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借助地理信息系统技术,利用真彩航片对沈阳城市森林景观格局进行分析.结果表明:沈阳城市森林景观斑块平均值以风景游憩林最大,达到1.85hm2;生产经营林次之,为1.34hm2;生态公益林、道路林和附属林的斑块平均面积较小;不同城市森林类型均以小斑块为主,总体比例超过90%,中斑块以上类型分布偏少,大斑块以上所占比例仅为1%左右.各类型多样性指数与景观斑块破碎化均以附属林最高,道路林次之,生态公益林居中,生产经营林较低,风景游憩林最低;各类型所受的人为干扰程度相近,在边缘上的差别不大,而形状特征上存在较大差异,以风景游憩林最大,生态公益林和生产经营林居中,道路林和附属林最小.各类型要发挥城市森林的景观效应,只有在各方面分别改进,才会达到理想效果.  相似文献   

【目的】研究人居林结构、动态变化及其所提供的生态效益,为未来农村发展和生态文明建设提供参考。【方法】基于实地抽样调查方法,获取2015年牛栏山-马坡镇人居林结构特征,包括不同类型人居林树种生长指标,不同类型人居林科、属、种情况统计,人居林优势科、属、种分析等。利用高分影像,目视解译2001、2015年人居林树冠覆盖空间格局。采用i-Tree模型,根据实地调查林木信息,计算牛栏山-马坡镇人居林生态效益。【结果】1)2015年研究区人居林共有25个科37个属68个种,其中庭院林科、属、种最多,农田林网科、属、种较少;优势科类以豆科最多,胡桃科、柿树科相对较少;优势属以槐属最多,柿属相对较少;人居林个体数量以国槐最多,毛白杨相对较少。2)2015年相比2001年,人居林树冠覆盖总面积增加842.64 hm~2,增加地区主要分布在中部和东部区域且大斑块增加明显,其中苗木基地林增加最多。14年间人居林树冠斑块从2001年的108 53块增加到2015年的13 048块,平均斑块面积由原来的每块0.04 hm~2增长到0.1 hm~2,除道路林平均斑块面积减小外,其他人居林平均斑块面积均不同程度增大。3)2015年牛栏山-马坡镇人居林碳储量为36 973.77 t,年固碳量为1 325.70 t,年暴雨径流削减量为121 401.56 m~3,年释氧量为3 418.07 t,年清除大气污染物总量为52.36 t。【结论】1)北京市边缘区人居林主要以乡土树种为主,共包含25个科37个属68个种。2)2001—2015年14年间,随着城镇化发展人居林面积并没有减少,反而增多,其主要源于苗木基地林的增加。3)人居林为牛栏山-马坡镇提供了大量生态效益,主要包括固碳释氧、暴雨径流削减和清除污染物等。今后,该地区人居林建设仍要以乡土树种为主,增大人居林平均斑块面积并增加其树冠覆盖总面积,提高生态效益。  相似文献   

利用磐安县2001年区划界定的28 190 hm2重点公益林作为研究对象,通过2001年和2012年不同林地类型生产力指标与森林生态状况指标的对比,运用数学方法测算出全县重点公益林评价指标值,评价与分析了全县重点公益林森林资源质量变化情况;活立木总蓄积由2001年81.5×104m3增加到2012年158.5×104m3;单位面积蓄积量由2001年30.53 m3/hm2增加到2012年59.88 m3/hm2;阔叶林及针阔混交林面积由2001年4 876 hm2增加到2012年13 547 hm2。群落结构复杂、乔灌草层次完整的公益林面积大幅增长,说明磐安县公益林林种树种结构趋于优化,生物多样性日益丰富,森林的生态功能与社会功能显著增强。全县公益林中针叶林所占比重过大,阔叶林与针阔混交林占比仍过少,中幼林面积过多,成过熟林面积过少。  相似文献   

通过遥感判读,对辽宁省义县16个乡(镇、场)的7 002个国家生态公益林地块进行监测,共区划小班9 524个,面积39 561.80 hm2,其中,针叶林面积为9 327.11 hm2,占23.58%;阔叶林面积为5 389.31 hm2,占13.62%;其他灌木林地面积为11 683.82 hm2,占29.53%;宜林荒山荒地面积为10 972.36 hm2,占27.73%。并将本次监测数据与基础数据进行了比较,分析了义县国家生态公益林土地利用发生变化的现状和原因,提出了公益林经营管理上存在的问题及改进建议。  相似文献   

在湖南省CO2排放与森林碳汇对比分析的基础上,根据湖南省生态公益林区划标准和湖南省生态区位重要性分析,对全省生态公益林面积需求量进行了测算。全省共测算生态公益林616.70万hm2,占全省林业用地总面积(1 293.29万hm2)的47.7%。  相似文献   

【目的】第二道绿化隔离区是北京城市重要的生态屏障,利用城市森林的理念和3S技术手段,开展其生态变化动态监测,一方面可对其生态建设成效作出评估,另一方面也揭示其景观生态格局变化的过程、趋势与动因,进而为该区域进一步的生态建设和生态基础设施维护提供借鉴。【方法】利用0.5 m分辨率的2002年航片和2013年的worldview2卫片信息,以国际上森林城市通用的城市林木树冠覆盖(UTC)指标为核心,在eCongnition遥感解译技术平台下,利用景观格局指数、转移概率矩阵、斑块尺度、土地利用动态度、缓冲区分析等景观生态学分析方法,对第二道绿化隔离区内的UTC格局特征与变化原因进行分析。【结果】第二道绿化隔离区的林木树冠覆盖(UTC)从2002年的28 839.84 hm~2增加到了2013年的63 709.95 hm~2,同期的林木树冠覆盖率增加了21.4%,不透水地表与草地占比同期分别仅增加了8.89%和7.8%,而耕地、水域和裸土地则呈现了面积下降的变化; 2002年景观基质为农田斑块与不透水地表斑块, 2013年为UTC斑块与不透水地表斑块,表明该区域生态化过程对区域的控制作用在逐步增强;从景观斑块的稳定性看,最稳定的景观斑块类型为不透水地表和UTC斑块,其保持自身不变的面积比例分别为64.59%和60.34%,而裸土地斑块类型95%以上的面积都发生了变化;从总体景观格局变化看, 2013年总斑块数量比2002年减少了176 979个,而斑块的分维数和斑块形状指数分别降低了0.052和0.128,景观斑块水平的多样性指数与均匀度指数也分别降低了0.136和0.076;从UTC斑块的变化来看,斑块数目净减少154 437个,而总的斑块面积增加了34 860.79 hm~2,斑块平均面积也净增了2 528.3 m~2;小、中、大和特大型UTG斑块数目与面积均呈现减少的动态过程。【结论】整个二道绿化隔离区景观的破碎化程度、斑块的复杂性与空间分布的不均匀程度都在降低,研究区域内景观斑块的自然化程度在提高; UTC斑块的变化趋势表明,第二道绿化隔离区UTC面积在快速扩大,其在城市生物多样性保护中的潜在作用也越来越大。从变化动因看,二道绿化隔离区规划的实施、城市总体规划、新农村建设政策、永定河与温榆河等大型河道生态治理和百万亩平原大造林等工程的实施都是最重要驱动因素。  相似文献   

按照甘肃省公益林所处的5个生态区位(江河源头区、江河两岸区、森林和陆生野生动物类型的国家级自然保护区、重要水库区、荒漠化和水土流失严重地区),分别阐述各生态区公益林的资源分布、林地类型、树种组成和生态功能。以此为基础,对全省的公益林进行了综合评价。结果表明,全省国家级公益林面积为673.36万hm2,占森林总面积的68.63%,表现出了"相对数量较多,绝对数量偏少"的特点;灌木林占公益林总面积的49.15%,占公益林的主体地位。要采用3S技术等现代科技手段进行资源的监测与管理,开展公益林组成、结构与功能的调整与科学经营,实现公益林的稳定性和可持续性。  相似文献   

北京市第一道绿化隔离区树冠覆盖特征与景观生态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】以北京市第一道绿化隔离区建设为例,利用高空间分辨率的航、卫片信息源,分析城市林木树冠覆盖特征,力图一方面准确揭示北京市第一道绿化隔离区的生态建设成效,另外也试图从景观生态学视角揭示其格局内在变化过程与趋势,进而为北京市及其他城市未来的生态建设提供借鉴。【方法】以0.5 m分辨率的2002年航片和2013年的worldview2卫片为基础,利用econgnition面向对象的解译技术平台,以城市树冠覆盖为核心,利用景观生态学的分析方法,从景观动态、景观格局变化和景观斑块尺度变化等方面,探讨一道绿化隔离区内的林木树冠覆盖特征。【结果】一道绿化隔离区林木树冠覆盖面积从2002年的4 832.98 hm~2增加到了2013年的10 095.01 hm~2,11年间共增加了20.57%;绿地率净增23.94%,生态用地率净增24.11%;斑块平均分维数和斑块面积形状指数呈现不断增加的特点;小型斑块和巨型斑块的数量和面积变化幅度最为显著,11年间数量分别减少了42 286个和130个,面积分别减少了186.08和5 457.75 hm~2;城市总体规划、2008奥运会的绿色需求、城市公园环建设决策和首都百万亩平原大造林是其变化的最重要驱动因素。【结论】与建设之初相比,一道绿化隔离地区内的林木绿地斑块更趋向于向自然化的方向变化,同时斑块规模呈现了小、中、大型斑块数量与面积同步减少,而特大型斑块与巨型斑块的斑块数量和面积同步增加的变化趋势。第一道绿化隔离区域城市林木和绿地不仅取得面积上的急速扩大,而且其在城市生物多样性保护中的作用也越来越大、越来越突出。  相似文献   

应用ArcGIS判读2012年上海的遥感影像,分析上海浦西外环线内建成区(360 km2)树冠覆盖特征;判读样方218个、面积3 420 hm2,占研究区的9.5%。结果表明,现有树冠覆盖总面积为8 241.82 hm2、树冠覆盖率22.89%。浦西建成区内55所公园的平均覆盖率为53.72%;不同功能区的树冠覆盖率有显著差异,其中公园最高(53.72%),其次是外环林带(50.72%)、一般绿地(34.60%)、校园(24.13%),住宅最低(21.87%)。按树冠覆盖估算,研究区共有乔木810万余株,潜在的树冠覆盖率可达24.56%~25.67%,至少可增植乔木60万株。    相似文献   

祁阳县生态公益林建设模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁阳县有生态公益林面积56 181.6 hm2,占林业用地的54.8%.根据生态公益林的区域特征和现有的经营类型,有目的选择典型的公益林建设模式,设立标准样地,经过时间观测和分析对比,对其经营措施要点进行阐述,为该县生态公益林建设的科学化、规范化、标准化莫定基础.  相似文献   

为适应六盘山水源林可持续经营实践的需求,利用六盘山林业局120个森林连续清查固定样地调查资料,分析了林分郁闭度对林下灌木、草本植物生长影响的规律,建立了适用于当地的数学模型,提出了该区水源林林分的目标层次结构。结果表明:1)该区水源林林分郁闭度影响林下植被的生长,林下灌木层、草本层盖度随林分郁闭度升高而降低;2)该林区水源林林分郁闭度保持在0.5~0.8之间时能够形成明显的乔灌草层次结构,有利于实现水源林经营的生态功能和经济功能的协调;3)该区水源林林分的目标层次结构为,林分郁闭度0.5~0.8,灌木层盖度35%~46%,草本层盖度35%~46%。研究结果可为该区水源林结构调整提供依据。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨天然次生林和人工林及人工林树种选择对树冠层蚂蚁群落多样性的影响。[方法]运用树栖蚂蚁陷阱法调查云南省绿春县天然次生林和4种人工林的树冠层蚂蚁群落、植物多样性及植物垂直密度变化。[结果](1)共采集蚂蚁标本17 998头,隶属于6亚科29属68种。(2)树冠层蚂蚁多度:紫胶林-玉米混农林紫胶林桉树林橡胶林天然次生林。(3)树冠层蚂蚁丰富度:紫胶林-玉米混农林紫胶林天然次生林橡胶林桉树林。(4)树冠层蚂蚁ACE估计值:紫胶林-玉米混农林紫胶林天然次生林桉树林橡胶林。(5)树冠层蚂蚁多度和丰富度与枯落物盖度、300 cm处垂直密度和乔木郁闭度呈显著或极显著负相关,而与植物盖度显著正相关;ACE估计值与枯落物盖度、草本植物盖度和乔木郁闭度显著负相关,与175 199.9 cm区段内垂直密度显著正相关。[结论]人工林对蚂蚁多样性保护有一定积极作用,尤其选择乡土树种保护效果更显著,对人工林进行合理的管理有利于保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

Wild pistachio tree (Pistacia mutica) is considered the most important species in the Zagros forests. It can adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. To find the suitable ecological conditions for pistachio species, we investigated different environmental factors such as gradient, aspect and position of the slopes through the distribution area. Frequency of pistachio trees in the north and northwest of Qalajeh forests was 36.4% and 1%, respectively. Maximum (32%) and minimum (13%) number of wild pistachio trees were in 30%–60% and >120% slope classes, respectively. The most number and least number of pistachio trees were found at elevations of 1100–1200 m and 2200–2300 m, respectively. The percentage of pistachio canopy coverage was 10. The average percentage of herbaceous coverage was 6.5. Pistachio trees of diameter per hectare at breast height (DBH) >20 cm numbered 5 while average number of pistachio trees was 8 per hectare. Pistachio seedlings per hectare averaged 3.5. The number of other species per ha was 7 trees. The effect of aspect on other species was not significant (p=0.151). Slope class and geographical aspect did not affect regeneration (p=0.275 and p=0.111, respectively). Pistachio plays an important economic role in semi-arid areas, therefore it is essential to protect and restore Qalajeh forests through participation by government and local people.  相似文献   

The cultural practices associated with Euro-American settlement in the United States have altered forest structure and ultimately changed fundamental ecosystem processes. Coarse woody debris (CWD) and canopy cover are recognized as having great importance for many wildlife species and ecological processes. Little information is available from forests on historical levels of canopy cover and CWD before European settlement. A great deal of uncertainty exists concerning the long-term role of fire and the dynamics of CWD, especially in forests that once experienced frequent, low-moderate intensity fire regimes. The objective of this study was to quantify CWD and forest canopy cover in an area where harvesting has never occurred and limited fire suppression began in the 1970s. This study was done in Jeffrey pine-mixed conifer forests in the Sierra San Pedro Martir (SSPM) in northwestern Mexico. Canopy cover, canopy closure, and CWD were sampled on a grid of plots. Average canopy cover was 26.8%, average canopy closure was 40.1%. A total of 102 CWD pieces were measured, and nearly half of the plots (45.7%) had no CWD present. Average CWD density, percent cover, volume, and weight were 108 pieces ha−1, 1.5%, 47.5 m3 ha−1, and 15.7 tonnes ha−1, respectively. All of the CWD sampled were in the later stages of decay. Less than average values for CWD density, percent cover, volume, and weight were recorded in 57%, 64%, 67%, and 69% of the plots, respectively. CWD dynamics in forests that experience frequent, low-moderate intensity fires are fundamentally different than those having long-interval, high-severity fires. There was a large amount of variability in all CWD and forest canopy cover measurements taken from Jeffrey pine-mixed conifer forests in the SSPM. Spatial heterogeneity in forest structure should be included in the desired conditions of xeric, pine-dominated forests in the United States that once experienced frequent, low-moderate intensity fire regimes. It should be noted that heterogeneity by itself may not lead to sustainable forests unless that heterogeneity includes stand structures that are resistant/resilient to high-severity fire, drought, insects, and disease.  相似文献   

This work studied the effects of tree species composition on soil carbon storage in five mixed stands dominated by oriental beech and grown in the western Caspian region in Guilan province, called Astara, Asalem, Fuman, Chere and Shenrud. The thickness of the litter layer, soil characteristics, tree composition and percentage of canopy coverage were measured in each stand. Total soil organic carbon differed significantly by stand. Total (organic) carbon stores at Fuman, which had the lowest tree species richness with 2 species and least canopy coverage (75%), were significantly (p〈0.05) higher than at other locations. Carbon stor-age in topsoil (0-10 cm) was significantly lower in Shenrud, which had the highest tree species richness with 5 species and highest canopy cov-erage (95%). The high percentage of canopy coverage in Shenrud proba-bly limited the conversion of litter to humus. However, in the second soil layer (10-25 cm), Asalem, with high tree species richness and canopy coverage, had the highest carbon storage. This can be explained by the different rooting patterns of different tree species. In the Hyrcanian forest. According to the results, it can be concluded that not only tree composi-tion but also canopy coverage percentage should be taken under consid-eration to manage soil carbon retention and release.  相似文献   

草珊瑚林冠下播种育苗试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草珊瑚播种育苗试验在杉木近熟林、阔叶树近熟林、毛竹林的林冠下进行,结果表明:不同树种林冠下的生长环境和土壤条件对草珊瑚种子的发芽率、苗木保存率及生长量均有显著影响;杉木近熟林林冠下较适宜草珊瑚的种子发芽率、苗木保存率、苗高、地径、主根长度、侧根长度、≥3 cm侧根条数7项指标平均达85.1%、83.6%、8.2 cm、0.18cm、5.3 cm、8.4 cm、4.2条。  相似文献   

Hale  Sophie E.; Brown  Nick 《Forestry》2005,78(4):365-371
The canopy-scope was recently introduced as a cheap, robust,portable and easy to use instrument for assessing canopy opennessin forests. In this study, the method was tested in predominantlyconiferous plantation forests, which were different in speciesand structure to the forests where the instrument was originallytested. The relationship between canopy openness (calculatedfrom hemispherical photography) and canopy-scope score at individualpoints, despite being statistically significant, showed considerablescatter, especially at low values. Consequently, the canopy-scopeis not recommended for obtaining estimates of canopy opennessat a single point within plantation conifer stands. However,good results were obtained when values were averaged acrossa plot. Eight to 10 canopy-scope measurements in 0.25 ha werefound to be sufficient to estimate canopy openness.  相似文献   

Forest thinning and prescribed fires are practices used by managers to address concerns over ecosystem degradation and severe wildland fire potential in dry forests. There is some debate, however, about treatment effectiveness in meeting management objectives as well as their ecological consequences. The purpose of this study was to assess changes to forest stand structure following thinning and prescribed fire treatments, alone and combined, in the eastern Cascade Mountains of Washington State. Treatments were applied to 12 management units, with each treatment combination replicated three times (including untreated controls). Thinning modified forest structure by reducing overall tree density by >60% and canopy bulk density by 50%, and increased canopy base height by ∼4 m, thereby reducing susceptibility to crown fire. The prescribed fire treatment, conversely, did not appreciably reduce tree density or canopy fuel loading, but was effective at increasing the density of standing dead trees, particularly when combined with thinning (37 snags/ha increase). Prescribed fire effects were more pronounced when used in combination with thinning. Thinning was more reliable for altering stand structure, but spring burning was lower in intensity and coverage than desired and may have led to results that downplay the efficacy of fire to meet forest restoration goals.  相似文献   

川中丘陵区防护林群落多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对川中丘陵地区主要防护林群落的物种多样性进行研究,结果表明:①该流域共有维管束植物55科,82属,88种,其科、属、种数与四川省乃至全国比较,官司河流域植物区系具有组成简单的特点;②物种丰富度,物种多样性和均匀度指数都是人工林低于天然次生林,纯林林分低于混交林分;③土壤pH值、土壤有机质、土层厚度和人为干扰是影响防护林群落多样性发育的重要制约因子,其中土壤pH值是主导因子,制约着本区防护林群浇的空间分布格局;④林木高度、郁闭度和灌、草层盖度与物种丰富度、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数相关密切,对群落多样性发育的影响较大;而林木胸径与群落多样性指数相关不明显,对群落多样发育的影响不大。  相似文献   

Conserving saproxylic beetles in temperate forests will require a better understanding of habitat requirements. So far, quantitative community studies have rarely considered their vertical requirements. In comparison with the tropical forest canopy, it remains to be seen whether a comparably high level of beetle diversity exists in the temperate forest canopy.We compared saproxylic beetle assemblages at two vertical levels in three temperate French forests. Two datasets originated from emergence traps of pine and oak deadwood substrates (mid-canopy and forest floor branches) in lowland forests. The third compared flying beetle fauna at mid-canopy and understory levels using pairs of flight interception traps in beech-fir mountain forests.Our study provided contrasting results regarding the contribution of each stratum to biodiversity. Whereas higher abundance and species richness were apparent in understory samples in beech-fir stands and in oak branches, no difference for richness - or even the opposite pattern for abundance - was observed in pine branches. A significant inter-strata dissimilarity was revealed in all datasets. Each stratum harbored specialist taxa. Exclusive canopy species accounted for 20-40% of all species. In accordance with dissimilarity partitioning, arboreal saproxylic beetle communities were not just nested subsets of ground assemblages.It is likely that microhabitat requirements, food availability and other non-resource-based factors (microclimate preference, species interactions) drive the stratification of beetle assemblages.Our results lend support (i) to the recommendation of a multi-strata sampling strategy for forest insects and (ii) to management practices in favour of valuable canopy micro-habitats.  相似文献   

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