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为揭示江苏“水稻-小龙虾”综合种养稻田杂草群落结构和农户杂草防控措施现状,对灌南、盐都、盱眙、高邮、广陵、溧阳、常熟等7个地方12个稻虾综合种养基地开展田间调查和农户访谈。结果表明,在120块稻虾田内共记录到25种杂草;稻虾轮作田禾本科杂草和千金子的优势度显著高于稻虾共生田。稻虾轮作稻田杂草以稗属杂草、杂草稻、千金子、李氏禾、异型莎草、水苋菜属杂草、鸭舌草为主;稻虾共生稻田杂草以杂草稻、稗属杂草、千金子、异型莎草为主。除有机栽培模式外,稻虾轮作稻田控草方式为“土壤处理+茎叶处理+人工拔除”,稻田杂草防控总用药和人工成本平均1 863.75元/hm2。稻虾共生稻田控草技术主要为“水层控草+龙虾控草+人工拔除”,部分稻田使用丙草胺、苄嘧磺隆等土壤处理除草剂,稻田杂草防控总成本平均907.50元/hm2。  相似文献   

国内外盛行轻型栽培,化除是成败关键。本研究针对麦套稻这一典型轻型稻作方式杂草发生特殊性,研制出可灭8叶左右高龄稗草、千金子的轻型稻田灭草剂,其防效90%左右,对出穗前后的超高龄稗草、千金子亦有显著抑制作用。轻型稻田灭草剂对粳稻安全期为分蘖始期至孕穗前。安全高效使用关键在于田间湿润无积水、均匀喷足药液量、隔天正常灌溉。  相似文献   

针对金衢地区水稻田间杂草危害严重、杂草资源不清的现状,对该地区9个县市区单季稻、晚稻田主要杂草发生种类、危害情况进行了调查。结果表明,金衢地区单季稻田主要杂草种类有9科18种,其中禾本科和莎草科杂草种类最多,均为5种;晚稻田杂草共调查到11科24种,稗属杂草和千金子是稻田重要禾本科杂草,莎草科杂草以异型莎草、水莎草、碎米莎草为主,阔叶杂草以鸭舌草、丁香蓼、陌上菜、节节菜为主。衢州地区禾本科杂草以千金子、光头稗居多,莎草科杂草则以异型莎草、水莎草、碎米莎草为主,阔叶杂草以鸭舌草、丁香蓼、节节菜为主。同时,与20年前杂草调查结果比较,明确了该地区稻田杂草群落演替规律。  相似文献   

轻型稻田高龄杂草化除药剂研究与推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外盛行轻型栽培,化除是成败关键。本研究针对麦套稻这一典型轻型稻作方式杂草发生特殊性,研制出可灭8叶左右高龄稗草、千了的轻型稻田灭草剂,其防效90%左右,对出穗前后的超高龄稗草、千金子亦有显著抑制作用。轻型稻田灭草剂对粳稻安全期为分蘖始期至孕穗前。安全高效使用关键在于田间湿润无积水,均匀喷足药液量、隔天正常灌溉。  相似文献   

江苏金坛水稻田杂草发生危害调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示江苏金坛稻麦轮作制水稻田杂草组成、发生等危害特点,于2014年10月调查不同区域、不同管理措施的90块水稻田。结果显示:金坛地区水稻田有12科21属23种杂草,其中外来入侵杂草2种;优势杂草种为鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)、水苋菜(Ammannia baccifera)、稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli)、千金子(Leptochloa chinensis)、陌上菜(Lindernia procumbens)、多花水苋(Ammannia multiflora)。  相似文献   

为探究免耕直播秸秆覆盖条件下稻田杂草发生规律及制定有效的防治策略,对湛江地区晚造免耕直播秸秆覆盖稻田杂草发生情况进行了调查分析。结果表明,稻田杂草共有8科15种,旱地杂草有向水田发展蔓延的趋势。秸秆覆盖对杂草萌发有一定的抑制作用,禾本科杂草呈单峰发生,莎草和阔叶草呈双峰发生。稻田杂草群落以莎草-禾本科杂草-阔叶草为主,以日照飘拂草相对多度最高;杂草空间分布上中下层分别为禾本科杂草、莎草-阔叶草、阔叶草;根据综合草害指数优势杂草为日照飘拂草、稗草和千金子,局部优势杂草为异型莎草和空心莲子草。还对稻田杂草发生的原因进行了探讨,并制定了相应的防治策略,以期最大限度减少杂草发生带来的产量损失。  相似文献   

水稻田在长期的耕作中 ,形成了一个伴随水稻生长的杂草群落 ,在人为措施的影响下 ,杂草群落在不断的变化 ,只有了解这些变化 ,才能正确指导灭草工作。1 稻田杂草群落的组成我们垦区稻田的杂草种类很多 ,对水稻危害较重。分布较普遍的有 8科 10多种 ,它们是 :稻稗、野稗、芦苇、草、三棱草、萤蔺、异型莎草、聚穗莎草、牛毛毡、眼子菜、鸭舌草、泽泻、野慈姑、蒲草、水绵、金鱼藻等。这些杂草在稻田中 ,以一种或数种同时混生组成群落 ,严重影响水稻的生长发育。2 垦区稻田杂草群落类型通过近年的调查分析 ,杂草群落的变化与水稻的种植年…  相似文献   

稻田杂草稻发生规律及控制技术探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2004~2006年在扬州定点追踪了直播稻、麦套稻、抛秧稻、手插秧等不同稻作方式的杂草稻发生动态,并配合大面积生产调查,研究杂草稻的发生特点及对水稻生产的危害。研究表明,杂草稻的发生和严重危害主要是由于水稻生产方式日益简化积累、种子混杂等原因造成的;杂草稻危害一般是直播稻〉麦套稻〉抛秧〉手插秧;水稻的不同发育阶段,杂草稻与栽培稻的形态特征具有明显的差别。根据杂草稻的发生特点及形态差异,提出了“切断种源,形态去杂”的控制思路。  相似文献   

湿润直播稻田杂草出苗动态与发生规律   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
 1996~1997年在浙江嘉兴调查了湿润直播稻田杂草出苗动态和发生规律,并比较了直播与移栽,早稻、单季晚稻与连作晚稻直播,翻耕与免耕直播间杂草发生差异。湿润直播稻田杂草以稗草、千金子、异型莎草、节节菜、陌上菜为主,其次有通泉草、丁香蓼、水芹。禾本科、莎草科和阔叶杂草种类数分别占25.0%、18.8%和56.2%,出苗数量分别占11.2%、11.6%和77.2%。单季晚稻直播田稗草、千金子发生重于其他直播田,直播田稗草和千金子数量明显高于移栽田。直播田杂草于播种后3~4 d陆续出苗,1~3周达到高峰。连作晚稻直播田播后6~8周出现明显的第二个出苗高峰。以阔叶杂草为绝对优势的翻耕直播田杂草发生重于免耕田。直播田杂草数量自然消长呈现与出苗动态相同的趋势。直播田杂草发生以稗草、千金子、丁香蓼较早,节节菜、陌上菜、通泉草次之,异型莎草和水芹较迟。稗草、千金子及其他几种主要杂草出苗高峰均呈单峰状态,而节节菜、陌上菜在连作晚稻直播田的出苗则为双峰。  相似文献   

直播稻作为轻型栽培技术 ,具有省工、节本、高产、高效优势 ,深受广大农户特别是种粮大户的欢迎 ,已成为浙江省水稻栽培的重要方式。2000年全省直播稻面积达21.6万hm2,占全省水稻播种面积的13.5 % ,其中直播单季晚稻14.0万hm2。由于直播稻播种量少 ,水稻苗期空间大 ,干湿交替时间长 ,田间杂草种子多 ,繁殖快 ,常常因发生草害而减产 ,甚至因草荒而绝收。大面积生产实践表明 ,直播稻田的草害问题一直是影响直播稻普及推广的主要障碍因子之一。一、杂草发生特点1 .杂草种类据海宁市新仓镇调查观测 ,直播单季晚稻田杂草…  相似文献   

In order to assess direct seeding of rice technology to cope with future agricultural labor shortage in Cambodia, agronomic experiments were conducted in 2005 and 2006 to compare direct seeding with transplanting under three water conditions (non-flooded, shallow flooded, and deep flooded conditions) with/without weed control by herbicides (bentazone and cyhalofop-butyl) for two Cambodian rice varieties (shorter stature and early maturity Sen Pidao, taller stature and longer maturity Phka Rumduol). Average rice yield in 2 years was lower in direct seeding (341 g m−2) than transplanting (404 g m−2), but interaction components with year, varieties, water conditions, and weed management were significant, and the attained maximum yield of direct seeding (510 and 464 g m−2 for Phka Rumduol variety in shallow flooded condition with weeding in 2005 and 2006, respectively) was similar to that of transplanting. Plant length and dry weight of rice were reduced in non-flooded and deep flooded conditions compared with shallow flooded condition, and grain yield was the highest in shallow flooded condition. Yield advantage of Phka Rumduol over Sen Pidao increased under direct seeding, particularly under non-flooded conditions in 2005 because weed infestation was more suppressed in Phka Rumduol even without weeding. Increase in 100 g m−2 of weed infestation prior to heading (dry weight basis) reduced about 20% of attainable yield with weed control. This study identified importance of stature and growth duration of rice varieties and presence of standing water as well as the weed control, in order to develop and extend direct seeding in the Cambodia.  相似文献   

Rice production in Pakistan is constraint by many factors pertaining to prevalent planting techniques. A research on the feasibility of new planting techniques (direct seeding on flat, transplanting on flat, direct seeding on ridges, transplanting on ridges and parachute planting) in transplanted and direct wet-seeded rice was undertaken at Dera Ismail Khan region of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province during 2002 and 2003. Among the planting techniques, the best performance for the yield formation and economic evaluation was noted for transplanting on flat during both years. Chinese parachute planting technology also showed very promising results in most of the parameters. Direct seeding on ridges could not excel transplanting on flat and parachute planting during both cropping seasons. The findings concluded the feasibility of parachute planting technology along with traditional rice transplanting on flat over all other planting techniques being practiced in the area.  相似文献   

水稻栽培方式的演变历史和发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻作为主要的粮食作物之一,其栽培方式经历了从直播到育苗移栽的历史演变。当前,水稻栽培方式主要有抛秧、直播和机插秧三种,它们各有其优缺点。从长远来看,实现机械化栽培是水稻发展的大趋势。  相似文献   

不同耕作和种植方式对稻田杂草及水稻产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用田间试验,研究了7种不同水稻耕作和种植方式[水田翻耕移栽(puddling transplanting,PT)、免耕移栽(no tillage transplanting,NTT)、水田翻耕滚筒湿播(puddling drum wet seeding,PDWS)、免耕滚筒湿播(no tillage drum wet seeding,NTDWS)、传统耕作旱穴播(conventional tillage dry drilling,CTDD)、沟垄灌溉旱穴播(furrow irrigated raised beds system dry drilling,FIRBSDD)和免耕旱穴播(no-tillage dry-drilling,NTDD)对稻田杂草和水稻产量的影响。结果表明,PT处理下水稻产量最高,杂草干物质量最低;与移栽相比,直播(direct seeded rice,DSR),包括旱直播和湿直播,杂草生长能力最强,且不管有无杂草均降低了水稻产量;直播处理因杂草使水稻减产91.4%~99.0%,而PT和NTT处理分别减产16.0%和42.0%;香附子、龙爪茅、长穗苋、珠子草和假海马齿等杂草种类在DSR处理中大量出现,但在PT处理中未出现。大田示范试验结果表明,普通水稻品种(HKR-47和IR-64)在DSR处理较PT处理减产达15.8%,但优质水稻品种(Sharbati和PB-1)在两处理间无明显差异。当前劳动力紧缺,人工插秧需要大量劳力,因此亟需开发好氧栽培(如免耕直播和机插)模式下的适宜水稻品种及其相关配套农业机械及技术。  相似文献   

瑞泽金水灵55%干悬浮剂80g/667m2(毒砂、肥)均匀撒施于插秧缓苗后,稗草2叶期前施药,可有效地防除稻田中的稗草、扁秆藨草、慈菇、雨久花、鸭舌草、异型莎草、碎米莎草等禾本科、阔叶及种子繁殖的莎草科杂草。防效达90%左右,是目前较理想的水稻田一次性除草剂。  相似文献   

水稻机插秧田间杂草发生规律及防控研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伟政  李平  陆永良 《作物研究》2014,(1):54-56,70
机插秧水稻大面积推广的关键障碍因子之一是杂草防控,其防控技术与普通移栽稻有所不同。为了真实了解田间杂草发生规律,指导农户科学防控,笔者在洞庭湖双季稻区,运用田间试验的方式,安排了4种不同化学除草剂组合防控杂草的试验。通过观察记载田间杂草的数量和种类变化,初步分析了机插秧条件下杂草发生的规律;通过计算不同处理的防效,分析出各处理的防除效果,总体看来都能达到一定的防控目的,可在生产上推广应用。  相似文献   

绥化市大豆田主要杂草发生及防除对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江延朝 《大豆科技》2007,(4):8-9,38
采用路线踏查与定点观察相结合方法对绥化市大豆田主要杂草种类及发生规律进行调查,并在此基础上对杂草的防除技术进行研究,结果显示:绥化市大豆田杂草共有15科24种,并且杂草发生期集中,高峰期的出草量占总出草量的85%左右.化学防除技术研究显示土壤封闭、茎叶处理所用不同除草剂单混效果不同.并对化学除草的注意事项进行说明,应根据气候条件、土壤墒情、大豆发育进度、杂草大小等灵活运用防除对策.  相似文献   

Large within-field variation in rice growth often causes production loss in broadcast-seeded (BC) rainfed lowland rice. The spatial variability of direct-seeded rainfed lowland rice was evaluated in 2004, 2005, and 2007 in on-station experiments at Ubon Ratchathani, northeast Thailand, in relation to soil water content and weed infestation, by adopting semivariogram and block kriging, including comparisons among BC with harrowing (BCH; no weeding), BC with no harrowing (BCNH; no weeding), and row-seeded (RS; interrow weeding once) fields. BCH and BCNH were also compared in 11 farmers’ fields in 2006 and 2007, to assess the effect of harrowing on rice growth and weed infestation. During most of the rice growing periods, flooded and non-flooded portions existed simultaneously in the fields, with different proportions among years and among seeding methods in the on-station experiment. BCH and BCNH rice had large within-field variation in seedling density, heading date, shoot dry matter, grain yield, harvest index, panicle density, and filled spikelet per panicle, as well as in weed infestation, measured by a quick visual estimation. Many of the measured variables (except mean soil water content in RS in 2007, seedling density in BCH in 2005 and 2007, shoot dry matter in BCH and BCNH in 2007, and panicle density in BCH in 2007) were spatially dependent (i.e., data from nearby locations were most similar) by geostatistical analysis. Analysis of correlations using the 420 data sets of BCH plots in 2005 and BCH, BCNH, and RS plots in 2007 revealed a positive correlation between soil water content and grain yield and negative correlations between weed infestation and soil water content and grain yield. Compared with BCH, in 2007 BCNH had much lower grain yield because of lower soil water content after establishment and more weed infestation. BCH had higher grain yield than BCNH in weedy fields in the farmers’ fields experiment. RS with interrow weeding resulted in a smaller coefficient of variation, smaller sill value, and higher grain yield than BCH, due to less weed infestation and a higher proportion of flooded water. These results indicated that reducing the spatial variability in rice growth requires careful field preparation, such as harrowing to level the soil surface and to reduce the uneven distribution of standing water and the variability in soil water content, combined with effective crop and weed management (i.e., harrowing and row-seeding). This is the first study that examined spatial variability in the growth of direct-seeded rice as a function of soil water content and weed infestation in a rainfed lowland environment.  相似文献   

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