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从农业部获悉,农业户和企业是农业产业化经营的主体,政府部门的主要职责是为其生产经营活动创造良好的外部环境,要尊重龙头企业和农户的经营自主权,尤其是尊重农户的土地承包经营权。在产业化经营中,龙头企业和农产作为独立的市场主体,既要承担经营的自然风险和市场风险,也有获得相应收益的权利。发展农业产业化经营,必须充分尊重龙头企业和农户的意愿,尊重他们的生产经营自主权,生产什么、生产多少、怎么生产,都要  相似文献   

宁强县地处秦巴山区,有着独特的地理和资源优势,近年来全县畜牧业现代化发展整体水平显著提升。同时因位于汉水源头,是南水北调工程重要水源涵养地,土地和生态环境压力成为我县现代畜牧业发展的瓶颈,且有畜牧产业组织化程度不高,抵御市场风险能力低等问题。通过出台畜禽养殖三区规划、加大县级财政保障投入力度、积极探索新的畜禽生产经营模式、健全畜牧兽医队伍和工作机制,可能有助于破解这一瓶颈,实现宁强畜牧业突破发展。  相似文献   

<正> 在农村推行家庭联产承包责任制的改革中,大部分土地已承包到户经营,调动了广大农民的生产积极性,农业生产力得到了解放。但是,随着生产力进一步发展和市场经济的繁荣,土地分散与集约化、农民意愿与农业区划、分户经营与商品化等矛盾日益显露出来,从农村发展的趋势和蚕桑生产自身的要求来  相似文献   

所谓土地收储,是土地收购与储备制度的简称,这一制度是国土资源部门和地方政府为顺应我国"经营城市、经营土地"的需要而进行的土地制度创新。早在90年代后期我国的土地收储工作就已在各大城市开始运作,国土资源部、财政部以及中国人民银行于2007年11月9日联合发布了《土地储备管理办法》,重点对加强土地调控、完善土地储备制度、规范土地市场、促进土地节约利用、提高土地利用率等方面进了强调,由此可见,土地收储工作对于我国的发展起到了非常重要的作用和意义。本文分析了土地收储工作的必要性,并提出了几点工作策略。  相似文献   

刘学剑 《广东饲料》2003,12(3):16-17
信息化是实施产业化经营的重要载体.它可以通过在网上信息双向交流,打破了地理区域和时空的限制,建立网上大市场,既可把畜牧饲料业融入到经济全球化的竞争中发展,又可通过信息化把强优畜牧业企业联合起来,打造航空母舰,形成跨地区、跨国竞争的巨大优势.同时还可通过信息化开发网上贸易,直接建立畜产品和畜牧业服务贸易的快速交易通道,促进畜牧业产前、产中与产后的有效衔接 ,协调好畜牧业生产、分配与消费的动态关系,从而促进产业化经营的健康发展.因此,要加强信息化建设,建成内外相联的信息网,架通生产与市场联系的"桥梁",以"全、新、稳、准、精"地收集和传递国内外有关畜牧饲料信息,要做好跟踪服务和信息反馈工作,及时调整营销策略,主动引导市场,培植市场,乃至改造市场,建立起反应灵敏的网络体系,以减少市场竞争中的被动性应答反应,促进产业化经营的健康发展.  相似文献   

农牧业集约化就是按照市场配置资源的要求,深入推进农牧业生产经营方式的创新,加大对草场、土地、牲畜、饲草料基地、棚圈、水利设施、农牧机械等农牧业生产要素的有效整合和投入,建立新的生产经营机制和收益分配机制,形成规模化生产、市场化经营、专业化分工、社会化服务、促进生产效益最大化,实现农牧业增效,农牧民增收。  相似文献   

近年来,随着农村牧区经济发展、产业结构调整和劳动力的转移,一家一户的分散式经营越来越受到影响;同时,种养大户、合作社、家庭农牧场和龙头企业等新型农牧业经营主体,呈现出土地利用率高、机械化水平高、科技应用率高、产品市场竞争力强和辐射带动面广等特点。快速发展的新型农牧业经营主体,挑起了农牧业生产和农村牧区经济发展的大梁,已成为现代农牧业发展的中坚力量。  相似文献   

蚕桑业是我国的传统强势产业,国家进行蚕桑产业布局调整为辽宁提供了难得的发展机遇。良好的气候资源条件,丰富的土地和劳动力资源,优越的地理区位优势,使辽宁省桑蚕业发展空间广阔、潜力巨大。蚕桑科研、教学系统提供了良好的技术、人才支撑,柞蚕茧丝绸工贸体系为桑蚕业实现产业化经营提供了有利条件。发展桑蚕生产,也是辽宁实行"以桑补柞"优化农业产业结构的有效途径。  相似文献   

蚕种生产与经营的风险及规避对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向生刚  薛宏 《中国蚕业》2009,30(4):88-90
论述了技术标准、组织管理、质量安全、自然环境以及信息传播等要素对蚕种生产与经营风险性的影响,并作出了相应的风险性评估;提出了建立产业化发展经营体制、制定技术标准、增加资金投入和健全预警信息平台等方法,对蚕种生产与经营风险性加以控制的对策与建议。为规避日益加深的蚕种生产与经营市场风险提供参考。  相似文献   

河北省农村土地承包经营权流转的影响分析   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
土地承包经营权流转作为一种新型土地资源配置方式,它的实施对解决农村人地矛盾、提高土地生产率、促进农业产业化经营具有重要意义。河北省土地流转的推广在农村规模化种植、土地劳动力人口下降、农村劳务经济发展、农村产业结构调整、农业生产资金集中及土地资源配置、农村可利用土地面积增加和相关社会化服务型经济发展方面产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

A retrospective cohort study was conducted to determine the risk of bovine tuberculosis (TB) among animals sold out from herds that were free to trade animals during the year 2005 according to their bovine TB testing history during the year 2005. The present study sample comprised of 338,960 animals, of which 124,360 animals were sold out from herds that were restricted from trading at some stage during 2005 (bovine TB 'exposed') and 214,600 animals that were sold from herds which did not have their trading status withdrawn in 2005 (bovine TB 'non-exposed'). The overall risk of a diagnosis of bovine TB during the two-year period after the animals were sold out was 0.69 per cent. The odds of bovine TB were 1.91 higher for animals sold out from bovine TB 'exposed' herds compared with animals sold out from bovine TB 'non-exposed' herds (OR 95 per cent CI: 1.76 to 2.07, P<0.0001). Ten per cent of animals identified during field surveillance with bovine TB did so less than two months after being sold out in 2005, and similarly, 10 per cent of the animals classified as bovine TB positive by finding a bovine TB lesion at slaughter did so within 25 days (or less) of being sold out in 2005.  相似文献   

One hundred 3/4 Duroc-1/4 Landrace (DDL), 3/4 Hampshire-1/4 Landrace (HHL) and 3/4 Spot-1/4 Landrace (SSL) backcross sows were randomly mated to Yorkshire boars to produce a total of 299 litters and 3,271 pigs to determine the effect of dam breeding on preweaning and postweaning performance of the pigs and litters. Litter sizes born and born alive were not significantly different among the three dam breeds studied. However, litter sizes alive at 21 d out of HHL sows were significantly larger than litter sizes out of SSL sows, while the litter sizes out of DDL sows were intermediate to the other two dam breeds. The DDL sows had significantly heavier litters at birth than did SSL sows, but the dam breeds did not differ in the weights of their litters at 21 and 42 d. Pigs out of DDL sows were heaviest at birth but weighed the least at 21 d, while pigs out of SSL sows were heaviest at 21 and 42 d of age. Pigs out of HHL sows weighed the least at birth and at 42 d. There were no significant differences among the dam breeds in the survival rate of their pigs. In the postweaning period, pigs out of HHL sows were the slowest growing and took the most days to reach 100 kg. Feed conversion and average daily feed consumption did not differ significantly among the three dam breeds studied.  相似文献   

Faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) and larval cultures were used to assess the prevalence of anthelmintic resistance amongst sheep and goats on farms served by Kenya's five regional Veterinary Investigation Laboratories. Twenty-four out of 42 farms tested (57%) showed resistance to at least one anthelmintic group. Resistance to levamisole was found in nine out of 35 sheep farms tested (26%) and 12 out of 24 goat farms (50%). Resistance to benzimidazole drugs was found in 10 out of 28 sheep farms (36%) and six out of 20 goat farms (30%). Larval cultures of post-treatment faecal samples showed resistance to be predominantly due to Haemonchus contortus. Twelve farms were routinely using substandard products which appeared to have no anthelmintic activity.  相似文献   

Contents of antinuclear antibodies (ANA), rheumatoid factor (RF), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were measured in serum from 20 dogs with immune-mediated fever. Seven out of 20 patients were ANA positive, 1 out of 20 was positive to antibodies against extractable nuclear antigens (ENA), 1 out of 20 was positive to antibodies against deoxynucleoproteins (DNP), 2 out of 13 were RF positive and none out of 20 patients had antibodies against native DNA in the serum. TNF-alpha was not detected in any serum of 15 dogs with immune-mediated fever, while 10 out of 13 presented with elevated IL-6. The results varied between patients, but the IL-6 level was high in most of them. This indicate a role for IL-6 in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated fever in most cases.  相似文献   

实现蚕业现代化必须突破两个“瓶颈”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对湖州市蚕业生产实践中遇到的制约蚕业现代化进程的2个关键性问题,提出了突破“瓶颈”的建议。  相似文献   

蛹虫草中虫草素、腺苷综合提取工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以蛹虫草为材料,采用超声波水提法、超声波醇提法、水热回流法和醇热回流法4种提取方法,选择虫草素和腺苷的最优提取方法,并用正交试验方法考察超声波水提法中提取温度、提取次数、提取时间、料液比4个因素对虫草素、腺苷综合提取效率的影响,确定虫草素、腺苷综合提取最佳工艺。结果表明,超声波水提法是综合提取虫草素和腺苷的最优方法,其最佳工艺条件为:用10倍量的水于60℃超声波提取2次,每次40min。  相似文献   

From 1985 to 1989, a total of 129 mice was captured from 7 piers of Yokohama port. Of these, 9 (7.0%) were positive to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) antigen in indirect fluorescence antibody test. Six out of 31 mice (19.4%) in 1985 and 3 out of 23 mice (13.0%) captured in 1986 were positive. All the mice (74) captured in 1988 and 1989 were negative. Although 7 out of 17 mice (41.2%) in Osanbashi-Shinko pier and 2 out of 23 (8.7%) in Honmoku pier were positive in 1985 and 1986, all mice captured in other piers were negative. This is the first report detecting LCMV antibody in wild house mice in Japan.  相似文献   

从实验室保存的83株芽胞杆菌中初筛出11株具有解无机磷能力的菌株,通过平板法进行初筛,根据溶磷圈直径和菌落直径比值大小筛选出溶磷圈直径和菌落直径比值较大的菌株3株,进一步通过液体摇瓶培养复筛出1株分解无机磷能力最强的菌株ZP。对筛选到的3株解无机磷能力强的菌株进行固体发酵培养,研究不同培养基配方及发酵时间与菌株解磷能力之间的关系,以期为生产解磷菌制剂提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Tissues from 9 G?ttingen minipigs, aged 7 weeks to 1 year, with clinically diagnosed thrombocytopenic purpura syndrome were examined microscopically. All pigs had a history of spontaneous cutaneous purpura that was generally accompanied by disseminated visceral hemorrhages. Hematologic abnormalities included anemia (8 out of 9 pigs) and thrombocytopenia (7 out of 9 pigs), with platelet counts consistently below 20,000/microl. Microscopically, degenerative vascular lesions with morphologic features of arteriosclerosis were present in all 9 pigs. Vascular lesions affected small- to medium-sized muscular arteries and arterioles in various organs and extraparenchymal tissues; vessels of the renal pelvis and coronary arteries were consistently involved. Microscopic lesions in small- to medium-sized muscular arteries consisted of neointimal proliferation, medial thickening, luminal stenosis, thrombosis, disruption and fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina, necrosis of the tunica media, and medial deposits of myxoid matrix material. Microscopic lesions in arterioles included concentric laminar thickening of vessel walls (onion-skin pattern), endothelial cell hypertrophy, smooth muscle cell vacuolation, necrosis of the tunica media, thrombosis, and partial to complete luminal stenosis. Arteritis and/or periarteritis were also noted in 4 out of 9 pigs. Additional microscopic lesions included membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (3 out of 9), myocardial microinfarcts (4 out of 7), renal interstitial fibrosis (2 out of 9), extramedullary hematopoiesis (6 out of 9), and intracapillary hyaline thrombi (2 out of 9). Degenerative vascular lesions have not been previously described in G?ttingen minipigs with thrombocytopenic purpura syndrome. The etiopathogenesis of both the vascular lesions and thrombocytopenic purpura syndrome is currently unknown.  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿田大垫尖翅蝗发生规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
大垫尖翅蝗Epacromius coerulipes是紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa田的主要害虫.为摸清其发生规律,于1999-2002年采取了大田调查与笼内饲养相结合的方法,对该虫进行了调查.该虫在鲁北地区紫花苜蓿田1年发生2代,以卵在土中越冬,蝗蝻共5个龄期.并对该虫的年生活史、习性、发生与环境条件的关系进行了叙述,提出了防治策略.  相似文献   

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