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本文详细介绍了我国尚未发生的、对我国具入侵威胁的4种柑橘病害:猝死病(citrus sudden death,CSD)、杂色褪绿病(Citrus variegated chlorosis,CVC)、非洲型黄龙病(Candidatus Liberobacter africanum)和美洲型黄龙病(Candidatus L. americacum)的发生分布、寄主范围、病原种类和传播途径;根据这些病害的危害性、寄主范围和传播途径,初步分析这些病害的风险,阐述和强调了对这些病害检疫防范的重要性.  相似文献   

柑橘鳞皮病是一种分布在包括南美洲和地中海等广大地区的重要病毒性病害,随着大量国外优良柑橘品种的引进,增加了柑橘鳞皮病随同苗木、接穗传入我国的可能性。本文对柑橘鳞皮病的类型、研究历史、病原、传播方式、检测技术以及防治方法作一综述,为今后我国对柑橘鳞皮病的检疫和防治研究提供基础。  相似文献   

柑橘在宜昌市栽植历史悠久且规模大的果树,柑橘疮痂病是影响柑橘产量和经济效益的一种重要病害。通过设立防治区与非防区,调查统计不同处理区的疮痂病发生危害情况,对比分析产量结果,明确受害产量损失的情况,以评估疮痂病的为害程度。  相似文献   

柑橘疮痂病的发生及防治药剂的筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
柑橘作为中国广东、四川、重庆、浙江、湖南、江西等省(区)农民增收的经济作物.其产量和种植面积一直居百果之首。柑橘疮痂病(Sphaceloma fawcetti Jenk.)是柑橘生产过程中重要的病害之一。主要在中亚热带和北亚热带柑橘产区分布,我国浙江、江西等柑橘产区发生较为严重。主要为害幼嫩组织嫩叶、嫩梢及幼果。受害新梢生长不良.严重时引起大量幼果、嫩叶脱落,未落果实小、畸形.影响果实品质.影响果品价格。  相似文献   

自2009年起柑橘黑点病逐渐成为上海地区影响柑橘果实商品价值的最主要病害,严重制约上海市柑橘产业的效益。为了解该病的田间流行动态以及病害发生与降雨量的关系,2010年—2018年连续9年进行了病害发生动态调查和分析。结果表明,上海地区6月上旬至8月下旬是果实感病期,其中,6月中旬至7月中旬为发病高峰期;雨水是黑点病发生的必要条件,果实生长期不同阶段的降雨参数,尤其是6月下旬的降雨量与病情指数密切相关。本文以病情发展的3个时间节点(7月15日、8月15日和9月10日)的病情指数为因变量,以这3个时间点之前各旬的降雨量、降雨日为自变量筛选变量建立了多元线性回归方程,根据分析结果,采用6月下旬的降雨量等气象因子建立的多元线性回归方程,可以比较准确地预测7、8月中旬和9月10日即病害发展稳定期的田间病情。  相似文献   

<正>柑橘褪绿矮缩病是一种新发生的危险性病害,自20世纪80年代在土耳其被发现以来,已成为该地区柑橘上最严重的病害(Loconsole et al.,2012)。近年来该病在我国云南省也有发生(Guo et al.,2015;Zhou et al.,2017)。该病可危害大多数柑橘种类,仅甜橙有一定耐病性,在敏感品种上可引起植株叶片变形、扭曲、花叶、节间变短等症状,造成果实变小,  相似文献   

斑马片病是一种可对马铃薯等茄科作物造成严重危害的病害,其病原为Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum,主要通过马铃薯木虱(Bactericera cockerelli)等介体进行传播。该病害主要分布于美国、墨西哥、中美洲各国和新西兰等国家,虽然目前中国没有发生的报道,但具备该病害传入和发生的条件。本文对斑马片病的发生发展过程,病原基因组学、分子检测技术、防控措施及对我国的风险等进行讨论,对于全面了解该病害,防范其传入我国并在我国流行具有重要意义。  相似文献   

僵果病和炭疽病是蓝莓上普遍发生的两种重要真菌病害,危害极其严重,近年来随着蓝莓引种工作以及新鲜果实的大量进口,该病传入我国的风险逐渐增大。本文简要介绍了两种病害的病原、危害及分布、症状、病害循环、防治措施和检疫鉴定特征等,以其为防止这些病害随着引种工作传入我国提供参考。  相似文献   

玉米粗缩病和水稻黑条矮缩病的发生及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据玉米粗缩病和水稻黑条矮缩病近几年来的发生特点和为害情况 ,具体阐述这两种病害的发病症状、发生规律、病原生物学、发生影响因素、合理的防治措施 ,为今后更好地识别和防治这两种病害提供了理论基础  相似文献   

星裂壳孢梨果腐病和苹果果腐病分别由Phacidiopycnis(缩写:Ph.)pyri和Ph.washingtonensis侵染所致,这两种真菌性病害在我国尚未有发生为害的报道,前者在欧洲和北美梨和苹果产区为害严重,而目前后者则仅在美国报道.本文介绍了以上两种病害的发生分布、寄主范围、病原菌及其形态特征、侵染特点及为害症状、病原菌培养性状、生物学特性、分离和鉴定方法、致病性测定及简要的防治方法;初步分析了病害的传播途径.自2008年4月起首次并连续3次从佛山澜石口岸截获的美国进境苹果中截获星裂壳孢苹果果腐病(Ph.washingtonensis),根据此疫情本文阐述了梨果腐病和苹果果腐病在我国口岸检疫的重要性.  相似文献   

柑橘果实壳梭孢腐烂病的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 柑橘果实腐烂病引起伦晚脐橙果皮褐化、坚硬、缩水,严重影响果实商品价值。2017年对湖北宜昌采集的伦晚脐橙病果进行了组织分离、柯赫氏法则验证和病原菌鉴定,明确病原菌为小新壳梭孢Neofusicoccum parvum,该病菌也可侵染柑橘叶片、枝干和果实,引起腐烂。这是关于小新壳梭孢N. parvum侵染柑橘果实的首次报道。  相似文献   

 柑橘黄龙病是柑橘生产上最具毁灭性的病害之一,由目前还无法分离培养的候选韧皮部杆菌亚洲种(“Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”, CLas)引起的。早期研究表明CLas在染病柑橘植株内的分布并不均匀。为进一步探究CLas在染病枝条及果实内的空间分布规律,本研究以感染黄龙病的贡柑(带果实)枝条为材料,利用定量PCR(quantitative PCR, qPCR)分析同一枝条不同部位及果实橘络中的CLas浓度。结果表明,带果贡柑枝条不同部位的CLas分布不均匀且以果实橘络部位的CLas浓度最高(15 487.6 CLas cells/ng总DNA)。通过对同一橘络不同片段长度(每1.5 cm)中的CLas进行定量分析发现,同一橘络中的CLas同样呈不均匀分布(CLas个数范围:12 407~10 271 089)。此外,定量分析发现黄龙病引起的畸形果大小两侧橘络中的CLas浓度差异不显著。该结果可为探究CLas在柑橘枝条及果实中的转运规律提供参考。  相似文献   

 柑橘黄龙病是柑橘生产上最具毁灭性的病害之一,由目前还无法分离培养的候选韧皮部杆菌亚洲种(“Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”, CLas)引起的。早期研究表明CLas在染病柑橘植株内的分布并不均匀。为进一步探究CLas在染病枝条及果实内的空间分布规律,本研究以感染黄龙病的贡柑(带果实)枝条为材料,利用定量PCR(quantitative PCR, qPCR)分析同一枝条不同部位及果实橘络中的CLas浓度。结果表明,带果贡柑枝条不同部位的CLas分布不均匀且以果实橘络部位的CLas浓度最高(15 487.6 CLas cells/ng总DNA)。通过对同一橘络不同片段长度(每1.5 cm)中的CLas进行定量分析发现,同一橘络中的CLas同样呈不均匀分布(CLas个数范围:12 407~10 271 089)。此外,定量分析发现黄龙病引起的畸形果大小两侧橘络中的CLas浓度差异不显著。该结果可为探究CLas在柑橘枝条及果实中的转运规律提供参考。  相似文献   

不同时期的柑橘果实中真菌种类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柑橘采后真菌病害发生普遍,对柑橘产业造成了极大的威胁。柑橘体内存在丰富的真菌类群,为了了解柑橘成熟和衰老过程中果实内生真菌的多样性和变化动态,本论文通过MiSeq技术解读真菌ITS区域序列,分别对生长期、成熟期和贮藏期的晚蜜一号果实的果皮和果肉的内生真菌种类进行了分析。发现相比于果肉,果皮中真菌在目和属水平的多样性更为丰富,而成熟期果肉中真菌种类多于果皮。不同生长阶段的两种组织中优势的真菌属也不同,果皮在生长期以Medicopsis和刺盘孢属(Colletotrichum)占绝对优势,成熟期为刺盘孢属,贮藏期以葡萄孢属(Botrytis)、Erythrobasidium和Strelitziana较为常见;而果肉中生长期主要为青霉属(Penicillium)和枝孢菌属(Cladosporium),约占1/4,成熟期半数以上为葡萄孢属,及至贮藏期约90%为链格孢属(Alternaria)和青霉属,其中链格孢属约占2/3。常见植物病原真菌如枝孢菌属(Cladosporium)、巨座壳属(Magnaporthe)、核盘菌属(Sclerotinia)、葡萄孢属(Botrytis)、白粉菌属(Erysiphe)、青霉属(Penicillium)、链格孢属(Alternaria)和镰孢霉属(Fusarium)等在果肉中的数量高于果皮。果肉中存在较大数量的常见植物病原真菌,不同属真菌在不同样品中呈不同的变化动态,暗示采后病变是多种真菌交互作用的结果,采后病害的防治可以提前至开花期。  相似文献   

 柑橘生长中后期、运输和贮藏期间由真菌危害造成的烂果现象十分普遍。2016年对采集自江西赣州果园的柑橘病果进行了组织分离、柯赫氏法则验证和病原菌鉴定,明确病原菌为葡萄座腔菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)。进一步发现该病菌可以侵染苹果枝干和果实,引起腐烂。这是首次关于B. dothidea侵染柑橘果实的报道。  相似文献   

Among the virus diseases affecting the citrus industry in southern parts of India, the most devastation is caused by citrus tristeza virus (CTV) followed by citrus yellow mosaic badnavirus (CMBV). Research analysis reveals that the longevity of the trees, quality of fruit appearance, juice and ascorbic acid content are lowered in CMBV-infected citrus. CMBV is chiefly propagated through infected budwood, which is used in graft propagation of citrus species. Symptoms of the mosaic disease caused by the virus are always confused with those of mineral deficiencies and is the main reason for CMBV spread through graft propagation in nurseries. CMBV could also co-exist as a mixed infection with CTV. This mixed infection of CMBV and CTV causes even more devastation than CTV infection does alone. At present, this virus is limited to the southern parts of India. If CMBV is not properly diagnosed at the quarantine level, there is a high risk of virus movement to other citrus-growing countries of the world, especially for the border countries of India.  相似文献   

Sour rot, green mold and blue mold are postharvest diseases of citrus fruit. Benzimidazole and imidazole fungicides control molds, and guazatine controls sour rot, but strains ofPenicillium spp. resistant to these chemicals have been reported. Aqueous formulations of fenpropimorph, a morpholine fungicide, are very active in controlling fungi attacking postharvest citrus fruits. The fungicidal effect of the chemical in the coating wax was investigated in combined treatments with guazatine in dip or spray applications on various citrus fruit varieties. Fenpropimorph alone was as good as or a better curative and protective treatment than the current commercial treatments applied in packinghouses in Israel for decay control.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A gene (AcCreA) encoding a catabolite repression element (CreA) with (two zinc fingers of the Cys(2)His(2) type was isolated from the postharvest fungal pathogen Alternaria citri. The AcCreA overexpression mutant AcOEC2 of A. citri showed normal growth on pectin medium and on segments of peel or the juice sac area from citrus fruit. Production of endopolygalacturonase, an essential virulence factor of this pathogen, was similar in AcOEC2 and the wild type in pectin-containing media. However, addition of glucose to the medium showed that carbon catabolite repression of endopolygalacturonase gene (Acpg1) expression, as well as endopolygalacturonase production, was lost in AcOEC2. The wild-type strain of A. citri causes rot mainly in the central axis of citrus fruit without development of rotting in the juice sac area; however, AcOEC2 caused severe black rot symptoms in both the central axis and juice sac areas. These results indicate that AcCreA-mediated catabolite repression controls the virulence or infection of this pathogen, and that the wild-type A. citri does not cause symptoms in the juice sac area due to carbon catabolite repression by sugars in the juice of the juice sac area.  相似文献   

Guignardia citricarpa , the causal agent of citrus black spot, forms airborne ascospores on decomposing citrus leaves and water-spread conidia on fruits, leaves and twigs. The spatial pattern of diseased fruit in citrus tree canopies was used to assess the importance of ascospores and conidia in citrus black spot epidemics in São Paulo State, Brazil. The aggregation of diseased fruit in the citrus tree canopy was quantified by the binomial dispersion index ( D ) and the binary form of Taylor's Power Law for 303 trees in six groves. D was significantly greater than 1 in 251 trees. The intercept of the regression line of Taylor's Power Law was significantly greater than 0 and the slope was not different from 1, implying that diseased fruit was aggregated in the canopy independent of disease incidence. Disease incidence ( p ) and severity ( S ) were assessed in 2875 citrus trees. The incidence-severity relationship was described ( R 2 = 88·7%) by the model ln( S ) = ln( a ) +  b CLL( p ) where CLL = complementary log-log transformation. The high severity at low incidence observed in many cases is also indicative of low distance spread of G. citricarpa spores. For the same level of disease incidence, some trees had most of the diseased fruit with many lesions and high disease severity, whereas other trees had most of the fruit with few lesions and low disease severity. Aggregation of diseased fruit in the trees suggests that splash-dispersed conidia have an important role in increasing the disease in citrus trees in Brazil.  相似文献   

寡毛实蝇的监测、鉴定和检疫处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实蝇是水果和蔬菜的大害虫,在世界果蔬贸易中占有重要的地位。本研究采用国际通用的监测技术,利用Trimedlure,Cuelure和Methyleugenol三种实蝇引诱剂于1980年开始至今,连续十多年对寡毛实蝇和地中海实蝇进行监测,同时也收集实蝇的寄主果实,开展周年季节性调查。经对收集的标本的鉴定,共发现寡毛实蝇20种,其中有国内新记录6种。其详细描述收集在“实蝇及其防除”和“亚太地区寡毛实蝇”两本书中  相似文献   

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