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Data on the fractional and group composition of humus in urban soils of Rostov-on-Don are discussed. We have compared the humus profiles of chernozems under tree plantations and those buried under anthropogenic deposits (including sealed chernozems under asphalt). It is shown that the type of humus in these soils remains stable despite a decrease in its total content after the long-term burial under asphalt. Under the impact of the trees, the organic matter of the chernozems acquired some features typical of gray forest soils, i.e., the humate-fulvate type of humus in the humus horizon and the sharp drop in the humus content down the soil profile.  相似文献   

In agrolandscapes of the Vladimir opolie region, the ancient paleocryogenic microtopography is completely buried. However, the pattern of the paleocryogenic soil complex can be deduced from data on the humus content in the plow layer. Under conditions of a leveled surface microtopography, regular differences in the temperature and moisture of soils with different morphologies of their profile are observed; they are explained by the differences in the properties of particular genetic horizons. It is supposed that differences in the regimes of functioning of modern soils of the complex favor the preservation of the relict soilscape.  相似文献   

The paleocryogenic genesis of a polygonal-blocky microrelief is substantiated. This microrelief was formed at the end of Late Pleistocene and is preserved in the buried state; it is also pronounced in the surface microtopography. The modern development of chernozems is greatly influenced by the paleocryogenic microtopography, as the profiles of chernozems developed on elevated polygons, their slopes, and within interpolygonal microdepressions clearly differ from one another in their morphology, horizonation, and functioning. These differences are sufficient to subdivide the corresponding soils at the subtype level. The paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the early (paleocryogenic) stages of the development of chernozems and the study of modern soil functioning with due account for the effect of paleocryogenic phenomena have been performed for the first time.  相似文献   

The total mercury content has been determined in gray forest soils, chernozems, chestnut soils, and in different parent materials in the Transbaikal region. The mercury content is below the clarke value in the intrusive, effusive, and alluvial soil-forming rocks (0.004–0.024 mg/kg). In the humus horizons of the soils, it reaches 0.011–0.026 mg/kg, which is higher than the clarke value for the pedosphere. The mean background content of mercury in the soils of the Transbaikal region is 0.018 mg/kg. No significant positive correlation between the mercury content and the humus content of the soils has been revealed.  相似文献   

Fragments of buried Late Pleistocene (30000-year-old) and Early Holocene (10000-year-old) paleosols contained viable complexes of microscopic fungi. The mycobiota of these paleosols represents a pool of fungal spores that is lower in number and species diversity as compared to that in the recent humus horizons and higher than that in the inclosing layers. The central part of the paleosol profiles is greatly enriched in microscopic fungi. In the intact humus horizons of the Late Holocene (1000–1200 years) paleosols, actively functioning fungal complexes are present. These horizons are characterized by their higher level of CO2 emission. The buried horizons, as compared to the recent mineral ones, contain a greater fungal biomass (by several times) and have a higher species diversity of microscopic fungi (including fungi that are not isolated from the recent horizons). Nonsporulating forms are also present there as sterile mycelium. The seasonal dynamics of the species composition and biomass of the fungal complexes were more prominent and differed from those inherent to the surface soil horizons. In the buried humus horizons, the dynamics of the fungal biomass were mainly due to the changes in the content of spores. The data on the composition of the fungal complexes in the buried soils confirm (due to the presence of stenotopic species) the results of paleobotanic analyses of the past phytocenoses or do not contradict them.  相似文献   

The main regularities of soil development in the Selenga delta area of the Baikal region have been studied. The terraces of Lake Baikal and the Selenga River are occupied by soddy forest and gray forest soils. Intrazonal saturated and calcareous alluvial soils are formed on the Selenga floodplain and delta. Soddy soils of pine forests occur on natural levees along the streams; hollows and depressions are occupied by swampy soils.  相似文献   

Temporal changes of eroded soils in the southern Cis-Ural region (Republic of Bashkortostan) depending on their agricultural use during the period from 1975 to 2011 were studied. In the northern foreststeppe zone, the development of erosion processes was retarded upon the use of soil-saving management practices and grain-fallow-grass crop rotations. In slightly eroded light gray forest soils (Eutric Retisols (Cutanic)), the thickness of humus-accumulative horizons and the content of humus increased; the conversion of cropland into permanent fallow was found to be the most efficient measure to control soil erosion. In podzolized chernozems (Luvic Greyzemic Chernic Phaeozems) and typical chernozems (Haplic Chernozems) of the Cis-Ural steppe, the content of humus in the plow layer under grain-row crop rotation and classical soil management decreased, especially in moderately eroded soils. The development of water and wind erosion on slopes depended on the slope shape: the texture of soils at different degrees of erosion on slopes with free runoff became coarser by one gradation after 35 years; in the presence of linear obstacles in the lower part of slopes, the content of fine fractions in moderately and strongly eroded soils increased.  相似文献   

Priming effects initiated by the addition of 14С glucose have been compared for humus horizons of soils existing under continuous input of fresh organic substrates and for buried soil horizons, in which entering of organic matter has been essentially limited. The effect of microrelief on the manifestation of priming effect in the humus horizons of gray forest soil on microhigh and in microlow has been estimated. Humus horizon in soils on microhigh, not activated by glucose, produced two times more СО2 in comparison with soils of microlow. However, the introduction of glucose canceled the effect of microrelief on СО2 emission. The intensity of absolute priming effect correlated with the Сorg pool, initial microbial biomass, and enzyme activity, decreasing from humus horizons to the buried ones, and did not depend on microrelief. The effect of microrelief was observed, when assessing the priming effect relative to control (soil not activated by glucose): the value of relative priming effect was 1.5 times greater in А horizon of gray forest soil in microlow in comparison with that on microhigh being the result of increasing activity of enzymes.  相似文献   

The biological activity of soil samples taken from genetic horizons of plowed and virgin chernozems in the Kamennaya Steppe Reserve was determined as the amount evolved from the soil upon its incubation in laboratory conditions. In the top humus horizons, the biological activity of virgin chernozem was two to three times higher as compared with that in the plowed chernozem. The intensity of biological processes and the microbial biomass in the soil profile was mainly controlled by the quantity and quality of soil organic matter. Long-term agricultural use exerted a weaker effect on the biological properties of chernozems developed on microelevations (blocks) of the paleocryogenic microtopography in comparison with chernozems developed in the microdepressions between the blocks. The factor analysis showed that soil characteristics related to the biological processes comprise more than 50% of the total variance of factor loads and are distinctly differentiated in the soil profile.  相似文献   

Periodical forest fires are typical natural events under the environmental and climatic conditions of central and southern Yakutia and Transbaikal region of Russia. Strong surface fires activate exogenous geomorphological processes. As a result, soils with polycyclic profiles are developed in the trans-accumulative landscape positions. These soils are specified by the presence of two–three buried humus horizons with abundant charcoal under the modern humus horizon. This indicates that these soils have been subjected to two–three cycles of zonal pedogenesis during their development. The buried pyrogenic humus horizons accumulate are enriched in humus; nitrogen; total and oxalate-extractable iron; exchangeable bases (Са+2 and Mg+2); and the fractions of coarse silt, physical clay (<0.01 mm), and clay (<0.001 mm) particles in comparison with the neighboring mineral horizons of the soil profile. The humus of buried pyrogenic horizons is characterized by the increased content of humic acids, particularly, those bound with mobile sesquioxides (HA-1) and calcium (HA-2) and by certain changes in the type of humus.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of mineralization (biological mineralization) of organic matter in chernozems has been studied. A decrease in the content of Corg with time can be considered an index of the organic matter mineralization. It is suggested that the humus horizons of modern chernozems contain the pools of organic matter of different ages: easily decomposable organic matter, labile biologically active humus, stable biologically active humus, and relatively inert humus. The composition and mean residence times of these pools and their contribution to the total organic matter content have been estimated. The particular types of the biological mineralization have been determined on the basis of the comparison between the velocities of mineralization (M) and humification (H) processes: total unidirectional mineralization (M ≫ H), equilibrium mineralization (M ∼ H), nonequilibrium mineralization (M> <H), and zero mineralization. The separation of subtypes is based on data on the relative rates (%) of the organic matter mineralization. On the basis of available experimental data on chernozems buried under kurgans and in loess sediments (with the age of up to 800 ka), the quantitative relationship of the humus content in the buried soils on their age has been found; it has an exponential shape. During the first 100 ka after the soil burial, the soil humus content gradually (with a slowing intensity) decreases from 100–75 to 6.5% of its content in the virgin chernozems. Then, 100–1000 ka after the soil burial, the soil humus content remains approximately constant (6.5% of the initial level, or 0.3% of the soil mass). The rates of mineralization have been estimated. It is shown that the elemental composition (C, H, N, O) of humic acids remains relatively stable for a long time due to the regeneration of the chemical structure of humus (matric restoration of humus). It is suggested that several different forms of humus related to pedogenesis should be distinguished in the biosphere. The renewable humus in the equilibrium state with the environment is typical of the open biospheric (soil) systems. The fossil humus, whose content decreases with time, and whose composition remains stable, is typical of the semiclosed and closed systems. With time, it transforms into residual humus, whose content and composition remain stable. The fossilized organic matter in the fossil soils and sediments of the past geological epochs (Mesozoic and Paleozoic) considerably differs from the renewable, fossil, and residual humus.  相似文献   

The development of forest-steppe and steppe chernozems on the Dniester-Prut interfluve in the Holocene was studied on the basis of data on the paleosols buried under archaeological monuments of different ages. The parameters of the mathematic models of the development of the soil humus horizons in different subtypes of chernozems were calculated. They were used to determine the rate of this process and the age of the soils formed on the surface of Trajan’s lower rampart. The climate-controlled changes in the character of the soil’s development in the Late Holocene were differently pronounced in the different subtypes of chernozems. The suggested differentiation of the trends in the development of the humus horizon in the studied chernozems corresponds to the differences in the soil-forming potential of particular areas (as judged from the energy consumption for pedogenesis).  相似文献   

The results of long-term studies of chernozem development in anthropogenically disturbed landscapes of the forest-steppe zone are discussed. Parameters characterizing the formation of the humus horizon of chernozems and the rate of this process are presented. Critical points and characteristic times of the formation of humus horizons are determined. The regeneration of soil properties as dependent on the degree of anthropogenic disturbance of chernozems is estimated.  相似文献   

The composition of humus in leached chernozems differs from that in gleyed podzolized chernozem-like soils in the northern forest-steppe zone of European Russia. Leached chernozems have the fulvate-humate humus. Gleyed podzolized chernozem-like soils have the humate-fulvate humus. A more aggressive composition of humus in the latter soils is caused by their overwetting and the development of gley processes under conditions of a stagnant-percolative soil water regime.  相似文献   

The study of soils of different ages in different physiographic regions of the Crimean Peninsula made it possible to reveal the main regularities of pedogenesis in the Late Holocene (in the past 2800 years). With respect to the average rate of the development of soil humus horizons, the main types of soils in the studied region were arranged into the following sequence: southern chernozems and dark chestnut soils > mountainous forest brown soils > gravelly cinnamonic soils. In the newly formed soils, the accumulation of humus developed at a higher rate than the increase in the thickness of humus horizons. A sharp decrease in the rates of development of soil humus profiles and humus accumulation took place in the soils with the age of 1100-1200 years. The possibility for assessing the impact of climate changes on the pedogenetic process on the basis of instrumental meteorological data was shown. The potential centennial fluctuations of the climate in the Holocene determined the possibility of pulsating shifts of soil-geographic subzones within the steppe part of the Crimea with considerable changes in the rates of the development of soil humus horizons in comparison with those in the Late Holocene.  相似文献   

Transformation of particle-size composition, structure, and density of soils upon urbopedogenesis is considered for Rostov agglomeration. Various soils are compared by horizons. It is found that the share of sand fractions increases in upper and middle horizons of migration–segregation chernozems (Calcic Chernozem (Hyperhumic, Loamic)), above all, at the expense of particles of 0.05—0.001 mm in size; with the coarse medium sand fraction 1–0.25 mm being diagnostic for urbopedogenesis. The reason is the introduction of sandy particles upon urban construction, arranging water conduits and other utility lines, as well as the use of icing-control sandy mixtures. The Dolgov-Bakhtin schedule appears to be the most appropriate for assessing the structure of urban soils. Dry sieving testified to the decreasing amount of agriculturally valuable aggregates in all compared pairs of horizons in the sequence of urban soils: under forest vegetation → under steppe vegetation → in the buried massif of urbosoils. The water stability of aggregates decreases in the sequence: soils under steppe vegetation → buried horizons of urbosoils → soils under forest vegetation. The following sequence of urbic horizons (UR and RAT) shows a decrease in the share of agriculturally valuable fractions and an increase in their water stability: heavy-textured UR → light-textured UR → RAT. The density of natural soils varies insignificantly within the city territory, with its urbostratified soils (Calcic Chernozem Novic (Technic Loamic) in residential areas often manifesting the maximal density.  相似文献   

The fractional composition of dissolved organic matter and the chemical nature of humic and fulvic acids were studied in lysimetric waters from forest soils of different altitudinal zones in the Sikhote Alin Range. The elemental composition, infrared absorption spectra, concentrations of acid functional groups, and pK spectra of humic and fulvic acids were determined. Fulvic acids predominated in the upper soil horizons, and fraction of nonspecific dissolved organic substances predominated in the lower mineral horizons. The portion of humic acids in the humus horizons markedly decreased from the low-mountain soils to the high-mountain soils; the nitrogen content of humic and fulvic acids decreased in the same direction. Three classes of carboxyl and phenolic groups were determined in pK-spectra of humic and fulvic acids. The soils of high-mountain zones had stronger acidic properties of humic and fulvic acids in comparison with the soils of low-mountain zones. The determined characteristics of the composition of dissolved organic matter and the trends of their changes contribute to our knowledge of pedogenetic processes in the altitudinal sequence of forest landscapes of the Sikhote Alin Range.  相似文献   

Complexes of gray forest soils of different podzolization degrees with the participation of gray forest podzolized soils with the second humus horizon play a noticeable role in the soil cover patterns of Vladimir Opolie. The agronomic homogeneity and agronomic compatibility of gray forest soils in automorphic positions (“plakor” sites) were assessed on the test field of the Vladimir Agricultural Research Institute. The term “soil homogeneity” implies in our study the closeness of crop yield estimates (scores) for the soil polygons; the term “soil compatibility” implies the possibility to apply the same technologies in the same dates for different soil polygons within a field. To assess the agronomic homogeneity and compatibility of soils, the statistical analysis of the yields of test crop (oats) was performed, and the spatial distribution of the particular parameters of soil hydrothermic regime was studied. The analysis of crop yields showed their high variability: the gray forest soils on microhighs showed the minimal potential fertility, and the maximal fertility was typical of the soils with the second humus horizon in microlows. Soils also differed significantly in their hydrothermic regime, as the gray forest soils with the second humus horizon were heated and cooled slower than the background gray forest soils; their temperature had a stronger lag effect and displayed a narrower amplitude in seasonal fluctuations; and these soils were wetter during the first weeks (40 days) of the growing season. Being colder and wetter, the soils with the second humus horizons reached their physical ripeness later than the gray forest soils. Thus, the soil cover of the test plot in the automorphic position is heterogeneous; from the agronomic standpoint, its components are incompatible.  相似文献   

The effect of soil contamination with black oil added in amounts of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, and 50% of the soil mass on the biological properties of ordinary and leached vertic chernozems, brown forest soils, and gray sands in the south of Russia was studied in a model laboratory experiment. It was shown that the soil contamination causes a drop in the catalase and dehydrogenase activities, the cellulolytic capacity, the number of Azotobacter bacteria, and the characteristics of the plant germination. The ordinary and vertic chernozems were more tolerant toward the contamination than the gray sands and brown forest soils. The changes in the biological soil properties in dependence on the degree of the soil contamination differed considerably for the soils with different properties (the chernozems, brown forest soil, and gray sands) and were similar for the soils with similar properties (the ordinary and vertic chernozems). One soil (the brown forest soil) could be more tolerant toward the contamination than another soil (the gray sands) at a given concentration of black oil (<2.5%) and less tolerant at another concentration of black oil (>2.5%). The ecologically safe levels of the soil contamination with black oil do not exceed 0.7% in the ordinary chernozems, 0.3% in the compact chernozems, 0.1% in the brown forest soils, and 0.06% in the gray sands.  相似文献   

Light gray soils of Tambov oblast mainly develop from sandy and loamy sandy parent materials; these are the least studied soils in this region. Despite their coarse texture, these soils are subjected to surface waterlogging. They are stronger affected by the agrogenic degradation in comparison with chernozems and dark gray soils. Morphology, major elements of water regime, physical properties, and productivity of loamy sandy light gray soils with different degrees of gleyzation have been studied in the northern part of Tambov Plain in order to substantiate the appropriate methods of their management. The texture of these soils changes at the depth of 70–100 cm. The upper part is enriched in silt particles (16–30%); in the lower part, the sand content reaches 80–85%. In the nongleyed variants, middle-profile horizons contain thin iron-cemented lamellae (pseudofibers); in surface-gleyed variants, iron nodules are present in the humus horizon. The removal of clay from the humus horizon and its accumulation at the lithological contact and in pseudofibers promote surface subsidence and formation of microlows in the years with moderate and intense winter precipitation. The low range of active moisture favors desiccation of the upper horizons to the wilting point in dry years. The yield of cereal crops reaches 3.5–4.5 t/ha in the years with high and moderate summer precipitation on nongleyed and slightly gleyed light gray soils and decreases by 20–50% on strongly gleyed light gray soils. On light gray soils without irrigation, crop yields are unstable, and productivity of pastures is low. High yields of cereals and vegetables can be obtained on irrigated soils. In this case, local drainage measures should be applied to microlows; liming can be recommended to improve soil productivity.  相似文献   

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