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A model of kleingrass (Panicum coloratum L.) growth and utilization by steers is presented. The model included stochastic inputs of climatological characteristics, water retention at different soil depths, rainfall runoff, potential evapotranspiration, forage growth, forage intake and steer performance. The model was used in a 2 × 3 × 4 factorial experiment where the factors were energy systems (ARC, 1965 versus NRC, 1976), stocking rates (2·47 head per hectare, 4·32 head per hectare and 6·18 head per hectare), and four management options. Individual steer weights by months were not significantly affected by the use of either energy system. Steer weights at the end of the grazing season were affected (F = 0·06) by energy system, the NRC system predicting 7·2 kg per head more liveweight gain than the ARC system. The light stocking rate had greater (P = 0·01?0·13) daily gains over months than the heavier stocking rates. The heavy stocking rate resulted, however, in greater (P < 0·05) production per hectare per year than the lighter stocking rates. Season-long production per hectare favored (P < 0·1) management options that removed steers immediately after forage was consumed rather than anticipating rainfall and new forage growth. The light stocking rate had the least mean seasonal production per hectare (P < 0.·05) but also had the least year-to-year variability. The heavy stocking rater yielded the greater (P < 0·05) mean seasonal production per hectare but the year-to-year variation was much greater. It was emphasized that the use of such probabilities of production could aid the grazier in making stocking rate and related decisions.  相似文献   

The evaluation of wool by objective measurement means that decreases in fleece weight, such as those caused by higher stocking rates, may be wholly or partly compensated for in value by increased prices for wool of reduced fibre diameter. This paper examines the effect of such compensations on the marginal returns to increased stocking rates.Two approaches were used. First, the effect of stocking rate on gross margins was examined over a given distribution of seasons so as to determine the most profitable stocking rate. Secondly, the cash flow of a wool-producing enterprise was examined over a random sequence of years. The most profitable stocking rate was increased by objective evaluation by about 12% if a decrease in fibre diameter of one micron were associated with an increase in wool price of 10 cents per kilogramme, using fleece weight-stocking rate relationships derived from field experiments.Inventory analyses were used to examine the long-term relationships between stocking rate, financial stability and profitability. For each stocking rate studied, the cash flow and mean and minimum bank balances of a farmer were simulated over a set number of years. The stocking rate at which the highest minimum bank balance was recorded was about 15% (one to two wethers per hectare) lower than that at which the standard of living and the mean bank balance were at a maximum. That is, a risk-avoidance policy would not differ greatly from a profit-maximisation policy with respect to stocking rate.  相似文献   

Population growth, urban expansion and economic development are increasing competition for water use between agriculture and other users. In addition, the high rate of soil degradation and declining soil moisture in the Sub-Saharan African Region have called for several crop production management and irrigation options to improve soil fertility, reduce water use by crops and produce ‘more crops per drop of water’. Notwithstanding this, considerable variations exist in the literature on water-use efficiency, WUEcwu (economic yield per water used) for maize (Zea mays L.) across climates and soil management practices. Different views have been expressed on the effect of different rates of nitrogen (N) application on transpiration efficiency, TE (biomass produced per unit of water transpired). The objectives of the study were to assess the effect of different rates of N-enriched municipal waste co-compost and its derivatives on TE, WUEcwu and yield of maize (Z. mays L.) in comparison to inorganic fertiliser. The greenhouse pot experiment was conducted in Accra, Ghana on a sandy loam soil (Ferric Lixisol) using a split plot design. The main plot treatments were soil (S), dewatered faecal sludge (DFS), municipal solid waste compost (C), co-compost from municipal solid waste and dewatered faecal sludge (Co), compost enriched with (NH4)2SO4 (EC), co-compost enriched with (NH4)2SO4 (ECO), (NH4)2SO4 and NPK15-15-15 + (NH4)2SO4. The sub-plot treatments were different rates of application of nitrogen fertiliser applied at the rate of 91, 150 and 210 kg N ha−1 respectively. Maize cv. Abelehii was grown in a poly bag filled with 15 kg soil. Eight plants per treatment were selected randomly and used for the collection of data on growth parameters forth-nightly. At physiological maturity two plants per treatment were also selected randomly from each treatment plot for yield data. The results showed that TE of maize (Z. mays) varied for the different treatments and these are 6.9 Pa in soil (S) alone to 8.6 Pa in ECO. Increase in N application rate increased TE at the vegetative phase for fast nutrient releasing fertilisers (DFS, ECO, EC, NPK + (NH4)2SO4, (NH4)2SO4) and at the reproductive phase for slow nutrient releasing fertilisers (C and CO). Water-use efficiency increased significantly as rate of N application increased. Treatment ECO improved crop WUEcwu and was 11% and 4 times higher than that for NPK + (NH4)2SO4 or soil alone; and 18-36% higher than those for DFS and CO. Treatment ECO used less amount of water to produce dry matter yield (DMY) and grain yield (GY) that was 5.2% and 12.6%, respectively, higher than NPK + (NH4)2SO4. Similarly, the DMY and GY for ECO was 8.9-18.5% and 23.4-34.7%, respectively, higher than DFS and CO. High nutrient (N and K) uptake, TE, and low leaf senescence accounts for 83% of the variations in DMY whereas WUEcwu accounts for 99% of the variations in GY. Thus, the study concluded that different sources of fertiliser increased TE and WUEcwu of maize differently as N application rate increases.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out to determine the effects of water stress imposed at different development stages on grain yield, seasonal evapotranspiration, crop-water relationships, yield response to water and water use efficiency of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) for winter and summer sowing. The field trials were conducted on a loam Entisol soil in Thrace Region in Turkey, using Dincer, the most popular safflower variety in the research area. A randomised complete block design with three replications was used. Three known growth stages of the plant were considered and a total of 8 (including rainfed) irrigation treatments were applied. The effect of irrigation or water stress at any stage of development on grain yield per hectare and 1000 kernel weight, was evaluated. Results of this study showed that safflower was significantly affected by water shortage in the soil profile due to omitted irrigation during the sensitive vegetative stage. The highest yield was observed in the fully irrigated control and was higher for winter sowing than for summer sowing. Evapotranspiration calculated for non-stressed production was 728 and 673 mm for winter and summer sowing, respectively. Safflower grain yield of the fully irrigated treatments was 4.05 and 3.74 t ha−1 for winter and summer season, respectively. The seasonal yield response factor was 0.97 and 0.81 for winter and summer sowing, respectively. The highest total water use efficiency was obtained in the treatment irrigated only at vegetative stage while the lowest value was observed when the crop was irrigated only at yield stage. As conclusions: (i) winter sowing is suggested; (ii) if deficit irrigation is to apply at only one or two stages, Y stage or Y and F stages should be omitted, respectively.  相似文献   

A simulation model was constructed of a self-replacing flock of Merino ewes grazing a predominantly Wimmera ryegrass and subterranean clover pasture in the Eppalock catchment of northern Victoria, Australia. The model was used to predict the likely physical, biological and economic consequences of changes in stocking rate and date of lambing.Routines for simulating the local climate, together with expected levels of pasture production, were based on available local data. The herbage produced was utilised for animal maintenance, growth, pregnancy, lactation and wool production. Predictions were made of the ovulation and fertilisation rates of the breeding ewes and the subsequent survival of embryos and lambs. Lamb growth rates were determined relative to their predicted intake levels of milk and herbage.The economic consequences of different combinations of ewe stocking rate and date of lambing were evaluated by simulating the cash flow of the property. Financial returns were obtained from the sale of wool, cast-for-age and culled ewes, and wether lambs.  相似文献   

The depleted fraction, defined as the ratio of ETactual over total inflow (P + Vc), relates parameters of the water balance of an irrigated area with each other in such a way that the (water) manager obtains information on the rate of change of water stored in the area (soil moisture and groundwater). If the annual average of the depleted fraction equals about 0.6 water storage in the area is stable, while water is stored for lower values of the depleted fraction. If the value of the depleted fraction exceeds about 0.6, the volume of water stored in the area decreases. This decrease is partly due to natural drainage and partly due to capillary rise into the root zone of the irrigated crop. Despite this capillary rise, the actual evapo-transpiration drops below the potential ET-value. For most crops, a decrease of ET by about 25% would result in a higher productivity in terms of yield per cubic meter water. However, the yield per hectare (and thus farm income) would decrease. Management of an irrigation system is recommended in such a way that the monthly values of the depleted fraction range is between 0.5 and 0.8. Such a management rule would provide sufficient water for leaching (at the 0.5 side of the range) and provide high crop yield per unit water consumed (at the 0.8 side).  相似文献   

The effect on productive and vegetative behavior and on the quality of oil from Olea europaea L. when applying two distinct irrigation techniques, full irrigation (FI) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), was studied. A total of five wet soil volumes (WSVs, 12, 24, 35, 47 and 59%) expressed in terms of the potential root exploration volume were established for each strategy. The experiment was performed on cv. ‘Arbequina’ in an olive grove in Tarragona (Spain). Results obtained suggest that a 20% reduction in the irrigation dose (RDI) had no significant effect either on olive fruit and oil production or on oil content. Likewise, no significant increase in irrigation water-use efficiency was observed for FI with respect to RDI. A tendency for olive and oil production per hectare to increase with increased WSV percentage was observed, although there were no significant differences between FI and RDI except for 59% WSV in the RDI strategy, producing the best response.  相似文献   

A computer model (NEMAT) of the life cycle of sheep nematodes and of the epidemiology of nematodiasis in sheep was constructed. Its purpose is to predict the development of nematodiasis in weaner sheep and to determine optimum nematode control programmes. It has been developed for use in western Victoria, Australia, but it should also be of use in other localities.NEMAT simulates the growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) pasture and weaner sheep and the development of populations of the sheep nematodes Ostertagia spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. The development and death rate parameters of the free-living stages of these nematodes were estimated by a direct search optimisation procedure specifically developed for this study. The death rates of the parasitic stages of Ostertagia spp. were determined in a field experiment and expressed as a function of the rate of infection and the time of exposure to infection. Other probability density functions and deterministic functions needed to complete the quantification of the sheep-nematode system were derived from published reports or personal communications.NEMAT was validated against data from two independent field experiments carried out in western Victoria. Predicted serial measurements of pasture availability, liveweights, total nematode counts, nematode eggs per gram of faeces and numbers of infective nematode larvae per hectare were compared with those actually observed. The predicted and observed measurements were subjectively similar and could not be differentiated statistically by spectral analysis.NEMAT was then used to evaluate some nematode control programmes in western Victoria. Using observed weather data, it simulated the continuous development of nematode populations during 1957–1976 on pastures set stocked on the 1st of January each year with recently drenched weaner sheep.If sheep were drenched in only one month of the year, the effect of this drench on liveweights and woolweights at the end of the year was greatest if it was given in February. There was a progressive decline in final liveweights and woolweights if it was given in subsequent months to December. If sheep were drenched in February and given a second drench in any one of the remaining months of the year, the effects of this second drench on final liveweights and woolweights was greatest if it was given at the autumn break. A drench in February and a drench and shift to ‘clean’ pasture (<104 nematode larvae per hectare) in July were always sufficient to limit the mean yearly effects of nematodiasis to 1 kg in liveweight and 0·1 kg in woolweight. When such a shift was not possible, a drench in February, another at the autumn break and 0–5 drenches in winter and spring were required to attain similar productivity. The number and timing of these drenches after the autumn break depended on the daily effects of weather on the nematode population and could be determined only by a model of the sheep-nematode system such as NEMAT.  相似文献   

Farm woodlots or plantations of salt tolerant trees may provide an economic use or reclamation treatment for salt-affected farmland within the irrigation regions of the Indus Valley, but the hydrological impact and sustainability of such plantations are unknown. Detailed measurements of plantation water use, watertable depth and soil conditions were recorded over 2 years in two small plantations with contrasting soil and groundwater salinity at Tando Jam in the Sindh province of Pakistan. The species monitored were Acacia nilotica, A. ampliceps and Prosopis pallida. Annual water use by 3- to 5-year old A. nilotica was 1248 mm on the severely saline site and 2225 mm on the mildly saline site. Water use by the other species was less than 25% of these rates, but this difference is largely explained by their lower density in terms of sapwood area per hectare. Water use by A. nilotica was considerably greater than annual rainfall, implying uptake of groundwater which was confirmed both by piezometric observations and chloride balance modelling to predict vertical water movement through the root zone. Plantation watertables fell from 1.7 m below surface in March to over 2.9 m in September, then rose again during irrigation of the surrounding farmland. Root zone salt concentrations remained high at the more saline site throughout the monitoring period, but at the less saline site there was evidence of increasing root zone salinity as salt accumulated in areas of the profile subject to root water uptake. Salt concentration in the upper profile decreased as the soil dried and water was absorbed from greater depth. Plantations using saline groundwater may be sustainable if occasional leaching and other salt-removing processes are sufficient to maintain root zone salinity at a level which does not excessively reduce tree growth.  相似文献   

稻麦轮作区秸秆还田对水稻土结构的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为探明稻麦轮作区秸秆还田对水稻土结构的影响,依托常熟农业生态试验站25 a的长期定位试验,研究秸秆还田对水稻土容重、团聚体分布及稳定性、团聚体有机碳分布和孔隙大小分布的影响。试验设不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(NPK)、化肥和半量秸秆还田(NPKS1)、化肥和全量秸秆还田(NPKS2)等处理。采集各小区耕层水稻土,通过湿筛的方法测定团聚体分布及稳定性,通过X射线CT扫描和图像处理得到孔隙结构信息。结果显示,与CK相比,单施化肥(NPK)能显著提高土壤有机碳含量、降低土壤容重,对团聚体分布及稳定性、大孔隙度(大于0.032 mm)、孔隙大小分布没有显著影响。与NPK处理相比,秸秆还田(NPKS1、NPKS2)分别使土壤容重降低14.0%和19.4%,有机碳含量提高10.0%和23.1%,但是对团聚体分布及稳定性影响不显著;化肥和半量秸秆还田(NPKS1)对大孔隙度和孔隙大小分布没有显著影响,化肥和全量秸秆还田(NPKS2)的大孔隙度(大于0.032 mm)提高了110.6%,各当量孔径范围的孔隙度也明显提高(大于1.5 mm除外)。结果表明,经过25 a的秸秆还田,稻麦轮作区全量秸秆还田能够降低土壤容重,增加土壤有机碳含量和各级团聚体中有机碳含量,增大土壤总孔隙度和大孔隙度,改善水稻土的物理结构;而半量秸秆还田没有显著改善水稻土的孔隙结构。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2005,85(2):101-119
Reducing the energy derived from fossil fuels within agricultural systems has important implications for decreasing atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases, thus assisting the arrest of global warming. The identification of crop production methods that maximise energy efficiency and minimise greenhouse gas emissions is vital. Sugar beet is grown in a variety of locations and under a variety of agronomic conditions within the UK. This study identified thirteen production scenarios, representative of over 90% of the UK beet crop, which included five soil types, nine fertiliser regimes and nine crop protection strategies. The fossil energy input, the overall energy efficiency and the global warming potential (GWP) of each production scenario was assessed. This study did not consider the processing of the beet to extract sugar.The overall energy input of the UK beet crop ranges between 15.72 and 25.94 GJ/ha. It produces between 7.3 and 15.0 times as much energy in dry matter at the sugar factory gate as consumed in its production, with an average ratio of 9.7. It has an average GWP of 0.024 eq. t CO2 per tonne of clean beet harvested, equivalent to 0.0062 eq. t CO2 per GJ output. The energy input into each scenario was dictated largely by the energy associated with crop nutrition. The smallest energy inputs per hectare were to crops grown under organic conditions or conventional crops grown on fertile soils (clay loam, silt or peat) or sand soil with broiler manure applied. Those crops with the greatest energy input were grown on sand soil that was irrigated and had mineral fertiliser applied. Although the organic scenario grown on sandy loam soil had one of the smallest energy inputs per hectare, the low yield meant that the energy input was similar per tonne of beet harvested to the conventional crops grown on sandy loam soil. The extra distance travelled by organic beet from the farm to the factory increased the energy input per tonne above that of the conventional scenarios. The GWP was smallest for the conventional crops on the fertile peat and silt soils and greatest on the irrigated sand soils and the sandy loam soils. The organic scenario had a similar GWP to the conventional scenarios on sandy loam to the farm gate, although the greater diesel requirement for transport increased the GWP overall. The GWP per GJ of output for sugar beet in England is similar to published values for wheat.  相似文献   

We used simple ecological sustainability simulator (SESS) [Díaz-Solís, H., Kothmann, M.M., Hamilton, W.T., Grant, W.E., 2003. A simple ecological sustainability simulator (SESS) for stocking rate management on semi-arid grazinglands. Agric. Syst. 76, 655–680. <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2005.07.008>], modified to represent each of five management strategies (sets of decision rules) for adjusting stocking rates, to identify strategies that could reduce effects of drought on cow-calf production systems in semi-arid rangelands. We parameterized the model to represent a region of extensive cow-calf production in the northeastern portion of the Mexican state of Coahuila, and evaluated animal performance (animal body condition, cow mortality, and calf production) and range condition resulting from each strategy under random precipitation conditions typical of the region. To evaluate the validity of the randomly generated precipitation, we conducted the simulations under an historical (1950–1994) precipitation regime.The five management strategies included one with no adjustments to stocking rate (CONTROL, most common current practice), one with stocking rate adjustment rules based on changes in animal body condition (BCS), and three with different stocking rate adjustment rules based on various comparisons of recent-year precipitation with long-term mean precipitation during the growing season (March–November) (REPLA, PPT 1Y, PPT 2Y). Each strategy was evaluated at each of three initial base-level stock cow stocking rates (125, 250 and 500 AUY · 5000 ha−1). Stocking rate adjustments consisted of partial or total de-stocking, with the re-establishment, or not, of the initial number of stock cows before the beginning of the subsequent breeding season.Results of 45-year simulations under both random and historical precipitation suggest CONTROL and PPT 2Y (based on comparison of current year and previous year precipitation with the long-term mean) strategies, combined with the high base-level stocking rate, are the worst and best, respectively. Under the historical precipitation regime, in the last period of time simulated (1980–1994) these two strategies resulted, respectively, in poor (0.5) versus good range condition (1.0), animal body condition scores of 2.6 versus 5.2, annual cow mortalities of 76 versus 5%, and calf production rates of 0.9 versus 10.6 kg ha−1 year−1 at weaning. The PPT 1Y strategy (based on comparison of current year precipitation with the long-term mean) produced results fairly similar to PPT 2Y, with BCS and REPLA strategies producing results intermediate between CONTROL and PPT 2Y. Our results suggest it is advantageous to adjust stocking rates based on precipitation during the current growing season since it improves cattle production without damaging range condition. Considering the practical feasibility of the strategies, we recommend the PPT 1Y strategy because it maintains range condition at moderate stocking rates, results in good animal performance and does not require total de-stocking of the ranch.The simple method we developed to stochastically generate monthly precipitation produces a time series of precipitation values that were representative of general historical precipitation patterns and provided realistic levels of uncertainty in simulated forage production to evaluate alternative management strategies.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out in order to determine the effect of deficit irrigation regimes on grain yield and seasonal evapotranspiration of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Thrace Region of Turkey. The field trials were conducted on a loam Entisol soil, on Dincer, the most popular variety in the research area. A randomised complete block design with three replications was used. Combination of four well-known growth stages of the plant, namely vegetative (Va), late vegetative (Vb), flowering (F) and yield formation (Y) were considered to form a total of 16 (including rain fed) irrigation treatments. The effect of irrigation and water stress at any stage of development on grain yield per hectare and 1000 kernels weight was evaluated. Results showed that safflower was significantly affected by water stress during the sensitive late vegetative stage. The highest yield was obtained in VaVbFY treatment. Seasonal irrigation water use and evapotranspiration were 501 and 721 mm, respectively, for the non-stressed treatment. Safflower grain yield of this treatment was 5.22 Mg ha−1 and weight of 1000 kernels was 55 g. The seasonal yield-water response factor value was 0.87. The total water use efficiency was 7.2 kg ha−1 mm−1. Irrigation schedule of the non-stressed treatment may be as follows: the first irrigation is at the vegetative stage, when after 40-50 days from sowing/elongation and branching stage, that is the end of May; the second irrigation is at the late vegetative stage, after 70-80 days from sowing/heading stage, that is in the middle of June; the third irrigation is at the flowering stage, approximately 50% level, that is the first half of July; and the fourth irrigation is at the yield formation stage, seed filling, that is the last week of July.  相似文献   

The amount of soil water at the beginning of the growing season has a large impact on crop yields in rainfed agriculture, especially in semi-arid regions and in years with below-average rainfall in more humid climates. Robust algorithms are needed to estimate soil water storage before planting to aid crop management decisions. The main objectives of this paper are to investigate soil water recharge during the non-growing season (October 20 to May 1) in a semi-arid, temperate ecosystem in south-central Nebraska (USA) and to evaluate empirical models to estimate soil water content at the beginning of the summer-crop growing season. A database of soil water content measurements collected over 5 years at nine locations in south-central Nebraska was used to estimate available water-holding limits in the soil profile and to determine the change in available soil water during the non-growing season. Regression analysis was performed to analyze the relationship among soil water recharge, residual soil water (i.e., soil water content at the end of the previous growing season), total precipitation, and available water-holding capacity (AWHC) in the root zone to 1.5 m. Precipitation storage efficiency (PSE) was calculated as the quotient of soil water recharge and total non-growing season precipitation. Predictive models to estimate soil water content at the beginning of summer-crop growing season were derived from these analyses. A large portion of the variation in soil water recharge was explained by residual soil water and precipitation. PSE averaged 28% across site-years; low PSE values were associated with high residual soil water and/or low AWHC. Two predictive models (linear and linear-plateau) that used residual soil water, total precipitation, and AWHC as independent variables explained 75-80% of the variation in the measured soil water content at the beginning of the summer-crop growing season. These empirical models represent a new tool to estimate soil water content by planting date of summer crops. Site-management conditions such as residue amount and its architecture, tillage system, soil texture, and terrain slope are not currently accounted for in these models and would likely improve predictive capacity.  相似文献   

以玉米为对象,分别进行了盐度为0.1%、0.3%、0.5%和0.7%海冰水灌溉试验。结果表明:盐度为0.3%海冰水以450 m3/hm2灌溉时,能减轻作物干旱胁迫,增产效果显著,但灌水量增加到900 m3/hm2和1350 m3/hm2时反而减产。盐度达到0.5%时,3种灌水量处理比0.3%盐度900 m3/hm2处理区,减产9.5%、10.8%和18.4%。当海冰灌溉水盐度为0.7%灌水量1350 m3/hm2时,产量接近全旱处理区产量水平。玉米经不同盐度海冰水灌溉,产量差异达显著水平。  相似文献   

A grazing system with Merino sheep and subterranean clover pasture was studied in a 550 mm rainfall, mediterranean climate in Western Australia.Changes over twelve months in seed, the quantities of green and dry herbage, soil moisture, animal intake and liveweight, wool growth and body composition were measured. Six paddocks, representing two soil types, were grazed continuously at 8·75 sheep per hectare. The system was also simulated and the actual results were compared with those from the simulation model.From a seed pool in March of 300 kg ha?1, 80% of which was soft and non-dormant, 4000 clover seedlings per square metre became established; subsequent drought reduced this to 1450 plants per square metre. From measurements of soil moisture it was shown that this population survived at available moisture levels as low as 0·5 mm in the main root zone in gravelly sandy loam. Pasture growth rate reached a spring peak of 102 kg ha?1 day?1 and total growth (estimated from pasture grazed for 26 weeks) was 6700 kg ha?1 for 500 mm of rainfall between germination and maximum biomass. At maturity, burr and seed made up 57% of the plant residues on offer, with a seed pool of 1160 kg ha?1. During the summer this biomass decreased at 5 kg ha?1 day?1 without grazing and 19 kg ha?1 day?1 under grazing.The liveweight losses and gains of the sheep were atypical, no liveweight gain until 1200 kg ha?1 of gree herbage was available—about treble the expected amount. Measurements of food intake indicate a gross inefficiency in energy utilisation during the winter and a low intake of energy in the spring.Total green and dry plant residues showed general agreement between actual and simulated results for most of the growing season. However, the field data highlighted error in the pasture sub-model which were corrected and are reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

We examine the productivity of deepwater rice-fish systems and management strategies that include high-density initial stocking and selective harvesting. All species of fish and prawns grow faster after 120 days of rearing, probably due to periodic selective harvesting that minimizes the competition for food and space, as well as physiological stress at reduced density. We observe a higher survival rate, a lower apparent feed conversion ratio (1.77) and higher fish yield (14.1%) in rice-fish culture with selective harvesting (T1) than in rice-fish culture without selective harvesting (T2). The highest paddy yield was recorded in T1, primarily due to the higher number of panicles per m2 (139.5) and the number of filled grains per panicle (111.5). The increase in paddy yield over rice mono-cropping was higher in T1 (25%) than T2 (16.9%). The smaller number of panicles (122.2/m2) and filled grains (98.5 per panicle) in rice mono-cropping was probably due to the absence of fish and prawns in the field as fish and prawns improve soil fertility, recover lost energy, and adjust energy flow by consuming plankton, weeds, insects and bacteria that compete with rice for nutrients. The highest rice equivalent yield (38.5 t ha−1), the output value-cultivation cost ratio (1.56) and net water productivity (Rs. 7.30/m3) in deepwater rice-fish culture was recorded when selective harvesting was practiced. This eco-friendly dual production system (rice and fish) and on-dyke horticulture, which generate near-term lucrative returns and generates employment opportunities, can be adopted and expanded in lowlands and waterlogged areas.  相似文献   

Estimating spatial mean soil water contents from point-scale measurements is important to improve soil water management in sloping land of semiarid areas. Temporal stability analysis, as a statistical technique to estimate soil water content, is an effective tool in terms of facilitating the upscaling estimation of mean values. The objective of this study was to examine temporal stability of soil water profiles (0–20, 20–40, 40–60 and 0–60 cm) in sloping jujube (Zizyphus jujuba) orchards and to estimate field mean root-zone soil water based on temporal stability analysis in the Yuanzegou catchment of the Chinese Loess Plateau, using soil water observations under both dry and wet soil conditions. The results showed that different time-stable locations were identified for different depths and the temporal stability of soil water content in 20–40 cm was significantly (P < 0.05) weaker than that in other depths. Moreover, these time-stable locations had relatively high clay contents, relatively mild slopes and relatively planar surfaces compared to the corresponding field means. Statistical analysis revealed that the temporal stability of root zone soil water (0–60 cm) was higher in either dry or wet season than that including both, and soil water exhibited very low temporal stability during the transition period from dry to wet. Based on the temporal stability analysis, field mean soil water contents were estimated reasonably (R2 from 0.9560 to 0.9873) from the point measurements of these time-stable locations. Since the terrains in this study are typical in the hilly regions of the Loess Plateau, the results presented here should improve soil water management in sloping orchards in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

应用方差分析方法研究内蒙古河套灌区用水量影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用方差分析方法研究了河套灌区1990-2000年单位面积灌溉用水量变化的影响因素.结果表明:渠道衬砌、渠系配套建设等工程节水措施和用水管理措施对减少灌区用水量产生显著影响,而种植结构调整因素和降雨对灌区用水量产生的影响并不显著.在将来的节水改造中,应继续加强种植结构调整以增强节水效果.本研究所建立的模型拟合优度好,能准确地解释和评价灌区用水量的影响因素.  相似文献   

Cotton is commonly grown in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world having sodic ground waters. A field plot study was, therefore, conducted for 2 years to study the effect of sustained sodic irrigation on yield and fibre quality of two hirustum cotton cultivars (F-505 and F-846) and one arborium cultivar (LD-327). The exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of 0–30 cm soil under sustained canal water (CW) irrigation treatment was 3.5 whereas long-term irrigations (for more than 10 years) with sodic waters having residual sodium carbonate (RSC) of 5, 10 and 15 me l−1 resulted in ESP bulid-up of 16.4, 39.6 and 56.2, respectively. These sodic waters were used for irrigation in the respective plots, for both years of the study. High ESP of the soil decreased the growth (in terms of plant height) and yield of all the three cotton cultivars. The rate of decline in plant height at 50, 80 and 140 days of sowing (DAS) was maximum in F-505 and minimum in F-846. Compared with CW treatment, relative seed-cotton yield under 16.4, 39.6 and 56.2 ESP levels obtained with respective sodic water treatments for 2 years were 99, 70 and 69%, respectively in F-846, 101, 46 and 29%, respectively in F-505 and 98, 67 and 49%, respectively in LD-327. Similar trends were observed in case of boll number per square metre and boll weight. The cultivar F-846 produced heavier bolls than the other two cultivars under ESP levels of 56.2 obtained under RSC15 treatment which helped this cultivar to perform relatively better. The harmful effect of sodic waters on fibre quality (2.5% span length, micronaire value and bundle strength) were also not observed in the case of F-846. A slight deterioration in fibre quality was, however, observed in cultivars F-505 and LD-327 at an ESP of 56.2 in the soil.  相似文献   

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