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2003-2005年对海南岛沿海越冬水鸟进行了调查,旨在加强海南岛湿地的保护和管理.在调查的20个湿地中,共记录水鸟68种,新发现3处全球濒危鸟类黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)的越冬地,即临高后水湾、东方北黎湾和三亚河.2003-2009年冬季对黑脸琵鹭的越冬种群进行了持续调查.海南岛越冬水鸟数量最多的是鹭鸟,其次是鸻鹬类和鸥类.分析发现,在有红树林分布的湿地鸟类种数和个体数量均比无红树林分布的湿地明显增加.此外,博浦湾、黄龙港、后水湾、洋浦港、北黎湾、莺歌海、三亚河、清澜港和东寨港等地是海南岛鸟类优先保护的湿地,其人为干扰应该被禁止.  相似文献   

湿地国际-中国办事处项目组水鸟专家于2009年8月21~22日对浙江杭州湾湿地中心项目区及其邻近湿地的水鸟进行了全面调查。本次调查,采用定点观测与路线调查相结合的方法,共统计到水鸟7科46种,数量超过1万只,其中迁徙的鸻鹬类为26种。描述了杭州湾湿地中心迁徙水鸟的种类、数量分布及其重要性。为全面评估和了解杭州湾湿地中心的水鸟资源,为杭州湾湿地中心正在建设的野生动物湿地管理提供本底数据和依据。并对将来改善杭州湾湿地中心迁徙水鸟的保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

顾长明 《野生动物》2004,25(2):22-22
由世界自然基金会-中国项目办(WWF)和国家林业局野生动植物保护司共同组织的,涉及长江中下游五省一市沿江湿地及南黄海沿岸的2003-2004年度长江中下游及南黄海沿岸冬季湿地水鸟调查于近期全面开展,其中安徽境内于2004年1月27日至2月14日业已完成。这是首次系统、全面地对该省冬季湿地水鸟进行的调查,掌握了其数置与分布,  相似文献   

顾长明 《野生动物》2005,26(4):48-48
由世界自然基金会中国项目办公室和国家林业局野生动植物保护司共同组织,长江中下游沿江湿地的2005年度长江中下游冬季湿地水鸟调查活动于2005年2月中下旬在五省一市同时开展。其中,安徽境内调查于2月15日至3月1日实施完成。该项目包括湖南、湖北、江西、安徽、江苏、上海长江口(崇明东  相似文献   

鄱阳湖位于长江中下游、江西省北部,是我国最大的淡水湖.每年冬季都有成千上万只水禽来此越冬.到鄱阳湖越冬的白鹤数量占全世界总数的98%以上.这里也是世界上最大的鸿雁越冬群所在地.因此,鄱阳湖是亚洲物种保护的最重要的湿地之一,已列为国际重要湿地.  相似文献   

湿地丧失与退化已经严重影响了依赖湿地生存的水鸟。种间竞争对越冬水鸟的生境利用产生重要影响。越冬期集群水鸟的资源利用和分割已经成为水鸟生态学研究的热点问题。2011年11月至2012年4月在升金湖国家级自然保护区,对白头鹤(Grus monacha)及与其在同一区域越冬的豆雁(Anser fabalis)、白额雁(A.albifrons)、小白额雁(A.erythropus)雁群的生境利用和资源分割进行了研究。采用固定路线寻查和定点观察相结合的方法调查觅食白头鹤与雁群在不同时期各种生境中出现的数量,记录生境特征,计算生境利用率、空间生态位宽度和重叠研究资源分割。结果表明,随着越冬时间的推移,白头鹤种群与雁类集团对各种生境的利用程度和空间生态位宽度随之发生相应变化。3个越冬阶段白头鹤与雁群对草滩生境的利用率均较高,白头鹤对草滩生境利用率分别是0.454,0.435,0.959,雁群对草滩生境利用率分别是0.627,0.491,0.616,说明草滩生境是二者重叠最大的越冬资源。白头鹤与雁群的空间生态位宽度均在越冬中期最高,分别是1.099和1.133,表明中期可获得的生境最多。二者间的空间生态位重叠在越冬后期最大为0.914,中期次之0.906,前期重叠值则最小,为0.854。白头鹤和雁群生态位的动态变化体现水鸟对环境变化的生态响应,水鸟之间通过调整生态位宽度来缓解种间竞争,从而达到共存。  相似文献   

为了对东洞庭湖湿地鸟类的继续研究提供数据和理论依据,2005年7月~2006年12月采用样方法和样线法对该湿地水鸟进行了调查,共记录到水鸟89种,并对其季节动态格局进行了研究分析,结果表明,全年水鸟种类和数量均是冬季多,夏季少,特别是数量波动有明显的冬季高峰期和夏季低谷期,季节差异非常显著。  相似文献   

关雪  李枫  沙剑斌  曲文慧 《野生动物》2009,30(4):180-184
对扎龙湿地的水鸟群落进行资源调查,共记录水禽52种,隶属于5目11科。其中古北界种类42种(占82%),广布种类10种(占18%),东洋界种类无记录。对结果进行分析发现:扎龙自然保护区水鸟群落种类和数量随着迁徙活动呈现了明显的季节性变化。春季水鸟迁徙时间集中,种群数量变化剧烈,有高峰期;秋季水鸟迁徙时间分散,种群数量变化缓和,无明显的高峰期。  相似文献   

丹顶鹤越冬期在人工湿地的夜栖数量分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕士成 《野生动物》2007,28(2):11-13
通过对丹顶鹤越冬期问在盐城国家级自然保护区内人工湿地的夜栖地调查,得出鹤群夜栖分布数量及其动态规律,进而提出对该种群与夜栖地的管理举措。该项工作主要借助望远镜、GPS、照相机,采用直接计数法统计数量,往年数据则引用参考文献。结果表明:人工湿地中丹顶鹤的夜栖分布数量随着环境的改变而改变,其中安全度和水位为其主要限制因子。因此控制人工湿地冬季水位,保护栖息环境不受人为影响是丹顶鹤安全越冬的主要保护措施。本文根据上述研究结果,提出了管理建议。  相似文献   

白头鹤(Grus monacha)是我国长江中下游湿地的越冬水鸟,湿地退化导致栖息地逐渐丧失,影响越冬种群的稳定,开展种群遗传结构研究对越冬白头鹤的有效保护具有积极意义。本研究共采集安徽菜子湖、升金湖、江西鄱阳湖、上海崇明东滩4个白头鹤越冬地粪便样品221份、羽毛样品9份和肌肉样品4份,从中获得了72份样品的mtDNA控制区(D-loop)1103-1104bp序列。结合从GenBank获得的两个来自日本的白头鹤个体序列(GenBank AB017625、AB023813),对越冬种群进行了遗传结构分析。长江中下游4个越冬种群共发现26个变异位点,定义了23种单倍型。遗传多样性分析结果显示,白头鹤单倍型多样性(h)为0.823±0.042,核苷酸多样性(π)为0.00157±0.00021。各个种群FST值表明我国长江中下游各种群之间无显著的遗传分化。两种中性检验(Tajima’sD = 2.10951, p < 0.05;Fu’s FS=19.351, p < 0.01)分析结果表明,白头鹤在进化史上可能经历了种群扩张。  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(4):307-311
It has long been presumed that waterbirds disperse the propagules of aquatic organisms. However, it is only in recent years that this claim has been empirically explored and little is still known about waterbird-mediated dispersal in southern Africa. Aquatic invertebrates are thought to be well adapted to dispersal by waterbirds because of their ability to produce hardy resting eggs. We explored the capacity of waterbirds to disperse the eggs of both cladocera and bryozoans via endo- and ectozoochory. We examined 283 faecal samples and 394 feather brushings from six waterbird species and two wetland sites in South Africa for the presence of diapausing eggs. A total of 108 intact diaspores were recovered, with intact eggs present in 16% and 7% of the faecal samples and feather brushings, respectively. Our results indicate that southern African waterbirds do take up the resting eggs of aquatic invertebrates and that these eggs can survive intact through the gut or remain attached to the feathers. These results provide evidence that waterbirds may be important vectors for aquatic invertebrates in southern Africa and imply that waterbirds may play a vital role in maintaining connectivity between invertebrate populations in isolated wetland patches.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):90-98
Habitat change, mainly through the actions of humans, poses a threat to great white (Pelecanus onocrotalus) and pink-backed (P. rufescens) pelicans in northeastern KwaZulu-Natal, the southernmost distributions of these species on Africa’s eastern seaboard. This study assessed the relative importance and state of the potential pelican habitat in the northeastern KwaZulu-Natal region, focusing particularly on Lake St Lucia and the Phongolo River floodplain. Great white pelicans breed on islands in Lake St Lucia. Should these islands be lost through falling water levels or their becoming joined to mainland by deposits of silt, or by flooding, no suitable habitat for their breeding will remain in the region. By contrast, the pink-backed pelican nests in trees, and there appears to be plentiful alternative habitat. Lake St Lucia and, to a lesser extent, the Phongolo River floodplain, are important foraging areas for both pelican species. The hydrology of both these systems has been affected by human activities.  相似文献   

Ireland is characterised by its diversity and large abundance of wetlands, making it attractive to a wide variety of waterbirds throughout the year. This paper presents an overview of Ireland's waterbirds, including ecological factors relevant to the potential introduction, maintenance, transmission and spread of infectious agents, including the H5N1 avian influenza virus, in Ireland. Particular emphasis is placed on five groups of wintering migrants (dabbling and sieving wildfowl, grazing wildfowl, diving wildfowl, waders and gulls), noting that the H5N1 avian influenza virus has mainly been isolated from this subset of waterbirds. Ireland's wetlands are visited during the spring and summer months by hundreds of thousands of waterbirds which come to breed, predominantly from southern latitudes, and during the autumn and winter by waterbirds which come from a variety of origins (predominantly northern latitudes), and which are widely distributed and often congregate in mixed-species flocks. The distribution, feeding habits and social interactions of the five groups of wintering migrants are considered in detail. Throughout Ireland, there is interaction between different waterbird populations (breeding migrants, the wintering migrants and resident waterbird populations). There is also a regular and complex pattern of movement between feeding and roosting areas, and between wetlands and farmland. These interactions are likely to facilitate the rapid transmission and spread of the H5N1 avian influenza virus, if it were present in Ireland.  相似文献   

Background Waterbirds are the major hosts of various arboviruses. Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV) is an arbovirus native to northern Australia, the major hosts of which are Phalacrocoraciformes (cormorants), Ciconiiformes (herons) and other waterbirds. MVEV is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes and can cause acute encephalomyelitis. In Victoria, MVEV is restricted to the northern side of the Great Dividing Range (GDR), suggesting that waterbirds cannot cross the high country. Methods and results We tested this hypothesis by analysing data on waterbird banding and recovery and discovered that 12 species can cross the GDR. Conclusion Waterbirds have the potential to carry arboviruses, including MVEV, into southern Victoria.  相似文献   

由于气温的变化,原来属于夏季繁殖鸟的国家一级保护鸟类黑鹳(Ciconia nigra),在北京市出现了越冬群体.为了解黑鹳的越冬生态特点,从2004年1月到2009年3月,在北京十渡水生动物自然保护区,对其种群数量、生境选择、取食规律和集群行为进行了实地调查.结果显示,黑鹳选择该保护区的拒马河作为其越冬地,种群数量从2004-2005年冬季的28只下降到2007-2008年的17只,但随后恢复到了23只.越冬群体于11月中旬形成,次年3月中旬分散,但群体形成受到温度变化的影响.黑鹳对取食生境具有依赖性,主要食物为鱼类(>92.4%).成年和亚成年黑鹳的食物构成没有差异(Mann-Whitney Utest,U=1.00,p=0.44).在越冬初期,取食活动主要发生在早晨和中午,越冬中期则集中于下午,而在越冬后期,分为清晨和傍晚两个取食阶段.按照每日取食6 h计算,成年黑鹳的每日进食量约538 g,亚成年个体约449 g,与人工饲养条件下黑鹳的饲喂量相近.在越冬后期,观察到取食过程中群体内部存在争斗行为.对越冬黑鹳的干扰主要来自旅游活动对取食生境的改变、人为筑坝提高水位、在滩涂开辟新的旅游场地减少了适于黑鹳取食的空间.  相似文献   

2010~2011年,在吉林向海国家级自然保护区采用固定半径样点法对春秋两季的鸟类多样性进行了调查,共记录到鸟类114种22 111只次,隶属于14目34科。应用逐步向后回归模型探测春、秋两季不同景观类型与鸟类香农-维纳指数、均匀性指数和物种丰富度指数之间的关系。结果表明,湿地鸟类群落在季节间发生种类结构的显著变化,不同景观类型对不同多样性指数的影响不同,农田会显著减少湿地鸟类多样性,水域和沼泽对香农-维纳多样性有正效应,但是对均匀性和物种丰富度有负效应,距公路较近会减少鸟类春季的均匀性和香农-维纳多样性。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区生态系统服务功能价值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洞庭湖区有长江中下游地区最大的调蓄性湖泊(洞庭湖)和亚洲最大的内陆湿地,维系着长江流域中下游地区的生态安全,而且也影响着区域经济社会可持续发展。科学地评价洞庭湖区生态系统服务功能,对保护和修复洞庭湖湿地生态系统,协调经济发展和环境保护之间的关系具有重要意义。本文在获得大量数据的基础上,采用市场价值法、防护费用法、机会成本法、影子工程法、消费剩余、条件价值法,对洞庭湖区湿地生态系统18项服务功能价值进行评估。结果表明,2010年洞庭湖区服务功能总价值1733634×104元。其中,社会服务功能价值(895759×104元)>调节、支持功能价值(765662×104元)>供给功能价值(102213×104元),分别占服务总价值的51.67%,42.43%和5.90%。若以其产品可进入经济市场与否来划分,具有市场价格的服务的经济价值(985863×104元),没有进入市场交易的间接服务的生态价值(747771×104元),它们之间比约为1∶0.76。本研究结果可为环洞庭湖生态经济区的建设与开发的对策制定提供参考的依据。  相似文献   

Temperature is a critical factor influencing avian phenology, due to its direct impact on food and water availability. Most previous studies have focused on the timing of spring migration and the arrival of birds at breeding grounds along the European and American flyways; little is known about migration ecology at the wintering sites along the Asian flyways. Using linear regression models, this study investigates how local temperature variation and EI Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influences the arrival and departure timing of 9 waterbird species breeding in Mongolia or Siberia and overwintering in Poyang, China from 2002 to 2013. Birds mainly arrive at Poyang in October and depart for their breeding sites in March. Out of the 9 species, 6 show a strong negative relationship between departure time and overwintering temperature in Poyang. Departure dates also show a negative association with overwintering ENSO and March ENSO for two species. Both local and large‐scale climate indices show no influence on the arrival timing of waterbirds. We suggest that birds react to the annual variation of overwintering temperature: an earlier departure of waterbirds is facilitated by a warmer overwintering period and vice versa. The long‐term accumulated temperature effect is more pronounced than ENSO and the short‐term local temperature effect. Our findings could help quantify the potential impact of global warming on waterbirds.  相似文献   

江河源区草地退化状况及成因   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
近年来 ,江河源区存在草场严重退化、土地荒漠化过程加剧、水土流失加重以及湿地生态衰退等以草地生态系统为主的生态环境退化问题。分析研究结果表明 ,在青藏高原特殊的地理气候背景下 ,经过长期自然演化形成的江河源区脆弱的草地生态系统 ,对外界环境条件反应极其敏感 ,季节性过牧等人类活动是造成该区近期草地迅速退化的突破口和主导因素 ,从而促使气候、鼠害等自然因子作用加剧。江河源区的草地退化 ,是人为因素和自然因素共同作用下人为加速加剧的结果。  相似文献   

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