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Baboon infants were captured with their mothers in the Loskopdam area. The infants were separated from their mothers and raised in a laboratory. Each infant was placed with a surrogate mother. The infants accepted their surrogate mothers immediately. The very young infants spent most of their time with the mother where they suckled and slept for long periods. The older infants spent less time with their mothers. They only returned to the mother to be fed, to sleep or when frightened. The surrogate mothers that we have designed satisfied the needs of the infant. Thus infants were raised successfully in the laboratory.  相似文献   

黔金丝猴是中国Ⅰ级保护野生动物,为保护这一濒危物种,2013年4月~2014年4月,在北京动物园对2013年4月出生的1只雄性黔金丝猴的行为发育进行了研究.利用行为取样法和连续记录法记录1周岁内婴猴首次出现的行为和婴猴和父亲玩耍的时间以及与母亲接触的时间.结果表明:2日龄有抓网动作且力度不小,脖子能挺立支撑头部,睁大眼睛转头看东西;11日龄能吸吮伸到嘴边的橙子,14日龄能离开母亲自己爬网,64日龄能真正吞咽食物,3月龄时婴猴的行为已基本完善.3月龄后逐渐出现玩耍、梳理、攻击、警戒等行为.雄婴关系与年龄存在正相关,6月龄后基本稳定.幼子和公猴玩耍时间表明2月龄时开始与父亲有少量接触,以后逐渐增加,到6月龄时增加到13.09%,之后一直到周岁,婴儿被父亲完全接纳.和母猴相处时间为头1个月婴猴主要呆在母亲怀里,到3月龄后与母亲相处时间一直稳定维持在20% ~ 30%的水平上.  相似文献   

母乳低聚糖(human milk oligosaccharides,HMOs)是一类存在于人乳中的复杂混合低聚糖,是母乳中的第三大营养物质,在婴幼儿生长发育中起到重要作用。目前已鉴定出超过200种不同的母乳低聚糖。天然的母乳低聚糖混合物的不同组成和分布,反映了母亲的遗传基因特性(如:路易斯血型)、哺乳阶段、生活方式、饮食和生活地域等的不同。本文对母乳低聚糖对母乳喂养儿的健康起到有益作用的一些研究和文献进行了总结和评述。关于母乳低聚糖,尤其是中国妈妈乳汁中的母乳低聚糖的含量和特性分布的信息非常有限,因此,在中国有必要强化研究母乳低聚糖结构和功能的关系,建立中国妈妈的母乳低聚糖数据库,以期形成一个可靠的科学依据和明确的指导方针来改善婴儿配方食品。  相似文献   

Here we review information on maternal behaviour in dogs, defined as a combination of all the acts of the mother towards her offspring, which begins before parturition and continues until weaning. In dogs, maternal care is measured using the most commonly observed behaviours, such as the time spent in contact, licking/grooming and nursing of the puppies. Since newborn puppies have a very limited capacity for movement, maternal interaction is essential to their survival, nourishment and protection. It is also an important element of the bonding process between puppies and the bitch and is thought to play a role in the social development of the puppies. Nevertheless, some questions still need to be clarified, such as the best way to quantify factors that may interfere with maternal behaviour. In recent studies, maternal care, or maternal style, was measured using a scoring system and found to be influenced by factors such as litter size, breed and parity, or even human interaction. However, the impact of the emotional state of the bitch and the quality of maternal behaviour on puppy survival and development remain unclear. The long-lasting effects of mother–puppy interactions on puppy behaviour during their adult life are still poorly understood, despite their importance for breeders who wish to prevent future problem behaviours.  相似文献   

母乳低聚糖(human milk oligosaccharides,HMOs)是母乳的重要成分,研究非母乳低聚糖与HMOs之间的差异是实现婴儿配方乳粉母乳化、提升婴儿配方乳粉营养功能、满足婴儿营养健康的基础性工作。本文综述近几年关于HMOs种类、结构特征、HMOs对肠道微生物的调节、肠道健康及免疫系统发育影响的研究成果,同时比较常见动物乳中低聚糖的构成与HMOs的差异,阐述目前婴儿配方乳粉中常用低聚糖的特点及其功能,提出低聚糖在婴幼儿配方乳粉中应用存在的问题与展望,为开发新型婴儿配方乳粉提供理论指导。  相似文献   

婴儿大脑的快速发育对膳食中营养物质的供应有极高需求,尤其是早产儿.唾液酸是脑神经节苷脂和修饰神经细胞黏附分子的聚唾液酸链的重要成分.人乳唾液酸含量较高,主要形式为N-乙酰神经氨酸.相比之下,婴儿配方乳粉中含有低水平的唾液酸,包括N-乙酰神经氨酸和N-羟乙酰神经氨酸,N-羟乙酰神经氨酸与一些人类炎症性疾病有关.本文综述唾...  相似文献   

母乳乳脂不同于其他哺乳动物的乳脂及植物油。母乳被认为是新生儿最理想的食物来源,但并非所有情况下都具备供婴儿发育食用的母乳。因此,组成和功能更加接近母乳的配方乳粉在优化配方乳粉喂养婴儿的过程中扮演着极其重要的角色。为了模拟人乳脂肪,配方乳粉脂肪母乳化随即诞生。随着母乳脂质更多功能的发现,婴幼儿配方乳粉中的脂肪已经可以在脂肪层面实现母乳化,甘油三酯层面的母乳化一直在随着营养科学的认识而进步。本文综述婴幼儿配方乳粉脂质母乳化的研究进展。  相似文献   

BrachyuryT)基因是T-box家族中第一个被鉴定出来的基因,该家族也因此得名。科学家们一直在探索Brachyury基因和T-box家族各成员的分子结构和生理功能,研究发现,Brachyury基因在多种动物中同源性都比较高,这说明T基因在进化过程中高度保守;Brachyury基因在哺乳动物胚胎发育过程中对脊索、尾芽和尿囊的形成起到不可或缺的作用,而导致胚胎发育出现障碍的原因极有可能是Brachyury基因的改变引起了与Wnt和FGF信号通路相关因子表达的上调或下调;后来的研究还发现,动物短尾表型的形成似乎也与Brachyury基因在胚胎发育期间的表达有密切关系。基于国内外对Brachyury基因的研究现状,对Brachyury基因同源性和其在胚胎发育期间所起到的调控作用进行整理归纳,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The neocortex plays a key role in cognition, volitional motor control and sensory perception and has undergone tremendous expansion during evolution. The mature neocortex consists of radially aligned neurons that are arranged in six layers. Layers II–VI are often split into two groups: deep and upper layers, both building up the so‐called cortical plate during embryonic and foetal development. So far cortical neurogenesis, including the generation of deep and upper layers, has mostly been studied in laboratory rodents and primates. However, precise data for most companion animals are lacking. This study determined the main period of neurogenesis, specifically the timing of deep and upper layer generation, in the developing domestic cat, pig and sheep neocortex using immunohistochemistry for specific neuronal markers, that is Tbr1 and Brn2. We found that the general sequence of neural events is preserved among cat, pig, sheep and other mammalian species. However, we observed differences in the timing of the overall cortical neurogenic period and occurrence of distinct neural events when these three species were compared. Moreover, our data provide further evidence that the cortical neurogenic period and gestation length might be tightly related. Together, these data expand our current understanding of neocortex development and are important for future studies investigating neocortex development and expansion especially in companion animals.  相似文献   

母乳是满足婴儿生命最初阶段所有营养需求的第一和唯一的食物来源,被公认为婴儿生长、发育和健康的最佳营养形式。母乳除为婴幼儿提供营养外,还通过使婴儿接触各种气味化合物的感觉体验来影响婴儿对味道和食物的偏好。为了更好将母乳气味研究应用于婴幼儿配方乳粉,使婴幼儿配方乳粉更接近母乳的效果,本文对母乳和婴幼儿配方乳粉气味化合物成分及其主要影响因素进行全面介绍,为婴幼儿配方乳粉母乳化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

收集国内外主要特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品营养数据,分别对国内外4 类特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品中三大产能营养素、维生素、矿物质以及在标准中要求强制添加或选择性添加的其他营养元素含量进行比较分析,并对国内外4 类特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品进行主成分分析。结果表明:氨基酸配方或乳蛋白深度水解配方中,国内品牌脂肪、VK、泛酸、牛磺酸含量显著大于国外品牌(P<0.05),但国内品牌叶酸含量显著低于国外品牌(P<0.05);乳蛋白部分水解配方中,国内品牌脂肪、锰、牛磺酸、肉碱含量显著高于国外品牌(P<0.05);  相似文献   

The regulation of nutrient absorptive capacity is a critical factor in the normal growth and development of infants of all species. In human infants this is a common problem after surgical resection; the process of adaptation or upregulation of nutrient transport capacity is the physiologic process, which allows patients to transition to enteral feeding. The specific mechanisms that control this are still relatively poorly understood but are likely relevant for most mammals with an ontogeny of intestinal function related to the weaning process. Many actions of the entero-endocrine hormone glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-2 indicate that it may be a key factor in regulating physiologic intestinal development, nutrient absorptive capacity, and the process of adaptative upregulation of nutrient absorption after resection. This article will review the biology of GLP-2, which is preserved across a broad range of species. This will include the production of GLP-2 in the L cell, the regulation of GLP-2 release, and the mechanism of action. The GLP-2 receptor is specifically located on enteric neurons and pericryptal myofibroblast; thus, effects on the intestinal mucosa involve a second messenger. We will review the functioning of this system in the developing human infant and the role of GLP-2 in the regulation of adaptation, with the general implications for nutrient absorption in animals and humans.  相似文献   

早期营养对婴幼儿的生理功能、免疫系统成熟和认知发展有巨大影响。人乳是一种特殊的生命营养液体,被公认为婴幼儿营养的黄金标准和婴儿的最佳食物,可以满足6 月龄内婴儿的全部营养需要。世界卫生组织建议在婴儿生命前6 个月进行纯母乳喂养。国内相关法规标准强调“母乳是婴儿最理想的天然食物”,提倡婴幼儿出生至少进行6 个月的纯母乳喂养。为建立婴幼儿营养健康标准,本文对人乳的成分及其对婴幼儿发育的影响进行全面介绍,期望为明确婴幼儿营养需要提供科学依据。  相似文献   

1. Several neural peptides are known to stimulate feeding behaviour in mammalian species. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether central injection of mammalian motilin, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) or galanin stimulates feeding in the neonatal chick. 2. None of the peptides applied here enhanced the food intake of the chick. 3. It is suggested that motilin, MCH and galanin, at least those of mammalian origin, may not regulate feeding in neonatal chicks, when administered to the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Infanticide was first observed in langurs nearly 50 years ago, and this rare phenomenon has been inferred to have either an evolutionarily adaptive function or to be a pathological and non‐functional behavior. In this study, we report 5 male takeover events in one‐male groups of white‐headed langurs in the Nongguan Karst Hills, Guangxi, China from 1998 to 2006. We recorded 13 attacks on 9 infants by extra‐group males or new resident males. During the male takeovers, all of the infants younger than 6 months (with an average age of 3.6 months [N = 11]) in the groups disappeared. The infant death rate during the 4.2 months after takeover by a new male was significantly higher than the infant death rate calculated for most of the year. Older infants that were still nursing (with an average age of 14.1 months [N = 7]) were often attacked and seriously wounded by the extra‐group males or new resident males, but all of them survived. The interbirth intervals of females whose infants were assumed to be killed by males were significantly reduced relative to those of females in groups with stable male tenure (mean = 10 months vs 25 months). Our data suggest that males kill unrelated and unweaned infants during the takeover period to decrease the time until the infants’ mothers resume fertility. Thus, infanticide would support sexual selection theory in white‐headed langurs. The data also show that infanticidal behavior was directed toward the infants, especially those who were still nursing. Female dispersal may function as a counter‐strategy to avoid infanticide.  相似文献   

Sociosexual stimuli have a profound effect on the physiology of all species. Sheep and goats provide an ideal model to study the impact of sociosexual stimuli on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis because we can use the robust changes in the pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone as a bioassay of gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion. We can also correlate these changes with neural activity using the immediate early gene c-fos and in real time using changes in electrical activity in the mediobasal hypothalamus of female goats. In this review, we will update our current understanding of the proven and potential mechanisms and mode of action of the male effect in sheep and goats and then briefly compare our understanding of sociosexual stimuli in ungulate species with the "traditional" definition of a pheromone.  相似文献   

The trophoblast cells that take part in placenta formation are characterized by different modes of multiplication of their genome that largely designates their eu- or aneuploidy level. The two main ways of genome multiplication are described in different degree: (a) endoreduplication that involves almost complete shutdown of mitosis and (b) reduced mitosis (‘endomitosis’) in which, by contrast, entry into mitosis and the passage of its initial stages is a prerequisite of genome multiplication. Endoreduplication observed in the trophoblast giant cells (TGC) in a range of mammalian species implies uncoupling of DNA replication from mitosis achieved by reduction of mitotic Cdk activity. The key role in the regulation of endoreduplication and endomitosis play activity of APC/C complex, geminin and E2F family. A programme of genome multiplication and cell cycle progression may include depolyploidization achieved by specific mitotic or non-mitotic (amitotic) division of the giant nucleus. In some mammalian species (Rodents), this process represents the final step of the giant cell lifespan that coincides with complete cessation of cell or genome reproduction. Meantime, in other species the process may take part in cell reproduction during lengthy pregnancy. The dynamics of fox and human polyploidization is similar by the possibility of a simultaneous increase in the proportion of endopolyploid and low-polyploid cells. Reduced mitoses, endoreduplication and depolyploidization appear to be an evolution strategy allowing to generate the functionally different trophoblast cell populations depending of the lifestyle of life of the animal species. Some placental pathologies may be accounted for disturbance of the programme of the cell/genome reproduction of the giant and low-ploid cell populations.  相似文献   

莪术醇雌性不育剂防治草地害鼠试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验结果表明:饵粒试验区平均校正控制效果为21.86%,母粉试验区平均校正控制效果为20.14%;母粉试验区雌鼠怀胎率平均下降率为3.7%;平均胎仔数下降率为5.26%,饵粒试验区雌鼠怀胎率平均下降率为5.6%,平均胎仔数下降率为9.44%:母粉试验区亚成体下降率仅为14.24%,饵粒试验区亚成体下降率仅为11.65%,且0.2%莪术醇母粉与燕麦混合的饵粒适口性较好;而0.2%莪术醇饵粒适口性较差。该不育剂对高原鼠兔的控制效果不明显。  相似文献   

主要微量元素的功用 微量元素如何调节动物的机体代谢,在许多方面尚不清楚,以下是我们已经了解到的部分内容,但什么是生长或繁殖的 最佳需要量,哪种化学结合最易被动物吸收利用,至今只有有限的研究资料,这为我们的生产带来许多不确定因素。特别 是重金属铜超量不仅能引发动物自身的毒害作用,同时还会造成严重的环境污染,甚至是肉品自身的污染。有限的研究资 料显示,微量元素的利用对动物健康作用显著,选择正确与否将对动物的繁殖性能及生长性能有显著的影响。  相似文献   

采用气相色谱定量及气相色谱-质谱确证,建立婴幼儿配方乳粉中甲醛含量的测定方法,并对网购45份婴幼儿配方乳粉中甲醛的污染水平进行调查分析与暴露风险评估.通过优化前处理条件,考察方法的线性关系、精密度、准确度、检出限及定量限等指标,采用外标法定量.结果表明:该方法在0~10μg范围内线性良好(r>0.999),方法检出限为...  相似文献   

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