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陕西三北华农种业有限公司是由“三北种业有限公司”与“西安华农种业有限公司”重组,以杂交油菜、玉米等种子开发营销为主的种业公司。公司控股公司“三北种业有限公司”是经国家工商总局核准命名的大型种业企业,2003年“中国种业五十强”企业第12名。总部位于北京海淀高技术园区。年种子产销量在5000万千克左右,在全国26个省市区建有1—2级营销网点15000多家。  相似文献   

种业竞争现在已趋白热化,只有向农民提供货真价实的产品和先进的种植技术,帮助农民增产增收才能被市场认可和接受.说到底,现在的种业竞争其实就是质量和服务的竞争. 三北种业有限公司专门成立了技术推广服务部,他们的技术人员走乡镇和农村的田间地头,很多农民朋友说:"三北种业不单单卖的是种子,做的更多的是无偿向我们传授先进的高产栽培技术."  相似文献   

风雨沧桑,三北种业伴着时代的巨轮与我们赖以生存的蓝色星球同步迎来了新世纪的第一抹春光.三北种业经历了从简单僵硬的生产形成了公司加农户加经营单位的生产经营格局;从简单引进品种到形成了自己雄厚的科研力量;从简单的销售到形成三北种业销售网络整体;从传统的单位管理体制到引进先进的管理模式形成现代企业管理体制;从单纯的经济行为到形成了良好的企业文化的历程.  相似文献   

1998年,火红的盛夏迎来了必将载入中国种业史册的日子。7月2日,透过数年沉闷与灰暗,三北种业如一缕曙光诞生在北方的边陲小镇。那时的三北就注定要成为种业最吸引眼球的亮点,从10年前60万元注册资本到今天的宏伟的三北大厦;从2000年顺利进入中国种业百强,到2003年在中国种业五十强中名列前茅;从2004年控股陕西华农到2005年成功收购种业五十强的新疆华西:  相似文献   

张雪君 《中国种业》2007,(10):31-31
1998年.火红的盛夏迎来了必将载入中国种业史册的日子。7月2日,透过数年沉闷与灰暗.三北种业如一缕曙光诞生在北方的边陲小镇。那时的三北就注定要成为种业最吸引眼球的亮点。从10年前60万元注册资本到今天的宏伟的三北大厦;从2000年顺利进入中国种业百强.到2003年在中国种业五十强中名列前茅;从2004年控股陕西华农到2005年成功收购种业五十强的新疆华西;从2003年引进风险投资到2007年与国际接轨……  相似文献   

<正>河南省秋乐种业科技股份有限公司河南秋乐种业科技股份有限公司是以河南省农业高新技术集团为第一大股东。联合河南省有实力的农业科研单位、仓侧交公司及公司高管共同出资组建的育繁推一体化集团型种子公司,公司下属有甘肃秋乐种业有限公司、河南金娃娃种业有限公司、河南维特种子科技有限公司、河南豫研种子科技有限公司和河南秋乐种业科学研究院有限公司等五个全资子公司,5个分公司和15个办事处。公司注册资本1.3086亿元。公司是农业部首批颁证的河南省唯一一家育繁推一体化企业,中国种业AAA信用企业。2006年被认定为中国种业50M,2009年被认定为中国种业骨干  相似文献   

<正>河南省秋乐种业科技股份有限公司河南秋乐种业科技股份有限公司是以河南省农业高新技术集团为第一大股东,联合河南省有实力的农业科研单位,创投公司及公司高管共同出资组建的育繁推一体化集团型种子公司。公司下属有甘肃秋乐种业有限公司,河南金娃娃种业有限公司、河南维特种子科技有限公司、河南豫研种子科技有限公司和河南秋乐种业科学研究院有限公司等五个全资子公司,5个分公司和15个办事处。公司  相似文献   

<正>河南省秋乐种业科技股份有限公司河南秋乐种业科技股份有限公司是以河南省农业高新技术集团为第一大股东,联合河南省有实力的农业科研单位、创投公司及公司高管共同出资组建的育繁推一体化集团型种子公司。公司下属有甘肃秋乐种业有限公司、河南金娃娃种业有限公司、河南维特种子科技有限公司、河南豫研种子科技有限公司和河南秋乐种业科学研究院有限公司等五个全资子公司、5个分公司和15个办事处。公司  相似文献   

<正>河南省秋乐种业科技股份有限公司河南秋乐种业科技股份有限公司是以河南省农业高新技术集团为第一大股东,联合河南省有实力的农业科研单位、创投公司及公司高管共同出资组建的育繁推一体化集团型种子公司。公司下属有甘肃秋乐种业有限公司、河南金娃娃种业有限公司、河南维特种子科技有限公司、河南豫研种子科技有限公司和河南秋乐种业科学研究院有限公司等五个全资子公司、5个分公司和15个办事处。公司  相似文献   

正河南省秋乐种业科技股份有限公司河南秋乐种业科技股份有限公司是以河南省农业高新技术集团为第一大股东,联合河南省有实力的农业科研单位、创投公司及公司高管共同出资组建的育繁推一体化集团型种子公司。公司下属有甘肃秋乐种业有限公司、河南金娃娃种业有限公司、河南维特种子科技有限公司、河南豫研种子科技有限公司和河南秋乐种业科学研究院有限公司等五个全资子公司、5个分公司和15个办事处。公司注册资本1.3086亿元。  相似文献   

Abstract: Jharkhand is at the centre of India's struggles to define ‘the environment’ and ‘economically relevant natural resources’. Although cultural labels are applied by leaders who seek influence in these struggles as well as by many of those people who listen, an ethnonational analytic frame does not help answer the questions: How, why and when has the political idea of environment changed in India? When and why has the Jharkhand movement chosen violent tactics? When and why has the Jharkhand statehood movement realised electoral success? Or, why was Jharkhand state formed? To address such questions, a long range historical‐institutional approach is much more fruitful.  相似文献   

Abstract: West Kalimantan (West Borneo) has a history of violent communal conflict.1 It also has extensive forests that have been looted for decades. The argument will be that these two are linked, but not by the grievances of the forest dwellers. Except in its first few days, the two main episodes of 1997 and 1999 were not driven mainly by grievances among marginal groups. Rather, explanations based on the ‘resource curse’ carry more weight. These focus attention on the contested nature of the state, rather than on rebellious activities of marginal groups. When state institutions were thrown into disarray by the sudden resignation of President Suharto in 1998, Dayak militants already close to state power rewrote the rules of local politics by demonstratively ‘cleansing’ certain areas of an unpopular immigrant minority. This theatrical manoeuvre impressed political rivals sufficiently to allow Dayaks to gain control over several timber‐rich districts, which had a thriving black economy. Malays later imitated these techniques to stem the tide.  相似文献   

不同蔬菜对重金属汞、铬、砷、镉、铅积累效应的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了对辽宁省葫芦岛龙岗区蔬菜生产基地蔬菜生产结构的调整提供科学的参考,采用原子吸收的方法,对该生产基地的土壤与蔬菜中重金属(Hg、Cr、As、Cd、Pb)的含量进行检测。结果表明:该蔬菜基地土壤中Hg的含量平均为0.42 mg/kg,Cr的含量平均为52.20 mg/kg,As的含量平均为34.92 mg/kg,Cd的平均含量为0.93 mg/kg,Pb的含量平均为98.49 mg/kg,说明该地区的土壤中重金属含量基本符合农业生产的要求;该蔬菜基地蔬菜中Hg的含量平均为0.92 μg/kg,Cr的含量平均为120.09 μg/kg,As的含量平均为13.80 μg/kg,Pb的含量平均为94.17 μg/kg,Cd的平均含量为15.65 μg/kg,并且所测定的蔬菜样本中甘蓝在5种重金属的含量上均比其他蔬菜的含量高,但也能符合国家卫生标准。此实验可为该蔬菜区蔬菜生产结构的调整提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Today rapidly growing economies depend more on the creation, acquisition, distribution, and use of knowledge. As such, strategies for enhancing research and innovation capabilities have come to occupy a more important position in many developing nations, including China. Already the leading production center, and often seen as China's economic locomotive, Shanghai is striving aggressively to retain its national preeminence and has launched concerted efforts to increase local innovative output. The primary purpose of this paper is to understand how state‐led efforts have fared in promoting technology innovation. By situating the city in the national and global context, the paper shows that Shanghai has gained a substantial lead in developing an innovation environment with extensive global linkages and leading research institutions. Recent efforts in building up the research and innovation capacity of the enterprise sector have begun to show progress. Although firms are enthusiastic about its future as an innovation center, Shanghai continues to face challenges of inadequate protection of intellectual property, lack of venture capital investment, and the tightening supply of highly qualified knowledge workers.  相似文献   

Abstract: Many in Thailand have begun to worry about the future, when a new monarch will reign. There is fear that without the wise use of informal royal influence, Thailand may not be able to resolve future crises without major conflict. There have thus been attempts to re‐engineer the political system to increase stability, at the expense of democracy and participation. Yet, of the many achievements of King Bhumibol, perhaps the most overlooked has been his strengthening of the institutions of the monarchy. In this article, I will argue that the institutions of the monarchy have been greatly strengthened in the last four decades. Although the current monarch came to the throne with little institutional support, any future monarch will come to the throne with the assistance of large numbers of personnel, a stable budget and a council of powerful and experienced advisors. The informal role of the monarch in supporting democracy has also been shared, to some degree, with a larger and more influential privy council, and especially with its president. Consequently, future monarchical succession should see considerable continuity and stability. Such preparations make the sacrifice of democracy in pursuit of stability unnecessary and unfortunate.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper considers the convergence of immigration/globalisation and education in New Zealand. The issues of immigrant students at Epsom Normal Primary School were raised nationally in 1995, and this incident serves as a useful departure point to consider some of the challenges involved in bridging the gap between immigration and education. Educational immigration is a notion used by Belich (2001) amongst others, to suggest that immigrants arrive in New Zealand in order to bypass full cost fees paid by international students. This notion, while useful, is challenged. Research undertaken in North Shore City as well as official immigration figures show the complexities of the issue: immigrant communities may be indirect recruiters of these students, but there are also an increasing number of international students becoming permanent residents. Either way, education providers face particular challenges with migrant students, not only in terms of English language abilities, but also in the lack of financial incentive migrant students give to an education provider relative to international students’ contributions. These micro issues are placed in perspective when returning to considering the transient nature of many young migrants exploring opportunities in a globalised world.  相似文献   

Acid soils containing high levels of aluminum (Al) are known to severely limit plant growth on over 1.6 billion hectares worldwide. In the United States, a gradual decline in the pH of many soils both in the Great Plains as well as the Southeast, has caused many soils to become high in levels of free Al. This worldwide condition encouraged the analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.), triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), and rye (Secale cereale L.) germplasm from one of the major acid soil regions of the world (Brazil) in order to evaluate and compare the genetic potential of Al genes for cereal improvement. The objectives were to compare Al-tolerance levels in wheats, triticales, and ryes by measuring root elongation responses in Al-containing hydroponic nutrient solutions. Root elongation was impaired for all species grown in 1 mg/L concentrations of Al. Rye had the longest root regrowth and Al-sensitive wheats had the shortest root regrowth. The triticales containing a 2D(2R) substitution developed in the mid-1970s had the poorest root regrowth of all triticale types. The newly developed advanced triticale lines (AABBRR) yet to be released for commercial production showed the highest degree of Al tolerance of all the triticale types and approached or exceeded the levels observed in rye. This indicated that progress is being made in improving Al-tolerance of triticale in Brazil. Of all the old and new wheat varieties showing the highest degree of Al-tolerance, none of them were better than ‘BH 1146’ a variety that is at least 50 years old. This indicated that over the past 50 years, although Brazilian wheat breeders have made yield improvements in wheat production, they have not improved Al-tolerance. Rye showed a higher degree of Al-tolerance than the other cereals when tested in 1 mg/L of Al, but as expected, some variation was noted. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

With the advancement of urban-rural integration, township waterfront functioning as urban waterfront is increasingly emphasized by people. Township waterfront is expected to not only meet the basic needs of urban waterfront in landscape, but also give consideration to both leisure tourism and ecological protection. This paper analyzes the existing problems in the revetment design on the township waterfront and elaborates the importance and feasibility of constructing the ecological revetment in the traditional townships as well as design procedures. The concept of ecological design is introduced into the revetment design on the township waterfront to meet the requirements of both man and nature, so as to achieve a harmonious coexistence between man and nature and sustainable development in a real sense.  相似文献   

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