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当代国际竹类研究动态与对策傅懋毅(中国林业科学院亚热带林业研究所311400)全球70余属1200多种竹类植物覆盖了1400多万hm2的丘陵山地、河谷四旁。其资源经营和产品加工已形成一个产值达50亿美元的竹产业,由此而产生的整个生产———消费系统与几...  相似文献   

德宏拥有丰富的竹类资源和多样的民族文化。竹类资源是影响当地居民生产生活的最重要的植物资源之一,已经融入了当地人的衣食住行中。德宏各民族在长期的生产实践中,对竹类资源的利用和管理积累了丰富的经验,形成了独特的民族竹文化。应用民族植物学的理论和研究方法,研究了德宏原住民对竹类资源的传统利用和管理,并就德宏天然竹林资源德保护与可持续利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

<正> 广宁县是广东省重点林区县之一,森林资源面积、森林蓄积量在全省林业生产中占有重要地位。其中,以青皮竹等为主的竹类面积和产量在全国竹类分布县中居领先地位。在林业资源系统开发中,竹类资源的开发、利用和加工初具规模,并以造纸业、竹类手工艺品为龙头,形成一定的格局。全县  相似文献   

一种具有节能、工艺流程短、产量大、自动化程度高、投资少、无污染等特点的GL-ZS—LL型纸浆模塑餐盒生产线,在山东淄博市淄川区昆化镇通过了省级鉴定,来自中国环境科学学会、中国兵器工业集团公司、山东工程学院等科研院校的十几名专家、教授一致认为,该生产线...  相似文献   

根据桂林地区现有竹林面积、蓄积和主要分布区域、单位面积主竹量、各度竹占主竹总量的比例、竹类经营生产、产品生产和产品加工等情况进行调查,对全地区竹类生产的历史情况和现状进行分析,探讨迅速发展竹类资源和充分利用竹类资源的途径,以及发展竹类生产的设想。  相似文献   

西南林学院师生于1990年3-10月在双江县进行了竹类资源考察,结果是:双江县竹类资源计有竹种12属27种,竹林面积4816.4公顷,竹材蓄积量36.93万吨,对7种主要竹进行了造纸性能分析及综合评定,提出了适宜该区发展的优良竹种。  相似文献   

常州市特种竹繁育场是目前国内规模较大的专业化生产经营观赏竹、笋用竹、竹盆景的基地,现有竹类品种150余个,生产基地66hm^2。2000年做定为“江苏省农业科技示范园区”,2001年荣获中国第三届竹文化节“金奖”,2002年被国家林业局评为“全国特色种苗基地”。  相似文献   

竹类植物是再生生资源,在我国森林资源中占有重要的地位。目前,竹子已经形成一种产业,发挥着它的经济、生态和社会效益。信息产业的高速发展,促使竹子行业对信息的需求更加强烈。本文就是基于此背景,综合分析竹类科学研究的资料、成果以及其它竹业信息,根据竹类植物信息自身的特点,设计、建立了一套信息采集较为全面、可靠性准确的竹类植物信息系统(CBMIS)。系统采用了新的软硬件技术处理方法进行系统设计,尤其是数据  相似文献   

新型高级保健竹凉席生产技术研究福建省龙岩林校郭幼丹竹类资源是蓄积量仅次于木材的一种森林资源。随着木材资源的日益枯竭和人们对竹类资源的进一步认识和了解,竹类资源已越来越被人们所重视。特别是毛竹资源,由于它蓄积量大,分布面广,生长速度快,轮伐期短,材质好...  相似文献   

关于加快云南竹产业若干问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
云南省地处中国西南边疆,竹类资源十分丰富,被誉为“世界竹类的故乡”。云南各族人民的日常生产和生活与竹子息息相关.竹类资源的合理开发和竹产业综合发展不但具有得天独厚的自然条件和较好的群众基础,而且具有较好的科研基础和技术力量,开发前景十分广阔。但竹产业起步较晚,发展明显滞后,与丰富的资源和优越的条件不相适应。该探讨对云南竹产业开发中应该引起重视的几个问题,提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

介绍天然驱避剂与合成驱避剂的研究进展,天然驱避剂主要源白植物的精油,具有毒副作用小、安全、环保等特点,对它的研究主要集中在高驱避活性成分的筛选上.化学合成驱避剂驱避效果较好,但毒副作用、环保性均较天然驱避荆差.对蚊虫驱避剂的剂型研究作了全面的介绍,新剂型对提高药效和人体安全都有很好的功效,缓释技术是目前较为先进的制剂技术.  相似文献   

Essential oils from Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poiteau (Lamiaceae) and Hyptis spicigera Lamarck (Lamiaceae) were first analysed by gas chromatography and by gas chromatography/electron impact mass spectroscopy and then evaluated for toxicity and repellent activity against Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae), one of the most serious worldwide stored grain pests. Fifty-six compounds have been identified in the essential oil of H. suaveolens: monoterpene hydrocarbons were the most represented volatiles (64.1%), followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (24.0%), oxygenated monoterpenes (8.1%) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (2.4%). Diterpenes and non-terpene derivatives were scarcely represented. Sixty compounds have been identified in the essential oil of H. spicigera: monoterpene hydrocarbons were the most represented class of volatiles (70.4%), followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (22.6%). Results from topical applications on insects showed that both essential oils had an effective insecticidal activity. The complete kill of S. granarius was observed 24 h after treatment at a minimum effective dose of 0.4 and 0.6 μl per insect with H. suaveolens and H. spicigera oil, respectively. Results from repellency tests showed that the two essential oils had a repellent activity on S. granarius adults: at the lowest dose (2 × 10−4 μl oil per cm2), H. spicigera essential oil exhibited a higher repellent effect in comparison to H. suaveolens. No significant differences were observed for the repellent effect between the two essential oils at the highest dose (2 × 10−2 μl oil per cm2).  相似文献   

由于现代砼建筑设计的日益多样化和复杂化,以及构件的巨型化和异型化,模板工程对整个砼工程的成本和工期都有重大的关系。由于目前高层建筑中更多地采用了整体性能好的现浇砼,而高层及超高层中的标准层增高,这样一方面促进了模板新技术的采用。另一方面也给模板的专业化和工业化施工带来更大的可能,新型模板体系及其综合利用技术成为节约工程造价和缩短工期的重要途径之一。本文着重介绍了模板早拆体系的应用。  相似文献   

双层成型纸浆模塑餐具成型工艺影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以600mL纸浆模塑快餐盒为例,选择浆料浓度、真空度、第1次抽真空时间和第2次抽真空时间4个因素,通过正交试验及其试验结果的分析,研究对双层成型纸浆模塑餐具成型工艺的影响因素。结果表明,第二次抽真空时间及浆料浓度对成型工艺显著影响,第一次抽真空时间和真空度对成型工艺影响不显著。  相似文献   

The loss of tree seed through predation by granivores can be a major cause of regeneration failure in direct seeding systems. Five repellents that were of low toxicity or derived from foodstuffs were investigated for their ability to deter feeding by wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus L.) and grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin). In experiments in controlled conditions, when given the option of feeding on unlimited amounts of untreated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), or wheat treated with aluminium ammonium sulphate, sulphonated fish oil, denatonium benzoate, ziram or capsaicin, all the repellents tested initially deterred feeding, although in one experiment mice showed some habituation to the repellents after 4 weeks. Capsaicin was the most effective treatment, and aluminium ammonium sulphate the least effective, possibly because it did not stick to the wheat grains. When ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) seed were treated with combinations of aluminium ammonium sulphate, sulphonated fish oil or denatonium benzoate, compared to the freely available untreated seed, mice were deterred by any treatment containing aluminium ammonium sulphate, with effectiveness again declining after 4 weeks. When a mixture of broadleaved tree species were sown on farmland, coating seed with aluminium ammonium sulphate or sulphonated fish oil had no effect on seedling emergence. Capsaicin derived from chilli peppers (Capsicum sp.) showed the greatest potential as a repellent in our work, but no repellent product containing this active ingredient is currently approved for plant protection uses in the United Kingdom. Given its relatively low cost, the use of aluminium ammonium sulphate, a non-toxic repellent based on an approved food additive, which is available formulated as a registered plant protection product in the United Kingdom, may be worth considering for direct sowings where predation pressure from mice is predicted to be particularly high, or where tree species with very palatable seed are being used, to complement other predation mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

This is the first article to report the evaluation of a natural product used as an antisilverfish agent. Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina), primitive wingless insects, feed on a variety of materials, including paper, cotton, starch, and cereals. They can be a problem in libraries and other places where books, documents, and papers are stored. In this pilot study, the essential oil from leaves of Cryptomeria japonica was investigated to test its properties as a silverfish repellent and insecticide. The results from a repellency bioassay show that the essential oil significantly repelled silverfish. The repellent activity was 80% at a dosage of 0.01 mg/cm3. When silverfish were exposed to a concentration of 0.16 mg/cm3 of essential oil, they were killed within 10h. The chemical composition of essential oil, the emissions from a test chamber, and the residue left on filter papers previously soaked with the essential oil in a chamber were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The components of the essential oil were found to be: elemol (18.22%), 16-kaurene (11.63%), 3-carene (9.66%), sabinene (9.37%), 4-terpineol (9.06%), β-eudesmol (5.70%), α-pinene (5.62%), and limonene (5.26%). Only some constituents of the essential oil compounds collected by solid-phase microextraction were found to be emitted in the test chamber. The main constituents were: 3-carene (21.03%), p-cymene (10.95%), limonene (9.49%), β-myrcene (9.39%), γ-terpinene (9.10%), α-terpinene (8.57%), and 4-terpineol (7.97%).  相似文献   

注射模冷却系统的设计不但关系到塑件质量而且也关系到注射成型生产效率.因塑件所用塑料的性能、塑件的结构以及成型工艺参数不同,注射模对其冷却系统的要求也不相同.阐述了注塑模(Moldflow)技术在塑料制品(碗厨上盖)注射成型冷却系统中的应用,进行模拟分析,并根据冷却分析的结果提出了相应的优化方案,最终获得了良好的冷却效果.  相似文献   

A toluene extract of southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum) and the essential oil from flowers of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllum ) exerted pronounced a repellent effect both against ticks (nymphs of Ixodes ricinus) and yellow fever mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti). The most potent repellents found were coumarin and thujyl alcohol from A. abrotanum and phenylethanol from D. caryophyllum where coumarin and thujyl alcohol were also detected.  相似文献   

对国内外高校食堂功能构成进行对比分析,指出高校食堂不应仅是满足学生就餐需要的必要设施,应成为大学生重要的社交活动场所,其功能要向多元化方向发展.将质量功能展开方法引入到食堂功能要素的规划中,以东北林业大学食堂为例,基于学生需求调查结果,运用质量功能展开方法对食堂的功能要素进行分析,建立各功能要素的相关矩阵并进行定量评价,从物流和人流角度给出了食堂各功能区域规划建议.  相似文献   

兔害防治措施及评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文对目前兔害防治使用的十几种措施进行了阐述,并对铁(钢)丝索套捕兔法、生物防治、P-1拒避剂防治、政策性收购等方法给以肯定,对树干涂白灰、林地洒羊血、灭鼠雷炸兔、电网捕捉、氧化乐果废柴油涂干等措施予以否定,针对化学杀鼠剂防治兔害出现的误杀有益动物、毒杀天敌动物的严重问题,明确指出野外大面积使用化学杀鼠剂是错误的,必须禁止或限制使用,即使对于大隆、溴敌隆第二代抗凝血药剂,也只有在防治地下害兽和进行药饵投洞防治时才可使用。提醒人们在兔害防治中应牢固地树立保护生态环境和保护天敌动物的观念。  相似文献   

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