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The southern Brazilian shelf supports the largest fish stocks in the country, and studies on physical–biological processes in the ecology of ichthyoplankton have been recommended to provide a better understanding of the variability of the recruitment of fishing resources. This study is the first to examine the influence of mesoscale physical processes on the distribution of early life stages of fish in this shelf‐break region. Collections of fish eggs and larvae and measurements of temperature and salinity were made at 13 stations along cross‐shelf transects in December 1997. Myctophidae, Bregmacerotidae, Clupeidae, Synodontidae and Engraulidae were the most abundant larvae in the northern region, while Engraulidae and Bregmacerotidae prevailed further south. In situ hydrographic data, NOAA/AVHRR images and merged TOPEX/POSEIDON + ERS‐1/2 satellite altimetry taken during the cruise revealed an anticyclonic eddy dominating the shelf around 31°S. Larval fish abundance was lower at the centre of this feature, suggesting that the eddy advected poorer offshore waters of tropical origin towards the inner shelf‐concentrating the larvae around the eddy.  相似文献   

Larval transport in the slope region off north‐eastern North America influences recruitment to juvenile habitats for a variety of fishes that inhabit the continental shelf. In this study, collections of larval fishes were made during springtime over the continental slope to provide insights into larval distributions and transport. Ichthyoplankton composition and distribution mirrored the physical complexity of the region. Three larval fish assemblages were defined, each with different water mass distributions. A Gulf Stream assemblage was found predominantly in the Gulf Stream and associated with filaments of discharged Gulf Stream water in the Slope Sea. Larvae of this assemblage originated from oceanic and shelf regions south of Cape Hatteras. Several members of this assemblage utilize habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) as juveniles (Pomatomus saltatrix, Peprilus triacanthus) and other members of the assemblage may share this life cycle (Mugil curema, Sphyraena borealis, Urophycis regia). A Slope Sea assemblage was found in all water masses, and was composed of epi‐ and mesopelagic fish larvae, as well as larvae of benthic shelf/slope residents. Larvae of one member of this assemblage (U. tenuis) are spawned in the Slope Sea but cross the shelf‐slope front and use nearshore habitats for juvenile nurseries. A MAB shelf assemblage was found in MAB shelf water and was composed of larvae that were spawned on the shelf. Some of these species may cross into the Slope Sea before returning to MAB shelf habitats (e.g. Enchelyopus cimbrius, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus). Previous studies have examined the effect of warm‐core rings on larval distributions, but this study identifies the importance of smaller‐scale features of the MAB shelf/slope front and of filaments associated with Gulf Stream meanders. In combination with these advective processes, the dynamic nature of larval distributions in the Slope Sea appears to be influenced, to varying degrees, by both vertical and horizontal behaviour of larvae and pelagic juveniles themselves.  相似文献   

Entrainment and transport of larval fish assemblages by the East Australian Current (EAC) were examined from the coastal waters of northern New South Wales (NSW) to the western Tasman Front, via the separation of the EAC from the coast, during the austral spring of 2004. Shore‐normal transects from the coast to the EAC off northern NSW revealed an inner shelf assemblage of near‐shore families (Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Platycephalidae and Triglidae), an EAC assemblage dominated by Myctophidae and Gonostomatidae, and a broadly distributed assemblage over the continental shelf dominated by Scombridae and Carangidae. Further south and after the EAC had separated from the coast, we observed a western Tasman Front assemblage of inner shelf and shelf families (Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Serranidae, Scombridae, Carangidae, Bothidae and Macroramphosidae). The abundance of these families declined with distance from the coast. Surprisingly, there was no distinctive or abundant larval fish assemblage in the chlorophyll‐ and zooplankton‐enriched waters of the Tasman Sea. Water type properties (temperature‐salinity, T‐S), the larval fish assemblages and family‐specific T‐S signatures revealed the western Tasman Front to be an entrained mix of EAC and coastal water types. We found an abundance of commercially important species including larval sardine (Sardinops sagax, Clupeidae), blue mackerel (Scomber australasicus, Scombridae) and anchovy (Engraulis australis, Engraulidae). The entrainment and transport of larval fish from the northern inner shelf to the western Tasman Front by the EAC reflects similar processes with the Gulf Stream Front and the Kuroshio Extension.  相似文献   

This study was carried out over the central Cantabrian shelf during a post‐bloom phase in May. Late phases of the spring phytoplankton bloom, which are characterized by high crustacean mesozooplankton biomass, have been proposed to be a particular case for high‐energy flow towards large metazoans. The overall objective of the study is to analyse the influence of mesoscale physical forcing on primary production patterns, its implications on food web pathways, and on larval fish distribution during a period of intense spawning of Sardina pilchardus and Scomber scombrus. Physical and biological variables of different trophic levels show coupled cross‐shelf and along‐shelf heterogeneity. Quasi‐geostrophic analysis and other indirect approaches, such as the depth of the slope salinity maximum, reveal predictable patterns of vertical instabilities associated with mesoscale physical forcing that enhance production of large‐size phytoplankton. The latter is expected to enhance the energy flow towards higher trophic levels at a time of high mesozooplankton biomass. Distributions of S. pilchardus and S. scombrus eggs and larvae indicate retention related to the coastal salinity front and the overall eastward circulation pattern. The observed mesoscale physical processes may favour survival of early stages of fish by their influence on the energy flow of primary production towards higher trophic levels and larval retention at the coast.  相似文献   

Mesoscale features such as fronts and eddies can act to retain larval walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) within the continental shelf zone in the western Gulf of Alaska. During two May cruises, we observed unusual patterns of backscattering with a 38 kHz acoustic system. Characteristics of this signal were a strong scattering layer at the surface and in midwater, with the water column between nearly void of sound scattering organisms. This signal appeared in several transects where satellite remote sensing indicated the presence of an eddy. Analysis of concomitant water properties and ADCP (153 kHz) data confirmed the existence of an anomalous physical feature at this location. Biological properties (chlorophyll and zooplankton) showed marked changes across the edge of the feature. Larval pollock densities were estimated to be an order of magnitude higher within this feature compared to those outside. Acoustic backscatter signals can be used to identify and characterize mesoscale biophysical features in the ocean, thereby enabling real-time studies of these features.  相似文献   

The factors that regulate the self‐recruitment of fish larvae were explored in Cabrera National Park (CNP), an insular Marine Protected Area (MPA) located off southern Mallorca (Western Mediterranean). Our study attributes the regulation of larval arrival to the MPA to a combination of retention by topographically generated circulation patterns around the island and shelf break frontal dynamics. Specifically, within the shelf, interaction of the wind‐induced oscillatory flow with the island was shown to generate ephemeral recirculation patterns that, over time, favor larval retention in the proximity of the MPA. According to our measurements, oscillatory flows produced by wind‐forced island‐trapped waves (ITWs) dominate the flow around CNP. ITW‐forced dispersion simulations were in agreement with the observed distributions of several typical fish species that breed in the CNP. A second regulator of environmental variability is the influence of boundary currents and open ocean mesoscale structures at the shelf break. These structures generate frontal zones that are comparatively more long‐lived than inner‐shelf circulation patterns, and they were shown to act as barriers to the offshore dispersion of coastal fish larval assemblages. Finally, inferences from larval size distributions around the MPA together with particle‐tracking model simulations suggested the relevance of behavioral processes for larval recruitment to the MPA. Based on these observations, the waters around the CNP can be viewed as a relatively stable system that allows breeding fish populations to rely on self‐recruitment for their long‐term persistence, independent of other source populations along the coast of Mallorca.  相似文献   

鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)是具有重要经济价值的头足类之一, 在西北印度洋海域蕴藏有丰富的资源量, 该海域受季风的影响中尺度涡分布广泛, 但对栖息于该海域鸢乌贼的影响尚不清晰。本研究基于角动量涡旋检测与追踪算法获得的涡旋追踪数据集匹配渔业数据, 统计了西北印度洋中尺度涡的时空分布, 分析了不同类型涡旋和鸢乌贼资源丰度和分布的关系, 并结合广义加性模型解析了中尺度涡基本特征量与鸢乌贼资源分布之间的关联。结果表明, 西北印度洋中尺度涡发生的高频海域在北部区域, 且存在明显的月间和年际变化。振幅、相对涡度大的中尺度涡内更容易聚集高的鸢乌贼资源丰度。气旋涡内部区域和外围区域的鸢乌贼资源丰度均优于反气旋涡, 且这种差异于涡旋内部区域更加明显。研究表明, 西北印度洋中尺度涡会影响鸢乌贼的资源分布, 需要进一步结合环境因子探究其影响机制。  相似文献   

The Gulf of Lions is one of the main anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) spawning areas in the NW Mediterranean. During the spring, low‐salinity surface water from the outflow of the Rhône is advected by the shelf‐slope current along the continental slope off the Catalan coast. In June 2000, a Lagrangian experiment tracking these low‐salinity surface waters was conducted to assess the importance of this transport mechanism for anchovy larvae and to determine the suitability of the tracked surface waters for survival of anchovy larvae. The experiment consisted of sampling the tracked water parcel for 10 days with three drifters launched at the core of the shelf‐slope current where low‐salinity surface waters were detected. The survey was completed by sampling the surrounding waters. Anchovy larvae from the spawning area in the Gulf of Lions were advected towards the south in the low‐salinity waters. The size increase of anchovy larvae throughout the Lagrangian tracking closely followed the general growth rate calculated by otolith analysis (0.65 mm day−1). However, advection by the current was not the only mechanism of anchovy larval transport. A series of anticyclonic eddies, originated in the Gulf of Lions and advected southwards, seemed to play a complementary role in the transport of larvae from the spawning ground towards the nursery areas. These eddies not only contributed to larval transport but also prevented their dispersion. These transport and aggregation mechanisms may be important for anchovy populations along the Catalan coast and require further study.  相似文献   

  • 1. Data from fishing surveys employing bottom long‐lines were analysed to characterize the diversity, assemblages and distribution patterns of demersal fish along the Brazilian outer shelf and upper slope, between latitudes 13°S and 22°S.
  • 2. Non‐metric multi‐dimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis indicate three distinct species assemblages separated primarily by depth (the 200 m isobath) and secondarily by latitude (19°S), suggesting a continual transition along the depth and latitudinal gradients in the study area. Species richness was negatively correlated with depth, but with no clear relationship with latitude.
  • 3. Results suggest the existence of reef formations on the shelf‐edge zone (40–200 m) and slope down to 500 m depth off the eastern Brazilian coast. More than 75% of the catches recorded were reef fish species from the families Serranidae, Lutjanidae, Malacanthidae, Muraenidae, Sparidae, Balistidae, Carangidae, Haemulidae, Scorpaenidae and Priacanthidae.
  • 4. The maximum depth of occurrence for 20 reef species was extended from limits previously recorded.
  • 5. The findings reinforce the hypothesis of a faunal corridor for species associated with deep reef formations along the shelf‐edge zone (40–200 m), in the South American continental margin, connecting the south‐western Atlantic and the Caribbean provinces.
  • 6. The shelf‐edge reefs support important multi‐species fisheries and harbour critical habitats for the life cycle of many reef fish species, including spawning aggregation sites that are extremely vulnerable to human pressures, such as intensive fishing, shipping and offshore oil and gas exploitation; all activities currently expanding off the Brazilian coast.
  • 7. Results reveal the biological importance of deep shelf‐edge reefs as a critical ecological area. Despite their importance, shelf edge reefs are not currently included in any marine protected area network in the tropical south‐western Atlantic. There is now an urgent need to enhance knowledge, implement adequate management strategies and consider these deeper habitats as priority areas for conservation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The spatial distribution of fish larvae was studied in the Canaries‐African Coastal Transition Zone, outside the strong upwelling season. An onshore–offshore transition in the larval fish community structure was observed, from a coastal assemblage dominated by small pelagics (sardine, anchovy, mackerel), bounded by the upwelling front, to an offshore assemblage dominated by mesopelagic species (mainly Myctophidae, Phosichthydae, Gonostomatidae). Distribution of the neritic larvae was deeply influenced by the intense mesoscale activity found in the area, both horizontally (larvae were advected offshore but were always retained within the upwelling area) and vertically (larvae were deepened in the vicinity of two anticyclonic eddies). A combined effect of the upwelling front and a cyclonic–anticyclonic eddy dipole is likely the successful retention mechanism for these larvae. These results support the current belief that retention may be higher than previously thought in upwelling areas. Oceanic larvae were also collected in higher abundances near the front and an anticyclonic eddy. Neritic and oceanic larvae frequently showed a differentiated position in the water column, although they sometimes coexisted. Finally, larval connectivity between Islands within the Canary archipelago is suggested. The present study thus contributes to the understanding of the complex dispersal and retention processes in the Canaries‐African Coastal Transition Zone. However, results also highlight the poor knowledge of this region compared with the other three main Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems in terms of ichthyoplankton dynamics. The importance of routine monitoring programs of commercial and non‐commercial species in the area is emphasized.  相似文献   

The early life stages of the Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica), an important prey species for higher predators in the Southern Ocean ecosystem, dominate the larval fish assemblages of the Bransfield Strait, one of the most important areas for larval retention off the Antarctic Peninsula. Nevertheless, the spatial location of areas where they were spawned and the timing of larval hatching remain unknown. By linking Lagrangian particle tracking simulations with age data obtained using otolith microincrements from fish caught north of Joinville Island in a pelagic survey, we estimated the distribution of hatch dates and subsequent growth rates of silverfish reaching the Bransfield Strait, and predicted the areas where they were spawned. Larval hatching peaked during the last week of December, and the inner shelf and shelf break, east of the Larsen Ice shelf, were the dominant areas predicted to contribute to larval assemblages in the Bransfield Strait. Over simulated periods of 600–630 days, 35–40% of particles remained within the Bransfield Strait, suggesting an important source of supply to higher predators feeding off the northern Antarctic Peninsula. The daily growth rate at the mean size of 22.3 mm was 0.18 mm, corresponding to a daily change in size of approximately 0.82% standard length (SL), and large variability in growth rate suggested a wide range of environmental conditions experienced during the period of advection from the spawning areas. These results provide spatial predictions that can be tested empirically in future studies, using the simulated trajectories to inform sampling design and spatial coverage.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the spatial and temporal patterns of composition and distribution of early life‐history stages of fish along an estuarine gradient. Samples were collected quarterly between April 2010 and January 2011 using conical‐cylindrical plankton nets in the Vaza Barris estuarine river system (NE Brazil). A total of 38,781 fish eggs and 3,526 larvae, representing 20 families and 42 taxa, were caught. The most abundant larval taxa were Microgobius meeki, Ctenogobius gr. smaragdus/boleosoma, Gobionellus oceanicus, Ctenogobius gr. stigmaticus/saepepallens/shufeldti, Bairdiella ronchus, Achirus sp., Trinectes sp., Stellifer rastrifer and S. stellifer, accounting together for 34.5% of the total catch. Ichthyoplankton distributions were characterized by high seasonal and spatial variability mainly attributed to the environmental characteristics of the estuary. Overall, lower estuarine region served as important accumulation areas for ichthyoplankton, concentrating the greatest diversity and abundance. Salinity gradient, water temperature, and inorganic nutrients were the main variables that affected the larval fish assemblages, presumably influencing spawning, development and survival of individuals or through their effect on food supply. Moreover, this study reinforced the concept that hydrological variations may have a strong influence on estuarine species retention and marine species immigration. Finally, this study highlights the importance of estuaries for the growth and maintenance of stocks of fish species, and the development of strategies to protect these habitats is of utmost relevance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) as essential habitat of common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) and pompano dolphinfish (C. equiselis) during early life and to characterize conditions in which they were found. Eight ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted during the summer months from 2007 to 2010 in northern Gulf waters off Texas and Louisiana (26–28°N, 87–93°W), during which 1145 dolphinfish larvae were collected. C. hippurus, the dominant dolphinfish species, were collected in 57% of sampling sites with an overall mean density of 0.73 larvae 1000 m?3, whereas C. equiselis were only collected at 18% of sites with a mean density of 0.12 larvae 1000 m?3. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to examine the relationship between several environmental parameters and C. hippurus presence/absence and density. Both presence/absence and density GAMs indicated that catches of C. hippurus larvae increased near fronts and eddies and that increased abundances were most strongly associated with higher salinities and cooler temperatures. In addition, our models showed that C. hippurus larvae were positively associated with C. equiselis larvae, suggesting that C. hippurus and C. equiselis use similar habitats. Results of this study indicate that the Gulf may represent important spawning and/or nursery habitat of dolphinfishes and that mesoscale features and physicochemical conditions influence the distribution and abundance of C. hippurus larvae in this region.  相似文献   

The Bransfield Strait and adjacent waters represent one of the most important areas of larval retention off the Antarctic Peninsula. The species composition of larval fish assemblages has been described in detail in previous surveys carried out in the area, but the role of environmental parameters influencing the spatial distribution of early life stages was poorly known. By applying generalized additive models and multivariate analyses, we evaluated the role of environmental variables in shaping the small‐scale distribution of larval fish and investigated the spatial structure of the larval assemblage. It consisted of a few dominant notothenioid species, such as Champsocephalus gunnari, Lepidonotothen squamifrons, Lepidonotothen larseni, Pleuragramma antarctica and Trematomus scotti, and several other rarely caught species. Sea water temperature, salinity and sampling depth were the most important factors determining the spatial distribution of fish with different relative contributions, together explaining more than 80% of total deviance observed. Species richness was mostly affected by salinity, probably due to the narrow range of salinity preference by the species. Cluster analysis of abundance and presence data identified six and five distinct groups, respectively, each of them with substantial contributions of single or rarely two species. Differences in reproductive strategies of adult populations and spatial distribution of early life stages driven by different larval behaviour in response to environmental factors contribute to maintaining a well‐structured larval fish assemblage, ensuring spatial and food niche partitioning.  相似文献   

Swordfish Xiphias gladius (Linnaeus, 1758) are a circumglobal pelagic fish targeted by multiple lucrative fisheries. Determining the distribution of swordfish larvae is important for indicating reproductive activity and understanding the early life history of swordfish. We identify and characterize larval swordfish distributions during peak swordfish spawning throughout the Gulf of Mexico and western Caribbean Sea with generalized additive models (GAMs) using catches of swordfish larvae during ichthyoplankton surveys in April and May of 2010, 2011, and 2012. The best fit GAM, as determined by stepwise, backward Akaike Information Criterion selection, included both physiochemical (temperature at 5 m, sea surface height anomaly (SSHA), eddy kinetic energy (EKE)), temporal (lunar illumination, hour of sampling) and spatial (location) variables, while near surface chlorophyll a concentration residuals remained as a random effect. The highest probability of larval swordfish catch occurred at sub‐surface temperatures, SSHA, and EKE values indicative of boundary currents. Standard lengths of larvae were larger further downstream in the boundary currents, despite high variability in length with location due to multiple spawning locations of swordfish near these currents. Probability of larval swordfish catch also peaked during the crescent and gibbous moons, indicating a lunar periodicity to swordfish spawning. These results suggest that swordfish may spawn during select moon phases near boundary currents that transport their larvae to larval and juvenile habitat including the northern Gulf of Mexico and coastal waters of the southeast United States.  相似文献   

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) is of high ecological and economic importance to the western Caribbean region, and contains spawning sites for a number of reef fish species. Despite this, little is known of the distribution and transport of pelagic fish larvae in the area, and basic in situ information on larval fish assemblages is lacking. Here we describe the results of two biological oceanography research cruises conducted in winter‐spring of 2006 and 2007, focusing on larval fish assemblages. We use multivariate assemblage analyses to examine vertical and horizontal distribution characteristics of larval fish assemblages, to highlight key distinguishing taxa, and to relate these to the observed oceanographic structure. Our results showed a general separation between the Gulf of Honduras region, which was characterized by weaker currents and high abundances of inshore and estuarine taxa (Eleotridae, Priacanthidae), and the northern MBRS, which was subject to strong northward flow and contained a mixture of mesopelagic and reef‐associated taxa (Myctophidae, Sparidae). Although distinct patterns of vertical distribution were observed among taxa, both shallow and deep living larvae were broadly distributed throughout the study area. Analysis of historical drifter tracks highlighted the strong northward flow and low retention conditions typically present along the northern MBRS, as well as potential connectivity between the western Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Comparative gear tows were conducted during the summers of 1987–1990 in the Gulf of Alaska. Efficiencies of four types of ichthyoplankton sampling gear were compared with respect to total catch and size distribution of larval fish. Fish were sampled using the bongo net (333 and 505 μm mesh), 1 m Tucker net, 3 m Tucker net and the Methot frame net. Results indicate that the bongo and the 1 m Tucker nets caught similar numbers and size distribution of fish. The larger 3 m Tucker and Method frame nets caught a larger size class of fish but a smaller total catch. Although there was a slightly significant diel difference in total catch detected in the smaller nets, no diel differences in size distribution of fish caught were detected for any of the nets.  相似文献   

Larval fish assemblages were sampled using replicated oblique bongo net tows along a five‐station transect extending from inshore (18 m depth) to offshore waters (1000 m depth) off temperate south‐western Australia. A total of 148 taxa from 93 teleost families were identified. Larvae of Gobiidae and Blenniidae were abundant inshore, while larvae of pelagic and reef‐dwelling families, such as Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Carangidae and Labridae were common in continental shelf waters. Larvae of oceanic families, particularly Myctophidae, Phosichthyidae and Gonostomatidae, dominated offshore assemblages. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed larval fish assemblages to have a strong temporal and spatial structure. Assemblages were distinct among seasons, and among inshore, continental shelf and offshore sampling stations. Inshore larval fish assemblages were the most seasonal, in terms of species composition and abundance, with offshore assemblages the least seasonal. However, larval fish assemblages were most closely correlated to water mass, with species distributions reflecting both cross‐shelf and along‐shore oceanographic processes and events. Similarity profile (SIMPROF) analysis suggested the presence of twelve distinct larval fish assemblages, largely delineated by water depth and season. The strength and position of the warm, southward flowing Leeuwin Current, and of the cool, seasonal, northward flowing Capes Current, were shown to drive much of the variability in the marine environment, and thus larval fish assemblages.  相似文献   

We examined the dominant patterns of variability in the fish fauna of the southern California Current based on a principal component (PC) analysis of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations ichthyoplankton data set, 1951–2008. Eighty‐six taxa were analyzed, including all ecologically dominant fish species, both exploited and unexploited. The first three PCs accounted for 20.5, 12.4 and 6.8% of the variance of the data, respectively (total: 39.7%). Each was dominated by taxa from particular adult or larval habitats. PC 1 predominantly represented the coherent response of 24 mesopelagic taxa from 10 families and was most highly correlated with long‐term trends in midwater oxygen levels. PC 2 was dominated by six of the seven most abundant ichthyoplankton taxa in the region, predominantly California Current endemics including key pelagic species (northern anchovy, Pacific sardine and Pacific hake), rockfishes (genus Sebastes) and two midwater taxa. It was correlated primarily with sea surface temperature and exhibited a significant declining trend. PC 3 was dominated by coastal and reef‐associated fishes with predominantly southerly affinities. It was positively correlated with sea surface temperature and sea level height, a proxy for diminished flow of the California Current. The taxa dominating PCs 2 and 3 mostly spatially co‐occur as ichthyoplankton. These results suggest that fish assemblages in the California Current are predominantly influenced by environmental forcing of their ocean habitats as adults or larvae, or both.  相似文献   

To date, little is known about the larval‐fish assemblages (LFAs) in the eastern Mediterranean. The purpose of this study is to investigate the intra‐annual variations of LFAs with an emphasis on the effects of physical, chemical, biological and meteorological conditions in the gulf of Iskenderun, which is a shallow (100 m maximum depth), semi‐enclosed bay located in the northeastern corner of the Mediterranean. The gulf is under the influence of offshore waters throughout the year. The study was based on an ichthyoplankton survey program performed at 28 stations over 12 months, between November 2009 and October 2010. During the study, a total of 11,411 larval individuals belonging to 177 taxa were sampled. The jackknife estimate of maximum species richness was 225 ± 19 for the study area. The maximum larval richness (84 species) and abundance (827 larvae/10 m2) values coincided with spring bloom in April. Gobiids dominated the ichthyoplankton of Iskenderun Bay by constituting 9% of species richness and 42% of total individuals. Four LFAs were identified which were in early winter (November to January), late winter (February and March), spring (April to June) and summer (July to October). The intra‐annual variations of richness, abundance and composition of ichthyoplankton were significantly correlated with the temperature and mesozooplankton biomass. The wind conditions and thermal stratification were also significantly correlated with the composition of LFAs. In conclusion, phenology of LFAs were formed under the influence of physical and tropho‐dynamic conditions in Iskenderun Bay, Northeastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

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