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胡玉君  周丹 《中国农学通报》2010,26(23):455-458
外受西方工业文明冲击,内受传统观念制约,加之缺乏有效保护手段和措施,寒地黑土非物质文化遗产保护中存在的问题日益凸显。地方大学发挥自身多重优势,以教育传承为途径,将非遗保护融入大学的教育教学、科学研究和服务地方社会发展中来,逐步形成独具特色的寒地黑土非遗保护的新模式。  相似文献   

为了实现绥化市寒地黑土非物质文化遗产资源的可持续发展,提升非物质文化遗产旅游资源的综合竞争力,尝试构建非物质文化遗产保护性旅游开发工作框架的设想,探索适合其自身特点的开发与保护模式。应用昂普(RMP)分析模式,从绥化市寒地黑土非物质文化遗产的资源、市场、产品3个方面,对绥化市旅游进行系统的评价分析,为绥化市非物质文化遗产的旅游开发提出了一系列的发展模式,如保护第一、培养非遗后继人才、整合文化资源、突出文化特色、策划绥化非物质文化遗产精品旅游线路等。  相似文献   

传统的历史遗产保护方法在信息处理和管理等方面具有较大的局限性。以世界遗产保护和管理机制发展为目标,通过国内外成功的案例解析遗产资源调查和信息整合GIS数据库的构建过程。分别阐述了GIS在文化遗产保护、区域文化与自然遗产保护、风景园林遗产保护等方面的实践应用情况。指出国内遗产保护领域应当多借助新的思维方式和研究方法,将GIS与其它数字化技术综合运用到遗产保护管理研究,今后尤其需要加强遗产价值和遗产文献资料保存、GIS系统检测等方面的研究。研究结果表明,信息处理、编写遗产文件、绘制专题地图是动态GIS数据库建设过程中的核心环节,可以有效挖掘历史城市突出的遗产价值,并有助于管理部门制定不同城市遗产文献保护和管理战略,从而为中国未来遗产保护和可持续发展提供可借鉴的创新思路。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市文化景观遗产的保护与开发研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
叙述了文化景观、文化景观遗产的概念和类别,并将哈尔滨市文化景观遗产分类。经过实地考察与大量的资料查阅,发现了遗产保护中存在的问题,并提出了遗产保护的对策,同时得出了由“点”到“面”的整体性保护、节制性的开发、品牌化、市民为主,政府协力和文化景观遗产申报5种保护模式,希望能对哈尔滨市文化景观遗产的保护与合理开发产生一定的指导意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

Under the violent impact of the social transformation period,traditional cultural heritage faces a great crisis of protection,inheritance and development.In the context of collapse of basic structure of traditional rural society,the protection of traditional cultural heritage becomes an important task in the new period.Although both the state and the society attach great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage,it still faces a huge crisis of disappearance.In the system,this is because cultural elite list system and intangible cultural heritage protection system are confronted with many practical problems.The cultural elite of the rural society,as main group of intangible culture inheritance,is always ignored and this has become a hidden trouble for cultural heritage protection.In this situation,it is recommended to constantly restore excellent cultural ecological environment,improve the supporting facilities of the intangible cultural protection system,cultivate cultural elites of rural areas at the level of endogenous driving force,improve the rural centripetal force centering on cultural elites,restore its functions in transmitting culture and guiding value in rural society,and rebuild the folk cultural elite regeneration mechanism,so as to real y push the intangible cultural heritage protection towards the sustainable development of inheritance.  相似文献   

Classical garden as a kind of comprehensive art embodies a nation's culture and spirit, and culture has a direct impact on the style of classical gardens in the same period. Traditional Chinese and Korean gardens have intimate connection with each other and have their own unique systems. Also it is no exception in culture, that is, similar traditional cultures have different manifestations in their respective classical gardens. This study analyzes different manifestations of yin and yang and Five Elements Theory, thought of immortals and Confucianism in classical gardens of China and Korea.  相似文献   

In the past decades of industrialization and urbanization,a plenty of Chinese villages have passed out of existence.The amount of the existing ancient villages in China only accounts for 1.9% of the amount of Chinese administrative villages.Chinese traditional villages include tangible cultural heritage like traditional residential architecture and cultural relics,as well as intangible cultural heritage like folk customs and handcraft,which are of extremely important values and demand proper conservation immediately."Rural Memory Project" is not only a carrier project of "memorizing nostalgia" and "retaining passion for home",but also the original protection project of tangible cultural heritage like rural historic streets and traditional resident courtyard,as well as intangible cultural heritage like production and living customs.At present,"Rural Memory" Project launched by Shandong province was primarily funded by the government sectors whose investment was far from sufficient for the great appetite of the project,thus massive social capital has to be absorbed to ensure a sustainable implementation of the project.Featured with low threshold,strong inclusivity and stable mass basis,crowdfunding which could adapt to the characteristics of the current "Rural Memory" Project is regarded as a feasible fund-raising channel.In the exploration of crowdfunding mode,the authorities could focus on establishing a specialized crowdfunding platform for Rural Memory Project,select proper crowdfunding mode according to the characteristics of the project,adhere to the macro orientation and policy of the government,and commit themselves to dissolving the institutional constraints in crowdfunding.  相似文献   

Ecological garden views were adopted to re-explore benefits of garden landscaping, co-prosperity of man and tree was applied to study application modes of plants in ecological gardens. Green spaces in ecological gardens should be evenly and reasonably distributed, actual conditions of the planning site respected, outstanding styles and diversified plant furnishings defined. Three layouts of ecological gardens and the future development trend of modern ecological gardens were introduced.  相似文献   

徽州古村落农业文化遗产活态保护模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱生东  赵蕾 《中国农学通报》2014,30(11):315-320
作为一种新兴的世界遗产类型,农业文化遗产的保护迫在眉睫,但具体的保护方法却极其匮乏。古徽州地区是文化遗产资源的富集区,具有文化遗产保护的优良传统,积累了丰富的遗产保护经验。徽州古村落是中国传统村落的典型代表,蕴含着极其丰富的农业文化遗产,并具有地域文化底蕴深厚、遗产资源内涵丰富、遗产品味等级高等优势。借鉴徽州文化遗产保护的经验,可以从保护遗产的文化生态空间、做好遗产的修复复活、加强遗产的活态传承、挖掘文化遗产的现代价值等方面来探索农业文化遗产的活态保护,这是非常必要而现实的。  相似文献   

太原市晋源区历史园林保护利用现状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张利香 《中国农学通报》2010,26(19):184-189
太原市是历史文化名城,其中晋源区是太原市内历史风貌保存最完好、自然景观与人文景观资源最为丰富的历史园林群。采用实地调查、实例分析等方法,介绍晋源区概况;对历史文化遗产进行了调查统计;以晋祠、晋阳古城遗址、天龙山等历史园林为例,从环境因素、人为因素、整体景观与局部景观的协调性、历史园林与现代景观的协调性等方面,对该区历史园林的保护和利用现状及现存问题进行调查分析;并针对所存在的问题提出相应的修复、改善措施。指出各类历史园林都应注重保护其历史原真性和完整性,协调好保护与利用的关系。对于已经逐步转化为城市公共空间的历史公共园林,在确保原有历史风貌的基础上,通过景观设计的方式对其进行科学、合理地开发,将历史园林更好地与现代景观融合。  相似文献   

论文旨在通过自然观念与文化表现形式的关系,探索农业文化遗产的动态保护和适应性管理策略。文章以彝族树木观念与文化表现关系的揭示,对彝族树文化的现代价值及其文化传承与发展进行了探索。研究表明,彝族树木观念作为文化的内核反映了彝族对其生存环境的重大关切,影响着彝族树文化的表现形式。由于彝族树文化具有的生态与经济价值,实现民族地区的可持续发展,需要在彝族树木自然观的指导下,以现代元素重构以“树”为表征的文化表现形式。发挥传统自然观念对民族生态环境的作用,不仅为农业文化遗产的整体性保护提供了纲领和思路,也为农业文化遗产的现代适应提供了可以遵循的规范和原则。  相似文献   

中国传统稻鱼共生系统的历史分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是历史上最早进行稻田养鱼的国家,这种传统的生态农业方式既充分、合理地利用水土资源,又能增产粮食和水产品,具有显著的经济、社会和生态效益,因而被传承下来,并在稻作区广泛传播,成为极富生命力的农业文化遗产,对当今农业生产中生物多样性的利用富有启发意义。这一历史传统的形成和发展,与自然资源、经济发展状况、生态环境条件和文化传统密不可分。今天传统稻鱼生产方式正面临诸多亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

为了解槟榔江水牛养殖系统动态保护状况,更好地传承中国重要农业文化遗产,发挥其在农业生产中的重要作用,运用文献研究和实地调查相结合的方法,分析槟榔江水牛养殖系统动态保护现状。结果表明:通过品种保护、扩繁与利用,水牛代养模式,水牛奶乳制品特色产业的开发,槟榔江水牛养殖系统动态保护取得了一定成效,但仍存在水牛生存面临威胁、公众对农业文化遗产保护参与度不高、相关产业融合发展不够等问题,一定程度上影响了槟榔江水牛养殖系统的动态保护。据此提出加强槟榔江水牛养殖系统动态保护的相关建议:完善农业文化遗产保护政策措施,制定保护战略规划;加强对农业文化遗产的宣传普及,建立多方参与机制;实施多功能产业发展,建立农业多功能拓展的动态保护机制;构建利益共享机制,确保农民利益实现。  相似文献   

韦妮妮 《中国农学通报》2019,35(14):151-156
在韩国的农业文化遗产保护性工作中,其政策扶持体系扮演着至关重要的角色,责任清晰的属地管理、农业文化遗产的动态保护与多功能利用等机制对广西加强农业文化遗产保护和开发有着重要的借鉴意义。文章介绍了韩国重要农业和渔业遗产系统实践并总结吸取其有益经验,同时分析了广西民族地区农业文化遗产发展现状,重点从完善保护机制、合理划分责任(政府、社会、个人责任)、强调活态的文化遗产保护等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

Resource environment of traditional villages is an important historical and cultural heritage of China. It deserves protection but currently is faced with severe destruction resulting from unsuccessful village planning or implementation. In this paper, problems existing in the planning of traditional villages are analyzed, and countermeasures for environmental protection and planning as well as proposals for implementation are put forward.  相似文献   

Urbanization is an inevitable trend of the development of human civilization. In the process of urbanization, human have learned lessons from protecting and inheriting cultural heritage or damaging and destroying it, and also accumulated precious experience, fi nally formed a reasonable path to harmoniously deal with the relationship between urbanization and cultural heritage protection. Besides, the accomplishment has been incorporated into the cause of the symbiosis of cultural diversity and the construction of harmonious cities. China's contemporary urbanization has been developing rapidly, thus its cultural heritage protection is facing severe challenges. However, the relationship between urbanization and cultural heritage protection is not completely confl icting. Coordinative development between the two is increasingly becoming a social consensus. The win-win result of China's urbanization and cultural heritage protection will make its own contribution to the progress of world's urbanization and cultural heritage protection.  相似文献   

The calligraphy art as China traditional essence and the traditional garden art as a unique style in the architecture history of the world, both of them are synthetic arts and tend to be closely combined with other category of arts. In more or less degree, they take advantages of other arts for reference or use these advantages for enriching their own contents and strengthening their artistic appeal. In this paper, the relationship between the calligraphy and the garden art is analyzed. At the same time, the cultural origins and artistic thoughts of the Chinese garden (Suzhou garden as example) and the calligraphy are studied to search the common regulation and find the deep cultural contents, then the connection between them is revealed. At last, it is hoped, that the research will give some enlightening to inheritance and development of the traditional garden culture.  相似文献   

As a famous historical and cultural city of China, and one of the ecological conservation experimental plots of Huizhou culture, Likeng owns many cultural units under state and local protection. The paper elaborated the significance and principles of protecting ancient buildings in Likeng, analyzed the restoration principles and technical schemes. Through analyzing the protection of ancient buildings in Likeng, the rationality of protection, and the balance between protection and development was proposed, and protection of the projects in the national historic and cultural heritage list, cultural relics protection units at all levels, famous historic and cultural cities was introduced.  相似文献   

Urban historical and cultural heritage has been gradually formed in the long history, it is a witness of the city development history and a realistic carrier of the local civilization. However, protection of urban cultural heritage has been long neglected, with the rapid economic development and urbanization process, a lot of urban cultural heritage that bears important historical and cultural value had gone forever. Ancient cultural remains(ACRs) are an important type of urban cultural heritages, the renaissance of ACRs means the revival of the whole city, how to make ACRs in gradual decline state to be protected with proper planning and renewed vigor has great signifi cance to the urban development. Taking protection and development planning and design of ACRs in Mountain Haoli and its surroundings for example, this study put forward the objectives and principles of ACRs protection and development, extending and deepening the protection methods and renewal strategies, so as to achieve overall cultural, economic and spatial revival of urban ACRs, and sustainable development of ACRs.  相似文献   

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