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文山松毛虫(Dendrolimus punctatus wenshanensis Tsai et Liu)在中国西南地区为害较为严重。文山松毛虫质型多角体病毒(Dendrolimus Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus,DPWCPV)制剂的应用对控制文山松毛虫的危害发挥了积极作用。本文利用群落特征指数分析方法,比较了在DPWCPV和农药2种防治方式下,云南松林内昆虫群落的结构特征及其与文山松毛虫发生程度之间的关系。结果表明:DPWCPV防治松林内昆虫的物种丰富度高,天敌昆虫类群优势度高,文山松毛虫的发生量较小;而在施用化学农药防治松毛虫的松林内昆虫多样性较低,昆虫的物种数量少,文山松毛虫的发生量大。研究结果为揭示DPWCPV持续控制松毛虫危害的机制提供了科学支持。  相似文献   

【目的】研究昆虫多样性对不同林型的生态响应,为小兴安岭森林生态可持续发展规划、森林经营、森林生物多样性保护提供理论基础和科学依据。【方法】2013年5—9月,每15天1次,采用扫网法并结合震落法和观察法对云杉人工林(YR)、白桦天然次生林(B)、红松人工林(HR)、椴树红松林(DY)、云杉红松林(YY)和枫桦红松林(FY)6种不同林型的昆虫多样性进行调查,通过昆虫群落结构分析、多样性特征指数及时间动态分析、稳定性分析、主分量分析、群落相似性分析等系统研究小兴安岭凉水自然保护区森林昆虫物种多样性及群落结构动态。【结果】共采集昆虫标本4 599号,隶属9目67科188种;各林型昆虫群落均以膜翅目和双翅目为优势类群;各林型昆虫群落的多样性指数均较高,其中云杉原始林和云杉人工林的多样性指数和均匀度均相对较高,优势度均相对较低。各林型昆虫群落多样性指数与均匀度指数随季节变化趋势均表现出显著一致性(0.708~0.955,P0.05),与优势度指数随季节变化趋势均表现出极显著负相关(-0.863~-0.983,P0.001),多样性指数与丰富度指数变化趋势除YR外,均表现为较大的正相关,多样性指数与群落个体数量时间变化趋势仅在YY、DY和B林型中表现出较大的正相关。各林型昆虫群落的相对稳定性存在一定差异,S_t/S_i的比值序列为YYYRBFYDYHR,S_n/S_p的比值序列为YR=HRFYBYYDY,YY、YR的稳定性相对较好,森林环境质量相对较高,而DY、HR的稳定性相对较差,森林环境质量相对较低。全年各林型昆虫群落中不同营养类群物种数均表现为植食性类群最多,个体数量表现为YR中性昆虫类群最多,YY中植食性类群最多,其他林型均以捕食性类群最多。昆虫群落主分量分析结果表明,YY和YR昆虫群落中中性昆虫物种数是主导昆虫群落变化的最主要因子,在DY和HR昆虫群落中转变为植食性昆虫个体数和物种数。在稳定性居中的B和FY中,主导群落变化的最主要因子由中性昆虫个体数转变为植食性昆虫个体数。聚类分析结果表明,在度量值为10时,可将6种林型的昆虫群落分为2类:B、YY和YR聚为一类,HR、DY和FY聚为一类。【结论】虽然各林型昆虫多样性均较为丰富,且昆虫群落均较为稳定,反映出较好的生态环境质量,但是HR和DY稳定性相对较低,建议增加植物多样性以提升第一营养层昆虫个体数量;DY植食性昆虫比例较大,建议采取一定措施增加天敌昆虫丰富度,以提升昆虫群落稳定性。  相似文献   

1995年7月至1996年6月在湖南长沙县马尾松林内用溴氰菊酯和灭幼脲II号作的喷药试验.结果表明:两种药剂对蜘蛛群落的物种组成和个体水平有明显影响,对物种数量影响不大.在试验过程中,其多样性水平有一定程度上升,防治效果显著的样地内群落稳定性改善.同时,两种药剂对灌木层亚群落影响要大于对林冠层的影响;在生产管理上,灭幼脲II号可用于防治常灾区,而溴氰菊酯只宜在重灾区内集中施用.  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同土壤条件下落叶松人工林昆虫群落结构及动态的差异,为森林经营管理、生物多样性保护提供理论基础和科学依据。【方法】以小兴安岭凉水自然保护区内封山育林状态下落叶松人工林为研究对象,根据地形土壤条件,选择埋藏潜育暗棕壤-落叶松人工林(A)、厚层埋藏暗棕壤-落叶松人工林(B)、暗棕壤性土-落叶松人工林(C)、典型暗棕壤-落叶松人工林(D)4种生境类型,分别设置3个20 m×20 m的样地,采用扫网法、巴氏罐诱法、震落法、高枝剪标准枝法对样地内昆虫群落进行系统的调查。【结果】共捕获昆虫样本5 204头,经鉴定分属10目77科250种,各生境均以双翅目和膜翅目为优势类群,但所占比例具有较大差异。各生境昆虫群落科级优势类群季节动态也表现出较大的差异。聚类分析表明4种生境昆虫群落归为2类,A、B生境归为一类,C、D生境归为一类。不同生境间昆虫群落物种多样性指数和均匀度指数大小均表现为C生境A生境B生境D生境,丰富度指数大小表现为样地B生境D生境A生境C生境,优势集中性指数大小表现为D生境B生境A生境C生境。时间序列上,B生境和D生境昆虫群落物种多样性指数与均匀度指数及丰富度指数均呈显著的正相关,但前者相关系数均显著大于后者。各生境昆虫群落中不同营养类群物种数均表现为植食性类群中性类群捕食性类群寄生性类群,但各生境中不同营养类群物种数所占比例具有明显差异。各生境昆虫群落相对稳定性为B生境C生境D生境A生境。主分量分析表明对昆虫群落变化起着主导作用的因子在各生境中具有较大差异。【结论】不同土壤条件下落叶松人工林各昆虫群落结构动态具有较大差异,昆虫群落物种多样性指数与丰富度指数正相关系数越大,群落稳定性越强,同时中性昆虫对昆虫群落相对稳定性起到显著的调控作用。4种生境中厚层埋藏暗棕壤落叶松人工林综合环境条件最适宜昆虫群落发生发展。  相似文献   

2018年4-11月,采用马氏网诱集法对上海市浦东新区的老港固废物综合利用基地防护林节肢动物多样性进行调查,并运用Simpson优势度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度指数、丰富度指数对不同功能团亚群落进行统计分析。结果表明,共采集到昆虫15 599头,分属于3纲17目133科,其中姬蜂科Ichneumqnidae数量最多,为2 515头,占所有昆虫种群的16.12%;不同功能团节肢动物群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数排序为:总群落>害虫亚群落>中性昆虫亚群落>寄生性昆虫亚群落>捕食性天敌亚群落;害虫亚群落的Simpson优势度指数、丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均高于天敌亚群落。以上研究结果说明该区域的天敌群落结构可能不如害虫亚群落稳定,因此,在日常养护中应注意对该区域天敌昆虫进行保护。  相似文献   

桉树人工林昆虫群落结构及其多样性初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对桉树人工林系统昆虫种类进行调查和鉴定,记录了桉树人工林昆虫种类共有16目63科106种.从群落物种数来看.鞘翅目的物种丰富度最高(20.56%);从物种的个体数量看,鳞翅目昆虫的数量最多(30.71%);桉树林昆虫总的群落多样性指数为1.3933,均匀性指数为0.9301,鞘翅目的群落多样性指数(0.2937)和均匀性指数(0.2108)都最大.文中就昆虫群落多样性与稳定性的关系以及如何抑制害虫发生等问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

对人心果引种后吸汁昆虫群落建立及多样性进行了初步探索.结果表明:广西南宁市及郊区人心果吸汁昆虫群落有3目15科21种,其中同翅目最多,有11科17种,在引种初期春季3月份,吸汁昆虫群落的丰富度较低,为9种,随着时间推移,群落的丰富度发生变化,从6月到8月中旬为群落重建阶段,有较多吸汁昆虫物种迁入,吸汁昆虫群落的丰富度为16种,秋季10月下旬下降为13,200 d内人心果吸汁昆虫多样性指数随时间增加,从建群初期的0.191 8上升到1.636 8;主要吸汁害虫有红蜡蚧Ceroplastes rubens Maskell、褐蜡软蚧Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus 2种.  相似文献   

马尾松林昆虫九落动态及稳定性研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
张真  吴东亮 《林业科学》1998,34(1):65-72
通过对松毛虫一个暴发周期中不同发生类型区内松林林冠层昆虫群落的多样性及其动态分析结果表明,群落平均多样性特别是潜伏期多样性越大,群落越稳定,食叶类群多样性对整个群落的多样性和稳定性起重要的作用。捕食类群对刺吸类群控制作用较大。而寄生类群对食叶类群的控制作用较大。中性昆虫在群落中 定的作用。松毛虫不同发生阶段中,上升阶段多样性最大如此时多样性足够大,可有效地抑制松毛虫的暴发,否则松毛虫将在竞争中占优  相似文献   

冬季对皖南马尾松林昆虫、蜘蛛和虫生真菌群落垂直分层的系统调查表明,物种数依次为植食类、蜘蛛类、寄生类、捕食类、虫生真菌类,个体数依次为植食类、寄生类、蜘蛛类、捕食类、罹病虫尸数。植食类占总物种数46.15%,占总个体数83.65%。益、害生物种数之比为1.1667∶1,个体数之比为0.1954∶1。乔木层中物种数及个体数最大,个体数占总个体数52.1%。土壤层中物种数及个体数均居第二,其中个体数占总个体数41.6%。枯枝落叶层和灌木草本层中物种及个体数均较少。虫生真菌主要分布在枯枝落叶层、乔木层和土壤层。总个体数在11月份较大,12月份最少,元月份最大。使马尾松毛虫种群带菌越冬有益于提高越冬期的罹病率。  相似文献   

采用典型取样的方法,对大亮子河国家森林公园臭冷杉-红松林和以白桦为主的阔叶混交林植被群落物种多样性进行了调查分析。结果表明,在臭冷杉-红松林8块样地内共有维管植物66种,隶属34科56属,阔叶混交林6块样地内共有维管植物77种,隶属33科62属。从不同群落类型同一植被层看,臭冷杉-红松林草本层物种丰富度指数小于阔叶混交林,两种群落类型乔木层和灌木层各物种多样性指数差异不明显;而草本层差异明显,阔叶混交林物种丰富度指数、Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数较高,仅臭冷杉-红松林的Pielou均匀度指数略高。从同一群落类型不同植被层看,两种群落类型的物种丰富度指数与Shannon-wiener多样性指数均表现为草本层乔木层灌木层;Simpson指数均为乔木层灌木层草本层;物种均匀度指数均表现为灌木层高于乔木层和草本层,其中臭冷杉-红松林草本层均匀度指数略高于乔木层,而阔叶混交林中正好相反。  相似文献   

在3月和4月,对用森得保粉剂防治油茶尺蛾的木荷林昆虫多样性进行了调查,结果表明:森得保粉剂虽对木荷防火林带林冠层昆虫群落多样性有一定的抑制,但其极大地降低木荷防火林带林冠层内植食性昆虫的数量,导致植食性昆虫在群落中的比例降低;而对捕食和寄生昆虫的数量影响不大,从而使捕食性和寄生性昆虫所占比例都有不同程度的上升。这对木荷防火林带林冠层昆虫群落的稳定性有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Identifying effective management operations for plantations is important for conservation of biodiversity in a plantation-dominated landscape. We tested whether pre-commercial thinning influenced community structures and could be an effective strategy for increasing diversity and abundance of plants and animals in plantations. We designated thinned and unthinned study stands in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantations and compared the communities of understory vegetation, bees, butterflies, hoverflies, and longhorn beetles 1 and 3 years after thinning. The analyses of vegetation showed that pre-commercial thinning affected community structure, but species richness and vegetation abundance were not significantly affected. Thinning affected insect community structure, and both species richness and abundance of all insect groups increased 1 year after thinning. However, 3 years after thinning, significant differences only remained in the species richness of bees and the abundance of bees, butterflies, and hoverflies. These results suggest that pre-commercial thinning in plantation stands influences the community structure of understory vegetation and can be an effective way to increase the diversity and abundance of some insect groups in the short term. However, the results also suggest that the duration of the operational effects of pre-commercial thinning varies among insect groups; thus, the variable effects of pre-commercial thinning should be carefully considered in the conservation-based management of plantation stands.  相似文献   

Bees and wasps provide important ecosystem services such as pollination and biocontrol in crop-dominated landscapes, but surprisingly little information is available on hymenopteran communities in temperate forest ecosystems. Species richness and abundance of bees and wasps can be hypothesised to increase with plant diversity, structural complexity, and availability of food and nesting resources. By experimentally exposing standardised nesting sites, we examined abundance and species richness of cavity-nesting bees (pollinators), wasps (predators) and their associated parasitoids across a tree diversity gradient in a temperate deciduous forest habitat. In addition, spatial distribution of individuals and species across forest strata (canopy vs. understory) was tested. Abundance and species richness was high for predatory wasps, but generally low for pollinators. Species-rich forest stands supported increased abundance, but not species richness, of pollinators and predatory wasps, and also increased abundance and species richness of natural enemies. In addition, the forests showed a distinct spatial stratification in that abundance of bees, wasps and parasitoids as well as parasitism rates were higher in the canopy than understory. We conclude that particularly the canopy in temperate forest stands can serve as an important habitat for predatory wasp species and natural enemies, but not bee pollinators. Enhanced tree diversity was related to increased hymenopteran abundance, which is likely to be linked to an increase in nesting and food resources in mixed forest stands.  相似文献   

A methodological approach to the identification of biodiversity indicators in commercial forest stands is illustrated by analysis of the relationships between syrphid (hoverflies) and carabid (ground beetles) community composition and diversity, and stand structure and field layer vegetation. Data were collected from 12 commercial forest sites encompassing a range of climatic conditions and different crop types (Scots pine, Sitka spruce, Norway spruce and Corsican pine) across the UK. Comparisons were also made between unmanaged semi-natural Scots pine woods and Scots pine plantations. For both syrphids and carabids, no differences in species richness and diversity were recorded between semi-natural stands and plantations; one rare syrphid considered to be restricted to semi-natural pine stands was also found in spruce. Syrphid species diversity and richness was higher in southern spruce sites than in the northern sites. Northern sites had distinctive carabid communities, as did sites in the New Forest, a large ancient woodland in southern England. Of the measured habitat variables, vertical stand structure showed the best correlation with species richness and diversity of both carabids and syrphids. Richness and diversity were less in stands with high vertical cover values for canopy layers. Stands with higher field layer cover supported greater syrphid diversity, but lower carabid diversity. Measures of stand structure could be used as potential indicators of syrphid and carabid diversity, but additional habitat parameters also need to be tested.  相似文献   

In the north Saxon lowlands (near Torgau), effects of conversion of pure pine stands (Pinus sylvestris L.) into mixed stands by planting deciduous trees [Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl] were investigated on parasitoid wasps as pest antagonists. The effects of planting deciduous trees in pine stands were investigated using the strategy of space-for-time substitution including advanced plantations of beech and oak of different age classes. Wasps were captured at 4-week intervals by ground photoeclectors (GPE, n=6, 1 m2) and flight-interception traps (FIT, n=8), placed in the tree crown layer during the vegetation period (April–October) of 2000. A total of 32,479 parasitoid wasps belonging to 30 families were caught in the traps. Fifty-nine percent of individuals were representatives of families relevant as antagonists of forest insect pests: Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, Pteromalidae, Eulophidae, Mymaridae, Trichogrammatidae, and Scelionidae. Compared to the pure pine stand, individual numbers of most families of parasitoid wasps were statistically significantly higher in mixed stands with deciduous trees. The clearest promoting effects of deciduous trees on parasitoid wasps were manifested in the oldest age classes of advanced beech and oak plantations. Oak exerted stronger effects than beech. This applied especially to the tree crown layer, the stratum with the highest spatial correlation between important phytophagous pine pests and relevant parasitoids. The increased structural diversity of the stands and the broader spectrum of potential hosts are regarded as key factors for the promoting effects of advanced plantings of deciduous trees in pine stands on the community of parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

Understory plants are important components of forests because they are responsible for the majority of the vascular plant diversity of forest ecosystems. The richness and composition of understory communities are closely related to the tree layer diversity, structure and composition. The aim of this study was to examine the understory diversity of Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe)-dominated forests on the Kazda?? Mountains of West Turkey. To describe the overstory structure and composition in a numerically and quantitatively well-defined manner, cumulative abundance profiles (CAPs) of the tree species were used. The resemblance of the sampling plots was classified into five stand types assessing the CAP through the Fuzzy C-Means clustering method. A permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) was performed to test the variance of the community ecological distance between the five stand types, and the results showed significant differences in these clusters. Many shade-tolerant plants were associated with the mixed stands of Anatolian black pine–Kazda?? fir. The composition of the herb and shrub layer could not be explained by the environmental variables but by differences in the overstory structure of the stands. Pure or nearly pure Anatolian Black pine stands were more diverse than mixed oak–Anatolian black pine and Kazda?? fir–Anatolian black pine stands. However, although dense and young pure Anatolian black pine stands had the most diverse plant species in the shrub layer, they were ranked third in terms of the herb layer diversity. The Anatolian black pine–Kazda?? fir mixed stands had the lowest herb and shrub layer diversity. These results allow us to comprehend the relationship between the overstory structure and composition, and the understory diversity. Understanding this relationship is important for the conservation of understory plant diversity in the management of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

不同强度间伐对长白山天然林林下植物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对吉林森工集团松江河林业局辖区内的阔叶红松林、杂木林和杨桦林采取30%~40%(T1)、20%(T2)株数强度的均匀间伐处理,以不间伐处理为对照(CK),对间伐2 a后林下植物木本、草本植物进行调查,采用Simpson、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数进行植物多样性分析,探讨不同强度间伐对3个林型林下植物多样性的影响。研究结果表明:T1间伐后3个林型的物种丰富度均有增加(杂木林木本植物例外),T2间伐后杨桦林木本植物丰富度降低,草本植物丰富度增加。两种间伐处理均增加阔叶红松林木本植物多样性,T1处理尤为明显。T1处理增加杂木林和杨桦林木本植物多样性,而T2间伐处理有较弱的降低作用。两种间伐处理均降低阔叶红松林和杂木林草本植物多样性,与强度无明显关系。随着间伐强度的增加杨桦林草本植物多样性增大。在长白山天然林中,较大间伐强度T1(30%~40%)能够有效提高植物多样性。  相似文献   

于2004--2005年对云南元谋干热河谷捕食性昆虫多样性进行调查,报道元谋干热河谷捕食性昆虫89种(含待定种10种),其中印度暗带螳为中国新记录,云南新记录有11种;步甲科种类最丰富,占所有捕食性昆虫种类的19.1%.元谋干热河谷9种生境捕食性昆虫群落多样性的排序为:桉树印楝林>多树种混交的人工林>印楝林>明油子--扭黄茅灌草丛>云南松林>桉树新银合欢林>桉树林>牛筋条一黄荆林>余甘子一明油子灌木林.许多人工植被与自然植被捕食性昆虫群落之间相似性较高,反映出人工种植的乔木尚不能影响植物群落发展.人工封育措施对桉树印楝林的多样性保护起到了积极作用;草本层和地被物不发达、地表裸露是制约捕食性昆虫群落多样性的主要因素.提出对分布较狭窄的自然植被及草本层不发达的人工植被进行优先保护和修复的建议.  相似文献   

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