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美国国际纸业公司(International Paper)成立于1898年。公司现拥有80,000多名员工,28个锯材、胶合板等木制品生产厂;每年有1900万吨的纸张、纸浆和包装纸板的生产能力;制造、销售业务分布在40多个国家,产品销往120多个国家:2004年的销售总额达255亿美元,是世界上最大的纸业和林产品公司。同时公司还拥有或经营了930万英亩(约合376万公顷)的森林,在美国有13个大型苗圃,21个种子园,年产优质松树苗3亿株,阔叶树苗8000多万株。  相似文献   

欧洲经济共同体10国共拥有森林3378万公顷,约占土地总面积的20%,平均每人占有森林0.3公顷。近年来,共同体每年生产木材约为8500万立方米,进口林产品约207亿美元,出口约46亿美元,入超约160亿美元。  相似文献   

加拿大的林业和林产品工业加拿大的国土面积为995万平方公里,人口有2,220万。全国经过清查的森林面积为342.5万平方公里,占国土面积的34%,人均占有森林13.7公顷;全国森林蓄积量196.4亿立方米,每人占有884立方米。1980年生产原木1.47亿立方米,人均6.6立方米,1980年全国林产品总值122.85亿加元,人均553加元(约等于460美元)。加拿大的森林主要分布在哥伦比亚、安大略、魁北克三个省。这三个省的森林面积占全国森林总面积的47.4%,森林蓄积占全国的77%,木材产量占全国的71.1%。在这三个林业省中,哥伦比亚省是全国的重点林业省,该省森林面积占全国的15%,森林  相似文献   

广西国有黄冕林场创建于1957年11月,是自治区林业厅直属的大型林场之一。林场拥有优越的区位优势,秀美的森林环境,独特的资源条件和先进的管理体系,地跨桂林、柳州两市,全场经营总面积48万亩(场内33万亩,场外15万亩),森林覆盖率87.4%,林木蓄积量达176万立方米;林场以营造松、杉及速丰林等商品林为主导产业,木材采伐销售、林产品加工、中纤板、胶合板、有机农产品(茶叶、黄金柚、杨梅等)、房地产开发、生态旅游、林业项目评估和森林资源调查规划等二三产业。  相似文献   

张红 《新疆林业》2010,(3):39-41
<正>1森林认证产生的背景1992年以前,环境非政府组织和民间组织注意到一些国家在改善森林经营中出现政策失误,国际上的政府间组织解决森林问题效果有限,以及林产品贸易不能证明其产品源自  相似文献   

黑龙江省迎春林业局非木质林产品资源丰富,是我国首批非木质林产品经营认证试点单位。依据GB/T 18951-2012《中国森林认证生产经营》与《中国森林认证非木质林产品生产经营》(征求意见稿),对其开展非木质林产品经营认证审核。一年来,迎春林业局在社会、经济、环境方面都取得了较好成效。本文总结在了迎春林业局开展非木质林产品经营认证试点中取得的经验,提出需采取的措施。  相似文献   

福建省永安林业(集团)股份有限公司是全国首家以森林资源为主要经营对象的上市公司,创立于1994年1月,996年12月6日公司股票在深交所挂牌上市交易。现有员工2000余人。公司现有总资产10亿元,森林经营面积12万公顷,林木总蓄积量达1200万立方米:林业资源为福建省第一、全国第六。永林蓝豹中密度纤维板为全国林业行业和三明市首批入选的中国名牌产品。拥有注册商标54个:拥有“永林蓝豹”强化木地板、中纤板等2个“国家免检产品”:拥有“永林蓝豹”、“企鹅”2个福建省著名商标:拥有“永林蓝豹”中纤板、强化木地板和“企鹅”胶合板等3个福建省名牌产品。  相似文献   

太行山森林经营局位于山西省东部太行山脉中段,跨涉晋中市和顺、左权、榆社三县。总面积35万公顷,国有经营面积6.38万公顷。局机关驻和顺县城内。太行林局始建于1950年,全局现有7个林场和木材转运站,林产品经销站、纤维板厂、勘察设计队、种苗站等12个单位及苗圃、化工厂、林产品经销公司等多种经营单位,现有720人,其中干部180人。1999年,是山西省省直林区全面启动天然林保护工程,林区经营发生重大战略转移的开局之年。太行森林经营局以党的十五大精神和十五届三中、四中全会精神为指针,坚定不移地贯彻山西…  相似文献   

近日,我国《林业发展"十二五"规划》出台。根据《规划》,5年内我国将完成新造林3000万公顷、森林抚育经营3500万公顷,全民义务植树120亿株。到2015年,我国森林覆盖率将达到21.66%,森林蓄积量达到143亿  相似文献   

福建省永安林业(集团)股份有限公司是全国首家以森林资源为主要经营对象的上市公司。创立于1994年1月。1996年12月6日公司股票在深交所挂牌上市交易。现有员工2000余人。公司现有总资产10亿元。森林经营面积12万公顷。林木总蓄积量达1200万立方米:林业资源为福建省第一、全国第六。永林蓝豹中密度纤维板为全国林业行业和三明市首批入选的中国名牌产品。拥有注册商标54个;拥有“永林蓝豹”强化木地板、中纤板等2个“国家免检产品”;拥有“永林蓝豹”、“企鹅”2个福建省著名商标:拥有“永林蓝豹”中纤板、强化木地板和“企鹅”胶合板等3个福建省名牌产品。  相似文献   

为配合国家计委决定开展的《中国全局节约战略、规划和对策研究》,作者对世界发展趋势进行了分析,认为实行开源与节流并举的方针,在不增或少增原木采伐量的前提下,大力节约木材,充分合理利用木材资源,是适合我国国情的最现实、最有效的措施,也是解决我国林业"两危"的重大战略对策。  相似文献   

This paper provides a brief background to Mongolia’s forest condition in 1994. Over recent years, since the introduction of a market economy and decentralization, there has been a rapid change in the forest sector. In 1994, the total designated forest area of Mongolia was 17.5 million ha, including 12.7 million ha of closed forest or 8.1% of the total land area. The forests are subdivided into (i) special forests; (ii) protection forests; (iii) industrial forests, based on their basic functions. The main causes of deforestation in Mongolia are (i) increasing livestock numbers; (ii) increasing demand for fuel and industrial wood; (iii) the impact of forest fires. Grazing and browsing in forest areas are most destructive to plantations and tree growth, causing deformities and stunting growth. Livestock breeding without adequate management system has major negative impacts on remnant forest growth. According to some statistics, the forest area has decreased by 1.2 million ha over the last 20 years. At present, production and supply of sawn timber boards for the domestic market is carried out without any regard to the actual quantity required. Major wood-based products in Mongolia are railway sleepers, windows and doors, wooden boxes for packing and school and office furniture. Products are also made for the frames of the traditional Mongolian “Ger” and specialized furniture for the interior. By 1996, Mongolia’s forest industry had total sales of US$ 2.1 million, which was 13% more than the previous year.Between 1992 and 1995, the incidence of fires in forest areas increased because a sharp rise in the number of people using the forest and steppe areas to cut trees, pick berries and nuts, collect firewood and deer horns, and to hunt. Mismanagement and negligence of the relevant authorities also contributed to this situation. It is necessary to take strong measures in order to identify the social and economic causes of fire outbreaks. Since 1970, forestry and timber harvesting companies have begun to harvest wild seeds, breed seedlings and conduct reforestation activities. Between 1980 and 1990, on nationwide level, over 20 million standard seedlings were planted in over 40 permanent nurseries to supply the reforestation work. At that time the scope of reforestation expanded. The total area planted over some 30 years has been very small compared to the deforestation. Even if just the area harvested during that period is considered, the reforestation rate is still lower than 15%.  相似文献   

林产品化学利用是指以木质和非木质林产品为原料,经化学加工制备国民经济所需的各种产品.主要包括木材制浆造纸、木质活性炭、松脂化学加工、植物单宁、林产精油、植物提取物等.近年来中国林产化学工业发展较快,特别是建设林纸一体化工程,为发展木材制浆工业,改变中国制浆造纸工业原料结构创造了良好的条件,按计划2005年木浆产量将达380万t,2010年达750万t.松香产量已超过50万t/a,出口约30万t/a.木质活性炭产量达6万t/a.随着我国经济的发展对林化产品的需求将进一步扩大.  相似文献   

美国林业近况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国森林资源丰富,不仅是当今世界林产品生产和消费大国,而且还是林产品的主要出口国,其在国际林产品市场中发挥着重要作用。美国森林特别是私有林在经营上,国家采取政策扶持、技术支持等一系列优惠政策,鼓励林业主和林业企业发展私有林。目前,从中央到地方,全国已建立了一个完善的林业管理体系,保障林业的健康发展。  相似文献   

Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn. f.) forests cover over 11 millionha in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, and these forests are conventionallymanaged for timber. Recently, interest in producing multipleproducts from sal forests has increased; accordingly, a silviculturalregime for managing sal forest for multiple products is a centralconcern. Forest managers need a comprehensive scientific understandingof natural stand development processes and anthropogenic factorsaffecting sal forest when designing silvicultural regimes formultiple-product management. We review ecology and productivityplus anthropogenic niches of sal forests. Information on edaphicfactors, phenology and stand development processes (regeneration,growth characteristics, soil nutrient requirement, growth allocation,nutrient cycling, stand structure and successional stages) isimportant for designing scientific forest management of salforest; likewise, knowledge of anthropogenic factors associatedwith use of sal forest is also required for effective implementationof the recently paradigmed management efforts. Sal forest silviculturehas been evolving since the beginning of the twentieth centurymainly concentrating on timber production, though the sal forestshave always been used also for grazing and collection of fodder,fuelwood, litter and many other products. Instead of integratingthese products in sal forest management, governments have attemptedto control these additional uses through enforcing forest legislation.These attempts resulted in the persistent conflicts betweenthe interests of local people and the government, and the deterioratingcondition of sal forests. Community-based forestry in this regionemerged in response to the severe degradation of forest resources,and local people initiated protection practices and demonstratedthe success of sal forest from coppice. The coppice systemsallow managing forests with intermittent products (non-timberforest products, including fodder and litter) while producingtimber in the long term. Accordingly, a policy has been developedto manage coppice sal forest for multiple products. Managingthe sal forest for multiple products is, however, a relativelyrecent development and scientific investigations on variousaspects of multiple-product forest management need to be initiated.Ecological processes indicate good prospects of managing salforest for multiple products. The review indicates that theecological processes and anthropogenic factors form sound basisfor developing multiple-product management.  相似文献   

We analyse which management to choose in order to increase the carbon benefit from the 1.342 million ha forest area in Hedmark County, Norway, and the cost of doing this compared to traditional profit maximising behaviour. The model used in the analysis is a dynamic forest management optimisation model which includes the main carbon flows and benefits from the forest area: tree growth and mortality, litter accumulation, decomposition of dead wood and harvest residues, soil processes, end-use of wood products, and saved greenhouse gas emissions from using wood products instead of more energy intensive materials and fossil fuels.  相似文献   

广西九万山自然保护区是以中亚热带常绿阔叶林及其垂直带谱为主的森林生态系统及珍惜濒危动植物为主要保护对象的国家级自然保护区,对区域与国家都有着重要的生态服务价值。经过实地调研,应用市场价值、机会成本、影子价格等方法对九万山国家级自然保护区内提供林木产品、涵养水源、保育土壤、固碳释氧、积累营养物质、净化大气环境、生物多样性保护等森林生态服务价值功能进行评估。结果表明:九万山国家级自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能总价值226 533.30万元/年。其中涵养水源(132 198.24万元/年)保护生物多样性(42 241.14万元/年)固碳释氧(37 433.96万元/年)保育土壤(9 624.30万元/年)林木产品(4 543万元/年)净化大气环境(266.92万元/年)积累营养物质(225.76万元/年)。  相似文献   

The current area of bamboo resource in China is 7.21 million ha, 4.21 million ha of which is the pure bamboo forest The stock value of the bamboo resource is 30.312 billion Renminbi (RMB) yuan, the present value of actual output from bamboo wood and shoot is 149.062 billion RMB yuan. The bamboo forest land is valuated as much as 8.133 billion RMB yuan. It is raised to improve the production and management conditions of the 2nd and 3rd type bamboo forests to raise production capacity of wood and shoot and output of processed products from bamboo.  相似文献   

本文比较详细地介绍了古巴林业。文章叙述了古巴森林资源,人工林,森林工业,林业科技教育和管理体制情况。概括了古巴林业具有的4个特点,即重视林业法规;积极发展林业联合企业;统一规划森林开发利用和动植物区系保护。  相似文献   

我国林木种苗质量管理现状与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
林木种苗年度抽查制度是我国林木种苗执法管理中的一项重要内容,能够真实反映我国林木种苗质量管理工作的现状。文中概述我国林木种苗质量现状,分析我国林木种苗质量管理中存在的主要问题及可能原因,提出了强化种苗质量监督管理、严查造林绿化工程苗木“两证一签”、做好林木良种基地种苗质量示范工作和充分发挥各类种苗协会的纽带作用等建议,以期为我国林木种苗质量管理具体工作实施提供可借鉴依据。  相似文献   

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