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电动树干注射机逆变电源浅析李绍,吕小红,赵瑞良,刘随存(太原工业大学)(山西省林业科学研究所)近年来,省内外在对光肩星天牛等蛀干害虫的防治中,出现了一种在树干基部打孔注药的新方法。这种方法,较之树干喷药和树冠喷药,具有用药少、防治效果好、不污染环境等...  相似文献   

果树花期根外追肥1矿质营养元素(1)尿素。花前、盛花期、花后3周各喷一次03%—05%的尿素,可促进新梢叶片生长发育,提高座果率。(2)稀土。花前、盛花期喷施500×10-6的稀土可提高座果率。但不要与碱性化肥、农药混施。(3)硼肥。花蕾膨大期、...  相似文献   

"诸暨黑李"细菌性穿孔病的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文通过比较药剂防治、清园(清除侵染原)处理和清除侵染源结合喷药防治的效果,发现在“诸暨黑李”细菌性穿孔病的防治中,清除侵染源比喷药防治更重要,效果更明显;单纯的喷药处理和清除侵染源处理的防治效果都不如二者结合防治的方法理想。  相似文献   

果树施肥中,选择最佳的施肥时机并将肥料施于最佳部位,可取得良好的施肥效果。 施肥有4个最佳时期:(1)花前追肥:花前应适量追施速效肥。(2)花后追肥:这时追肥可使新梢生长健壮、叶面积扩大、光合生产率提高并减少生理落果。(3)花芽分化前追肥:此时追适量氮、磷、钾肥可提高叶片的光合作用,促进养分积累,利于花芽分化,减轻“大小年”现象。(4)果实生长后期追肥:这时追肥可提高果实品质和产量,并增加树体养分的后期积累。 施肥的最佳部位是根系中的根毛分布区域,水平根根毛大部分集中于树冠投影的外缘处,因此施…  相似文献   

花期是各种落叶果树产量形成的重要时期,也是对外界条件要求严格、易受危害的时期。花期前后需做好以下工作: 1.防止晚霜危害 杏、桃和个别苹果品种,花期较早,易受晚霜危害,不能正常授粉受精。防治方法:一是树干涂白或浇水,以延长树体的物候期使花期推迟,避开晚霜危害;二是在晚霜出现时,于日出前采取果园熏烟的方法,借烟雾升温来驱除霜寒,保护果树花器。 2.花前喷药 花期前夕,各种病虫结束冬眠,喷3—5度石硫合剂可减轻病虫危害。喷药时应特别注意树皮缝、剪锯口、病伤疤及枝杈处。开花后则不宜喷药,以免落花。 3.花前复剪 对冬剪时认不准  相似文献   

用毒环毒绳防治杜仲夜蛾李建林,吕永财(略阳县森防站)利用杜仲夜蛾3龄以后幼虫黎明前下树潜伏,傍晚上树取食的习性,以及其老熟幼虫下树入土化蛹的习性,在树干上涂刷毒环或绑扎毒绳,以阻杀幼虫。该法不仅能克服全树喷药带来的污染,而且还具有省时省工、操作简单、...  相似文献   

田间防治苹果丝核菌叶枯病试验表明,25%丙环唑EC 2000倍防治效果最好,25%戊唑醇EW 2000倍和80%代森锰锌WP 800倍防治效果稍次,但差异不显著。建议生产上交替使用这3种药剂,花后10 d喷雾,与波尔多液交替使用,每次喷药间隔15 d。雨后及时喷药。  相似文献   

防治苹果黄蚜有新法山东省牟平县大窑镇东吕格庄杨书山用2400倍20%灭多威加2000倍40%氧化乐果水溶液,喷雾防治苹果黄蚜,喷药后10分钟黄蚜开始死亡,24小时后杀蚜效果达100%。此药可兼治潜叶蛾(杀卵)。摘《烟台果树))1999,(1)防治苹果...  相似文献   

双条杉天牛生物学特性及综合治理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
双条杉天牛Semanotusbifasciatus(Motschulsky)危害杉、柏树,是国家森检对象,是世界性虫害。在南阳市博物馆发现,危害古柏,威胁古文物的保护。南阳市1年发生1代,以成虫在木质部边材内越冬。危害重,防治困难。采用涂干、注射、喷药、诱集等方法实行防治,取得较好效果,同时严把检疫关,防止扩散。  相似文献   

一、花前、花期、花后喷复方防落素。枣树是当年形成花芽,当年开花结果的树种,其特点是开花多,落花、落果也多,座果率只有1—2%。为了提高枣树座果率,在花前、花期、花后喷复方防落素。据调查喷防落素可增产24—48%,而且还有提高枣的品质等显著作用。因为防落素是一种多元素多功能的作物生长调节剂,内含12种营养元素以及光呼吸抑制剂,有防热、防旱、防冷等激素,对枣树及其他果树都有促进花芽分化、花朵开放、增加授精能力和提高座果率。并促使叶片功能延长,增强叶绿素含量  相似文献   

对8个品种的芍药切花进行瓶插观测,逐日记录其开花指数、花径变化及衰老征兆。结果表明:不同品种其开花指数、花径变化及衰老征兆与瓶插寿命之间存在着一定的联系,落瓣是其衰老的主导因素。  相似文献   

福建山樱花种子发育观察与育苗技术研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对福建山樱花花期、种子发育过程进行多年的定点不定期观察,开展了福建山樱花种子的不同催芽条件和不同播种方法的育苗试验。研究结果表明:在福建省南平市,福建山樱花4月20日左右胚珠发育成熟,采种期为4月25日左右;冷藏至翌年春播种,种子发芽率达96.8%;撒播芽苗移栽的播种方法最好,1年生苗木平均高1.72 m、平均地径1.03 cm;福建山樱花生长较迅速,3年生平均高可达3.6 m、平均地径可达3.8 cm。  相似文献   

核桃细菌性黑斑病无公害防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003~2006年,在宾川县帽角山、李子园核桃产区进行了核桃细菌性黑斑病防治技术试验,结果认为,发芽前、展叶后、花前花后、幼果期、果实速长期用80%久生M-100可湿性粉剂400倍、24%施达康可溶性粉剂1500倍、碘1% AS 1000倍、78%科博400倍、50%氯溴异氰尿酸1500倍、72%农用链霉素可湿性粉剂4000倍稀释液喷雾,并辅以清除感病枝条、病斑、病芽、病果、病叶、感病叶痕、树苗病组织、茎的老病斑以及合理水肥,能有效防控核桃细菌性黑斑病,迅速恢复核桃产量.  相似文献   

Inbreeding frequently reduces the fitness of organisms, but little is known about how this phenomenon can affect the biological control. Host fidelity provides an adaptive advantage to aphid parasitoids, allowing females to find their aphid host more quickly in heterogeneous environments. This trait is mediated by the learning of signals, mainly chemical cues emitted from the host in which parasitoids developed (natal). This article is aimed at studying whether host fidelity can be altered after many generations of inbreeding reproduction in caged laboratory populations, for which host preference and fitness parameters were measured in the parasitoid wasp Aphidius ervi. Also, the effect of the natal/non-natal hosts was studied, using parasitoids originated from the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) and the grain aphid (Sitobion avenae). We observed a loss of host fidelity in the studied A. ervi populations, irrespective of their natal aphid host, which contrasts with previous reports showing preference for natal hosts in outbred laboratory populations. The loss of host fidelity is discussed in terms of the origin of populations; the sex ratio was strongly biased toward males and long-time maintenance under laboratory conditions. Our results highlight the need for controlling the genetic diversity of caged parasitoids before they are released into fields, as a long period of inbreeding could negatively affect the biological control.  相似文献   

Summary Preboiling and drying wood samples of Eucalyptus regnans has shown that while in the heartwood shrinkage before reconditioning increased as a linear function of the logarithm of boiling time (BL), in the sapwood it decreased. These changes were interpreted as reflecting changes in green permeability through extractive modification which, for the sapwood, were sufficient to overcome any weakening of the cell walls through heat effects; in the heartwood, however, cell wall degradation apparently overshadowed any collateral increase in permeability, thus causing an increase in collapse.Shrinkage after reconditioning described a cubic function with respect to BL and showed an overall reduction which was greatest after 16 minutes boiling time. Correspondingly, recoverable collapse was greatly increased through preboiling; it was shown that per cent collapse recovery in the heartwood could be increased by more than one third that of controls by preboiling for 8 minutes. The possibilities for industry application are considered.Moisture content after reconditioning (Mr) was greatest after about two minutes preboiling, then declined to be less than the control after 16 minutes. Change in shrinkage after reconditioning and collapse were shown to be significantly related to change in Mr. It was suggested that while Mr may reflect relative permeabilities after reconditioning, this may not apply to permeability in the green condition.Additional parameters derived from the data, viz. the intersection point, unit shrinkage, the R-ratio, collapse-free shrinkage, total collapse and residual collapse described mostly significant, cubic relationships with the logarithm of the boiling time. Generally, the major inflection point of regression curves occurred after 8 or 16 minutes boiling.The author expresses his appreciation to Margaret Walker for technical assistance  相似文献   

加勒比松及其杂种的无性繁殖   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
加勒比松自引进我国已有近40年的历史,表现出速生丰产、产脂高、适应性强等优良特性,但加勒比松及杂种良种供应量明显不足。主要原因是引进的加勒比松开花结实晚,种子产量低;另一原因是进口的杂交良种价格昂贵。针对以上问题,文中指出除继续大力开发我国自己的加勒比松与湿地松种间和加勒比松种内杂交技术外,还应加强研究加勒比松及其杂交种的无性繁殖技术。通过回顾加勒比松的无性繁殖技术的进展状况,重点指出要学习澳大利亚等国的先进的扦插繁殖技术,形成一套成熟的加勒比松的无性繁殖技术。同时还应大力发展加勒比松及杂种体细胞胚胎发生技术。  相似文献   

套袋栽培对高节竹笋品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择生长良好、均匀的高节竹林作为样地,在出笋高峰期标记即将出土的竹笋320株,其中160株用0.3mm厚(共3层,每层0.1mm)的黑色塑料袋遮光,另160株作为对照。随着竹笋的生长,依次从遮光笋及对照笋中采收地上部分高度接近5、10、15、20、25、30、35cm的笋,待预处理后作为样品进行营养成分的分析。结果表明,在竹笋地上部分高度10~30cm范围内,套袋能降低竹笋中单宁、维生素C、粗蛋白的含量;套袋栽培的竹笋中粗纤维含量比自然生长的竹笋中的粗纤维含量约低10%以上,氨基酸总量也高于自然生长的竹笋。  相似文献   

研究了摘叶、前期不同时期喷施多效唑和后期低浓度多效唑灌根三种途径控制一品红千禧品种的株型,结果表明:摘2~3叶能明显抑制其顶端优势,降低顶芽株高2.5-2.8cm,在打顶前和打顶后7d进行40mg/L的多效唑喷施,植株矮化效果最好,降低高度13.8cm,后期3张苞叶转色时用1mg/L的多效唑灌根,能降低株高2.9cm,而对苞叶的大小基本无影响,提高了植株的观赏性。  相似文献   

Summary Spraying in an apple orchard with Folidol-Öl (mineral oil + parathion) resulted in a total mortality of the curculionid beetles in a meadow beneath the trees.The recovery of this curculionid fauna was studied. It was shown that it depends particularly on the dispersal and migrating behaviour of the single species. So it may happen that one species is absent for nearly one year in such a biotop, if its migration or dispersal phase had occurred just before the application. On the other hand, some species may be found again shortly after the effect of the insecticide ceased, if their migration or dispersal phase falls into this period.In Fig. 1 the results of these investigations are shown for the most important curculionids. While some species with a migration phase in spring and early summer could be found already a few weeks after application(Apion assimile, A. apricans, A. flavipes andPhytonomus nigrirostris), Sitona-beetles andApion virens appeared only 3–4 months later, as a result of the fact that they have their dispersal phase in late summer after hatching of the new generation.  相似文献   

  • ? Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) acorns are recalcitrant so they are difficult to store. Therefore, deterioration in quality during storage may reduce seedling yield and quality. In an attempt to address this, the effects of drying and soaking treatments on acorn germination were assessed.
  • ? After harvesting on two occasions in October, the moisture content (MC) of acorns were adjusted using the following treatments: (1) fresh state or control (46–48% MC); (2) soaked in fresh state (46–48%); (3) dried (40–42%) (standard method); and (4) dried and then soaked (46–48%). The treated acorns were allowed to germinate at 15 °C, both before and after storage at ?3 °C.
  • ? Treatment effects were generally consistent for each harvest date. Compared to the untreated controls, soaking alone and drying followed by soaking significantly increased germination both before and after storage. Storage reduced germination, except for the dried and soaked acorns.
  • ? The results confirmed that drying and soaking improved acorn germination, but this was not mediated through an effect on acorn MC. In a separate nursery experiment, acorns given this treatment resulted in higher seedling yields and better quality plants than those given the standard treatment (dried to 40–42% MC).
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