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叶庆成 《长江蔬菜》2002,(Z1):96-97
以6种野生茄子为砧木,台湾紫长茄农友704为接穗,观察不同砧木对农友704紫长茄的农艺性状及对黄萎病抗性的影响.结果表明,6种砧木与接穗亲和力都很强,嫁接成活率均在95%以上,其植株生长势强,株高、单株结果数、单果重、产量都明显优于自根苗,除绿茄外,其他5个砧木品种对黄萎病抗性明显强于自根苗,其中以超托鲁巴姆抗性最强,赤茄抗性次之,但综合性状最好,可选而用之.  相似文献   

以杭茄2010为接穗,分别嫁接托鲁巴姆、惠美砧霸、托托斯加、茄砧1号4个砧木品种,以茄子自根苗为对照(CK),研究了不同砧木嫁接对茄子成活率、生长发育及产量的影响。试验结果表明,以托鲁巴姆作砧木嫁接茄子具有极高的亲和性,嫁接存活率高;植株生长势强,且产量大幅提高,综合性状优于其他砧木,托鲁巴姆适宜作为当地茄子嫁接砧木进行推广应用。  相似文献   

以桂林紫长茄作为接穗,以托鲁巴姆、野力巴木、金刚茄砧和本地野生茄子等4个品种为砧木进行嫁接,并对嫁接成活率、物候期、植株生长、盛产期产量和抗病性等方面进行了比较。结果表明,以野力巴木和托鲁巴姆作砧木的嫁接苗表现植株生长旺盛、抗病、高产,综合性状优;金刚茄砧作砧木的嫁接苗产量最高,抗病性较强,这三个砧木适合在桂北地区作茄子嫁接栽培应用。  相似文献   

墨茄嫁接后,长势明显改善,株高、茎粗、叶片数、开展度、根鲜重、冠鲜重等生物学性状指标增加;嫁接对茄子果实的内在品质无明显不良影响,果实的外观品质优于对照;6种砧木嫁接茄子都有明显的增产效果,刚果茄>牛茄子>赤茄>托鲁巴姆>粘毛茄>乳茄>对照,防病效果:托鲁巴姆>粘毛茄>刚果茄>赤茄>牛茄子>乳茄>对照.建议选用刚果茄作墨茄的砧木为佳.  相似文献   

茄子不同砧木嫁接比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以杭茄1号为接穗,以无刺托鲁巴姆、有刺托鲁巴姆等6种野生茄子为砧木进行嫁接,对其物候期、成熟期、植株生长、果实大小和旱期产量等方面进行比较.结果表明,0601、0603和0604三个砧木嫁接后茄子成熟期比杭茄1号自根苗延长1~2 d,但是0602、无刺托鲁巴姆和有刺托鲁巴姆为砧木的成熟期比杭茄1号自根苗延长34 d,28 d和27 d,杭茄1号嫁接后,株高、株幅和茎粗都因砧木品种不同发生了较为显著的变化,产量方面,除以0603和0604为砧木嫁接后在前期产量上低于杭茄1号自根苗外,其他品种前期产量均显著高于杭茄1号自根苗.  相似文献   

以武汉地区常见茄子砧木为材料,研究了不同砧木与紫龙三号茄子嫁接后的幼苗质量及黄萎病抗性。试验结果表明,砧木托鲁巴姆、茄砧1号嫁接处理后,幼苗病情指数低、抗性较好,所对应的嫁接苗成活率高、亲和性强,壮苗指数较高。  相似文献   

从引进10个茄子砧木品种中,选出以托鲁巴姆为代表的3个砧木品种,以春秋长茄、三月茄等为接穗.使用劈接法嫁接,通过对5个嫁接时期嫁接成活率的比较试验表明,以11月上中旬嫁接最适宜;对嫁接苗和自根苗田间抗病性、产量比较表明,嫁接苗比自根苗高抗黄萎病、青枯病及枯萎病,增产效果显著,达到了防病增产的目的。  相似文献   

不同砧木对茄子抗病性、生理活性及产量的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
利用野生茄子作砧木进行茄子嫁接栽培可以有效防治黄萎病的发生,‘刚果茄’和‘赤茄’作砧木的按接茄子较易感褐纹病,植株易倒伏,‘托鲁巴姆’作砧木抗褐纹病,不易倒伏;植株的抗倒伏力与砧木的根系分布有关;茄子嫁接后光合速率、细胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾作用和气孔导度均明显高于对照。  相似文献   

试验以‘托鲁巴姆’为砧木,‘龙园棚茄1号’为接穗,在不同连作年限下嫁接对茄子黄萎病发病率和病情指数进行研究。结果表明:采用嫁接技术在不同连作年限下,能显著降低嫁接苗的发病率和病情指数。茄子生育的中后期,嫁接茄子的黄萎病发病率在3.57%~9.52%之间,病情指数在0.97~4.16之间,仅为自根苗发病率的14.03%,且随着连作年限增加,嫁接后发病率降低明显。  相似文献   

1 砧木和接穗的选择1.1 砧木的选择 现在生产上使用的砧木.为日本引进的茄子嫁接砧木品种一托鲁巴姆。该品种对黄萎病、枯萎病、青枯病、根结丝线虫等土传病表现为高抗,被国内外专家称为“四抗”砧木品种。该品种还具有根系发达,植株生长势极强等特点。1.2 接穗的选择 接穗选用生长势强,性状优良的中晚熟品种──美引茄冠。2茄子嫁接育苗 赵冬温室砧木一般在7月底播种,9月上中旬嫁接,10月中下旬定植于温室内。砧木和接穗均需催芽播种(直播出苗太慢.发芽率低)。2.1 砧木催芽方法 把砧木种子放入盛500ml温水的容…  相似文献   

嫁接对茄子根际土壤微生物和叶片硝酸还原酶的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以野生茄‘托鲁巴姆’ (Solanum torvum ) 为砧木, 茄子(S. m elongena) ‘西安绿茄’品种为接穗, 研究了嫁接茄根际土壤微生物生理类群和土壤水解酶活性及叶片硝酸还原酶活性的动态变化特点,分析了嫁接茄根际土壤微生物生理类群和土壤水解酶与叶片硝酸还原酶活性的关系, 探讨了嫁接提高茄子氮素转化和吸收与土壤生物活性的关系。结果表明: 嫁接茄根际土壤微生物生理类群和土壤水解酶活性均较自根茄有增加的趋势。但不同发育时期也有一定的变化。嫁接茄叶片硝酸还原酶活性随着生育均表现出逐渐增加的趋势, 且显著高于自根处理。嫁接茄的固氮菌、硝化细菌和脲酶与其叶片硝酸还原酶活性均呈显著或极显著正相关。总体上看, 嫁接显著增加了茄子根际土壤固氮菌、硝化细菌和脲酶活性, 嫁接茄株也表现出较高的硝酸还原酶活性。  相似文献   

樱桃番茄嫁接砧木筛选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以格格樱桃番茄作接穗,农优野茄、托鲁巴姆、金钻砧木和砧木1号作砧木,进行嫁接和嫁接苗栽培试验.试验结果表明.4种砧木与樱桃番茄嫁接亲和性由强到弱依次为:砧木1号、金钻砧木、农优野茄和托鲁巴姆;嫁接苗青枯病发病率与自根苗差异均达到极显著水平,嫁接苗产量比自根苗增产15.9%~48.7%,在抗青枯病和产量方面表现都比较好的砧木为农优野茄和砧木1号.  相似文献   

嫁接对茄子生长发育和黄萎病抗性的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
利用茄属野生种粘毛茄作砧木,六叶茄为接穗进行嫁接,探讨嫁接对茄子抗黄萎病能力及生长发育的影响。经接种鉴定,嫁接苗比六叶茄自根苗(CK)病情指数下降55.4,春大棚生产试验中,嫁接苗未发现病株,表明嫁接能显著提高茄子对黄萎病的抗性;砧木与接穗之间有较强的亲和性,嫁接苗成活率3年平均达89.6%,且嫁接苗根系极其发达,根体积超过对照1倍以上,明显促进了地上部各器官的生长,果实产量显著提高,1995、1996年嫁接苗茄子产量分别比对照增产35.1%和26.8%。  相似文献   

不同砧木嫁接对茄子营养品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以野生茄子托鲁巴姆和番茄毛粉802为砧木、西安绿茄王为接穗,研究嫁接对茄子果实中蛋白质、维生素C、可溶性糖含量及分布的影响。结果表明,嫁接后在果实发育的瞪眼期、商品成熟期和生理成熟期蛋白质与维生素C含量均显著高于自根茄子;蛋白质、维生素C及可溶性糖在果实各部位的分布趋势与自根茄子基本一致。  相似文献   

以铁木砧、RS112、蒜芥茄、茄砧21 号、茄砧31 号为砧木,以渝茄5 号为接穗,研究不同砧木嫁接对茄子生长、品质及青枯病抗性的影响。结果表明,5 个供试砧木与接穗亲和力均较强。RS112 和蒜芥茄作砧木对嫁接植株生长有较好的促进效果,RS112 作砧木能够改善果实品质。5 个供试砧木均高抗青枯病,RS112 和铁木砧作砧木可以推迟青枯病发病时间、显著降低病情指数、有效防控青枯病,蒜芥茄、茄砧31 号和茄砧21 号作砧木对青枯病则表现为高感或感病。综合评价,RS112 是嫁接茄子抗病、增产、优质的优选砧木。  相似文献   

为了明确茄子嫁接后砧木、接穗残株的再生进程及再次嫁接利用的可行性,以茄砧1号、园杂471为砧木和接穗品种,研究砧木、接穗残株再生苗的生长发育进程,并比较残株再生苗嫁接与初次嫁接苗的愈合情况和生长指标。结果表明:茄子嫁接后砧木残株扦插再生、接穗残株腋芽再生30 d左右均可形成健壮的幼苗,植株茎粗可达2.5 mm左右,与播种育苗相比,砧木、接穗分别缩短育苗时间约45、10 d;利用砧木、接穗残株进行嫁接,嫁接苗成活率、木质部输导能力、砧/穗接合力及35 d嫁接苗净生长量与初次嫁接苗无显著差异。茄子残株嫁接苗砧木与接穗培养成本明显低于初次嫁接苗,按万株嫁接苗计,可节约生产成本696.4元。综上,茄子嫁接后砧/穗残株可以嫁接再利用,并可提高经济效益。  相似文献   

We propose the utilization of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) interspecific hybrids derived from crosses with closely related species as an approach for developing new improved rootstocks for eggplant. Here we investigate rootstock effects on fruit yield, apparent quality and proximate and mineral composition of S. melongena ‘Black Beauty’ (BB) scions grafted on interspecific hybrid rootstocks developed from crosses of S. melongena with Solanum incanum L. (SI × SM) and Solanum aethiopicum L. (SM × SA). The results are compared with non-grafted (BB control) and self-grafted (BB/BB) controls and with S. melongena ‘Black Beauty’ scions grafted onto Solanum torvum Sw. (STO) and Solanum macrocarpon L. (SMA) rootstocks. All treatments were grown in a soil naturally infested with root-knot nematodes (mostly Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood). SI × SM and SM × SA interspecific hybrids had high germination (≥90%) and total graft success (100%). Contrary to what occurred with all other treatments, no plants from scions grafted onto these hybrid rootstocks died during the experiment. In particular, the SI × SM hybrid rootstock conferred the highest vigour to the scion, which resulted in the highest values for fruit earliness and early and total yield. Little difference was observed among treatments for apparent fruit quality traits, except for a greater fruit calyx length and prickliness of fruit grafted onto SMA rootstocks. A similar result was obtained for fruit composition where phenolics content was higher in fruit from plants grafted onto SMA rootstocks. Grafting eggplant onto interspecific eggplant hybrids, especially on the SI × SM hybrid, has proved advantageous for eggplant production, as the high vigour and good compatibility of the rootstock with scion results in improved early and total yield without negative effects on apparent fruit quality or composition. Interspecific hybrids represent an alternative to the commonly used STO rootstock, which is a wild species with irregular germination.  相似文献   


Six wild species of Eriobotrya were evaluated as rootstocks for domesticated loquat. Twelve-month-old seedlings of Oak leaf loquat (an Oak Leaf loquat ‘Zaozhong No. 6’ hybrid) and wild Fragrant loquat (E. fragrans Champ) had higher root-to-shoot fresh weight (FW) ratios than other wild species. When the domesticated loquat, ‘Zaozhong No. 6’, was grafted onto seedlings of six different wild loquat species, differences in compatibility were observed. Graft compatibility was lower for all combinations compared to ‘Zaozhong No. 6’ grafted onto domesticated loquat seedlings. When wild Henry loquat was used as a rootstock, delayed incompatibility was observed. Differences in soluble sugar contents (SSC) between scion and rootstock were observed, and there was a significant negative correlation between graft compatibility and the difference in SSC values. The influence of the rootstock on anatomical changes at the graft union were observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Wild rootstocks also influenced scion growth, fruit bearing, and fruit quality. Graft combinations which used wild Fragrant loquat as the rootstock had increased cold tolerance and improved scion growth. Wild Fragrant loquat therefore appears to have value as a rootstock for domesticated loquat.  相似文献   

抗南方根结线虫不同番茄砧木田间综合评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用9份番茄砧木与中杂9号番茄嫁接,在日光温室内比较了其对植株抗性、生长发育及果实品质等的影响。结果表明:041-373、031D158、Genaros、Baofa009和Trs-401砧木苗期及田间对南方根结线虫的抗性鉴定均表现为抗病;与中杂9号自根苗对照相比,各砧木嫁接对植株长势、产量、单果质量等均无显著影响;不同砧木材料对番茄果实VC含量影响不明显,但可以影响果实可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖含量及糖酸比,其中Eldorado砧木嫁接可显著降低果实可溶性糖含量及糖酸比,而041-373及Trs-401砧木嫁接则可显著提高果实可溶性糖含量及糖酸比。综合考虑不同砧木抗性表现及对果实品质等的影响,认为生产上可以将041-373、031D158、Genaros、Baofa009、Trs-401等5份砧木材料作为抗南方根结线虫砧木用于研究与示范。  相似文献   


Melon (Cucumis melo L.) ‘Arava’ was grafted onto 22 experimental Cucurbita rootstocks including intra- or interspecific hybrids to examine scion-rootstock compatibility and to correlate plant performance under greenhouse and field conditions. The commercial Cucurbita ‘TZ-148’ rootstock and non-grafted plants were used as controls. Numbers of leaves, stem length and plant fresh weights were recorded three weeks after planting. Vegetative growth of the grafted plants varied markedly, indicating differences in compatibility between the scion and rootstocks. A positive correlation was found between number of leaves, stem length and fresh weight of melon plants. No significant advantage in vegetative growth was found in melons grafted onto intra- or interspecific hybrid rootstocks. Stem diameter and number of vascular bundles of the rootstock did not correlate with scion plant fresh weight. Twelve selected rootstocks out of the 22 tested were grown in the field during the spring and autumn, to determine if there is an association between the plant performance in the greenhouse and fruit yield under field conditions. Positive and significant correlations were found between greenhouse growth parameters and fruit yield under field conditions. It is suggested that testing grafted melons under greenhouse conditions could be a useful tool for preliminary testing of scion-rootstock compatibility.  相似文献   

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