summit, backslope, and footslope) of contiguous north- and south-facing slopes. Results indicated higher silt and clay content, soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), and C/N ratio on the north-facing slope. Furthermore, MBC, alkaline phosphomonoesterase (ALP), acid phosphomonoesterase (ACP), arylsulfatase (ARS), urease (URS), L-asparaginase (LAS), and L-glutaminase (LGL) activities were greater by 46.1, 65.9, 58.6, 59.6, 52.6, 62.8, and 65.7%, respectively, on the north-facing slope compared to the south-facing one. Higher ratios of enzyme activities to MBC were observed on the north-facing slope. In contrast, per cent of inorganic N and microbial quotient were greater on the south-facing slope. The activity of ALP, ACP, ARS along with SOC, TN, and MBC values decreased from summit to footslope. Overall, our findings indicate that north-facing slope and summit position support greater microbial biomass and hydrolytic diversity.  相似文献   

侵蚀性花岗岩坡地不同地貌部位土壤剖面风化特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示发育于侵蚀性风化花岗岩坡地上不同地貌部位土壤剖面的风化发育特征,在浙江省选择了典型的风化花岗岩坡地:浙江省嵊州市水土保持监测站为研究区,在监测站同一坡面不同侵蚀强度的坡顶、坡中、坡底选取3个典型的土壤剖面(140 cm),从下至上等距离(20 cm)采集土壤样品,共采集21个土样。进行了各层土壤基本理化特性和化学全量的分析,并分别计算了3个剖面不同层次的主要化学风化系数及总的风化强度,结果表明:(1)在强烈侵蚀的花岗岩风化残积坡地发育的土壤,总体发育成熟过程较弱,其进一步的发育与典型的地带性土壤的发育有很大的差异,侵蚀过程严重地影响了土壤的进一步成熟,侵蚀强度越大,则土壤发育越差。(2)土壤剖面总的风化强度不大,上下层的递变差异很小,脱硅富铝化过程随着剖面深度的增加风化程度越来越弱。(3)土壤剖面的化学分层不明显,各种风化指标均在60 cm左右形成了一个分界层,其上受水力侵蚀影响明显,其下呈现出的特性以继承残积母质为主。(4)不同地貌部位的风化发育程度排序为:坡底坡中坡顶,其与采样坡面的侵蚀强度排序正好相反。(5)风化程度与有机质和黏粒含量具有较为明显的正比关系,在侵蚀环境下,土壤的物理特性对风化的影响明显,在沉积环境下土壤有机质的影响大于黏粒含量的影响。总之,由于受侵蚀的影响,坡地土壤剖面的淀积层不发育,剖面呈现出的假淀积层不是由淋溶作用形成的,而是具有一定风化程度的风化残积层,结果导致发育于山地丘陵侵蚀性坡地的土壤层次划分不同于常规的土壤层次划分。  相似文献   

Soil and foliage samples were collected from 136 sample sites in forested areas of the Dhulikhel Watershed, Nepal. Analyses showed that the soils have small values for pH, base saturation, total nitrogen, carbon and available phosphorus. Sample sites were stratified on the basis of aspect and elevation, soil type, forest type and management and the strata were compared to determine the influence of site factors on forest soil fertility. Soils on south-facing slopes at low elevation contained significantly less total nitrogen and organic carbon compared with soils from north-facing slopes at high elevation. Foliage of both sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) and chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) growing on red soils (Rhodustults and Haplustults) contained significantly less phosphorus compared with non-red soils (Ustochrepts and Dystrochrepts). Soils under stands of sal have the poorest soil fertility levels in comparison with chir pine and hardwood sites. The continuous removal of base-rich litter from sal sites may account for the poor fertility conditions. Soil fertility levels are greater on sites which have been protected from biomass removal for at least 15 years relative to sites which have come under protection in the past 7 years.  相似文献   

Humus content, thickness of the accumulation horizon, soil texture, and depth of decalcification are all related to the slope of the soil surface in loess soils near Kraków. For example, humus content declines from 75 to 65 tonnes/ha as slope increases from 2 to 12°. Depth of decalcification which is about IOO cm on soils with slopes less than 2° is only about 50 cm on slopes of 12°. Such observations may prove helpful in the evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion processes on other loess areas physiographically similar to the region near Kraków.  相似文献   

The hydrological conditions near the soil surface influence the soil erosion process, as determined by the soil erodibility and critical shear stress. The soil erodibility and critical shear stress of saturated purple soil slopes were computed and compared with those of unsaturated purple soil slopes. The detachment capacities computed through the numerical method (NM), modified numerical method (MNM) and analytical method (AM), from rill erosion experiments on saturated purple soil slopes at different flow rates (2, 4, and 8 L min?1) and slope gradients (5, 10, 15, and 20°), were used to comparatively compute the soil erodibility and critical shear stress. The computed soil erodibilities and critical shear stresses were also compared with those of unsaturated purple soil slopes. At the different slope gradients ranging from 5° to 20°, there were no significant differences in the soil erodibilities of the saturated purple soil and also in those of the unsaturated purple soil. The critical shear stresses slightly varied with the slope gradients. The saturated purple soil was relatively significantly more susceptible to erosion. The NM overestimated the soil erodibility of both saturated and unsaturated soils by 31% and underestimated the critical shear stress. The MNM yielded the same soil erodibility and critical shear stress values as the AM. The results of this study supply parameters for modeling rill erosion of saturated purple soil slope.  相似文献   

Concentrations in the soil of anthropogenic and natural radionuclides have been investigated in order to assess the applicability of the 137Cs technique in an area of typical Mediterranean steep slopes. This technique can be used to estimate net soil redistribution rates but its potential in areas with shallow and stony soils on hard rock lithology have not been evaluated so far. In this research, the validity of using this technique in stony shallow soils at very steep slopes is discussed together with the relations between radionuclide concentrations and other soil properties, lithology, slope morphology and land use in a Mediterranean environment. Both natural Potassium-40 (40K), Uranium-238 (238U), Thorium-232 (232Th) and anthropogenic Caesium-137 (137Cs) radionuclides have been determined in samples taken along slope transects on uncultivated serpentinite soils and cultivated gneiss soils. In addition to the radionuclide concentrations, parameters such as slope position, slope angle, aspect, soil depth, surface stone cover, moss, litter, vegetation cover, soil crust, stone content and bulk density have been quantified.All the natural radionuclides 40K, 238U, 232Th show significantly higher concentrations in the gneiss than in the serpentinite soils, opposed to the 137Cs concentration, which is found significantly higher in the serpentinite soils probably because of the difference in clay mineralogy. The exponential decreasing depth distribution of 137Cs and its homogeneous spatial distribution emphasise the applicability of the 137Cs technique in this ecosystem.Lithology determines the concentration of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides. Land use determines the relations between 137Cs concentration/inventory and some soil characteristics. Higher 137Cs concentration and inventory are associated with higher percentages of vegetation cover, higher percentage of stones in the soil and higher values of soil bulk density in cultivated gneiss soils. Slope morphology and land use influence the soil redistribution at slope scale. The gneiss slopes show a zonation of four to five areas of differential erosion/accumulation processes corresponding with more regular slopes and soil redistribution due to water erosion and to tillage translocation and erosion. The serpentinites, as an example of a more unstable slope type, show more erosion areas with less accumulation downslope and soil redistribution due to water erosion.  相似文献   

Base cation (BC) concentrations of rain, throughfall, percolation from leaf litter, and soil solution were periodically measured in two forests: Kannondai (red pine stand on volcanic soil) and Yasato (deciduous stands on granitic soil). Calculation of a BC budget gave the rate of BC release from soils; the BCs originated from mineral weathering and cation exchange. Weathering rates under field conditions were estimated from the Sr isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of water and soil samples. Isotope ratios decreased in the order rain > throughfall > percolation > soil solution. Clay and silt had extremely high isotope ratios; this suggests that the sandy fraction, whose isotope ratio was smaller than that of the soil solution, was the main contributor to mineral weathering. Estimated BC weathering rates (kmolc·ha?1y?1) were 1.16 for Ca and 0.57 for Mg at Kannondai, and 0.82 for Ca and 0.51 for Mg at Yasato. The unexpected high weathering rate of granitic soil in Yasao was due to the wide coverage of the original parent material by volcanic ash. The contribution of cation exchange derived by subtraction was a little smaller than the weathering rates and was similar to the values estimated from a dynamic model that we developed.  相似文献   

The origin of red clayey soils developed on limestones has been largely questioned. We have analyzed thick red soils on Eocene-Pliocene limestones of the Yucatán peninsula (with detail in the Kantunil Kin area). The morphological, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics were interpreted as a record of pedogenesis and geomorphic dynamics during the Quaternary. Sand fraction mineralogy, the Zr/Ti ratio and ternary diagrams of Trace elements (Ti-Y-Zr, La-Th-Sc and Zr-Th-Sc) indicated a mixed origin of the soil parent material; volcanic and granitic/metamorphic components, redeposited by eolian transport. Within the soil matrix, primary minerals were transformed by weathering and caused desilication with the accumulation of kaolinitic clay. Reworked pedofeatures were originated from different soil bodies eroded. In the lower part of the profiles, we described the zone of carbonate leaching front, were the clay translocation in suspensions and posterior coagulation is more probable than the migration of elements in solutions and posterior synthesis.  相似文献   

Texture is one of the major criterions in soil classification, probably because it has a decisive influence on soil properties. This is particularly true for volcanic ash soils. Most ashes are largely composed of sand and silt particles with little clay (11, 15). The ash weathers very rapidly (1), and clay site particles less than 2 microns in diameter occur even within a few months, as shown by Ishii at the authors' laboratory. Those clay size particles produced in the early stage of weathering are slightly weathered ones (2), and are still subject to rapid weathering, losing bases and silica under humid and well drained conditions. In consequence the clay fraction of volcanic ash soils is composed of particles which vary in degree of weathering from slightly altered glass and feldspar to true clay mineraloids and minerals. The clay fraction of younger soils as a whole is less and that of older ones is more weathered. Weathering brings a remarkable change in the properties of volcanic ash soils; for example, an inerease in soil acidity, lowering of base saturation and bulk density, or accumlation of organic matter. These changes must exert a great influence on soil fertility directly or indirectly.  相似文献   

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