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Current UK guidance suggests that a 'rootable' soil profile of at least 1.0 m depth should be sufficient to allow adequate rooting of the majority of tree species in a range of soil types and climatic conditions [Arboricultural Journal (1995) vol. 19, 19–27]. However, there is some uncertainty as to what constitutes a loosened soil profile in terms of penetration resistance. In this study the root development of Italian alder, Japanese larch, Corsican pine and birch was assessed after 5 years of tree growth. These data were compared to penetration resistance measured using both a cone penetrometer and a 'lifting driving tool' (dropping weight penetrometer). Tree root number and percentage were significantly reduced by increasing soil penetration resistance measured with both the cone penetrometer ( P  <   0.050) and the 'lifting driving tool' ( P  =   0.011 and 0.008 respectively). The vast majority of roots were recorded in soils with a penetration resistance of less than 3 MPa (90.7%) with a significant amount in the less than 2 MPa class (70.2%). Root development of Italian alder, Japanese larch and birch all showed a similar pattern, but Corsican pine appeared to be capable of rooting into more compact soils. The 'lifting driving tool' can be used as an alternative measure of soil penetration resistance. This equipment is more cost effective, easier to use and capable of measurements at a greater depth than the cone penetrometer. The majority of Japanese larch and birch roots (84.3%) were recorded in soils where it took less than 15 impacts to penetrate one 10 cm soil depth increment. The modelled data also suggest that a penetration resistance of 2 and 2.5 MPa relates to 10 and 15 impacts respectively.  相似文献   


Crops can be effectively grown on hardpan soils and water effectively used from deep in the profile if hard layers in soils can be penetrated or if they are broken up by tillage. Addition of gypsum to the soil or exploitation of genetic differences in root penetrability may help improve root penetration through hard layers with less need to depend on the energy requirements of deep tillage. To test this theory, a single‐grained Ap horizon of Norfolk loamy sand soil was compacted into soil columns to compare root penetrability of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes Essex and PI 416937 in the presence and absence of gypsum and at two soil compaction levels (columns with uniform compaction at 1.4 g cm‐1 and columns with increasing compaction with depth from 1.4 to 1.75 g cm‐1). Compaction treatments were imposed by constructing soil columns composed of 2.5‐cm‐deep, 7.5‐cm‐diameter cylindrical cores compacted to predetermined bulk densities (1.40,1.55,1.65,and 1.75 g cm.3). Soil penetration resistances were measured on duplicate cores using a 3‐mm‐diameter cone‐tipped penetrometer. Columns were not watered during the study; soybean genotypes were grown in the columns until they died. Both genotypes lived one day longer in columns with lower bulk density and penetration resistance. Although root growth was more abundant for Essex than for PI 416937, root growth of PI 416937 was not decreased by compaction as much as it was for Essex. These results suggest that PI 416937 may possess the genetic capability to produce more root growth in soils with high penetration resistance. This study suggests that genetic improvement for root growth in soils with hard or acidic layers may potentially reduce our dependence on tillage. Gypsum did not affect root growth in this study.  相似文献   

Traffic and tillage induced compaction affect soil physical, chemical and biological properties and processes directly and influences plant root growth indirectly. In a pot experiment with an Entisol and an Alfisol, the effect of 0, 50, 100 and 200 kPa of compactive stress on bulk density, penetration resistance, and on root growth of maize seedlings, at the early stages of development, was studied.

Compaction resulted in a progressive increase in bulk density and penetration resistance for both soils. The Entisol reached a greater bulk density and penetration resistance than the Alfisol. Bulk density or penetration resistance were closely correlated with compactive stress. The correlation between bulk density and penetration resistance was not so close.

Increased bulk density and penetration resistance resulted in a reduction of all the root growth parameters such as number of roots, mean and total root length, rateof root elongation and fresh and dry root mass. Significant linear or curvilinear relationships were found between bulk density or penetration resistance and most of the root growth parameters studied. However, the relationships were improved when relative values (expressed as fractions of the controls) of bulk density or penetration resistance and of any one of the root growth parameters were considered. Roots grown in more compact soil had a smaller ratio of fresh to dry mass.  相似文献   

Penetration resistance, bulk density, soil water content and root growth of oats were intensively studied in a tilled and an untilled grey brown podzolic loess soil. Bulk density and penetration resistance were higher in the top layer of the untilled soil compared with the tilled soil. In the latter, however, a traffic pan existed in the 25–30 cm soil layer which had higher bulk density and penetration resistance than any layer of the untilled soil. Above the traffic pan, rooting density (cm root length per cm3 of soil) was higher but below the pan it was lower than at the same depth in the untilled soil. Root growth was linearly related to penetration resistance. The limiting penetration resistance for root growth was 3.6 MPa in the tilled Ap-horizon but 4.6-5.1 MPa in the untilled Ap-horizon and in the subsoil of both tillage treatments. This difference in the soil strength-root growth relationship is explained by the build up of a continuous pore system in untilled soil, created by earthworms and the roots from preceding crops. These biopores, which occupy < 1% of the soil volume, can be utilized by roots of subsequent crops as passages of comparatively low soil strength. The channeling of bulk soil may counteract the possible root restricting effect of an increased soil strength which is frequently observed in the zero tillage system.  相似文献   

During 1980, an extremely dry growing season, soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) root morphologies were characterized at the R2 growth stage in Steele, Sharkey, Rilla, Calloway, and Stuttgart soils with a tillage pan and with a disrupted tillage pan. Results showed that the presence or absence of tillage pans resulted in dramatic changes in the soybean root morphology. Without pans, classical taproot systems tended to develop. With pans, soybean root systems tended to follow old root channels and fractures through the pan. Below the pan, soil structure manifested strong influences on root morphology. On all soils except the Steele (loamy sand), roots penetrated the tillage pan in numbers comparable to those penetrating the soil horizons with the pan disrupted. Although soil impedance to root penetration increases with drying and the 1980 growing season was exceptionally dry, mechanical impedance to soybean root penetration of tillage pans on silt loam and clay soils did not appear to be a problem. However, on the loamy sand soil mechanical impedance inhibited soybean root penetration and appeared to be a major problem.  相似文献   

Soil factors affecting growth of mycelial strands from ectomycorrhizas into surrounding soil were studied experimentally. Treated soil cores were inserted into root boxes for 4–6 weeks, then infiltrated with gelatin, sectioned, and mycelial strands harvested. Very large differences in mycelial strand growth (measured by weight) occurred between different soils, some soils completely inhibiting growth of strands of the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon luteolus. Compaction of soil reduced mycelial strand penetration greatly e.g. by 80 per cent in one experiment. Soil sterilization ameliorated compaction effects. High soil phosphorus tended to increase strand growth but nitrogen level and Pseudomonas fluorescens. a common soil bacterium, had small or inconsistent effects.  相似文献   

Abstract. Crop growth on strongly weathered soils is often limited by soil compaction in addition to aluminium toxicity and/or calcium deficiency. This study examines the effects of subsoiling, lime and gypsum on penetrometer resistance, acidity, aluminium and calcium levels and cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) root growth on soils transitional between Cecil and Appling series (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludults) in the Piedmont region of Georgia, USA. The main plots were subsoiled to depths of 0.35 or 0.80 m or untreated. Dolomitic limestone (0 or 4.03 t per hectare on subplots) and phosphogypsum (0 or 10 t per hectare on sub-subplots) were incorporated into the surface soil (0.15 m). Deep subsoiling (0.80 m depth) decreased penetrometer resistance at 0.3–0.5 m depth and increased yield in two of three years, but there was no response to shallow subsoiling (0.35 m depth). Lime increased yield when surface soil water pH prior to amendment was less than a Cate-Nelson critical value of 4.6. Gypsum moved downward much more rapidly than lime, increasing soil solution calcium ion activity to a depth of 0.8 m within 5 months of application. There were differences in clay content between replicate plots and calcium movement was faster where the clay content was less. Yield responses to gypsum in 1986 were attributed to increased root growth below 0.2 m resulting from the increased calcium ion activity. Yield response to gypsum in limed sub-subplots was significant only in 1986.  相似文献   

Roots grow thicker in compacted soil, even though it requires greater force for a large object to penetrate soil than it does for a small one. We examined the advantage of thickening in terms of the stresses around a root penetrating with constant shape, rather than the stresses around an expanding cylinder or sphere, as has been studied previously. We combined experiments and simulations of the stresses around roots growing in compacted soils. We measured the diameter of pea roots growing in sandy loam and clay loam at four different densities, and the critical‐state properties of the soils. At a penetration resistance of about 1 MPa the diameter of the roots in the sandy loam was about 40% greater than that at 0.7 MPa, and at 2 MPa it was about 60% greater. In the clay loam, there was less thickening – about 10% greater at 1 MPa and about 20% greater at 1.5 MPa. The maximum axial stresses were predicted using a critical‐state finite‐element model to be at the very tip of the root cap. When there was friction between the root and the soil, shear stresses were predicted with smaller values at the tip than just behind the tip. When the interface between the soil and the root was assumed to be frictionless, there were by definition no shear stresses. In the frictionless case the advantage of root thickening on relieving peak stress at the root tip was diminished. The axial and shear stresses were predicted to be smaller in the clay loam than in the sandy loam and may explain why the roots did not thicken in this soil although its resistance to penetration was similar. Our results suggest that the local values of axial and shear stresses experienced by the root near its tip may be as important in constraining root growth as the total penetration resistance.  相似文献   

Friction accounts for a large proportion of the resistance to a penetrometer probe, often much more so than to a plant root. The contribution of frictional resistance to penetrometer resistance was investigated in five soils with texture ranging from sandy loam to silty clay. The effect on penetration resistance of rotating the conical tip of the probe was studied in both intact cores of undisturbed field soil, and in cores remoulded from sieved soil. Rotation altered the orientation of the vector of frictional resistance towards a direction perpendicular to the probe axis, and so decreased the component of frictional resistance that opposed the axial penetration of the probe. The decrease in friction was greater for probes with a semiangle of 5° than those with a 30° semiangle and was more than half of the total resistance to a nonrotating probe in 15 out of the 16 cases studied. A theoretical treatment of the effect of rotation period on probe resistance showed good agreement with the experimental results. The penetration resistance of a metal probe is related to that of a root in terms of frictional resistance and factors such as the penetration rate. When all frictional resistance was subtracted from the resistance measured to the penetration of a 5 semiangle probe, the remaining resistance was similar to that measured for roots growing in the same soil.  相似文献   

To assess the importance and the possible causes of penetration resistance of horizons with gypsum, 20 horizons in seven irrigated profiles were studied. Gypsum contents ranged from 0 to 900 g kg?1. Penetrometer tests were performed on undisturbed soil cores by means of a needle penetrometer at different matric potentials. The increase of penetration resistance on drying was caused by changes in the effective stress of the soils, calculated from their soil water characteristic curves. Multiple regression tests showed that besides water content and bulk density, gypsum content was positively correlated with penetration resistance. It seems that in the soils studied the increase of penetration resistance caused by gypsum is due to the growth of gypsum crystals in pre-existing pores, which reduces the volume of regular and continuous voids necessary for root growth.  相似文献   

The influence of soil structure on penetration resistance Penetration resistance depends strongly on the soil structure. However, because roots may either penetrate aggregates or grow around them, the value determined for the bulk soil can only be used as a first approximation. If e.g. unconfined aggregates are penetrated, the penetration resistance increases with increasing size. If however, the aggregates are confined by being embedded in gypsum then the penetration resistance is higher but is independent of aggregate size. Thus, the outer skin is stronger than the inner part of the aggregates. When single prisms are penetrated horizontally, then the penetration resistance is smaller than the resistance to vertical penetration. On the other hand, for polyhedral structure the penetration resistance is of the same order of magnitude in both directions.  相似文献   

Hardsetting soil properties are undesirable in agricultural soils because they hamper crop production by limiting seedling emergence and root growth via increased mechanical soil resistance at low moisture contents. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of additions of organic matter on the penetration resistance of a hardsetting soil for the entire water tension range. Investigations were carried out on Saalian glacial till, which is used as a reclamation substrate in post-lignite-mining reclamation. Proportions of 0%, 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% by mass of organic matter (OM) were used. The remoulded samples were saturated under a constant load of 2.4 kPa to achieve bulk densities equivalent to a soil depth of 15–20 cm via water-induced consolidation. Subsequently, the mixtures were adjusted to water tensions between 100 and 107 hPa and penetrated using a small cone penetrometer. Compared to 0% OM, the addition of 1% OM led to a very small but significant (P < 0.01) increase in the bulk density, while between 1% and 4% OM bulk density was seen to decrease in a linear fashion. At moisture contents greater than field capacity, penetration resistance values were consistent with the observed changes in bulk density, leading to an increase in the samples containing 0–1% OM to critical values for root-growth and a decrease for samples containing 2% and more organic matter reaching to values non-critical for roots. At moisture contents smaller than field capacity, penetration resistance values were inversely related to the bulk density, supporting the concept that the type of organic matter added contributed to soil cohesion. Modeling the relation between water tension and penetration resistance using a sigmoidal equation showed a high consistency between the observed data and the model.  相似文献   

A no-tillage system was imposed on a structurally degraded fine-textured soil (Humic Gleysol) that had been under continuous corn with moldboard tillage for more than 20 years. After 3 years of no-tillage, several soil structural properties were compared with the conventional tillage treatment to assess whether the soil structure had improved.

No significant difference (P<0.05) was found between tillage treatments for the saturated hydraulic conductivity, porosity and penetration resistance in the surface 5 cm. Measurements of soil penetration resistance and in situ saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kwp) using the well permeameter method were sensitive to structural changes that had occurred at 5–20 cm depth. The Kwp at this depth was significantly greater in the moldboard treatment than in the no-tillage treatment. Resistance measurements indicated significantly greater soil strengths at 10–20 cm under no-tillage. Aggregate stabilities were assessed by wet sieving twice during the growing season. No-tillage resulted in larger soil aggregates, especially at the surface, compared with the moldboard tillage.

These data suggest that degraded soils with low structural stability may initially suffer further deterioration with the elimination of tillage, owing to the loss or reduction of mechanically formed pores.  相似文献   

Plant growth is directly affected by soil water, soil aeration, and soil resistance to root penetration. The least limiting water range (LLWR) is defined as the range in soil water content within which limitations to plant growth associated with water potential, aeration and soil resistance to root penetration are minimal. The LLWR has not been evaluated in tropical soils. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the LLWR in a Brazilian clay Oxisol (Typic Hapludox) cropped with maize (Zea mays L. cv. Cargil 701) under no-tillage and conventional tillage. Ninety-six undisturbed soil samples were obtained from maize rows and between rows and used to determine the water retention curve, the soil resistance curve and bulk density. The results demonstrated that LLWR was higher in conventional tillage than in no-tillage and was negatively correlated with bulk density for values above 1.02 g cm−3. The range of LLWR variation was 0–0.1184 cm3 cm−3 in both systems, with mean values of 0.0785 cm3 cm−3 for no-tillage and 0.0964 cm3 cm−3 for conventional tillage. Soil resistance to root penetration determined the lower limit of LLWR in 89% of the samples in no-tillage and in 46% of the samples in conventional tillage. Additional evaluations of LLWR are needed under different texture and management conditions in tropical soils.  相似文献   

Information regarding the evaluation of long-term tillage effects on soil properties and summer maize growth after winter vetch in western Turkey is not available. Therefore, this study was conducted for 5 years with three types of tillage including conventional (mouldboard plough) and conservation (rototiller and chisel). Results indicated that tillage had no significant effect on penetration resistance, except at the bottom of 20 cm soil depth where it was higher in mouldboard plough than in rototiller and chisel. Bulk density in the topsoil of 10 cm decreased with the degree of soil manipulation during tillage practices. Rototiller caused significantly higher root, leaf and stems biomass and plant height than the other systems. The root dry weight was higher in the topsoil of 10 cm than at the bottom of this soil depth for all systems. The highest root dry weight was found in fourth year of chisel, but the lowest was recorded in the same year of plough, especially at the bottom of 20 cm due to higher penetration. Rototiller improved soil properties and maize growth compared to other systems in 2 of 5 years. We concluded that using rototiller for maize after winter vetch will be more effective compared with other systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a series of experiments on 16 sites both a power-driven rotary-tine Wye Double Digger and a rigid tine winged subsoiler produced significant subsoil loosening and fissuring. The Double Digger consistently produced the greatest clod breakdown together with the least soil bulk densities and cone penetration resistances. Management strategies after loosening had an important influence on the longevity of the loosening effect. The rate of recompaction was least with controlled traffic and bed systems and increased with random traffic and with the growing of root crops. No significant differences in crop response were monitored between the two loosening treatments, yield response depending largely on the extent of moisture stress experienced by the crop. Loosening on silty soils reduced yields in wet seasons and this was associated with soil structural instability. Visual soil profile examination is necessary to support bulk density and cone penetration resistance measurements when assessing soil compaction.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that the penetration resistance of soils is, among others factors, highly sensitive to the moisture status of the soil. This study tested the hypothesis of whether the dewatering of a soil by crops of varying dewatering capacities significantly affects the soil's penetration resistance and whether this contributes to an exceedance of the commonly accepted root‐growth threshold already in the range of plant‐available water. During a 22‐month period between March 2002 and December 2003, the soil water content of a former lignite strip mine in E Germany was studied. The soil had been restored with Saalian glacial till. Plots contained two different crops, a 3 y–old stand of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and a 7 y–old stand of wild rye (Secale multicaule L.). Soil water contents under the two crops were converted on the basis of the water‐retention characteristics into water tensions, allowing an investigation of the changes in the measured water content in the wider context of the water availability to the crops. During both growing seasons, the water tension under lucerne exceeded the permanent‐wilting point (104.2 hPa) for up to 20 weeks between 0 and 90 cm, which is equal to a predicted penetration resistance of >15 MPa. Water tensions under the wild rye rose only up to a maximum of 103 hPa for the same period, so that the predicted penetration‐resistance values remained constantly <5 MPa. Our findings demonstrate that the dewatering by plants during the growing seasons affects the actual strength of the soil, which can lead to the exceeding of the commonly accepted root‐growth threshold.  相似文献   

Wheat planting in rice-harvested fields without land preparation is more economical, but the physical characteristics of the plant root sphere are not well documented. Comparative changes in the soil compaction in parallel fields used for no-till and conventional tillage were measured in replicated field trials for two soil types and in three randomly selected farmers’ fields. Weakly to moderately developed soils on recent to old Pleistocene calcareous alluvium were studied. They differed in their clay content. No-till wheat sowing resulted in a greater soil bulk density and a lower total porosity in the heavy-textured soils compared to the light-textured soil. In the light-textured Jhakkar soil, the no-till regime resulted in a greater infiltration at the saturated state and under most suction levels and a greater macroporosity compared to the conventional tillage. The silty clay Kotly soil had greater macroporosity in the conventional tillage than in the no-till regime. The wheat root growth and penetration seemed to be favored by the relatively low bulk density resulting from the conventional tillage, particularly in the silty clay loam soil. The dense layer restricted root penetration in the silty clay loam soil, while there was less resistance in the sandy loam soil. The study demonstrated the suitability of the no-till regime for specific soil types. Published in Russian in Pochvovedenie, 2008, No. 11, pp. 1362–1370. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Contrasting soil management techniques were applied to a hardsetting red-brown earth (Alfisol) used for flood-irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum) production at Trangie, N.S.W., Australia. The individual and combined effects of deep mouldboard ploughing to a depth of 0.45 m, gypsum application (5 t ha−1) and double cropping upon aggregate stability, bulk density, porosity, cone index and the non-limiting water range were evaluated. Dispersion and slaking of the surface soil were unaffected by the treatments when measured at the end of the second year of the experiment. Approximately 60% of the soil mass in the 0–0.15 m layer slaked on wetting, whereas less than 1% of the soil dispersed. Organic carbon (OC) levels of the surface soil were not affected by double cropping or gypsum application, but were reduced by mouldboard ploughing from 0.9% to 0.6% OC. The relationship between OC and macroaggregate (more than 250 μm) stability indicated that large increases in OC beyond 0.7% OC were required for relatively small increases in aggregate stability. Mouldboard ploughing increased clay content of the upper 0.15 m of the soil from 22% to 27%. This was associated with an increase in the frequency and depth of cracking which, however, diminished over time. The non-limiting water range (NLWR) was expanded in the uppermost 0.1 m by gypsum application from 0.15–0.30 to 0.09–0.28 m3 m−3. Mouldboard ploughing expanded the NLWR at a depth of 0.2 m. Penetrometer resistance, on average, exceeded the critical value for wheat root growth at a water content of 0.15 m3 m−3, which is substantially higher than the wilting point (0.09 m3 m−3). Excessive resistance to penetration as opposed to inadequate aeration or water availability is the main agronomic impediment in these soils, at least in the initial stages of crop development. Penetration resistance within the 0.05–0.3 m layer was reduced during a drying cycle in the order: mouldboard ploughing>gypsum>double cropping. The reduced penetration resistance associated with mouldboard ploughing was due to higher water content to a depth of 0.2 m and reduced bulk density below this depth.  相似文献   

Short- and long-term effects of subsoiling four soils were closely related to variations in soil structure and consistence. Penetration resistance decreased when shear failure was accomplished by fracturing. Plastic failure in a near saturated, clayey subsoil did not affect penetration resistance. Penetration resistance of a firm, clayey subsoil with weak to moderately strong structure was lower than presubsoiling levels 2 years after subsoiling. In soils with strong structure, fracturing may occur between peds, which in time settle back to their approximate original configuration. More intra-pedal fracturing probably occurs in soils with weaker structure, thus reducing average ped size and increasing interpedal macropore volume, even after settling. Subsoiling of a loose, sandy soil decreased penetration resistance for at least 4 months, but after 4 years no residual effect was found.Only in the sandy soil did subsoiling have any noticeable effect on soil moisture content. Vertical filling of the blade and mole channels with A1 horizon material resulted in increased moisture content in the mole channel 4 months after subsoiling. After 4 years, moisture content in the A1 horizon remained higher in the vicinity of the channel. This may be due to increased upward movement of water through the more highly organic A1 horizon material that had infiltrated along the blade channel.  相似文献   

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