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栗柱 《饲料广角》2006,(11):29-30,37
近年来“功能性食品”这个词语在食品工业引起了不小的轰动.这种食品号称可以通过食用添加了某种对人体健康状况有益的营养增强剂来提高人类的健康水平。遗憾的是,功能性食品对消费者的宣传,并没有相应的科研成果支持。然而,当“功能性食品”在向人类描述一个食品科学的重要领域时,这个词语显示出有助于描述一门有关畜产品前沿科学的作用。  相似文献   

饲料是人类的间接食品 ,饲料中有毒、有害物质会直接危害到人类的健康。越来越多的研究发现 ,人类常见的癌症、畸形、抗药性和某些中毒现象与肉、蛋、奶中的抗菌素、激素和其他合成药物的残留有关。药物添加剂这个曾经给畜牧业带来了很大效益的物质 ,随着时代的发展 ,它引起的副作用也日益明显。低治疗量的抗生素作为添加剂 ,在消灭病原菌的同时 ,也消灭了对机体有益的微生物 ,造成菌群失调 ;长期饲喂 ,还会引起抗药性细菌的产生 ,在畜产品中残留 ,对公共卫生产生不良影响 ,直接威胁人类健康与安全。比利时的“二恶英”事件和继“二恶英”后…  相似文献   

杨建武 《湖南饲料》2010,(6):1-2,22
中国饲料工业协会白美清会长在湘考察谈到饲料企业做大做强需要“五靠”时,把“靠品牌”放在第一位,由此可见,实施名牌战略对一个饲料企业的发展壮大是非常重要的。饲料是人类的问接食品,虽然使用对象是养殖动物,但选购对象却是人类——养殖动物生产者。  相似文献   

营养技术上的最新研究进展表明,许多饲料原料除了它们所拥有的营养作用外还具有很多其它功能。这些功能性饲料在人类营养上被称之为“多功能食物”,它们能够改善整个日粮的营养价值以及食用者的健康和福利。在猪的营养方面,功能性饲料在提高猪的多方面性能上发挥着主要作用。  相似文献   

一、生物技术及其含义生物技术这个词语已引起了包括家禽业在内的诸多行业的浓厚兴趣。从广义讲,生物技术是采用生命或生物学过程为人类制造产品。虽然在传统的家禽育种过程中很少连带使用生物技术一词,但从上面的广义讲,它一直是几千年来家禽研究和品种改良的组成部分。最近几年,一直使用生物技术一词来描述能使我们对活细胞及其产品进行研究、改变或操纵的无数新技术。对构成生物技术组成部分的一些新的生物技术采用的叙词还有:“分子生物学”、“分子遗传学”、“遗传工程”。“基因克隆”和“重组DNA”。这些技术的公分母是能让…  相似文献   

饲料企业建立和实施HACCP体系应注意的问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
HACCP中文名称为“危害分析与关键控制点”,英文是“HazardAnalysisandCriticalControlPoint”,是目前被世界各国食品安全主管当局、科研机构和食品生产企业所公认的,用来控制食品安全危害的一种经济、有效的、科学的全过程预防控制管理体系。饲料作为动物的食品,饲料工业作为整个食物链中的一个重要环节,理所当然地应用HACCP这个先进的管理体系来预防控制潜在的危害,从而生产出卫生安全的动物食品——饲料。虽然HACCP管理体系在食品生产中的应用已十分广泛,但在饲料工业中的应用是近年的事,国内大部分饲料加工企业对HACCP体系了…  相似文献   

正众所周知,生物饲料是近年来的研究热点,在行业备受关注,下面就和大家共同探讨一下生物饲料未来的发展趋势。1我们为什么要发展发酵饲料1.1人类发酵食品发酵饲料源于人类发酵食品。在拥有现代食品加工保藏技术之前,发酵差不多是人类食品加工、保藏的主导方式。发酵食品是指人们利用有益微生物加工制造的一类食品。第一类为谷  相似文献   

益生菌作为一类能够对宿主生理功能产生有益作用的活性微生物,被广泛应用于食品领域、医药领域以及畜牧领域,但是人们对益生菌还是知之甚少,并不完全了解其具体作用机制。本文对益生菌代替抗生素作为疾病治疗的新型手段、代替抗生素作为饲料添加剂喂食畜禽对其生长性能的改善以及利用益生菌开发新型功能性食品等作用进行了论述,旨在为进一步研究开发益生菌提供参考。  相似文献   

只有安全的饲料.才有安全的食品。饲料的安全问题是一个全球性的问题,控制饲料安全是人类健康的需要。目前,来自于饲养动物的动物性食品是人类所需动物性食品的主要来源.而饲料又是饲养动物的基本食料。在饲料一饲养动物一人类这条以食物营养为中心的食物链上,饲料这一营养级是最基础、最重要的一环。通过生物的富集作用,饲料中的某些化学成分将会在人体内逐渐积累.  相似文献   

饲料安全即食物安全,这在国际相关领域已成为共识,也被国内人们所接受。饲料安全问题直接影响动物产品间接影响人类安全。饲料是动物的“食品”,通过饲料而污染的动物性产品的恶性事件近年来时有发生。1992年的英国发生的“疯牛病”事件,1999年比利时发生的“二恶英”事件,以及国内2001年发生的“瘦肉精”事件,这些事件发生增加了人们对畜产品的恐慌。造成重大经济损失,并引发严重的政治问题。而这些事件发生则最终归结于动物所食用的饲料受到污染而致。我国是饲料生产大国,确保饲料安全不仅对我国的食品安全战略至关重要,而且也对世界食品安全有着重要的影响。HACCP管理是保证饲料和食品安全而对生产全过程实行的事前、预防性控制体系我国在近年开始在饲料行业开展HACCP安个管理体系认证和饲料产品认证试点工作。在我国大力推行“无公害食品”和“绿色食品”的时候,在饲料行业推行HACCP体系必将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) is a monitoring procedure that uses quickly determined field indicators to assess the functional status of rangelands. As such, it complements existing procedures that assess condition. It comprises three modules — a conceptual framework, a field methodology and an interpretational framework — and is intended to generate chronosequences of data. The conceptual framework is based on the economy of vital resources and focuses on the processes that regulate the spatial movement and use of water, topsoil and organic matter in the landscape. The field methodology uses simple, visual indicators closely related to a range of physical, chemical and biological processes, taking only a few seconds per indicator to assess in the field after training. Observations of system dynamics are made in two spatially nested scales ('hillslope' and 'patch'). A patch is an area on a hillslope where scarce, vital resources tend to be accumulated. A software template generates a series of tables containing data at both scales. The interpretational framework is based on a sigmoidal response surface linking the lowest and highest functional examples of a given landscape type across a stress/disturbance gradient. It facilitates the identification of target values for rehabilitation and the propinquity of monitored sites to a critical threshold distinguishing 'sustainable' from 'unsustainable' management/climate combinations. The procedure enables critically vulnerable processes to be identified, so that rehabilitation procedures can be appropriately designed. LFA has been developed, tested and implemented in a range of climate types (200mm to 4 000mm rainfall per year) and land-uses (pastoralism, mining, nature conservation).  相似文献   

The purpose of this overview is to highlight important steps of ovarian regulation during follicle development, ovulation and the life span of corpus luteum (CL) in ruminants. The ovarian cycle is central to reproductive function. It is characterized by repeating patterns of cellular proliferation, differentiation and transformation that encompass follicular development and ovulation as well as the formation, function and regression of the CL. In the first part, the importance and regulation of final follicle growth and especially of angiogenesis and blood flow during folliculogenesis, dominant follicle development and CL formation are described. Our results underline the importance of growth factors especially of insulin-like growth factor (IGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) for development and completion of a dense network of capillaries (angiogenesis) during follicle growth and CL formation. In the second part, the regulation of CL function by endocrine/paracrine and autocrine acting regulators is discussed. There is evidence that besides the main endocrine hormones luteinizing hormone (LH) and growth hormone (GH) local regulators as growth factors, peptides, steroids and prostaglandins are important modulators of luteal function. During early CL development until midluteal stage oxytocin (OT), prostaglandins and progesterone (P) itself stimulate luteal cell proliferation and function supported by the luteotropic action of a number of growth factors. The still high mRNA expression, protein concentration and localization of VEGF, FGF and IGF family members in the cytoplasm of luteal cells during midluteal stage suggest that they play pivotal role in the maintenance (survival) of this endocrine tissue. The major function of the CL is to secrete P. Progesterone itself regulates the length of the estrous cycle via influencing the timing of the luteolytic PGF2alpha signal from the endometrium. At the end of a nonfertile cycle, the regression of CL commences, steroidogenic capacity is lost (functional luteolysis), cell death is initiated, and tissue involution as well as resorption occurs within a few days (structural luteolysis). The cascade of mediators during luteolysis is very complex and still awaits elucidation. Evidence is given for participation of blood flow, inflammatory cytokines, vasoactive peptides (angiotensin II and endothelin-1), and decrease of the classical luteotropic mediators.  相似文献   

Lesions of the sympathetic nervous system have been associated with grass sickness for many years (Obel, 1955). Dysphagia is also an accepted clinical feature of subacute or chronic cases. Megaoesophagus has been reported in horses with grass sickness, but it was uncertain whether oesophageal dilation was a primary condition, or a sequel to gastric distension (Greet, 1982). Robertson and others, (1948) suggested that dysphagia was alleviated in affected horses after drainage of gastric contents. It is interesting to note that dysphagia was present in less than half the cases in this study although radiological abnormalities of the oesophagus were similar in all cases. Consistent radiological abnormalities of the oesophagus occurred in 12 out of the 14 horses examined (this consisted of incoordination or atony of the thoracic oesophagus). In the two suspected cases of grass sickness which made a clinical recovery, the radiological abnormalities were slightly different. Contrast material was transferred slowly through the cervical oesophagus and pooled at the thoracic inlet as well as at several sites in the cervical oesophagus. Eventually the contrast material passed through the distal oesophagus into the stomach. Although gastric distension was present in many of the cases examined it was not possible to identify this by radiographic means. It is unlikely that the signs of oesophageal incoordination and dilation were related only to gastric distension, as in most of the cases, contrast material pooled in the oesophagus at the thoracic inlet rather than just cranial to the diaphragm. It seems reasonable to suggest that these radiological abnormalities resulted from neurological impairment of the oesophagus. It would be of particular value to examine horses with obstructive lesions of the stomach or duodenum to evaluate the effect of upper gastro-intestinal obstruction on oesophageal motility. A number of horses with other conditions of the upper alimentary tract have been examined radiographically at these clinics. Two horses suspected of suffering from grass sickness were found to have primary oesophageal abnormalities. One had a diverticulum and the other a localized area of dilation; both showed regurgitation of food and weight loss. Barium swallows in both horses defined the sites of their localized lesions but there was no evidence of either Type I or Type II oesophageal malfunction, and at post-mortem examination the ganglionic changes associated with grass sickness were absent. Examination of one horse with ileocaecal intussusception did not show radiological features of the oesophagus typical of those shown by cases of grass sickness. However, contrast material passed slowly through the upper oesophagus of a foal with congenital megaoesophagus in a manner similar to the Type II oesophageal malfunction described above. It also demonstrated dilation and gross inco-ordination of the thoracic oesophagus with pooling of contrast material at the thoracic inlet and oscillation between the thoracic inlet and diaphragm as seen in Type I malfunction in proven grass sickness. It is recognized that the radiological findings of oesophageal dilation and inco-ordination merely demonstrate the presence of neuromuscular impairment of oesophageal movement. Until more cases of upper gastro-intestinal disease can be examined, the specificity of these functional abnormalities for grass sickness cannot be accurately assessed. However the results assume considerable diagnostic significance when demonstrated in an adult horse which is exhibiting signs of grass sickness, particularly those of colonic impaction. The need for sophisticated equipment and thus the necessity of transport to centres so equipped, is clearly a drawback to the technique but this is often outweighed by the advantage of being able to avoid unnecessary laparotomy. As there is at present no cure for grass sickness, the improved diagnostic capability will allow severely ill horses to be destroyed without delay. It may also identify horses which on rare occasions appear to be making a slow recovery.  相似文献   

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