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以冀北山地杨桦次生林为对象,以参照树与周围最近4株相邻木为空间结构单元,以林木年轮宽度确定直径生长,研究大小比数与直径生长的关系。结果表明:该林分林木间在10~20a竞争最为激烈,是对林分进行森林经营管理、调整林分密度的最佳时期。林木大小比数的形成主要取决于林木最初生长状况以及林木的竞争能力;3个大小比数木生长优势比较,优势木生长优势明显,中庸木对劣态木无明显的生长优势;林木优势度越低,其直径生长与外界环境条件的相关性越低。  相似文献   

北京八达岭油松人工林结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用传统林分结构因子配合混交度、大小比、角尺度3参数来分析北京八达岭林场油松人工林空间结构特征.结果表明:该林分的树种组成式为8油松1槲树1山梨 暴马丁香,林分密度为1 325 株/hm2.林分的平均角尺度为0.478,林分立木空间分布格局为随机分布.平均混交度为0.433,不同树种间呈现中度混交,种间隔离程度较小.林分平均胸径大小比为0.389,平均树高大小比为0.464,说明处于优势地位的株数较多,林分分化明显,且林分的发展空间还很大.胸径大小比数和树高大小比数在反映各树种参照树与相邻木之间的生长优势方面具有较强的一致性.  相似文献   

林分空间结构的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林分的空间结构分析是建立在相邻木空间关系基础上的原则,提出了最佳空间结构单元及其参数.用大小比数、混交度和角尺度等三种结构参数,分析了林分的空间结构,它们是描述林分空间结构的重要参数.  相似文献   

崇州林场柳杉人工林空间结构研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
崇州林场的植被主要是柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)人工纯林。为了定量地描述林分的空间结构,调查共设置6个50 m×50 m固定标准样地,对样地中的林木进行每木检尺并绘出它们的坐标位置。研究运用了角尺度参数来量化林木分布的均匀性(即空间分布格局);大小比数来测度树木间的优势度分化,也为种群在林分中的相对地位提供了有益的信息。而混交度则通过参照树周围最近的几株相邻木与其不同种个体所占的比例,来表征林分的物种多样性。借此以单木为基础的结构参数所描述的林分空间混交度、林木大小(胸径)分化程度以及群聚程度,使得定量比较那些具有复杂结构的林分也变得简单易行。这无疑有助于林地的可持续经营和生态管护。  相似文献   

林分空间结构是森林经营管理过程中的重要因子。大小比数是林分空间结构的主要参数,对林木生长与竞争有重要影响。该研究以冀北山地典型森林类型桦落混交林为对象,以中心树与周围最近4株相邻木为空间结构单元,以林木年轮宽度确定直径生长,研究大小比数与直径生长的关系。结果表明:对于大小比数为0.5的空间结构单元,与相邻最粗树比较,桦树和落叶松的中心树直径生长过程基本一致,分3种情况:1一直处于劣态。2前后期处于劣态,中期竞争生长。3前期处于劣态,中后期竞争生长。不同大小比数木的林木之间的竞争主要集中于8~15a,此期间是对林分进行抚育采伐、调整林分密度的最佳时期。  相似文献   

以湖南省福寿国有林场13年生杉木生态公益林为研究对象,通过计算林分大小比数和径阶大小分化度,验证了径阶大小分化度的表达方法。以林木位置坐标数据生成Voronoi图,由此确定参照木的空间结构单元,计算林分大小比数和径阶大小分化度。利用SPSS软件对各样地大小比数和径阶大小分化度进行了回归分析,寻找能够更好表征林分空间结构的竞争指数。结果表明:相关性回归分析所得的各样地大小比数和径阶大小分化度之间平均相关系数R为0.831,相关性达显著水平,认为径阶大小分化度与大小比数有强的相关性。径阶大小分化度能够更好地反映林分竞争情况,是一种有效地描述林分空间结构的指数。  相似文献   

分析了大小比数在反映林分优势度方面的不足,由此提出了径阶大小分化度,该指数采用参照木与邻近木的径阶差作为计测变量来度量参照木与其邻近木大小分化的具体差异程度,是对大小比数和大小分化度的沿用和改进。径阶大小分化度既能准确描述参照木与各邻近木之间的大小分化,也能反映林分空间结构的优势度,使用结果表明:是一种较好的描述林分空间结构的新指数。  相似文献   

结合试验地调查以及林分内树种组成,利用混交度(M)、大小比数(U)和角尺度(W)3个林分结构参数,分析了叶山林场常绿阔叶混交林林分空间结构。结果表明:该林分平均混交度为0.371 8,主要树种麻栎多呈单种聚集,其余树种中强度混交比例达到96%;平均大小比数为0.493 6,在林分空间配置上,马尾松处于优势状态,其余树种分化严重;平均角尺度为0.518 9,混交林的分布格局基本上以团状分布为主。  相似文献   

冀北山地杨桦次生林林分空间结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在木兰林管局桃山林场选取面积为100 m×100 m的杨桦次生林样地,以每株林木树高、胸径和坐标为基础数据,运用混交度、大小比数和角尺度等林分空间结构参数分析了杨桦次生林的空间结构特征。结果表明:(1)该林分中山杨Populus davidiana和白桦Betula platyphylla在株数和断面积比例上占优势,为林分内优势树种;(2)林分各混交类型的比例相差不大,林分整体呈中度混交状态;(3)林分优势木和亚优势木相对较多,基于胸径、树高得到的平均大小比数结果基本一致,均能客观反映林分的分化规律;(4)林分平均角尺度为0.504,属于随机分布,林下伴生树种以集聚分布为主,但优势树种的随机分布趋势起决定作用。  相似文献   

利用角尺度和大小比数结构参数,对陕西省榆林市珍稀沙生植物保护基地内不同梯度密度下的樟子松人工林林分空间结构进行了分析。结果表明:1)从角尺度取值来看,各样地林木个体分布以均匀分布为主,且核心区林木数量随林分密度的增加而减少;2)以分枝角为度量的大小比数反映各样地林木的大小分化程度,可信度较高。因此,通过分枝角的评价指标来评估樟子松单木的竞争优势及造林后防风固沙效果是可行的。研究结果可为探索毛乌素沙地樟子松建群种的植物固沙模式选择及管护治理工作提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Interior Douglas-fir trees in plantations were assessed for size differences related to the level of diseased neighbours infected with Armillaria ostoyae. The four Douglas-fir stands studied ranged from 25- to 34-year-old, and represented the oldest accessible planted stands in the Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH) ecosystem in British Columbia. Twenty-three to 25, 10-m radius plots were established in each stand. The spatial coordinates, total height, and diameter at breast height of all live and dead trees in the plots were recorded. Subject trees whose competitors were contained in the 10-m radius plots were also identified. Trees were pulled out of the soil using a mechanical excavator and the root systems were surveyed for evidence of infection by A. ostoyae. Stem disks were taken from each tree at 1.3 m above the ground for a determination of basal area. Increasing proportion of diseased trees in the plots resulted in less total plot basal area, but did not affect the mean basal area or height. Individual subject tree basal area was negatively related to the level of disease in surrounding competitors, opposite to expectations; however, diseased subject trees had reduced height and basal area compared to disease-free subject trees. Increasing competition reduced both the height and basal area of the trees, while regular distribution of all trees increased both total and mean plot basal area but not height. Disease incidence at the plot level and in individual subject trees was mainly affected by the neighbourhood conditions in which it grew, and was also related to disease intensity in the tree root systems. Although disease may alter resource partitioning among trees, the utilization of these resources is mostly limited by the increasing disease incidence as the stands age, the higher probability of larger trees being diseased with time, the occurrence of dead trees in clumps, and the high probability that dead trees will eventually infect live neighbours. The widespread belowground incidence of A. ostoyae in the ICH, its rapid colonization of stumps, and its wide host range can reduce site potential in managed stands.  相似文献   

卵叶樟(Cinnamomum rigidissimum H. T. Chang)是樟科(Lauraceae)樟属(Cinnamomum Trew)植物,是第一批被列入<国家重点保护植物名录>的二级重点保护物种[1],具有重要的经济和科研价值.根据以往调查,卵叶樟在海南尖峰岭的数量较少,一般生长在海拔6001 000 m的热带山地雨林中,这与森林商业性采伐和盗伐等人为干扰活动导致森林环境变迁有关[2-3].种群是群落构成的基本单位,种群结构不仅对群落结构有直接影响,而且能客观地体现群落的发展趋势[4].研究种群空间格局及其动态可为研究森林群落演替趋势、森林生态系统可持续经营提供基础理论,其数量分析指数还可为生物多样性保护、森林可持续经营评价等提供可靠依据[5].本文通过探讨卵叶樟种群结构和分布格局及其动态的数量特征,为探讨其濒危机制及合理保护提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Desirable root architecture for trees differs between sequential and simultaneous agroforestry systems. In sequential systems extensive tree root development may enhance nutrient capture and transfer to subsequent crops via organic pools. In simultaneous systems tree root development in the crop root zone leads to competition for resources.Fractal branching models provide relationships between proximal root diameter, close to the tree stem, and total root length or surface area. The main assumption is that a root branching proportionality factor is independent of root diameter. This was tested in a survey of 18 multipurpose trees growing on an acid soil in Lampung (Indonesia). The assumption appeared valid for all trees tested, for stems as well as roots. The proportionality factor showed a larger variability in roots than in stems and the effects of this variabilily should be further investigated. A simple index of tree root shallowness is proposed as indicator of tree root competitiveness, based on superficial roots and stem diameter.Pruning trees is a major way to benefit from tree products and at the same time reduce above-ground competition between trees and crops. It may have negative effects, however, on root distribution and enhance below-ground competition. In an experiment with five tree species, a lower height of stem pruning led to a larger number of superficial roots of smaller diameter, but had no effect on shoot:root ratios or the relative importance of the tap root.  相似文献   

The individual tree growth in stands of mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth & Betula pubescens Ehrh.) is estimated using basal area and height growth functions for each species separately. The individual tree growth models are distant dependent and the number, size and proximity of neighbours are expressed as size‐ratio competition indices. The competition indices were calculated using a basal area factor gauge to define competitors. The tree growth functions are based on data from nine mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch. The recursive multivariate regression approach is used. The growth functions have standard deviation about the function/standard deviation about the mean (sf/sm) values between 31 and 61% and the evaluations made with root mean square error (rmse) give estimates which vary between 8 and 45 % of the observed mean value. These values are comparable with the precision reported in other studies. In the present investigation the distant dependent indices are important independent variables. It seems suitable to describe the change in growth conditions from retarded to released growth by means of size ratio competition indices. For birch, a positive effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. For Norway spruce a negative effect on growth is obtained the more the total competition consists of Norway spruce. The lower competitors have a positive effect on the growth of the spruce trees. The interpretation should be that it is better to have a small competitor than a larger one, not that small competitors as such have a positive effect on growth of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

Managed forests often differ substantially from undisturbed forests in terms of tree structure and diversity. By altering the forest structure, management may affect the C stored in biomass and soil. A survey of 58 natural stands located in the south-westernmost limit of European beech forests was carried out to assess how the C pools are affected by the changes in tree structural diversity resulting from past management. The mean tree density, basal area and the number of large trees found in unmanaged forests were similar to those corresponding to virgin beech forests in Central Europe, whereas large live trees were totally absent from partially cut stands. Analysis of the Evenness index and the Gini coefficient indicated high structural diversity in the three stand types. The results of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test used to compare the diameter distributions of each group revealed significant differences between stand types in terms of distributions of total tree species and of Fagus sylvatica.

The mean C stocks in the whole ecosystem – trees, litter layer and mineral soil – ranged from 220 to 770 Mg ha−1 (average 380 Mg ha−1). Tree biomass (above and belowground), which averaged 293 Mg C ha−1, constituted the main C pool of the system (50–97%). The statistical test (Kolmogorov–Smirnov) revealed differences in the distribution of C pools in tree biomass between unmanaged and partially cut stands. As a consequence of the presence of large trees, in some unmanaged stands the C stock in tree biomass was as high as 500–600 Mg C ha−1. In the partially cut stands, most of the C was mainly accumulated in trees smaller than 20 cm dbh, whereas in unmanaged stands the 30% of tree C pool was found in trees larger than 50 cm dbh. Furthermore, many unmanaged stands showed a larger C pool in the litter layer. The C content of mineral soils ranged from 40 to 260 Mg C ha−1 and it was especially high in umbrisols. In conclusion, the implementation of protective measures in these fragile ecosystems may help to maintain the highly heterogeneous tree structure and enhance the role of both soils and trees as long-term C sinks.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨北京市六环内城市道路附属绿地木本植物多样性以及结构特征,梳理北京市城区道路绿化建设现状,探索北京市城市道路附属绿地存在的问题及梯度变化规律。【方法】以0. 5 m的World View 2遥感影像为基础,目视解译北京六环外1 km范围内道路,以每种类型道路总长度的10%作为调查长度,利用Arcgis对该范围已命名道路随机选取实地勘测路段,调查选取路段木本植物树种、胸径、冠幅等指标,并对调研数据进行多样性及结构分析。【结果】本研究共记录北京市道路附属绿地木本植物33科、61属、77种,其中乔木59种、灌木15种、藤本3种;使用数量最多、频度最高的树种为国槐;北京本地种62种;植物丰富度、多样性指数均沿环路呈现了由城内向城外逐步增加的变化趋势;乔木平均胸径24. 07 cm,平均胸径沿环路由内向外逐渐减小,胸径等级分布在Ⅱ级数量最多;径级较大的树木占比由城内向城外逐渐减少,国道与胡同较大径级树木比例高于其他类型道路;乔木平均冠幅6. 33 m,Ⅳ级冠幅即6~8 m最为常见;各环路间冠幅由城内向城外逐渐减小,国道与胡同大冠幅树种占有较大比例。【结论】北京市道路绿地的物种多样性不高,优势树种优势度过强,尤其是北京市市树国槐,无论在数量上还是使用频率上都远高于其他树种;在乔木树种中,青年期占比较高,分布不均匀,幼年期树种过少;整体树冠覆盖较好,冠幅分级分布均衡;北京市道路绿地受城市化进程影响明显,沿环路由城内向城外显示出物种增加、胸径和冠幅减小的梯度变化;城市道路(环路、主干道、次干道、支路、胡同)物种丰富度明显高于公路(高速公路、国道、省道),大径级树木多分布于国道与胡同,公路冠幅大于城市道路。  相似文献   

李春明 《林业科学》2012,48(3):66-73
基于两层次线性混合效应模型方法,建立江西省杉木人工林单木胸径生长量模型.研究所用数据来自于长期观测的固定样地数据,数据库包括82个区域、365个样地、5416株树木共计16248条记录.为了解决不同区域及不同样地之间的差异,本文构建的混合模型分别考虑样地层次、区域层次及两层次的随机参数效应.针对数据存在的重复测量及嵌套结构特性,在模拟时选择合适的异方差和自相关模型矩阵来解决此类问题.最后利用独立的抽样验证数据对模拟结果进行验证.结果表明:林分断面积、对象木胸径、林分内大于对象木的断面积之和与对象木胸径的比值以及海拔对单木胸径生长量有显著影响.与林业中常用的传统最小二乘方法相比,采用混合效应模型方法后模型的模拟精度和验证精度均有提高.选择适合的异方差和自相关函数后,模型比只考虑参数的随机效应有更好的适应性,并体现出了混合效应模型的灵活性和准确性.  相似文献   

Root competition between conspecific neighbours has been notoriously difficult to determine in intact ecosystems. Here we applied microsatellite markers to genotype beech trees (Fagus sylvatica, L.) and roots in subplots in an undisturbed, old-growth monospecific forest (Hainich, Germany). Roots were quantified and assigned to individuals. As a measure for territoriality, we determined root segregation. The hypothesis was tested that intraspecific root diversity was higher in the geometric centre of a triangle formed by beech trees than at positions closer to the stem of a tree. Space exploration measured as presence of an individual was correlated with stem diameter but not soil occupation. Fine root biomass, intraspecific Shannon diversity, effective numbers of genotypes and Evenness were stable and unrelated to the distance of the target tree. We conclude that beech shows no indication for territoriality or asymmetric competition in the presence of conspecific neighbours.  相似文献   

全国立木生物量建模总体划分与样本构成研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
结合全国生态地理区域和行政区域,并兼顾立木材积表的建模总体划分,提出了全国立木生物量建模总体划分方案,将全部树种分为34个树种组,全国分为6大地理区域,共划分70个建模总体;通过对已有立木生物量数据进行建模分析,将立木生物量模型的预估精度确定为95%以上,同时根据变动系数分析结果提出合适的建模样本单元数应该在150以上,且要按划定的10个径阶均匀分配,保证每个径阶的样本单元数不少于15个;以第七次全国森林资源清查数据为基础,确定了每一个建模总体的样本结构,将样本单元数全部落实到了各省和各级径阶。研究成果可为推进全国森林生物量调查建模工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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