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通过对麦种蝇的人工室内饲养研究及其饲养过程对麦种蝇生活习性的观察,明确了庄浪县发生的麦种蝇种类是麦地种蝇和宽额麦地种蝇.两种麦种蝇的生活习性相同.其成虫发生期在5月下旬至11月中旬,长达180 d左右;平均寿命雌蝇140d,雄蝇60d;喜食含糖量较高的植物及植物部位,对腐烂植物、有刺激气味的植物及酸碱浓度过高的液体不取食;小暑前后交尾,白露前后产卵.冬小麦播种前产卵量约占25%,播种后至出苗前产卵约占25%,出苗后产卵约占50%;温、湿度及光照影响其活动,对紫光灯有趋性.  相似文献   

麦种蝇在陕西关中地区,近几年来,为害日益严重。从1960年4月以来,我们对麦种蝇的生活史、习性、犯獗的原因及其防治进行了研究。证明小麦受害程度和栽培技术有密切的关系。栽培技术影响小麦的生长发育及麦田小气候;同时也影响麦稈蝇的活动、取食、繁殖和为害。改进栽培技术,促进小麦生长发育是防治麦稈蝇的有效措施。一、播种期:播种期与麦稈蝇为害的关系,在不同季节表现有明显差別。秋苗期,播种早的受害重。根据对南大2419,612,6028,碧玛1号等四个品种的调查,凡9月播种的小麦,秋苗被害株率达25.1%;—54.0%;10月上中旬播种的被害株率  相似文献   

闽东山区稻秆潜蝇发生规律及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻秆潜蝇(chlorops oryzaeMatsumura)又称稻秆蝇,稻钻心蝇,双尾虫,属双翅目,黄潜蝇科,是我县山区单季稻的主要害虫,近年来危害呈上升趋势,每年发生面积6660hm2,占水稻播种面积58.8%,每年造成粮食损失2000t以上。为了摸清闽东山区稻秆潜蝇发生规律,控制稻秆潜蝇的发生为害,确保水稻增产。笔者于2002~2006年对稻秆潜蝇的发生及防治技术进行了系统调查研究。1发生规律1.1年生活史稻秆潜蝇在南屏县1年发生3代,其中水稻上发生2代,以幼虫在田边禾本科杂草上越冬,越冬幼虫3月下旬至4月上旬化蛹,第1代成虫于4月下旬、5月初陆续迁入单季稻秧田产卵,4…  相似文献   

2004年对扬州地区露地蔬菜上的豌豆彩潜蝇寄主种类及危害程度进行了调查,采用五点取样法共查到豌豆彩潜蝇的蔬菜寄主6科23种,主要分布在菊科、十字花科、豆科和葫芦科等的蔬菜上,其中以莴苣、花椰菜、豌豆、油菜、蚕豆受害最为严重;选择性田间调查和室内试验证明,莴苣是豌豆彩潜蝇最嗜好寄主.根据不同蔬菜上的豌豆彩潜蝇发生危害动态分析了豌豆彩潜蝇在自然条件下对寄主的选择性.  相似文献   

近些年来,冬麦田化学除草面积日益扩大,特别是推广免耕麦以后,化学除草得到了迅速发展。冬麦田除草大多在播前、播后苗前和幼苗期施药,由于缺少安全性研究。麦田使用除草剂后时发生药害,不仅苗叶受害较多,而且影响种子发芽成株的问题更为突出。为了有利于推广麦田化学除草,提高对作物安全性的认识,完善麦田化学除草应用技术,我们于1986年11~12月间在浙江省衢州市病虫测报站测定了小麦种芽对10种国内外常用除草剂的敏感性反应,现将结果整理如下:  相似文献   

从1990年到1999年对我省不同地区,不同土壤类型及不同种植方式的大蒜进行系统调查研究及室内饲养观察,基本摸清了大蒜主要害虫的危害情况及发生规律,大蒜播种至整个生育期以韭菜迟眼蕈蚊、豌豆植潜蝇、葱蝇、蓟马类等为害较重、贮藏期以刺足根螨、腐食酪螨,郁金香瘿螨危害重。  相似文献   

蒋际清  周元湘等 《江西植保》2002,25(2):48-48,57
稻茎毛眼水蝇HydrelliasasakiiYuasaetIsitani,俗名黑稻秆蝇 ,属双翅目 ,水蝇科 ,毛眼水蝇属。国内主要分布在湖北省荆州等地。福建省三明市 2 0世纪 80年代以来就普遍发生 ,尤溪等十多个县市区均有分布。其中仅发生严重的 1 985年统计 ,全市就发生 2万hm2 ,占双季晚稻面积的四分之一 ,遍及全市 50多个乡镇。近年来 ,在尤溪等县有猖獗发生和危害上升的趋势。本文就稻茎毛眼水蝇的发生与防治进行了研究 ,现报道如下。1 发生及为害情况稻茎毛眼水蝇在福建三明市一年发生七代。以幼虫在沟边、田边游草 (李氏…  相似文献   

南亚寡鬃实蝇生物学特性观察及防治研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南亚寡鬃实蝇在甘肃东部地区40、50年代已有零星发生,近年来发生危害日趋严重,主要危害南瓜、西瓜果实,以幼虫在瓜内危害,使瓜果腐烂失去商品价值。该虫在陇东地区1年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在土壤中越冬,用二嗪农、敌敌畏或敌百虫加适量红糖或诱蝇酮加二嗪农、敌百虫诱杀,效果理想。  相似文献   

冬麦地老虎(Caradrina auguroidesRoth)是一种暴发性害虫,主要危害冬麦苗。1963年呼图壁、米泉、吉木萨尔、阜康和农六师等地发生面积约82831亩,9118亩被吃光。1973年也曾大发生。1983年乌鲁木齐、昌吉、呼图壁等地大发生,受害面积约7万亩。乌鲁木齐县严重发生面积8000亩。  相似文献   

豌豆彩潜蝇在桐梓县油菜上的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季家敏 《植物医生》2001,14(6):29-29
豌豆彩潜蝇又称豌豆潜叶蝇、菠菜潜叶蝇 ,属双翅目 ,潜蝇科 ,主要危害油菜、白菜、萝卜、甘蓝等十字花科 ,番茄、茄子、马铃薯等茄科及大蒜、洋葱、豆类等多种植物。往年在桐梓县发生危害轻 ,没有引起重视 ,今年在桐梓县大面积发生 ,影响油菜菜荚的饱满及菜籽的品质和产量 ,对桐梓县油菜生产造成严重威胁。1为害特点在油菜上2月份即见此虫危害 ,成虫产卵于叶背边缘的叶肉里 ,以近叶尖处为多 ,卵散产 ,每次1粒 ,每雌可产卵50~100粒 ,幼虫孵化后即蛀食叶肉 ,在隧道内留下黑色粪便 ,叶面和叶背都可见隧道 ,以叶背隧道为多。隧道随虫龄…  相似文献   

Use of Fusarium-infected seed for cereal crops results in a reduced plant density due to seedling blight. This is especially a problem in organic agriculture, for which currently no practical seed disinfection methods are available. In the present paper we investigated whether spring wheat cultivars differ in tolerance to seedling blight in vivo, whether the possible differences could be linked to cultivar differences in initial growth rates, and whether differences in weed infestation were related to differences in emergence. Seed six spring wheat cultivars (Melon, Lavett, SW Kungsjett, Epos, Pasteur, Thasos), containing three Fusarium infection levels were obtained and sown in two field experiments in 2006 and 2007 and in an outdoor pot experiment in 2007. Results indicated that the six spring wheat cultivars differed in their tolerance to seedling blight, and consequently in the percentage of emergence of their seeds. The relative levels of tolerance to seedling blight of the six cultivars were robust in the three experiments performed. No clear relationship between initial growth rates and tolerance was found. In our experiments, no early and homogenous weed pressure was present, but in the 2007 field experiment a relationship between initial seedling emergence and weed infestation after anthesis was determined. Based on the presented results we suggest that additional to resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB), differences in tolerance to seedling blight should also be considered during selection of wheat cultivars for organic agriculture.  相似文献   

Fusarium species involved in the Fusarium crown rot (FCR) complex affect wheat in every stage of development from seedling to grain fill. This study was designed to compare the aggressiveness of the FCR complex members including F. culmorum, F. pseudograminearum and F. graminearum in causing seedling blight, decreased plant vigour and crown rot. To assess their relative pathogenicity, two hard red spring wheat cultivars and two durum wheat cultivars were inoculated in the field with five isolates from each of the three species for two years. Significant differences in patterns of pathogenicity were identified. In particular, F. culmorum caused greater seedling blight while F. pseudograminearum and F. graminearum caused greater crown rot. Greatest yield reductions were caused by F. pseudograminearum. Cultivar differences were identified with respect to seedling disease and late season crown rot. No interactions were identified between cultivar performance and isolates or species with which they were challenged.  相似文献   

宁夏南部山区春小麦抗旱性鉴定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究小麦品种的抗旱性与形态或生理指标的关系,通过室内模拟干旱条件,在种子萌发期和幼苗期,对来自宁夏的不同抗旱性小麦品种或品系分别对发芽率、胚芽鞘长度、主胚根长度、胚根数以及超氧化物歧化酶活性、脯氨酸含量等生理生化指标进行了分析。结果发现,在干旱胁迫条件下,抗旱强的品种(系)发芽率较高,胚芽鞘长度较长,叶绿素含量降低幅度较小,脯氨酸含量增加幅度较大,超氧化物歧化酶活性较强,主胚根长度、胚根数与抗旱性中等和抗旱性弱的有一定差别。将93-399等13个品种或品系进行了抗旱性的等级划分。划分为抗旱性强、中间型、抗旱性弱3个等级。  相似文献   

The distribution of seeds by weight for three lots of winter wheat cv. Avalon infected by Fusarium culmorum and three lots of winter wheat cv. Riband infected by Microdochium nivale was determined. The distribution of infected seeds within each seed lot was then determined by isolating F. culmorum from seeds on moist filter paper and M. nivale from seeds on potato dextrose agar. The distribution of M. nivale infected seeds between seeds of different weight was similar to that of the seed lot as a whole, whereas the distribution of F. culmorum was greater in light seeds than heavy seeds. The percentage germination of infected seeds decreased with seed weight. A similar situation was found with respect to seedling emergence in compost for F. culmorum infected seeds. However, with M. nivale infection, similar numbers of seedlings emerged from both light and heavy infected seeds. Seed treatment with guazatine increased seedling emergence for both light and heavy seed infected by M. nivale. However, seedling emergence from F. culmorum infected seed was poor even following treatment with guazatine. Poor emergence was most evident from light seed.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in Iran in order to determine the interactions between the tillage system and crop rotation on weed seedling populations and crop yields from 2002 to 2005. No tillage, shallow tillage and deep tillage were the main plots and three crop sequences comprising continuous wheat (W‐W), wheat–canola–wheat–canola (C‐W) and wheat–safflower–wheat–safflower (S‐W) were the subplots. Bromus japonicus, Carthumus lanatus, Polygonum aviculare, Lolium temulentum and Avena ludoviciana were found to be the dominant species. The initial weed population in 2002 was estimated at 65 seedlings per m2 and B. japonicus (~35 seedlings per m2) was the most abundant species, followed by A. ludoviciana and L. temulentum. The dominant weed species mostly did not favor the combination of S‐W and C‐W with any tillage type. For the B. japonicus population, S‐W in combination with moldboard plowing indicated the lowest seedling population. In conclusion, the crop sequence in combination with tillage would help to control troublesome weed species. Safflower and canola were determined to be effective in reducing the grass weeds. The inclusion of these crops in rotation also increased the total revenue of the cropping systems because of the higher sale price of canola and safflower.  相似文献   

为西北农林科技大学小麦新育成品种(系)在黄淮麦区的大面积推广,该研究对83份西农新育成的小麦品种(系)进行苗期抗条锈病和白粉病鉴定,成株期抗条锈病、白粉病、叶锈病和赤霉病鉴定,并在田间自然环境下对其抗性进行鉴定及对相关抗病基因进行分子检测。结果显示,在苗期人工接种鉴定中,有63、29和16份小麦品种(系)分别对条锈菌Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici生理小种CYR32、CYR33和CYR34表现出抗性,9份小麦品种(系)对3个条锈菌生理小种均表现出抗性;有10、3和0份小麦品种(系)分别对白粉菌Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici生理小种E15、E09和A13表现出抗性。在成株期人工接种鉴定中,有23、15、28和62份小麦品种(系)分别对条锈病、白粉病、叶锈病和赤霉病表现出抗性。在83份小麦品种(系)中有6份在苗期和成株期均对小麦条锈病表现出抗性。在田间抗性鉴定中,有57、6、65和40份小麦品种(系)分别对条锈病、白粉病、赤霉病及叶锈病表现出抗性。在83份小麦品种(系)中,3份含有Yr5基因,22份含有Yr9基因,3份含有Yr17基因,2份含有Pm24基因,14份含有Lr1基因,所占比例分别为3.6%、26.5%、3.6%、2.4%和16.8%。  相似文献   

Fusarium and Microdochium species are causal agents of seedling blight of small-grain cereal crops where they may contribute to a significant reduction in crop establishment and final yield. Two experiments were carried out to investigate the potential pathogenicity and aggressiveness of F. langsethiae, a recently identified fungus linked with the contamination of cereals with high levels of the trichothecene mycotoxins, HT-2 and T-2. An artificial seed inoculation method involving conidial suspensions was used and the experiments conducted in a growth cabinet set at either 5 or 15°C with a 12 h photoperiod. Known seedling blight pathogens of the genus Fusarium and Microdochium were used for comparison. At 15oC, F. culmorum, M. nivale and M. majus caused seedling blight of oats and wheat with F. culmorum, on average being the most aggressive than the latter two. At 5oC, only F. culmorum and M. nivale caused seedling blight of oats and wheat. Under the experimental conditions employed, F. langsethiae and F. poae failed to produce seedling blight disease indicating that these two species are not pathogenic to oat and wheat cultivars, Gerald and Claire respectively, at the seedling stage of development. They are therefore unlikely to affect crop establishment and other yield components such as tiller number, grain yield per head as well as grain weight if there is no subsequent foot-rot and/or head blight where infected seeds are sown.  相似文献   

根据同源分析,在脱水素wzy1-2基因序列中选择298bp的cDNA序列作为干扰片段,将其插入高效植物干扰表达载体pTCK303的多克隆位点,成功构建含反向重复序列的RNA干扰表达载体。采用基因枪法轰击2512个郑引1号小麦的幼胚愈伤组织,获得再生植株26株,对其T_0代再生植株进行特异引物PCR检测,获得6株阳性植株,阳性转化率为0.24%。对脱水素wzy1-2基因实时定量分析发现,小麦中目的基因表达量显著下降。为进一步了解该基因在小麦整个生长过程中表达模式,选取2个不同抗旱性小麦品种(陕合6号和郑引1号),分别在小麦4个不同生长时期(苗期、分蘖期、拔节期和开花期)进行干旱胁迫处理,分析脱水素wzy1-2基因的表达规律。结果表明,随着干旱程度增加小麦WZY1-2蛋白的表达量升高;苗期小麦WZY1-2蛋白的表达量均高于其它3个生长时期。Western blot分析显示陕合6号和郑引1号的非特异性条带单一,表明小麦脱水素wzy1-2是干旱诱导型基因。  相似文献   

In this study, the Arabidopsis thaliana NPR1 (non‐expressor of PR genes) gene was integrated into an elite wheat cultivar, and the response of the transgenic wheat expressing NPR1 to inoculation with Fusarium asiaticum was analysed. With seedling inoculation, the transgenic lines showed significantly increased fusarium seedling blight (FSB) susceptibility, whereas floret inoculation resulted in enhanced fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance. Quantitative real‐time PCR revealed that expression of two defence genes, PR3 and PR5, was associated with susceptible reactions to FSB and FHB, whereas the PR1 gene was activated in resistance responses. This inverse modulation by the constitutively expressed NPR1 gene suggests that NPR1 has a bifunctional role in regulating defence responses in plants. Therefore, it is unsuitable for improving overall resistance to FSB and FHB in wheat.  相似文献   

宁夏地区春小麦黄矮病流行趋势预测的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过23年(1970—1993)的研究,初步明确了东南方冬麦区黄矮病情、春麦区拔节初期麦二叉蚜量和东南方冬麦区麦蚜迁出迟早等是影响宁夏春麦区黄矮病流行的关键因素,黄矮病历年流行程度与春小麦生长期间的主要气象因子相关不密切。针对麦蚜远距离迁飞所致春麦黄矮病,首次提出了以2个预测式为基础的黄矮病流行趋势预测办法,并据此进行了多次成功的预报。  相似文献   

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