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2001年3月和2002年3月,我们先后参加了国家林业局林木种苗建设与管理林木种苗考察团,对加拿大BC省(BritishColumbia)、安达略省(Antario)、魁北克省(Quebec)的林木种苗建设情况进行了考察。考察期间,参观了加拿大太平洋沿岸、落基山脉及五大湖区森林现状,以及太平洋林业中心、国家林木种子中心、联邦种子园、私营种子园、苗圃及各种试验林,并就林木种苗生产及林木育种有关技术与加拿大专家进行了研讨。考察期间,给我们印象最深的是,加拿大人爱护环境的意识非常强,林业的生产和经营都在保护生态环境的前提下,在国家和地方行政法规的框…  相似文献   

靖州县排牙山国有林场马园种子园是全省最早建立的杉木种子园,2004年被评为全国特色种苗基地,2009年被评为全国第一批国家重点林木良种基地,2011年被省林业厅评为全省林木种苗工作先进单位。  相似文献   

弥渡县云南松无性系种子园现状及发展对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
详细阐述弥渡县云南松无性系种子园现状,对生长性状调查和优树子代试验结果进行分析评价。分析存在的规模小、投入不足等问题,提出扩大良种繁育基地、规范种苗市场、加强科研攻关、增强种子园经济活力等发展对策。  相似文献   

水曲柳无性系初级种子园营建技术标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在种源选择和子代测定,并吸收前期水曲柳种子园营建技术成果、文章的基础上,参考国内外其它树种种子园营建技术、国家地方相关标准、规程和有关政策,对水曲柳无性系种子园的规划设计、建园及经营管理技术进行了明确界定与规范,制定水曲柳无性系种子园营建技术标准,旨在为生产部门建立水曲柳无性系种子园提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

福建柏播种苗动态监测试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全国最先营建福建柏种子园,福建柏人工林达716hm2的福建省安溪半林国有林场进行福建柏播种苗试验,研究结果表明,间苗时间、次数、程度的不同组合对苗木质量影响很大.  相似文献   

通过对绥宁县福建柏种子园建设地的自然地理、社会经济、交通和种质资源、技术支撑等建设条件的研究和市场前景的分析,提出福建柏种子园建设的必要性及种子园建设方案,阐述了福建柏种子园建设的社会、经济效益及生态效益。  相似文献   

太子山马尾松种子园营建技术研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文从建园材料选择和收集、嫁接技术、建植方式及定植密度、种子园营建和激素对促进球花形成的研究等方面总结了太子山马尾松种子园建设的技术及经验。太子山种子园的建成不但加速了我省马尾松良种化的进程 ,而且为今后我省马尾松种子园营建和育种提供了理论依据和材料。  相似文献   

云南林木种苗基地旱灾后的恢复及非工程性抗旱技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
云南在2009~2010年度遭遇了百年不遇的严重干旱,林业生产和森林资源遭到严重损失,林木种苗基地也受到重创。为了恢复或重建这些基地,分别对苗圃、采穗圃、种子园、母树林和采种基地提出了不同的旱灾后恢复技术对策。同时对非工程性抗旱技术:保水剂、植物生长调节剂和菌根菌的功效和使用作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

河北省林木种苗建设情况的调查报告   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
林木种苗是林业建设的基础和前提,林业要发展,种苗是关键。为进一步搞好河北省的林木种苗建设,推动河北省林业持续快速健康发展,我们组织力量对全省的林木种苗建设情况进行了详细的调查,并据此提出了几点意见,现分述如下。1 河北省林木种苗建设基本情况1.且建立了一批林果良种繁育基地70年代以来,河北省采取自筹和部省联营等多种形式,先后建设了油松、落叶松、毛白杨、刺槐、板栗和金丝小枣等良种基地10处。共926 hm2。其中:优树采穗圃 24 hm2、母树林 493 hm2、种子园 191hm2,年产种子园种子 60…  相似文献   

在我区,白榆种子园营建属一项新课题,本文在认真总结通辽市白榆种子园营建经验的基础上,对白榆种子园营建中的园址选择、优树选择、种子园区划设计、嫁接、定植、种子园无性系数量及配置等重要技术环节作了详尽的论述。  相似文献   

Prunus cerasoides D. Don has been identified as a framework species for restoring evergreen forest in seasonally dry climates. The aim of this study was to develop criteria to select parent trees for supplying seed to forest restoration projects based on seedling performance in the nursery and in the field. Seed progenies were collected from 50 individual parent trees; 13 in Doi Inthanon National Park; 14 in Doi Ang Khang; and 23 in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park. Criteria were developed for the selection of superior parent seed trees based on nursery and field performance, and a provisional selection of parent seed trees for forest restoration projects has been made based on these criteria. Four standards for selection of superior seed trees were recognised: (i) 70% or greater seedling survival in the field, (ii) a seedling height of 100 cm or taller after the first growing season in the field, (iii) 40% or greater germination in the nursery and (iv) 70% or higher seedling survival in the nursery. Twenty one seed trees met these standards.  相似文献   

枫杨种子活力测定方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐强  宋自力  徐雯 《湖南林业科技》2011,38(2):14-16,61
以枫杨种子为材料,研究种子活力测定方法预测种子田间出苗率的准确性.结果表明:随着老化处理时间的延长,种子活力不断下降,老化5 d时,种子活力减半;幼苗生长测定法得出的种子发芽率和发芽指数与田间出苗率呈显著正相关,用于预测枫杨种子播种后的田间表现最为准确;电导率测定的种子活力极不稳定;TTC定量法测定的种子活力与田间出苗...  相似文献   

We examined the influence of nursery soil cover on germination of Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai. Seeds were sown under seeding bed conditions: (1) nursery soil (andosol) without soil cover, (2) Kanuma pumice without soil cover, (3) nursery soil with nursery soil cover, and (4) nursery soil with sterilized sand cover. Germination percentages were compared between these conditions. The germination percentage (8.8%) at 10 weeks after sowing under condition 3 was significantly lower than under conditions 1, 2, and 4 (56.8%, 52.0%, and 47.2%, respectively). Of the nongerminated seeds under condition 3, 75.0% were decayed and several fungi were isolated from decayed seeds. An inoculation test of isolated fungi Cylindrocarpon tenue, Cylindrocarpon sp., Fusarium oxysporum, and Botrytis sp. to seeds showed that these fungi caused seed decay. Our results indicated that nursery soil cover may not be suitable for T. dolabrata var. hondai seeds sown in nursery soil because of seed decay by pathogens.  相似文献   

根据桥山林区立地条件和樟子松的生物学特性,结合实践经验,从种子选择与处理、圃地选择与整理、播种、圃地管理等环节,提出了桥山林区樟子松容器育苗技术。  相似文献   

卓先习  邱建波 《绿色科技》2013,(12):100-102
指出了观光木是我国亚热带、热带地区乡土阔叶珍贵用材和高效多用途树种,发展前景广阔。从种子的采集和处理、圃地选择、整地和作床、种子处理、苗期管理、病虫害防治等方面探讨了观光木的容器育苗技术。  相似文献   

为充分发挥营林生产在林业建设中的重要作用,笔者从林木良种、苗圃地选择、营林生产经营措施等方面进行分析研究。当前营林生产在林木良种、苗圃地选择及全县营林生产经营措施方面存在停滞不前的问题。根据当前存在的问题,研究相应的对策,采取加强苗木基地建设、搞活苗圃经营体制、加强造林基地管理等措施,从而进一步发挥新形势下营林生产在林...  相似文献   


The object of this study was to obtain Norway spruce seedlings with buds set, ready for summer planting from 1 July. An early long-night treatment prevented flushing of the newly formed terminal buds and ceased height growth, but slightly reduced hardiness in buds and needles. Nevertheless, a sufficient hardiness level in the autumn was acquired at a Norwegian nursery at 59°46′ N, with plants of the local provenance given a long-night treatment (14 h) for 13 days from 25 June. Similar treatment at a nursery at 64°30′ N did not give the same result; all treatments led to a second flush with resumed growth of the local provenance. A trial with seed lots from several provenances was therefore performed at this nursery, and a significant correlation was found between the critical night length of the seed lot and their ability to produce non-flushing buds; the longer the critical night length of the seed lot, the fewer non-flushing buds. Responses at the northern nursery are probably due to the lack of a dark period after termination of the treatment, and too short a treatment period to attain bud dormancy. An early and successful long-night treatment will also produce shorter seedlings with a larger root collar diameter.  相似文献   

马挂木种子发芽试验简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对马挂木鲜种子和砂藏咱子进行变温或恒温、浸种呈不浸种等不同处理的室发芽试验,以及砂藏、干藏和不经贮藏而采用早播等马挂木种子的场圃发芽试验表明:测定调制好的鲜种子发芽率必需进行变温浸种处理,有胚种子的萌发效率达80%左右,良芽率基本一致,测定砂茂个种子发芽率,不为温或中与否,萌发效率基本相同,为85%左右,因此可按常规方法测定即可,马挂木种子在播种前腚经2个月砂藏处理,方法简便,效果明显,不仅有胚种  相似文献   

吊皮锥育苗技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章介绍了吊皮锥的种子处理、播种育苗、苗期管理等技术,以期为提高吊皮锥人工林成活率提供理论基础。  相似文献   

An experiment in seed morphology and seed germination techniques of Albizia procera was carried out in the nursery of the Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline,Khulna University,Bangladesh in order to discover the source variation in seeds and pre-sowing treatment effects on seed germination.Mature seeds of A.procera were collected from healthy trees in home garden plantations from five different districts in Bangladesh and treated with four pre-sowing treatments,i.e.,control,immersion in cold water (4°C for 24 h)and immersion in hot water(80°C for 10 min and 100°C for 1 min).The average length,width and thickness of seeds were calculated as 0.502±0.485,0.420±0.060 and 0.191±0.118 cm,respectively.Germination was conducted in poly-bags with a mixture of topsoil and cow dung in a ratio of 3:1.The results revealed that pre-sowing treatments affected the rate of germination of seeds,which significantly increased the germination percentages of seeds in hot water treatments compared with those in control (60.60%)and the cold water treatment(4°C for 24 h,63.53%).The highest germination success was 82.07%in the treatment of immersion in hot water(80°C)for 10 min,followed by 79.00%in immersion in hot water(100°C)for 1 min.Germination started 4 to 6 days after seed sowing and completed in a period of 22 to 25 days in all treatments.ANOVAs showed statistically significant differences(p0.05)in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination percentages and rates of germination among treatments,but no significant differences in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination period,germination percentages and rates of germination among the seed sources.The study also revealed that the interaction between seed source variation and treatment effect significantly differed in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination percentages and rates of germination. The hot water(100°C for 1 min)treatment is recommended for seed germination of A.procera in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

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