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居住区水景是以水为构成主体,附以其他建筑形式的景观,通过植物配置形成陆地、水域双重空间尺度的景观。通过居住区水景植物配置实际案例,探讨水边、驳岸边、水面、堤上、岛中、桥头等位置的植物配置艺术。建议在进行居住区水体景观植物配置的时候,充分了解立地条件,因地制宜地选择植物种类,从园林美学和生态学的角度出发,进行合理配置,营造出反映水景自然条件和地域景观特征的景致。  相似文献   

周君丽  廖飞勇  肖莉  王林云 《广西园艺》2009,20(2):32-33,43
本文通过对长沙市具有代表性的立交桥植物景观现状调查,分析研究了长沙市立交桥植物种类、配置方式、植物景观的观赏性和空间利用形式,并就相关问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

在老城区景观更新过程中,发现存在许多功能复杂、差异大的建筑空间组合区,在小区域范围内建构多元化的景观空间以满足不同使用人群的需求,是这些多功能区需要解决的问题。案例地贵州师范大学阳光苑位于贵州省贵阳市云岩区,是典型的老城区小尺度的活动空间,从空间序列的角度出发,对其植物配置进行调查分析,研究其在多功能空间组织中的作用和优势。结果表明:植物的种类、数量和形态特征以及不同的配置方式是影响多功能区不同人群使用需求的重要因素。得出以下结论:①进行多功能区植物配置时,分清主次,利用基调树种和季相变化烘托主环境氛围;②按照“少即是多”的原则进行均衡配置,并且使植物与其他景观要素有机结合;③利用植物的生物学特性进行配置,创造丰富的竖向空间,满足不同人群的使用功能。研究结果可以为同类型的区域交往空间提供植物配置策略,优化和提升老旧社区的空间品质。  相似文献   

蒋毅 《现代园艺》2024,(7):58-63
基于语义分析法,对浙江省乡村景观的需求进行了分析和研究。通过收集相关文献资料,分析乡村景观的特点和发展趋势,提取出影响乡村景观需求的主要因素。在此基础上,使用语义分析方法对浙江省各地的乡村景观需求进行了词频分析和语义网络分析,得到了不同地区乡村景观需求的排名和语义关系,并结合浙江省乡村空间布局和产业特点提出乡村景观空间模式。研究发现,乡村景观空间模式受乡村内部建设需求、乡村空间布局和经济产业建设的差异影响,从而呈现出多样化的需求特征,融合产业发展和景观空间特征,构建乡村景观空间模式,旨在为更好地满足乡村内部建设需求,促进乡村景观的多样化和可持续发展,为浙江乡村的发展提供有力支持,实现乡村振兴战略目标。  相似文献   

以海峡现代农业示范园核心区为研究对象,对示范园核心区植物景观的设计理念、植物分区、树种选择、植物群落构建、植物空间营造和观赏时序设计进行分析,着重研究榕属植物等乡土植物的应用,并探讨植物与园路、广场、水景、建筑小品等园林要素的配置,以期为同类的农业示范园的营造提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

为全面了解阜阳市乡村公共空间景观建设质量,基于AHP-综合模糊评价法,在现状调研和咨询专家的基础上,选取了观赏性、功能性、生态性、文化性和社会性5个方面评价因子,构建了阜阳市乡村公共空间景观评价模型。以庄吴营村为样本,对其乡村公共空间景观质现状进行了综合评价分析。结果显示,吴营村公共空间景观评价等级为一般,其中植物景观多样性、地域文化保护与传承是影响该地区乡村景观质量的主要因素。研究结果对于阜阳市乡村公共空间景观建设与提升优化具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

吴佳颖 《现代园艺》2024,(10):91-93
庭院景观设计的目的在于创造舒适、美观、实用、和谐的户外生活空间,以满足居住者的生活需求和审美追求。探究了庭院景观设计需要综合运用的多种方法,包括主题设定、空间布局、硬质景观设计、植物配置、水景设计、照明设计、设施布置、文化元素运用等。以期通过精心设计使庭院景观达到预期效果,提升居住环境的品质,为居住者带来愉悦的身心体验。  相似文献   

植物是景观设计的主要元素。根据植物造景的相关理论,对成都翡翠城小区进行实地考察和收集相关资料文献的基础上,对现代城市居住小区的各类绿地植物造景模式进行了研究和总结,包括中心区域绿地、宅旁区域绿地、组团区域绿地、道路绿地和其他空间绿地等景观空间进行了分析,研究这些不同类型景观空间的植物配置及造景模式,并对造景手法从生态效应、美学观赏、构筑空间、文化内涵等几个方面进行分析和总结,最后总结出成都市现代居住小区环境植物造景和植物配置的基本原则。  相似文献   

随着城市景观环境设计的发展及人们的自然生态环境保护理念逐渐增强,如何充分利用景观植物的观赏性进行植物景观配置,提升城市景观环境,是目前园林景观设计的研究重点。在明晰园林景观植物观赏性及园林景观设计概念的基础上,分析了园林植物观赏性与园林景观设计的关系,探索园林植物观赏性在园林景观设计中的应用途径。  相似文献   

中国古典园林与现代园林水体植物景观对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以古典园林和现代园林各自在水体植物方面的应用为基础,从水景形式、植物品种选择、植物造景手法3个方面探讨了它们的各自特点,通过分析二者的异同点,建议今后园林水体植物景观的发展应该从观赏性、生态性和文化意境3个方面予以提高。  相似文献   

垂枝樱花的观赏特性及其园林应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为挖掘垂枝樱花的美学和观赏价值,使其在园林中得到更广泛的应用,以垂枝樱花为研究材料,分析其花色、叶型、树型美感等观赏特性;总结垂枝樱花在园林中的孤植、丛植、列植、群植等主要种植方式的特点;此外,还阐述垂枝樱花与园林建筑、水体、山石、园路、地形以及其他园林植物等的配置方法与原则。此项研究将为垂枝樱花在引种驯化、园林生态功能和景观效果的发挥等多个方面提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

对贵阳市植物景观现状调查分析,强调在城市总体规划中绿地同其它用地一样重要,植物景观规划应是城市绿地系统规划中重要一项。植物景观设计应遵循科学性与艺术性相结合的基本原则,要注重园林植物的形式美和意境美及体现地方文化特色。指出贵阳市植物景观特色的体现重要的一点就是向自然学习,体现植物的最佳适用性,把使用乡土树种、以乔木为主的植物配置从图纸上落实在建设中,以此推行节约型、生态型、可持续发展的园林绿化。最后列出几种宜于贵阳市的植物配置模式以供参考。  相似文献   

黄若之  张涛 《中国园艺文摘》2012,28(3):35-36,180
摘要:植物色彩是秋季植物景观最为重要的观赏因素。以沈阳市秋季植物景观为例,着重对植物的色彩属性进行调查研究。并运用问卷调查的方式对大众进行色彩喜好的研究,了解色彩因素对大众审美的影响,从而总结出符合大众审美的秋季植物景观的色彩运用规律。  相似文献   

于守超  钱昆 《北方园艺》2008,(2):107-109
对聊城市广场树木生长状况与园林植物多样性之间的关系进行研究,结果表明:广场树木生长状况的数量化值与用 Shannon-Wiener 指数表示的园林植物多样性之间有良好的相关关系,相关方程为:G=2.7799 1.3056H,相关系数为R=0.9597,估计可靠性P=99.9%.  相似文献   

张芸 《中国园艺文摘》2009,25(8):101-102
我国是世界上缺水最严重的干旱区之一,因而研究抗旱植物在风景林遣景中的应用,在水资源问题日益突出的今天就具有特别重要的意义。过去的风号林景观规划存在重视景观效果而忽视抗旱植物对其少以利用的现象。文章拟在综合抗旱兼观赏性良好的植物种类中挑选出不同的搭配组合予以应用到风景林遣景中去,并对这些抗旱植物种类进行分类,对它们的生长习性和园林应用进行介绍,使之符合风景林景观抗旱植物的选择与造景的规划设计理念,进而指导实践工作。  相似文献   

Biotic communities are structured by both regional processes (e.g., dispersal) and local environmental conditions (e.g., stress). We examined the relative importance of landscape position (position within the hydrologic flow system and distance from other lakes) and local environmental factors in determining the assemblage structure of lake-dwelling snails and fingernail clams in a boreal landscape. Both landscape position and local environmental factors were highly influential in structuring the molluscan assemblages. In canonical correspondence analysis, 53.6% of snail and 48.2% of fingernail clam assemblage composition were accounted for by both sets of variables. The pure effects of landscape position were higher than those of environmental variables, and a considerable amount of variability was shared by the two sets of variables. In regression analysis, 95.5% of snail and 62.2% of fingernail clam species richness was accounted for by the explanatory variable groups, with most of the variability being related to shared effects, followed by landscape position. The effects of landscape position on species composition suggest that passive dispersal increases the similarity of molluscan assemblages in adjacent lakes. This process does not lead to an overall homogenisation of assemblage composition across the landscape, however, because local conditions set a strong environmental filter, excluding species that arrive at an unsuitable lake. These environmental filters may reflect either extinction probability (area, productivity) or species niche differences (calcium levels, abiotic stress). Landscape position may also be important in maintaining the species richness of lake-dwelling molluscan assemblages. By providing potential colonists, nearby source lakes are likely to be important in countering local extinctions. Our test of the relative importance of landscape position and local drivers of assemblage structure was partly confounded by their co-variation. Nevertheless, studying the relationship between landscape position and local variables is useful because it can tell us about the importance of local and regional processes in shaping lake communities.  相似文献   

The loss of biodiversity in productive ecosystems is a global concern of the last decades. The Rolling Pampas of Argentina is an intensively cropped region that underwent important land use and landscape change, with different impacts on biodiversity of both plants and animals. Land use type and habitat complexity are hypothesized to be the most important factors determining species richness in agro-ecosystems. But it is not easy to define these attributes in an unambiguous fashion, or determine their interactions at different spatial scales. A fuzzy logic approach allows overcoming some of these problems by using linguistic variables and logic rules to relate them and formulate hypothesis. We constructed fuzzy logic models to study how bird species richness in the Rolling Pampas is related to land use and habitat complexity, and how these variables interact at two spatial scales. Results showed that at the local scale, landscape complexity is the most important factor determining species numbers; trees and bodies of water are the most influential complexities. The effect of local scale landscape attributes was modified depending on the context at broader scales, so that agricultural sites were enriched when surrounded by more favorable landscapes. There was a high dispersion in the predicted/observed value relationship, indicating that landscape factors interact in more complex ways than those captured by the models we used. We suggest that the fuzzy logic approach is suitable for working with biological systems, and we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its use.  相似文献   

Choosing appropriate plants for urban landscapes is vital to avoid potential financial and environmental losses that may occur if all selection parameters are not taken into account. A methodology has been developed to assist landscape architects, planting designers, and urban horticulturists in the plant selection process. Tehran has been picked as a case study due to its arid and semi-arid climate which poses more challenges in front of an expert. After grouping plants, selection parameters have been defined for each plant group. Plant species were comparatively graded for each parameter by a group of eight specialists. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique and hierarchical cluster analysis have been utilized to find the most adaptable plant species for the area according to the main selection parameters of zone tolerance, urban conditions, esthetics, maintenance, growth characteristics, and specific features. Several new plants were ranked high in the final tables suggesting that the urban landscape of Tehran has a great potential to become more attractive, less allergic, and less costly, as well as consuming less water. Before introducing new plants to the urban environment, they should be experimented on in small numbers for several years to confirm that they will not change the ecology of the whole region through invasion or posing a threat to any local plant species.  相似文献   

对昆明市街道的主要绿化植物资源进行了调查分析,并整理出植物名录。结果表明:总计有53科82属107种。其中从生活型来看,乔木有52种,占48.6%;灌木29种,占27.1%;草本13种,占12.1%;藤本8种,占7.5%;竹子5种,占4.7%。综合分析了当地街道绿化植物在城市绿化中的应用与配置进行了分析和讨论,为今后昆明市道路绿化设计中合理选择、利用绿化植物提供参考。  相似文献   

Plants in living walls face challenges from intraspecific and interspecific competition from plants around them, as well as water and nutrient availability in the growing media. This paper explores these challenges using four different species of hardy perennials.Campanula poscharskyana ‘Stella’, Geranium sanguineum ‘Max Frei’, Sesleria heufleriana and Veronica officinalis ‘Allgrün’ were grown in two types of vertical growing media, made of either coir or stone wool, in transparent boxes under greenhouse conditions. In the media, plants were placed above each other, two plants of same species, two plants of different species, or a plant grown alone. Root frequency was registered over 56 days and the activity of individual root systems was studied through uptake of 15N. In addition, plant dry weight and N content as well as water content in the growing media were measured at cessation of the experiment.Shoot and root growth as well as nutrient content in plants were higher in coir than in stone wool and plants placed at the top position had significantly higher biomass than at the bottom position. The stone wool media had significantly higher water content in the lower part of the media while the coir media had water more evenly distributed. Species differences in root frequency were found. Campanula and Geranium showed strong root growth and had root frequencies of up to 0.9, whereas Sesleria and Veronica had less root growth, in some cases only root frequencies around 0.3. The species reacted differently to root competition and planting position and there were differences in the competitive ability between the species. Campanula and Geranium were not affected by competition, whereas both Veronica and Sesleria showed altered root growth due to competition depending on the growing medium. When Geranium was grown above Veronica in stone wool, plant biomass and 15N uptake increased in Veronica indicating environmental modification, with one species improving the growing conditions for another.The results revealed that growing plants vertically in a living wall is complex, and that choice of growing medium and species composition is important for a successful living wall. Planting combinations should therefore be tested before being used in commercial applications.  相似文献   

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