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本文应用数统计方法对构成板栗产量的主要性状进行了量化分析,结果表明结果母枝粗度、结果枝数量和平均每结果结苞数是构成板栗产量的重要因子,为板栗科学管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

板栗空苞就是栗棚中没有果实,又叫“哑巴栗子”。进入6月份,为板栗开花座果期。生产上可采取以下四条措施来防止板栗空苞现象:一、疏花疏果此项工作宜早进行,在7月中旬果实形成之前完成。保留结果枝下部先长出来的大花、好花,疏除后长出来的小花、劣花,一般每结果枝上保留1~3个雌花。当幼棚长到黄豆粒大小时,用疏果剪取舍。30厘米以上果枝,可留棚2~3个;20~30厘米果枝留1~2个;生长弱的果枝则留1个棚。树冠外围多留、内膛少留。二、人工授粉栗树雄花比雌花多1000倍,且开放时间提前8~10天。这对人工授粉极为有利。采集多品种的雄花序做成…  相似文献   

板栗新品种‘短花云丰’   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
‘短花云丰’是实生芽变选育的板栗新品种,属于中国栗华北品种群,坚果均重8.2 g,总糖20.5%,淀粉31.10%,蛋白质5.7%,脂肪0.25%。该品种的雄花序短小,均长2.07 cm,仅为正常花序的1/8,结果母枝平均抽生结果枝3.26个,结果枝平均结总苞1.58个,总苞平均含坚果2.6粒,出实率39.1%,是适于山地及瘠薄地区栽培的优良品种。  相似文献   

实生板栗幼树从定值后第3年开始地径和树高生长超过嫁接苗。平均地径、树高和冠幅以永仁实生板栗最大。实生板栗早实性仅表现在形成雄花序和雌花簇,定值后第4年所有实生板栗幼树所结的球苞均为空苞,并以永仁实生板栗平均单株球苞数量多。达到104.6个。  相似文献   

粘底板板栗是安徽舒城绿化公社常院一带的主栽品种,因其总苞内茸层较厚,坚果底座大而深嵌在总苞内,以致坚果成熟后总苞开裂,坚果不落;即使过熟(总苞落地)坚果仍附着于总苞内不掉,所以被当地群众称之为“粘底板”。粘底板幼树较直立,结果大树树形开张呈半圆形或圆头形。主干褐色,有灰白斑,枝条粗壮,黄褐色,芽大。新梢密被黄色茸毛,老熟枝条只有顶部有茸毛。叶片中等大小,为披针状椭圆形,先端渐尖,基部楔形。幼叶背面密被白色长茸毛,叶面沿叶脉有白色短茸毛,叶色深绿,叶面皱,具光泽。混合芽大而饱满,多着生干结果母枝顶端以下数芽(一般是1—4芽)。每一结果母枝能萌发2—4个结果枝(混合花枝),每一结果枝上有雌花穗  相似文献   

杉木双系种子园性别分化的化学调控试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对遂昌县11年生的杉木双系种子园中的若干无性系,进行了2组共9种化学混合物质的性别分化调控试验,目的是为杉木双系种子园的经营管理提供科学依据。试验I:于1999年6月20日到8月20日进行,采用叶部喷布方式,共喷布3次或6次。其中以处理2(40mg·L-1NAA+200mg·L-1GA3+100mg·L-1H3Bo3)诱导产生雌球花较好,而以处理5(400mg·L-1GA3+100mg·L-1H3BO3)和处理6(3.8g·L-1TDS)诱导产生雄球花比较理想。试验II:在2000年6月20日到7月25日进行,采用茎干注射的方式,共注射5次。不论是在诱导产生雌球花,还是在诱导产生雄球花,均以处理3(5g·L-1GA3+2g·L-1NAA+10g·L-1P+5g·L-1Bo)为好。  相似文献   

本研究则通过植物生长调节剂处理板栗幼树 ,探讨它们对幼龄板栗生长及结果的影响 ,从而为板栗的早期丰产提供化学调控的技术。表 1 处理设计处理号处理内容浓度1清水 (CK)2 GA310 0 ppm3GA32 0 0 ppm4 GA35 0 0 ppm5 PP33310 0 0 ppm6 PP3332 0 0 0 ppm7PP33330 0 0 ppm8B910 0 0 ppm9B92 0 0 0 ppm10 B910 0 0 ppm+0 .5 %尿素 +0 .3KH2 PO411B92 0 0 0 ppm+0 .5 % +0 .3% KH2 PO41 实验材料与方法本试验设在武汉市林果所板栗品种试验园 ,试验品种为中迟栗 ,树龄 3年。采取每小区 2株 3次重复 ,共设 11个处理 (含对照处理 )。…  相似文献   

<正>板栗空苞就是栗棚中没有栗子,群众叫"哑巴栗子"、"哑栗树"。这种空苞或叫空棚现象,严重影响板栗的产量。据调查,板栗正常生长的地区平均有15%的空苞率。不少地区的空苞率占50%,北京、河北、山东及南方各省都有严重发生。板栗空苞发生有一定的地区性,发生严重的地区年年都很严重,特别是嫁接树有时成片形成空包,已成为板栗  相似文献   

果枝率的高低和结果量的多少直接影响着果实产量,因此调查果枝及结果性状对于提高产量及经济效益至关重要。实验以山核桃为试材,研究了果枝及结果性状在不同无性系间(内)、不同树冠部位的差异性及相关性,结果表明:无性系的果枝率、结果枝数均有差异,大部分无性系的果枝率均在50.00%以上,徐坑4号的果枝率最高;22个无性系每枝结1个果和每枝结2个果的占多数,每枝结4个果的果枝仅占果枝的0.55%;大源4号、大源6号的7—8月落果率均低于其它无性系;大源4号、徐坑1号、徐坑88号的坐果率高于其它无性系,高岭3号、大源4号、徐坑2号的每母枝果枝数和每母枝结果数均较高;山核桃结果母枝的直径集中分布区为4.01~6.00 cm,在此分布区的结果枝数量占总数的66.53%,结果枝直径集中分布区为3.01~4.00 cm,在此分布区的结果枝数量占总数的63.82%;结果母枝直径与母枝长度成极显著正相关,结果母枝直径与结果枝直径成极显著正相关,结果母枝果数与每结果枝簇数为极显著正相关,每结果枝果数与每结果枝簇数为显著负相关。  相似文献   

板栗防病杀虫增产剂在低丘栗园开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在江苏仪征低丘综合治疗与开发研究试验区栗园扩大应用江苏省林科院研制出的板栗防病杀虫增产剂的结果表明:喷施该药剂后一般促进板栗子房发育,使坐果率提高,落苞和病苞减少,单位面积栗苞数增加。使板栗出实率、栗苞出粒率和单粒重明显增加,使板栗栗实病粒率和虫蛀率明显减少,从而提高了板栗样实的质量等级。对不同栗园和不同板栗品种均有显著增产效果,单位面积产量增产达30.3%-92.2%,平均增加产值达1684.1-4367.2元/hm^2,投效比达1:11.2-1:29.1。  相似文献   

目的]探究抑制剂对大叶黄杨生长的抑制作用以及对其叶片形态和光合作用的影响,为灌木绿篱的化学修剪提供技术指导。[方法]在北京林业大学林场苗圃采用3种生长抑制剂(多效唑(PP_(333))、三碘苯甲酸(TIBA)以及脱落酸(ABA))对密植成绿篱状的1年生大叶黄杨扦插苗进行叶面喷施,对其生长、叶片形态及光合作用等指标进行测定。[结果]3种抑制剂均有矮化植株、抑制新梢生长的作用,矮化效果最佳、抑制作用最强的为PP_(333),且高浓度PP_(333)对于高生长的抑制作用持效性较长。叶宽、叶厚以及叶面积在短期PP_(333)处理下高于对照。PP_(333)能提高大叶黄杨净光合速率,主要通过增加叶厚、气孔导度、叶肉导度及叶绿素含量来实现,并且PP_(333)使蒸腾速率提高的同时降低了水分利用效率。TIBA有显著减小叶长、叶宽的作用,但能使叶厚增加,且随浓度的增加作用效果增强,主要通过减小叶面积,降低叶肉导度、气孔导度、胞间CO_2浓度及叶绿素含量来降低净光合速率。ABA能增加叶面积(10 mg·L~(-1)处理除外)、叶长以及减小叶片厚度,通过抑制气孔导度、叶肉导度、叶绿素含量降低净光合速率。TI-BA及ABA均通过降低蒸腾速率,使水分利用效率提高。[结论]3种抑制剂均有矮化植株、抑制新梢生长的作用,并且影响叶片发育,进而影响叶片光合作用,且800 mg·L~(-1)的多效唑对大叶黄杨具有较好的正向作用。  相似文献   

Softwood shoots were produced from 40 cm long stem segments placed horizontally in flat trays containing sterilized sand under natural light or shade conditions for subsequent rooting and micropropagation studies in teak (Tectona grandis L.). Higher number of shoots (6.17) per log was produced under natural light as compared to shade conditions. Forcing was also better in natural light as compared to shade in terms of shoot length, number of nodes or leaves. For rooting, 2–4 cm long softwood shoots were excised and treated with either indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) or α-naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) at 0, 1000, 2000 or 3000 μmol·L–1 each or with combinations (1000 + 1000, 2000 + 2000 or 3000 + 3000 μmol·L–1) and then placed in flat trays containing autoclaved sand at 25 ± 2ºC in 16 h photoperiod at 35 µmol·m–2·s–1. After 28 days, softwood cuttings treated with IBA + NAA (3000 + 3000 μmol·L–1) had highest rooting percentage (89.3%) with 5.5 mean roots. Shoot apex and nodal explants of softwood cuttings were pretreated with 0.1% (w/v) ascorbic acid, boric acid, activated charcoal, citric acid, glutamine or polyvinylpolypyrollidone (PVP) for 24 h to remove phenolic compounds before surface disinfestation. Glutamine (Gl) and PVP were equally effective resulting in 60% establishment of shoot apices on MS medium supplemented with 10 μmol·L–1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) + 5 μmol·L–1 NAA. Using shoot apices, highest (42.80) number of multiple shoots with 54.33 mm shoot length were obtained on MS + BAP (8.8 μmol·L–1) + IBA (2 μmol·L–1) after 45 days. Shoots were successfully rooted and acclimatized to greenhouse  相似文献   

We report an efficient in vitro propagation method for Terminalia catappa using nodal segments of a 15-year-old mature tree. The nodal segments were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 6-benzyladenine (BA; 0.5–3.0 mg l−1) or Kinetin (Kn; 0.5–3.0 mg l−1) for bud breaking and multiple shoot induction. About 85% of the explant responded (2.8 ± 0.41 shoots per node with 2.7 ± 0.14 cm length) within 15 days of inoculation in Murashige and Skoog medium fortified with 2.0 mg l−1 of BA. Further shoot multiplication was achieved by repeated transfer of mother explants and subculturing of in vitro-produced shoots on medium supplemented with various concentrations of BA (0.25–1.5 mg l−1) or Kn (0.25–1.5 mg l−1) or on their combinations. Optimal number of shoots and shoot length were recorded on MS medium supplemented with 0.25 mg l−1 of BA and 0.25 mg l−1 of Kn. The multiplied shoots were used for ex vitro rooting after treatment for 4 min with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA; 50–500 mg l−1) or α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA; 50–500 mg l−1). About 80% of the shoots treated with 200 mg l−1 of IBA produced ex vitro roots with an average of 2.8 roots per shoot. Nearly 75% of these plantlets could be acclimatized within 5 weeks and successfully established in the field. This is the first report on micropropagation of T. catappa, which can be applied for further genetic transformation assays and pharmaceutical purposes.  相似文献   

卷荚相思组培快繁技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]建立16年生卷荚相思优树组培快繁技术体系。[方法]以16年生卷荚相思优树的当年新生枝条带腋芽茎段为材料,对卷荚相思外植体进行消毒、初代培养、增殖培养、生根培养和移植等。[结果]表明:通过对16年生卷荚相思成年优树采条进行扦插,以扦插苗建立采穗圃,选取采穗圃中当年生健康无病虫害枝条的中段为外植体,最佳消毒方式为75%的酒精处理0.5 min和0.1%的升汞处理18 min,其存活率达69.33%,芽诱导率达86.67%;最佳初代培养基为改良MS+蔗糖40 g·L-1,出芽率为91.33%。最佳增殖培养基为MS+6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1+NAA 0.1 mg·L-1+蔗糖30 g·L-1,35 d增殖倍数可达3.50倍;最佳生根培养基为1/2 MS+IBA 0.25 mg·L-1+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1+蔗糖40 g·L-1,15 d生根率为96.11%;将生根苗移植至以沙为基质的营养杯中,存活率为71.11%。[结论]研究解决了16年生卷荚相思成年优树外植体污染率高和芽诱导率低等问题,建立的组培快繁技术体系对今后加快卷荚相思良种选育及优质苗木大量扩繁具有重要作用。  相似文献   

对3株绿僵菌菌株通过不同温度水浴处理,发现了孢子的萌发条件;并开展了3菌株对松褐天牛成虫的毒力测定,筛选出Ma789菌株的致病力较强。通过正交试验对其液体振荡培养条件进行了分析,选出了菌丝体生长最适培养基为蔗糖20 g·L-1,酵母粉10 g·L-1,KH2PO4 3.0 g·L-1,MgSO4·7H2O 1.0 g·L-1,CaCl2 0.5 g·L-1;培养液生孢子最适培养基为蔗糖20 g·L-1,蛋白胨10 g·L-1,KH2PO4 1.5 g·L-1,MgSO4·7H2O 2.0 g·L-1,CaCl2 0.5 g·L-1。  相似文献   

Many stems are subject to shoot drying in the plantations of Calamus simplicifolius Wei at the Nanmeiling Base of the Forestry Bu- reau of Baisha County, Hainan Province. As a palm, stems of C. simpli- cifolius stop growing and later die if the shoots are dry. Generally, shoot drying means reduced cane production and reduced profit for a rattan plantation. We aimed to quantify the incidence of shoot drying and de- termine its reason. We sampled eight 20 m × 20 m plots in the C. simpli- cifolius plantations. In each plot, we counted stems and categorized them as drying shoot or normal shoot, and mother stem or sucker stem. We measured stem length and categorized them as drying shoot and normal shoot for mother stems. We cut open each shoot-drying stem to deter- mine the cause of drying from drying part to fresh part. The frequency of mother stems (259 stem·ha -1 ), was significantly lower than sucker stems (588 stem·ha -1 ). The percentage of shoot drying was 33.8% for mother stems, not significantly higher than that for sucker stems (18.9%). The mother shoot stems were significantly shorter if they were drying than if normal. 80% of stems with a drying shoot were hollow within the leaf sheath, whereas 10% hosted lively mature larvae (one larvae per shoot) and 10% hosted several lively young larvae. Mature larvae were identi- fied as the Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliver. To confirm the present of the weevil, three pheromone traps for the weevil were set up in the plantations and adult weevils were trapped on the nextday and identified as the Red Palm Weevil. We conclude that shoot dry- ing of C. simplicifolius is probably caused by the Red Palm Weevil.  相似文献   

为寻找影响板栗产量的主要因子,作者用数理统计的方法,通过对江苏省新沂市沭河果园4种不同密度8a生板栗密植园单株产量及与其相关产量构成因子的简单相关分析和逐步回归分析,得到了包括结果母枝数、主干截面积、结果母枝抽生结果枝数和单粒重在内的最优多元线性回归方程;再对人选的4个主要性状进行通径分析,明确了在保证树干一定粗度生长的条件下,保留适宜的结果母枝数,促进母枝抽生结果枝,是板栗丰产栽培的关键技术措施  相似文献   

以生长和生根兼优的杂种落叶松无性系日永8×长混18-10的嫩枝和休眠芽为试验材料,开展了嫩枝生长和芽增殖的离体组织培养技术研究,确定了两种试验材料的最佳灭菌条件及最适培养基。结果表明:15%的次氯酸钠溶液处理10 min,材料无菌存活率达到91.7%,灭菌效果最好;最适嫩枝生长培养基为B培养基;芽增殖过程中,最适腋芽萌发诱导培养基为BEMB培养基,单个嫩枝平均诱导萌发2个腋芽;无外源激素的改良BEMB培养基(硝态氮与铵态氮含量比为6:1),最适于腋芽成枝诱导,成枝率为36.5%;培养基MCM+1.5 mg·L-1 ZT +0.15 mg·L-1 KT,最适用于休眠芽不定芽诱导,不定芽诱导率为39.1%,增殖倍数为2.6。  相似文献   

A micropropagation protocol was developed for Celastrus paniculatus, a vulnerable medicinal plant. Cultures were initiated from nodal explants collected from young shoots of a 12-year-old plant in MS basal medium. An average of five shoots were produced in MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg l−1 benzyl adenine (BA) and 0.1 mg l−1 naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) after two subculture cycles with a 30-day interval. Continuous subculture in the same medium for three more cycles resulted in reduction of the number of multiple shoots (2 or 3 shoots), vitrification of the shoots, and callus formation. Vitrification of cultures could be overcome by the use of MS medium supplemented with lower concentrations of BA (0.05 mg l−1) and NAA (0.01 mg l−1). Among the various rooting trials, ex vitro rooting of shoots with simultaneous hardening was most efficient. The method standardized in the present study is simple, as it eliminated separate steps for in vitro rooting and hardening. Qualitative chemical similarity of the tissue culture regenerants with the mother plant was confirmed using high performance thin-layer chromatographic (HPTLC) profiling.  相似文献   

西南桦(Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)是我国西南省(区)造林规模最大的乡土珍贵用材树种.西南桦具有材性优良、容易加工、色泽淡红、不易变形等木材特性,是高级家具、室内装修、木地板的优质材料,经济价值甚高.由于目前育苗用种多采自天然次生林,随着西南桦天然资源的日益贫乏,加剧了造林规模不断扩大与供种量逐渐减少的矛盾;而且,实生苗造林的林木个体间遗传变异较大,林分木材单产较低.随着良种选育工作的深入,西南桦人工林向"有性选育,无性利用"路径发展.  相似文献   

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