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寄生性天敌蒲螨对几种蛀干害虫的控制作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了天敌蒲螨对蛀干害虫——双条杉天牛、柏肤小蠹、日本双棘长蠹、六星黑点豹蠹蛾的寄生效果。室内结果表明,以上几种幼虫接种蒲螨后,在8h内可以导致所有幼虫死亡。室外采用淹没式释放方式,按照树胸径释放蒲螨(20 000头/cm)。释放后30d调查,对双条杉天牛幼虫、柏肤小蠹幼虫、双棘长蠹幼虫、六星黑点豹蠹蛾幼虫的校正寄生死亡率分别为84.7%、67.3%、67.8%和60.5%。  相似文献   

1990年在福建室内试验,用芜菁夜蛾昆虫病原线虫北京品系感染多纹豹蠹蛾,按每头豹蠢蛾接线虫500条,5天后即可将幼虫全部杀死。12天后杀死蛹95%。在木麻黄林间试验,线虫剂量均为1000条/毫升,用不同施线虫方法结果,以在蛀孔注入线虫水悬液法和线虫泡沫塑料塞孔法为最好,豹蠹蛾死亡率分别为97和93%,“线虫糊”涂孔法效果为75%。线虫泡沫塑料塞孔法操作简单,省水,省工。在平潭县莲花山林场用线虫泡沫塑料塞孔法处理木麻黄树38000株,豹蠹蛾平均死亡率达90%。  相似文献   

田斌  徐丽丽  王涛  宗世祥 《植物保护》2017,43(5):113-118
以宁夏地区3种木蠹蛾越冬幼虫(榆木蠹蛾、沙蒿木蠹蛾和沙棘木蠹蛾)为研究对象,分析了3种木蠹蛾越冬幼虫在不同时期的过冷却点和结冰点,同时比较了沙棘木蠹蛾不同虫龄阶段的过冷却点和结冰点。结果表明,3种木蠹蛾的过冷却能力基本相似,沙蒿木蠹蛾在3种木蠹蛾中对低温环境的适应能力较强。低温驯化对木蠹蛾越冬幼虫的过冷却能力影响明显,榆木蠹蛾和沙蒿木蠹蛾2013年3月的过冷却点及结冰点显著高于2014年1月,两种木蠹蛾表现出耐结冰型昆虫的特征。沙棘木蠹蛾各虫龄阶段之间的过冷却能力差异不显著,但高龄越冬幼虫具有更好的适应温度变化的能力。  相似文献   

应用芜菁夜蛾线虫防治小木蠹蛾的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在石家庄和天津两城市,施用芜菁夜蛾线虫Steinernema feltiae agriotos Filitjev防治小木蠹蛾 Holcocerus insularis Staudinger。经防治的树计1.4万棵,用塑料洗涤瓶将线虫悬液(1000条/ml)从最上端虫孔注入,每树约注200ml。线虫注入虫道后,有大量木蠹蛾幼虫感病爬出树干外死亡。死亡率达96.8%,活幼虫孔减退率为94.2%。大面积用线虫防治小木蠹蛾的显著效果说明,芜菁夜蛾线虫防治小木蠹蛾可应用于生产上。  相似文献   

于广西百色市老山林场调查了相思木蠹蛾对西南桦的为害情况,并进行了不同高度虫孔数组内单因素方差分析、不同整枝方式虫孔平均数差异显著性检验、种群密度估计模型拟合研究。结果表明:西南桦有虫孔株率70%,虫孔密度2.79个/株;以2m为区间段,无虫孔的占74.8%,有1个以上虫孔的占25.2%;相思拟木蠹蛾对树干高度有选择性,树干4~6m间虫孔数最多;幼虫侵入期人工修枝会加重相思拟木蠹蛾为害;以无虫株率估计相思拟木蠹蛾种群密度的模型为^x=1.420 8(-lnP0)1.476 8。相思拟木蠹蛾为害对西南桦木材品质有较大影响,应加强监测防治技术研究。  相似文献   

为了探索叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellate对茶谷蛾Agriophara rhombata Meyr.的控害作用,在实验室及田间测定了不同虫态叉角厉蝽对于不同虫龄茶谷蛾幼虫的捕食能力,研究了该蝽对于茶谷蛾幼虫的捕食功能反应、搜寻效应、干扰作用及田间控害效应。结果表明:叉角厉蝽对不同虫龄茶谷蛾都有捕食作用,总体呈现出若蝽对茶谷蛾低龄幼虫的捕食量大于高龄幼虫,成蝽对高龄幼虫的捕食量大于低龄幼虫;对不同虫龄茶谷蛾幼虫的捕食作用均符合HollingⅡ圆盘方程,其中对1~2龄幼虫的捕食效能(a/Th)最强(30.2886),日最大捕食量(1/Th)最大(28.6588头)。对不同虫龄茶谷蛾的搜寻效应与其密度呈负相关,且对低龄幼虫的搜寻效应显著大于高龄幼虫。建立了叉角厉蝽密度、不同虫龄茶谷蛾密度对捕食作用的干扰反应方程,干扰发生后该蝽的捕食量及捕食作用率逐渐下降。田间控害试验表明:4~5龄若蝽对茶谷蛾低龄幼虫的防效显著高于5~6龄幼虫,在第7 d时,对1~2龄幼虫的防效达42%;成蝽对3~4龄幼虫的防效较好,在第7 d时达到47%。  相似文献   

广西南宁市绿化树木木蠹蛾发生为害调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者于2006~2009年在南宁市区的广西现代农业技术展示中心、动物园、青秀山公园、五象广场等主要景点对主要绿化树种木蠹蛾的发生为害进行调查,发现南宁市绿化树木上木蠹蛾种类有荔枝拟木蠹蛾(Arbela dea Swinhoe)、相思拟木蠹蛾(Arbela bailbarana Matsumura)和咖啡豹蠹蛾(Zeuzera coffeae Nietner);很多树种如荔枝、龙眼、台湾相思、黄槐、火焰木、人面子等都受到不同程度的危害,被害的树种达22种;受害与树种及其树皮结构、树干的围径大小有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

高梁舟蛾主要危害玉米、高梁、甘蔗等,在河北省以危害夏玉米最重。该虫在河北中南部1年发生1代,以蛹在7~10 cm深的土层中越冬,翌年6月下旬开始羽化,7月中下旬为幼虫发生危害盛期。该虫主要危害夏玉米中部果穗上下1~2片叶,对产量影响较大。  相似文献   

蔗褐木蠹蛾的一种病原细菌的分离、鉴定与毒力试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔗褐木蠹蛾(Phragmataecia castaneae Hjjbn)是近年来在广东省湛江地区廉江、遂溪、海康、湛江市郊等蔗区发现的一种重要的甘蔗害虫。1981年,我们在对蔗褐水蠹蛾进行虫口调查的过程中,发现了一些已死或濒死的幼虫,特别是虫体软化、呈暗红色的虫尸较多。据统计,在捕捉到的1123条幼虫中,有47条呈此症状,自然死亡率约为4%。我们把这些虫尸进行微生物分离,得到一株细菌,编号为 MD—1。用这株病  相似文献   

近年来茶枝木蠹蛾在贵州铜仁市新建茶园普遍发生,严重影响茶园生产.通过观察研究,基本明确了茶枝木蠹蛾在贵州铜仁的生活史以及生活习性.茶枝木蠹蛾在铜仁市1年发生1代,以幼虫越冬.茶枝木蠹蛾成虫产卵具有趋嫩性,在主枝的顶端嫩茎啃吃木质部,且有转枝为害现象,为害后造成茶叶折枝枯萎.不同茶叶品种受害程度存在差异,其中福鼎大白受害最重,安吉白茶受害最轻.采用化学防治方法,即施用50%杀螟松乳油1 000倍液,能有效防治茶枝木蠹蛾,防效达76.17%.本研究为今后茶叶生产中防治茶枝木蠹蛾提供了一定参考.  相似文献   

Phyllonorycter apparella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is a new record for the Turkish fauna and a new trembling aspen(Populus tremula L.) pest for Turkey. Its biology, damage and infestation ratio were studied in Sankami?. (Kars), Turkey, during 1996 and 1997.P. apparella has one generation a year. The developmental stages of the pest are described briefly. P.apparella hibernates in the adult stage. At the beginning of June, the adults appear. Females deposit their eggs on both leaf surfaces, generally one by one, 7–10 days after emerging. The early instars (sap-feeding larvae) start to mine mostly from the underside of leaves. Each mine has one larva, and each leaf may have up to 26 mines. The last instar (tissue-feeding larva) begins to pupate in the mine after mid August. The adults emerge from mid September to the beginning of October, and move to the trunks of old pine trees, where they hibernate in bark crevices. The infestation level may be as high as 90% of the leaves on some trees.  相似文献   

The hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée), is a serious forest pest in North America with three subspecies that vary in their geographical range and larval host preferences. Both broadleaved and coniferous trees are infested, though the largest impacts are on coniferous forestry where trees can be completely defoliated and killed. The pest was identified as a potential threat to forestry on the island of Ireland during a horizon‐scanning exercise to identify pests of Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. (Sitka spruce) and was subject to a rapid pest risk analysis (PRA). Though judged to be unlikely, pathways identified were uncontrolled wood commodities and mosses and lichens harvested from forests in North America and exported for use in ornamental displays. Lambdina fiscellaria is found in a range of climate types, and is likely to be able to complete its lifecycle in the Irish climate – although there is uncertainty concerning its ability to adapt to European trees. Lambdina fiscellaria has only a limited capacity for spread, as virgin females are burdened by their eggs and are poor fliers. This was judged to reduce potential impacts in the PRA area – as the slow rate of spread would provide time to develop monitoring and control methods well ahead of the pest reaching its maximum extent on the island of Ireland. The pest still poses a considerable risk to coniferous forestry not only on the island of Ireland but across the EPPO region where climate is suitable for the pest to establish. Regulation and implementation of phytosanitary measures prevent introduction of the pest should be considered.  相似文献   

The establishment of predacious mites in commercial orchards may be accelerated by the transfer of pruned wood in winter and summer from donor orchards to release orchards. Following winter pruning, 3-year-old and older wood is collected and transported as soon as possible in bundles to a release orchard for distribution. If the release orchard is composed of dwarf trees, then one or two bundles of 5 kg each are placed vertically at the base of the trunk of every tree in the block (0.5 to 1 ha); if the trees are of standard size, then four or five bundles used. Following summer pruning, annual shoots and suckers are distributed immediately in a release orchard composed of dwarf trees by placing 12–15 branches on the foliage of fruit-bearing branches; if the release orchard is composed of standard trees, then 50 branches are used. The pruned wood should have 20–25 leaves and not less than one predator per leaf. The release orchard should have a light infestation (two or three mites per leaf) of pest tetranychids. These phytophagous mites would serve as food and help establish the predators. The release orchard grower should develop a pest management program based on the same groups of pesticides used in the donor orchard. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Aug. 31, 2005.  相似文献   

The phenology of the Florida wax scale (Ceroplastes floridensis) was studied on grapefruit trees in three citrus-growing regions of Israel — the Jordan Valley, the Coastal Plain, and the Yizre’el Valley. This citrus pest develops two annual generations in, all the regions: a ‘summer generation’ which develops from May-June to August-September, and a ‘winter generation’ which develops from August-September to May-June. The mass appearance of the first instar larvae of each generation occurs in May-June and August-September, respectively.  相似文献   

苹果小吉丁虫是果树危险性蛀干害虫之一,已给国内部分地区的栽植苹果以及新疆的野苹果造成了巨大的损失。目前陕西部分地区已发现苹果小吉丁虫危害,为明确苹果小吉丁虫在陕西省的主要苹果产区的风险程度,以制定科学合理的管理对策。参考国际上有害生物风险分析程序和分析方法,结合苹果小吉丁虫寄主在陕西省的分布情况,对苹果小吉丁虫在陕西省的风险性进行了综合评估。苹果小吉丁虫在陕西省的风险性R值为2.42,该吉丁虫在陕西省属于高度危险性有害生物。针对苹果小吉丁虫在陕西省的高度危险性,提出了加强检疫、监测预防和风险管理等的管理对策。  相似文献   

In June 2007, the Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) was found at Corbetta, in Lombardy, 23 km west of Milan, Italy. The invasive exotic pest was observed in four host trees, one sycamore maple Acer pseudoplatanus L. and three silver birches Betula pendula Rothmahler. During summer 2007, 20 living and 107 dead A. glabripennis beetles were collected on or around the infested trees. The dissection of the infested material showed that 287 beetles emerged from the trees during previous years and 158 living larvae of varied ages were still developing in April, 2008. Fortunately, it appears that predation by birds on early stage larvae developing under the bark, played a major role in limiting the developing pest population. A. glabripennis is native to China and Korea where it is considered as a serious pest of many deciduous trees including maples, poplars, and willows. During the last decade, it was accidentally introduced into the USA, Canada, Austria, Germany and France in wood packaging material of goods imported from China. The current discovery in Italy is the first record of the Asian pest in this country.  相似文献   

落叶果树是指秋末落叶的一类果树,是我国重要的农林作物之一。近年来,随着果树种植结构的调整和种植面积的扩大,虫害对果树产业的影响越来越严重,越来越多的科研工作者加入到果园害虫防治的队伍中,并在果园害虫绿色防控方面获得了一批新技术,取得了一些新成果。为持续推动果树虫害防治新理念的落实,该文统计了20世纪60年代至今落叶果树虫害防治相关研究论文的发表情况,综述了落叶果树主要害虫的演变,总结了60年来落叶果树害虫防治理念及技术的转变。展望未来,害虫智能化精准识别与种群动态监测、害虫生态调控、害虫遗传调控以及基于纳米材料的RNA杀虫剂等新技术正推动果园害虫监测防控体系的不断创新。  相似文献   

核桃瘤蛾是北京市郊区核桃树的主要害虫之一。在北京地区一年发生两代。以蛹在梯田石填墙縫及地面石块下结茧越冬。翌年5月下旬开始羽化至7月中旬結束。第一代幼虫发生于6月上旬至7月下旬,第二代幼虫发生于8月上旬至9月下旬。室内药效测定結果表明,6%可湿性666(200倍液),50%可湿性DDT粉剂(300倍液),25%DDT乳剂(300倍液),砷酸鉛(200倍液),50%乐果乳剂(2000倍液),50%敌百虫乳剂(500倍液)对各龄幼虫的杀虫效果都很好。試驗表明,树干束革及树干周围开溝誘集丁树化蛹的幼虫效果更好,特别是在喷药有困难的山区,可以采用。  相似文献   

苹果园混合覆盖植物对害螨和东亚小花蝽的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苹果园种植紫花苜蓿,为捕食性天敌提供了适宜的生存环境和补充猎物,使苹果园天敌数量增加,叶螨种群下降。夏至草是苹果园杂草的优势种,该杂草可提供天敌生存所需的花粉、花蜜和猎物,使东亚小花蝽发生时间提早,发育速度加快。在6月中旬前,东亚小花蝽可在夏至草上完成2代,在紫花苜蓿上完成1代。夏至草与紫花苜蓿的比例变化影响苹果园节肢动物物种数量,当混合植被中夏至草的覆盖度大于25%时,对覆盖植物和苹果树冠捕食性天敌种群数量最为有利。夏至草与紫花苜蓿混合(1∶4),比单一紫花苜蓿上天敌的数量增加2~3倍,苹果树冠天敌数量增加70%,苹果叶螨种群数量降低30%  相似文献   

茶扁叶蝉Chanohirata theae(Matsumura)近年来在贵州部分茶园中偶有发生甚或暴发成灾,为了解这一害虫的生物学特性,通过室内饲养和野外调查对其形态特征、生活史、发育历期、生活习性等进行了研究。结果显示:茶扁叶蝉在贵州一年发生2代,第一代发生于4月上旬至9月下旬,第二代发生于7月中旬至翌年5月中旬;若虫共5龄,以5龄若虫在茶树中下部叶片上越冬;发育历期受温度影响明显,温度越高发育速率越快,第一代卵期(23.42d)明显长于第二代(15.73d),相反,第一代若虫历期(56.33d)明显短于第二代(218.28d);成、若虫均喜静伏于叶片正面取食,交配多于白天进行,雌成虫一般由叶片正面将卵产入叶肉组织内;成虫具较强的趋光、趋黄的特性。建议于成虫盛期悬挂黄板或开灯诱杀,于若虫1~2龄盛期施药进行防治。  相似文献   

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