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Stenocereus eruca is a postrate columnar cactus whose regeneration seems to occur mainly through clonal propagation. It is a narrow endemic species of the Sonoran desert in Baja California Sur and currently considered as threatened under Mexican legislation. In this paper we describe the demography of ramets in four populations along its distribution range and the demography of genets in one population during a 3-year-study period in order to evaluate its conservation status. We also analyze the relative contribution of sexual reproduction and clonal propagation to population maintenance and provide guidelines for the formulation of conservation programs. Elasticity analyses were used to explore the relative contribution of sexual and clonal recruitment to projected population growth rate (λ). During the three years of study, regeneration occurred only through clonal propagation while sexually derived seedlings were not detected within or outside the permanent plots. Our demographic data showed that the four population of S. eruca are in equilibrium (λ ≈ 1), and elasticity analyses showed that the relative contribution to λ of clonal recruitment was larger than sexual recruitment, at least during the analyzed ecological time scale. Simulations showed that removing sexual recruitment had a minor impact on λ, but the absence of clonal propagation alone was sufficient to keep below unity. We propose the establishment of at least one reserve with adequate protection from human disturbance to conserve S. eruca.  相似文献   

Echinocactus platyacanthus is a candy barrel cactus endemic to Mexico and an endangered species owing to its exploitation and the destruction of its habitat. The population dynamic of this species is analyzed using matrix models. Three consecutive censuses were carried out (1997, 1998, and 1999) for six populations of this species in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve. Fruit contain many seeds (mean = 171 ± S.E. 11.03 seeds/fruit); seedling establishment and survival are low (2 × 10−6), and fecundity increases as the diameter of the individuals increases (62 seeds in adult 1-4322 in adult 4). The rates of population growth (λ) range from 0.9285 to 1.0005. Elasticity values for demographic processes indicate that the stasis of the adults is the greatest contribution (S = 0.982), followed by growth (G = 0.017) and fecundity (F = 0.001) to λ. The populations are located in the lower left corner of the demographic triangle; however, there are variations for a given population from one year to the next. Life table response experiments indicate that although there are local variations, the most important differences in the values of λ between populations and between years are associated with changes in the stasis of the adults. The disturbance index is not directly related to population density or to the current value of λ. The protection of adult E. platyacanthus must be taken into account for the management of this species and its conservation in the study area.  相似文献   

Understanding metapopulation dynamics in large carnivores with naturally fragmented populations is difficult because of the large temporal and spatial context of such dynamics. We coupled a long-term database of visitor sighting records with an intensive 3-year telemetry study to describe population dynamics of recolonization by black bears (Ursus americanus) of Big Bend National Park in Texas during 1988-2002. This population, which occurs within a metapopulation in western Texas and northern Mexico, increased from a single pair of known breeding-age animals in 1988 to 29 bears (including 6 females of breeding age) in March 2000 (λ = 1.25/year). A migration and dispersal event in August-December 2000 reduced the population to 2 adult females and as few as 5-7 individuals. One-way movement distances from the study area during this event averaged 76 km for females (n = 7) and 92 km for males (n = 4), and 3 animals conducted migrations of at least 154, 178, and 214 km, respectively. Our observations exemplify the importance of stochastic events on demographics of small populations and highlight the potential scale of bear movement among montane islands of southwestern North America. They also provide insight into the use of dispersal data in parameterizing metapopulation models for large carnivores.  相似文献   

We use population viability analysis of an endangered Florida scrub mint, Dicerandra frutescens, to specify the optimal fire return intervals for its long-term persistence and for its specific habitat. We derived 83 population projection matrices from 13 years of demographic data from eight populations, 59 matrices from scrub populations and 24 from firelane or yard edges. Seed dormancy and germination transitions were inferred based on experimental data and verified by comparing modeled vs. observed population trajectories. Finite rates of increase in scrub sites were highest shortly after fire and declined steeply through 10 years postfire. The break-even value of λ = 1 was passed quickly, in about six years, suggesting that populations >6 years postfire were already facing decline. The decline is probably related to the rapid growth of competing shrubs in the habitat of D. frutescens. In long-unburned sites, finite rates of increase were nearly always <1 and declined the most in the long-unburned site with no foot trails or treefall gaps. Finite rates of increase in firelane populations also declined with years since fire or last disking. The yard edge population showed λ values both >1 and <1, with no temporal trend. Stochastic simulations in scrub sites suggested an optimal regular fire return interval of about 6-12 years. Regular fires at this interval were more favorable than stochastic fire regimes, but stochasticity reduced extinction percentages at longer fire return intervals. Stochastic fire return intervals implied a wider optimal fire return interval of 6-21 years. We suggest that prescribed fire in Florida scrub on yellow sand has occurred (and needs to occur) more frequently than previously recommended.  相似文献   

Recent studies using capture-recapture modelling in terrestrial orchids have shown relationships among survival, life-state, climate and dormancy, but to date, there has been no rigorous study of the effects of size on demographic rates. Here we use multistate capture-recapture models to investigate the relationships between survival, ramet size, life-state, and propensity for extended dormancy of Cleistes bifaria in two populations in Florida and West Virginia. Using estimated leaf area as a measure of ramet size, we investigated relative fit to the data of models in which ramets were classified by life-state alone (dormant, vegetative, and flowering), size alone (dormant, small, and large), or by a combination of size and state (dormant, small vegetative, large vegetative, small flowering, and large flowering ramets). This scheme allowed us to compare the effects of a size versus state classification on survival and transition probabilities, including the propensity for dormancy. For survival rates, the size-classified model was preferable in terms of parsimony (AIC) to models classified either by state or by a combination of size and state. In C. bifaria, annual survival rate for large ramets was close to 1.0 and for small and dormant ramets, 0.91 and 0.76, respectively. This highlights the importance of protecting large plants. In contrast, a model combining life-state with ramet size was most parsimonious for explaining variation in transition rates. As the ‘size + state’ classification is convenient, holds more information, and seems more closely tied to fitness than classification by either size or life-state alone, it may be particularly useful in planning and assessing conservation management of orchids.  相似文献   

The 1991-1994 reintroductions of Florida endangered Pseudophoenix sargentii to 13 Florida Keys sites represent a rare example of a successful multi-agency long-term effort to conserve a long-lived palm. To assess reintroduction success, we compared population demographics with and without reintroduced plants and conducted population viability analyses. Since 1991, the wild population has increased 6.4-fold. Survival from 2000-2004 was 94%, growth was positive (λ = 1.013), and there was no predicted extinction risk. Recent wild population growth is attributed to good seedling recruitment and removing the greatest threats. After 14 years, reintroductions had 43% survival, increased total plants in the wild by 27%, and expanded the species’ distribution. Reintroduced plants had faster maturation rates, improved population age structure, and enhanced population growth (λ = 1.032). Success varied with transplant year, location, microsite, and original transplant size. Failures in 1991 and at some historic sites emphasize the need for a multi-year, multi-site approach to reintroductions to buffer against stochastic losses. Rockland hammocks and the tops of coastal berms had greatest plant growth and survival. Large transplants had the greatest survival. Because no reintroduced plants are reproductive, transitions between stages are extremely slow, and plants may require >30 years to mature, continued institutional dedication to long-term monitoring will be required to assess whether the populations are self-sustaining. Horticultural expertise and ex situ collections complimented support of land managing agencies for the species’ preservation. These first rare plant reintroductions to Florida State Parks opened avenues for more plant conservation efforts and public interpretation.  相似文献   

Habitat reserves are a common strategy used to ensure viability of wildlife populations and communities. The efficacy of reserves, however, is rarely empirically evaluated. We examined the likelihood that small (650 ha), isolated habitat reserves composed of old-growth Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)-western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) rain forest (upland-OG) and mixed-conifer peatlands (peatland-MC) would sustain populations of northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus) in the absence of immigration or emigration within the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska. We used demographic data obtained from a study of flying squirrels on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska and litter size from flying squirrels in similar habitat to estimate per capita rate of increase (r) of flying squirrels in upland-OG (r = 0.14, SD = 0.42) and peatland-MC habitats (r = 0.01, SD = 0.39). Our results indicated that peatland-MC habitat was unlikely to sustain populations and that viability of flying squirrel populations in small habitat reserves largely depended on the upland-OG forest component. We subsequently estimated time to extinction (TN) based on r, its variance (v), and the potential population ceiling (K). We used TN to calculate the probabilities (Pt) that squirrel populations would persist in small reserves containing 100%, 50%, and 25% upland-OG habitat for 25, 50, and 100 years. In each scenario, we calculated TN and Pt for 2 levels of v. For the best-case scenario (100% upland-OG forest, lowest variance, t = 25 years), TN was 507 years and Pt was 0.95. For the worst-case scenario (25% upland-OG forest, highest variance, t = 100 years), TN was 237 years and Pt was 0.66. Minimum patch size of upland-OG forest required for a high probability (Pt = 0.95) of sustaining a flying squirrel population in isolation with relatively low demographic variability (v = 0.34) for 25, 50, or 100 years was 578, 5077, and 78,935 ha, respectively. We concluded that it was unlikely that small isolated habitat reserves could sustain populations of flying squirrels for >25 years in the absence of immigration. Consequently, dispersal among small reserves is critical to ensure that they function to support metapopulations of northern flying squirrels.  相似文献   

The wild population of the palm Ptychosperma macarthurii near Darwin, in monsoonal northern Australia, is regionally endangered and provides a focus to illustrate a range of issues pertinent to conservation of rainforest habitat. Surveys in 1990 found that several populations exhibited a polarised size class structure typified by large adults and small juvenile plants. Over the following decade, in the absence of wildfire and in a period of reduced disturbance from introduced buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), cattle (Bos indicus) and pig (Sus scrofa), sufficient small juvenile plants survived and grew so as to infill the intermediate size classes. Three stage (bifid, juvenile and adult) transition matrix models characterised the population as declining under all observed conditions (intrinsic rate of increase: unburnt + few animals 0.9850; unburnt + many animals 0.9584; burnt <1 year 0.8737; burnt 1-2 years 0.9146; burnt >2 years 0.9937). In the absence of fire, simulations conducted to explore management options revealed a positive rate of increase with exclusion of introduced animals. With only partial introduced animal control or supplementation with juvenile plants, the median rate of increase remained negative. The regional population is at risk by more frequent and more intense fire due to the invasion of exotic grass species and land use changes in the catchment which result in an increased drying of the rainforest habitat. Ongoing decline is the most likely outcome in the absence of effective management intervention.  相似文献   

We used size-structured Lefkovitch projection matrix analysis to predict future trends in the survival of Aquilaria crassna (Thymelaeaceae), a tropical evergreen forest tree that has been highly sought after for its valuable aromatic wood (agarwood) for millennia. Data on growth, damage to trees by poachers, fruit production, seed dispersal and seedling recruitment were collected from a 30-ha plot in Khao Yai National Park, central Thailand that had seen moderate poaching. The population asymptotic growth rate, λa, and transient growth rate, λtr, found from using the matrix to project the observed population 48 years, were 1.002 and 1.005, respectively, with 95% confidence intervals of [0.985, 1.016] and [0.985, 1.023]. The stable size distribution obtained from the matrix was reasonably similar to the observed size distribution, suggesting that at the time of the study the population was not far from equilibrium. Sensitivity analysis and simulations of poaching on adult trees indicate that both λ’s are very sensitive to the removal of adult trees and the growth of preadult trees. In particular, the increase in tree mortality and decrease in preadult growth rate caused by agarwood collection seen in some areas could cause extirpation of the population. While in such cases the population appears to be poised on the brink of decline, several factors that we could not evaluate could alter its fate. First, adult deaths could stimulate recruitment of young under the parent trees; second, there is marked year-to-year variation in fruiting success and possibly recruitment; third, there is considerable spatial variation in tree density and recruitment, suggesting that attempts to evaluate future success need to encompass larger spatial and time scales.  相似文献   

We used reverse time capture-mark-recapture models to describe associations between rate of population change (λ) and climate for northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) at six long-term study areas in Washington and Oregon, USA. Populations in three of six areas showed strong evidence of declining populations, while populations in two additional areas were likely declining as well. At four areas, λ was positively associated with wetter-than-normal conditions during the growing season, which likely affects prey availability. Lambda was also negatively associated with cold, wet winters and nesting seasons, and the number of hot summer days. The amount of annual variation in λ accounted for by climate varied across study areas (3-85%). Rate of population change was more sensitive to adult survival than to recruitment; however, there was considerable variation among years and across study areas for all demographic rates. While annual survival was more closely related to regional climate conditions, recruitment was often associated with local weather. In addition to climate, declines in recruitment at four of six areas were associated with increased presence of barred owls. Climate change models predict warmer, wetter winters and hotter, drier summers for the Pacific Northwest in the first half of the 21st century. Our results indicate that these conditions have the potential to negatively affect annual survival, recruitment, and consequently population growth rates for northern spotted owls.  相似文献   

Clianthus is an acutely threatened, bird-pollinated genus endemic to New Zealand, represented in the wild by only one population of C. puniceus and 11 populations of C. maximus, each with very few individuals (typically <10 per population). A limited number of named Clianthus cultivars of indeterminate origin are commonly grown as ornamentals. Genomic DNA from individual Clianthus plants was extracted for genetic diversity analysis using a range of molecular markers, including amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Data were analysed by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging (UPGMA), the generation of Neighbor-Joining trees, and analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA). Genetic distance between wild populations of C. maximus was highly correlated with geographical distance between populations. Sequencing of intron 2 of a putative partial homologue of the floral meristem identity gene LEAFY (CmLFY) revealed a 7 bp deletion that was exhibited homozygously in the more northern populations of C. maximus, and in all individuals tested from the sole population of C. puniceus. This deletion was not exhibited in more southern populations of C. maximus. Further, one geographically intermediate population contained some plants that were heterozygous for the deletion. Parallel analyses of cultivated Clianthus genotypes, more than half of which were also homozygous for the 7 bp deletion, showed that these were not representative of the broad, but threatened, diversity remaining in the wild. It is argued that wild populations of C. maximus are unlikely to have arisen from the escape of plants from cultivation. Conservation effort should focus on the protection and study of the extant plants in these wild populations, rather than on the introduction of disturbance regimes to uncover potential seed banks.  相似文献   

Although population declines of grassland songbirds in North America and Europe are well-documented, the effect of local processes on regional population persistence is unclear. To assess population viability of grassland songbirds at a regional scale (∼150,000 ha), we quantified Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis and Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus annual productivity, adult apparent survival, habitat selection, and density in the four most (regionally) common grassland treatments. We applied these data to a female-based, stochastic, pre-breeding population model to examine whether current grassland management practices can sustain viable populations of breeding songbirds. Additionally, we evaluated six conservation strategies to determine which would most effectively increase population trends. Given baseline conditions, over 10 years, simulations showed a slightly declining or stable Savannah Sparrow population (mean bootstrap λ = 0.99; 95% CI = 1.00-0.989) and severely declining Bobolink population (mean bootstrap λ = 0.75; 95% CI = 0.753-0.747). Savannah Sparrow populations were sensitive to increases in all demographic parameters, particularly adult survival. However for Bobolinks, increasing adult apparent survival, juvenile apparent survival, or preference by changing habitat selection cues for late-hayed fields (highest quality) only slightly decreased the rate of decline. For both species, increasing the amount of high-quality habitat (late- and middle-hayed) marginally slowed population declines; increasing the amount of low-quality habitat (early-hayed and grazed) marginally increased population declines. Both species were most sensitive to low productivity and survival on early-hayed fields, despite the fact that this habitat comprised only 18% of the landscape. Management plans for all agricultural regions should increase quality on both low- and high-quality fields by balancing habitat needs, nesting phenology, and species’ response to management.  相似文献   

Populations of many orchids, especially terrestrial species, have been rapidly decreasing due to mass collection by plant sellers and enthusiasts. Given the presumably negative demographic and genetic consequences, such anthropogenic activity should be taken into consideration for predicting ecological and evolutionary dynamics and for planning conservation strategies. To determine how recent human disturbance alters spatial demographic and population genetic processes, populations of the terrestrial orchid Cymbidium goeringii located in South Korea were examined to quantify the spatial distributions of individuals and genotypes with respect to three levels of disturbance: “disturbed” (four populations), “putatively disturbed” (two), and “undisturbed” (two). Undisturbed and putatively disturbed populations were found to possess significantly positive spatial clustering of individuals over a range of spatial scales. In contrast, disturbed populations exhibited little or no spatial aggregation, consistent with the selective removal of plants by collectors from higher density areas within these populations. Although overall genetic differentiation among populations was moderate and significant (FST = 0.082), levels of genetic diversity within populations were similar despite the different disturbance histories (mean He = 0.257-0.324). Spatial genetic autocorrelation analyses revealed that the undisturbed populations exhibited significant declines in kinship (Fij) with distance, that mean kinship at interplant distances of ?4-6 m was significantly greater than zero and between plants ?0.5 m apart was in the range expected for first cousins to half-sibs. In contrast, only one putatively disturbed and one disturbed population exhibited significant declines in kinship with distance. These differences between disturbed versus putatively disturbed and undisturbed populations in the spatial distribution of individuals and genetic variation likely reflect the consequences of mass collections. Since these differences (and reduced population density) have important implications for future ecological and evolutionary trajectories, conservation managers of endangered terrestrial orchids may want to analyze the spatial distribution of individuals and their genotypes to infer whether a population with few individuals represents a natural state or the likely outcome of mass collection.  相似文献   

Oryzomys couesi cozumelae is an endemic, threatened rodent from Cozumel Island, Mexico. We estimated its genetic diversity and structure by analyzing microsatellite loci in 228 samples from 12 sampling sites widely distributed throughout the island. Unexpected high levels of genetic and allelic diversity were found: a total of 54 alleles, an average of 10.8 alleles per locus, and high heterozygosity values (mean HO = 0.624, HE = 0.690 and HNei = 0.689). These values are higher than those reported for small sized insular mammals, higher than that found in 37 individuals of the mainland O. couesi from southern Mexico (HO = 0.578) that we analyzed for comparative purposes, and similar to those of other mainland small mammal populations. Despite factors that affect Cozumel’s biota, such as exotic predators and competitors, hurricanes, seasonal population fluctuations and anthropogenic activities, no evidence of genetic bottlenecks was found. A significant population structure was observed and a model of isolation-by-distance was supported. Our findings render O. c. cozumelae a high conservation value, not only for its high genetic diversity and structure, but because available data suggests that its population has declined significantly in recent years. Further habitat fragmentation and population isolation could result in a higher genetic structure and loss of genetic diversity. The protection of habitat, the maintenance of habitat connectivity and the removal of introduced competitors and predators are a conservation priority. Acknowledging that the genetic structure of populations has crucial conservation implications, the present genetic information should be taken into account in management plans for the conservation of O. c. cozumelae.  相似文献   

The Saimaa ringed seal, Phoca hispida saimensis, is one of the most endangered ringed seals in the world. Its total population consisted of 240 adult seals in the Saimaa lake complex in 2000. We estimated the amount of vendace, Coregonus albula, consumed by the seals and compared it with fishermen’s vendace catches and our vendace stock estimates in Lake Pihlajavesi, Finland. Our study area was the habitat of 43 mature seals and 17 immature seals as well as 12 pups in 2001. Five commercial two-boat trawlers fished in the area. Vendace stock size was estimated at 660 tonnes i.e., 12 kg ha−1 in the study area in August-September 2001. The vendace catch by fishermen was approximately 250 tonnes, and the vendace consumption by the Saimaa ringed seal was estimated at 68 tonnes in 2001. We estimated that during the whole year seals ate approximately 8% of the vendace spawning stock biomass in the area while fishermen caught 30% of it. The seals and the fishermen together used less than 10% of the available vendace biomass in each month. Fishing pressure on the vendace stock was highest in August-October. The amount of vendace eaten by the seals exceeded the vendace catch in fisheries only in December-April. In periods of low vendace density, the seals can consume a higher proportion of the stock and reduce the catch per unit of effort in fisheries. However, our assumption that seals fed only on vendace should be considered as an extreme scenario when considering the conflict between fisheries and the seal.  相似文献   

The expansion of human activities into rural areas and natural landscapes has resulted in widespread increases in the abundance of synanthropic species that threaten rarer native species. Quantitative assessments of how much impacts need to be reduced to reach acceptable levels of risk to the affected species are rarely conducted prior to the implementation of control measures, and it is perhaps not surprising that many efforts have not yielded the desired outcome. Here, we used matrix-based population viability analysis models to show that reducing predation by rapidly growing corvid populations on marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) nests likely constitutes an effective means for recovering a declining murrelet population in central California. For example, a modest 40% reduction in predation reduced extinction risk dramatically from 95.8% to 4.6% over 100 years and a 60% reduction resulted in a stable population (λ = 1) when the proportion of breeders, renesting rates, and corvid predation rates were assumed to be 0.77, 0.13, and 0.69, respectively. However, nest predation would only need to be reduced by 40% to produce a stable population if corvid management was coupled with a modest increase in after-hatch-year survival from 0.896 to 0.910. Corvid control resulted in greater gains in murrelet population size when the maximum number of breeders was allowed to increase over the projection period, as might be expected if the amount of old-growth nesting habitat increased over time, but extinction risk was insensitive to the presence of a carrying capacity. Approximately half of known murrelet nests in central California are within 1 km of heavily used campgrounds in a single state park, indicating that significant gains in viability could be achieved by targeting efforts in small areas providing corvid food subsidies. Risk assessments such as ours can provide quantitative prioritization rationale for efforts intended to mitigate the impacts of synanthropic species on threatened species.  相似文献   

A population viability analysis is important for the management of endangered populations and requires the estimation of survival parameters. The long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) is one of only two native terrestrial mammals currently found in New Zealand and is classed as vulnerable. Its viability in temperate beech (Nothofagus) forest, Eglinton Valley, Fiordland, New Zealand was estimated using mark-recapture data collected between 1993 and 2003 using the Program MARK. Survival was estimated based on a total of 5286 captures representing 1026 individuals. Overall annual survival varied between 0.34 and 0.83 but varied significantly among three sub-populations and with sex and age. Females generally had a higher survival rate compared to males; and adults had higher survival relative to juveniles. Survival of all bats was lower in years when the number of introduced mammalian predators was high and when the winter temperature was warmer than average. High numbers of introduced predators occurred during three of the 10 years in the study. Climate change may mean that the conditions that promote high predator numbers may occur more frequently. A preliminary population viability analysis using a projection matrix on the overall adult female population showed an average 5% decline per year (λ = 0.95). Increased predator control targeting a range of predators is required in years when their numbers are high in order to halt the decline of this population of long-tailed bats. Population estimates using minimum number alive estimates supported the population estimates derived from Program MARK and a population viability analysis using matrices.  相似文献   

Collection of plants and seeds from wild populations threatens a large number of cycad species. We investigated to what extent individual life history stages contribute to population growth (λ) and compared two species with major differences in life histories in the African genus Encephalartos: Encephalartos cycadifolius, a highly persistent grassland species that resprouts after fire, and Encephalartos villosus, a relatively fast growing, non-sprouting forest species. Several harvesting scenarios impacting different sized individuals were simulated to determine the sensitivity of the two functional types to harvesting. In both species λ was most sensitive to changes in abundance of adult plants. The harvesting of seeds had minimal impact on population growth rates, whereas harvesting of adult plants led to rapid population decline. This response from two very different functional types suggests that the conservation of adult plants is critical for all cycad species. Despite similar responses to adult mortality, the two species had substantially different population growth rates. This determined recovery time after harvesting of adult individuals. Encephalartos cycadifolius is typical of highly persistent plant species associated with low levels of recruitment and unable to recover from even small losses of adults within a reasonable conservation time frame (<100 years). Our results suggest that the ability to recover from loss of individuals is an important factor that should be considered when assessing the vulnerability of wild populations to threats.  相似文献   

Soil respiration was measured with the enclosed chamber method in an ungrazed Leymus chinensis steppe during the growing seasons of 2001 and 2002. Soil respiration rate (RS) was significantly influenced by air temperature (T) at the diurnal scale, and could be described by Van't Hoff's equation (RS = R10 exp(β(T − 10))). At the seasonal scale, the normalized soil respiration rate at 10 °C (R10) was mainly controlled by soil water content (R2 = 0.717, P < 0.001), while the sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature (Q10) was partially affected by absolute growth rate (R2 = 0.482, P = 0.004). Thus, soil respiration could be described as RS = (20.015W − 84.085) (0.103AGR + 1.786)(T−10)/10 during the growing seasons, integrating soil water content (W) and absolute growth rate (AGR) into the temperature-dependent soil respiration equation. It was validated by the observed soil respiration rates in this study (R2 = 0.890, P < 0.001) and observations from near-field experiment (R2 = 0.687, P = 0.011). It implied that accurately evaluating annual soil respiration should include the effects of plant biomass production and other abiotic factors besides air temperature.  相似文献   

Little is known about the distribution and habitat use of northern pygmy owls (Glaucidium gnoma), in Alberta or throughout their range. In Alberta they are ranked as ‘sensitive’, meaning they are not believed to be at immediate risk of extirpation or extinction but may require special attention or protection to prevent them from becoming at risk.Diurnal broadcast surveys were conducted to determine distribution and habitat selection throughout a 28,500 km2 study area situated along the eastern slopes of the Alberta Rocky Mountains. Surveys lasted for eight weeks in 2001, during which time 1532 site visits were made. Forty-eight responses were recorded at 42 sites representing 40 individual northern pygmy owls. Predictive models of habitat selection were developed using stepwise logistic and autologistic regression. Autologistic models accounted for observed spatial dependencies and as a result, produced better fitting models that more accurately reflect the role of predictor variables in influencing species occurrence. All models considered biophysical variable selection at two spatial scales, the minimum (75 ha) and maximum (300 ha) home range size. Northern pygmy owls showed a preference for older, structurally diverse mixedwood habitats, with line-of-sight enhanced by increased edge and terrain roughness.The use of habitat selection models resulting from this project and Geographic Information Systems as a tool, will enable managers to identify key habitat features, focus future survey efforts, set habitat goals and evaluate the effects of management decisions on current and future habitat availability.  相似文献   

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