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高等真菌基因工程研究进展   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
本文综述了高等真菌遗传转化所采用的选择标记和外源DNA导入受体真菌的几种方法,比较了高等真菌复制型转化与整合型转化的转化子的遗传稳定性,简述了高等真菌基因工程在工农业生产中的应用现状,展望了基因工程技术在食用蕈菌遗传育种中的应用前景。  相似文献   

正"互联网+"时代的到来,既为高等农业院校人才培养机制创新带来了机遇,也为高等农业院校人才培养机制创新带来了挑战,如对培养具有创新意识和创业能力的高等农业院校专业人才提出了新的要求,对高等农业院校创新教育与创业教育的融合提出了新的指向。因此,农业类高校作为服务"三农"的主体,如何在"互联网+"视域下开展适应农业类高校大学生的创新创业教育,探索一条适合农业类高校"双创"  相似文献   

杨京燕  黄倩 《现代园艺》2023,(11):167-169
人才振兴是乡村振兴的重要组成部分。高等涉农职业教育作为针对三农问题开展的人才培养,对于乡村人才振兴具有重要作用。当前,高等涉农职业教育人才培养与乡村振兴人才需求之间仍存在一定差距。高等涉农职业教育应重视本土人才的培养,及时更新涉农专业,捋清专业人才培养方向,创新涉农专业人才培养模式,加强师资队伍建设力度,为乡村培养更多的专业人才,补齐农业科技人员的短板,进而促进乡村人才振兴。  相似文献   

通过对我国食用菌产业发展所面临的结构调整及国内外市场竞争客观环境问题的分析,阐明新兴食用菌产业良性发展迫切需要高等专业技术人才。同时提出,要建立多层次的食用菌专业人才培养体系,其中高等院校的培养目标定位应是高等专业技术人才;并为实现这一目标,从合理安排理论教学内容,改进教学方法、强化实践教学,培养和提高学生的专业技能和科学素质等方面指出了当前高等院校食用菌课程教学改革的思路及方法。  相似文献   

介绍了用玉米芯和工业下脚料废棉袋装平菇的高产技术,包括栽培原料的选择、栽培料的配比、栽培料的配制和堆积发酵、装袋接种、发菌、出菇管理及生物转化率高等特点。  相似文献   

刘晓南 《中国食用菌》2020,(3):79-80,84
财务管理是实现食用菌产业战略目标的保证,针对产品增产不增效、精深加工不足、品牌价值不高等问题,分析了食用菌产业财务管理的重要性、食用菌产业财务管理现状,并提出了财务管理有效策略,以期为食用菌产业持续、健康发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

冯甫 《烟台果树》2008,(1):31-32
菜籽黄杏是辛集市林业局选育出的杏新品种,具有抗寒、丰产、极早熟、抗逆性强、管理简单、效益高等特点。  相似文献   

茄子一代杂种熊岳紫长茄的选育付政文,杜述林,李立申,康成山,张立今,李福生(辽宁熊岳农业高等专科学校115214)熊岳紫长茄是辽宁熊岳农业高等专科学校育成的茄子一代杂种,具有早熟、优质、抗病、高产等特点。经品种比较试验、区域试验和生产试验表明,平均比...  相似文献   

中药废渣栽培平菇试验初报   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
中药渣原料栽培平菇,较好的解决了传统用料价格高、货源紧张、生产效益不高等问题,给企业解决了药渣废料的排放及其二次污染等问题,可使平菇生物学效率平均为97%,最高达到126%,开辟了平菇栽培新资源。  相似文献   

"青县连栋式竹木结构大棚"采用全竹结构,具备单棚面积大、土地利用率高、建造成本低、抗灾性能优良、效益高等优点。本文介绍了这种结构大棚的起源与发展、结构、建造方法、高效栽培模式。  相似文献   

试验采用聚丙烯凝胶电泳对梨属的秋子梨、沙梨、西洋梨、杜梨、矮化梨及朝鲜洋梨辐射优系共37个品种(系)嫩枝的韧皮部提取液进行过氧化物酶同工酶的测定,结果表明:梨属植物不同种间的谱带差异较大,种内品种间差异较小。矮化品种及矮化砧的谱带均较复杂,朝鲜洋梨辐射新品系的主要谱带均显现一条强谱带的缺失,或由强带向弱带的变化。由此认为用过氧化物酶同工酶来鉴定梨的种属,品种及新品种(系)的形成是一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

Artificial inoculation with fungal species involved in the Petri disease was performed on in vitro grapevine shoots. After 2 months, plantlets were observed and the presence of any leaf chlorosis or necrosis, considered as symptoms of the disease, were recorded. The fungal inoculation caused an increase in the number of symptomatic in vitro plants and in the incidence of external symptoms. Recovery of the fungal species was obtained after incubation of excised tissue fragments from the inoculated in vitro plants while some fertile fragments were collected also from plants without external symptoms. Higher levels of symptoms were observed in the rootstock varieties inoculated with Phaeomoniella chlamydospora while the lowest incidence was observed in the Aglianico cultivar. The possibility to correlate the visual assessment of in vitro plants with the data obtained by the analysis of digital images was confirmed.  相似文献   

以枳壳、宜昌橙、龟井、本地早、柠檬、酸橙为试材,对其离体枝叶进行湿热空气和温浴处理.测定叶片在热处理过程中游离脯氨酸含量、过氧化物酶活性、细胞膜透性的变化.结果表明:叶片游离脯氨酸含量和由叶片细胞膜透性(电导值)变化计算出的半致死温度两项指标可用于柑桔叶片耐热力的测定;本试验所测定的6种柑桔中,以酸橙较为耐热,柠檬次之,枳壳、宜昌橙较不耐热.  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂对‘长富—2’苹果离体繁殖的效果表明:(1)增殖和生长以BA 1.0—1.5mg/L、IBA 0.5mg/L 较为适宜,高浓度的 BA 和 IAB 易产生玻璃苗和其它异常现象;赤霉素促进新梢的生长.浓度为3.0mg/L 时对增殖有促进作用.(2)三十烷醇对增殖和生长具有显著的效应.(3)不定根的诱导以附加1.0—3.0mg/L IAA 或0.5mg/L IBA 较好.(4)培养基中附加 PP333可以促进根的形成。提高试管苗的移栽成活率.(5)转移培养对生根率和生根数目无显著影响,但有利于试管苗的移栽.  相似文献   

In eastern North America, large forest patches have been the primary target of biodiversity conservation. This conservation strategy ignores land units that combine to form the complex emergent rural landscapes typical of this region. In addition, many studies have focussed on one wildlife group at a single spatial scale. In this paper, studies of avian and anuran populations at regional and landscape scales have been integrated to assess the ecological value of agricultural mosaics in southern Ontario on the basis of the maintenance of faunal biodiversity. Field surveys of avian and anuran populations were conducted between 2001 and 2004 at the watershed and sub-watershed levels. The ecological values of land units were based on a combination of several components including species richness, species of conservation concern (rarity), abundance, and landscape parameters (patch size and connectivity). It was determined that habitats such as thicket swamps, coniferous plantations and cultural savannas can play an important role in the overall biodiversity and ecological value of the agricultural landscape. Thicket swamps at the edge of agricultural fields or roads provided excellent breeding habitat for anurans. Coniferous plantations and cultural savannas attracted many birds of conservation concern. In many cases, the land units that provided high ecological value for birds did not score well for frogs. Higher scores for avian and anuran populations were recorded along the Niagara Escarpment and other protected areas as expected. However, some private land areas scored high, some spatially connected to the protected areas and therefore providing an opportunity for private land owners to enter into a management arrangement with the local agencies.  相似文献   

无花类型藕莲品种产量形成与需肥特性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
屈小江  赵有为 《园艺学报》1991,18(4):335-339
本文研究了花藕的产量形成过程及需肥特性。结果表明,藕莲植株前期进行营养生长,后期转入贮藏生长,以其后栋叶的出现为标志。新藕的形成、膨大过程在7月16日至8月20日,历时约35天,其中包含一个快速增长期。结藕以前,体内同化产物主要分配给茎叶,用于开源;结藕后,主要分配到藕中,用于扩库,其间发生了生长中心的转移。并初步探明藕莲生育期中对N、 P、K吸收量的变化趋势,其吸收比约为2.73:1:5.2。  相似文献   

宽皮桔类野生种花粉形态的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘庚峰  李文斌 《园艺学报》1992,19(3):203-208,T001

羊肚菌人工栽培出菇期虫害调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对甘肃陇南地区羊肚菌人工栽培过程中出菇期有害发生情况进行调查的结果:明确生物种类计有2门、5纲、10目共17种,针对有害生物的优势种群提出农业措施、物理防治、化学防治等防治措施。  相似文献   

The ability of plants to tolerate stress is determined in part by the carbon allocated to their reserves. We studied two common urban tree species in northeastern North America, Acer saccharinum (Silver maple, native) and Acer platanoides (Norway maple, exotic), to assess the dynamics of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations immediately following a maintenance pruning of 30% of the tree crown. NSC concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in branches, main stems, and root tissues for both pruned and un-pruned trees at three intervals during the growing season. NSC concentrations in tree organs of A. platanoides were 75% higher than in A. saccharinum. Maintenance pruning did not have any significant depletion effect on carbohydrate concentrations in the tissues of either species. Yet, there was a significant increase in the NSC concentrations in un-pruned branches of pruned trees of A. platanoides at the end of the growing season, but no effect was observed in A. saccharinum. Higher levels of carbohydrates after pruning in woody plant tissues suggested that A. platanoides may have compensatory mechanisms that allow this species to respond better to maintenance pruning than A. saccharinum.  相似文献   

国外蔬菜遗传资源的引进,研究与利用进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王素  徐兆生 《园艺学报》1998,25(3):264-269
1971~1996年从40余个国家(地区)引进14个科48属72种(包括变种)共11410份蔬菜遗传资源,其中20余种为国内稀有蔬菜,还有我国科研和生产急需的抗源材料、雄性不育系、耐热和耐低温等珍贵材料。根据我国不同地区的生态气候类型,与地方科研、生产单位结合对引进的5345份材料共同试种鉴定,筛选出40余个优良品种在生产上直接推广利用,获得了巨大的经济效益。选出的品种中有7个通过了省(市)品种审(认)定,共推广面积261khm2。大批引进的蔬菜优异资源被全国育种单位广泛用于培育新品种,获得了重大的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

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