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本文阐述了在涵洞设计中不同类型涵洞的优缺点,涵洞的标准跨径,采用不同类型涵洞的不同条件。  相似文献   

公路的病害大部分是由水害引起的,针对高等级公路常见的水害问题,提出通过合理的涵洞布设和完善的引、排水系统加以解决;通过介绍涵洞外业勘测应注意的问题、涵洞流量计算、孔径和形式选择、进出水口的处理,阐述如何进行涵洞勘测设计,做到即安全可靠、经济实用、方便施工,又能满足排水要求。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,对高速公路运输的需求不断提高。高速公路不仅是国家发展所需要的基础设施,而且是经济发展的命脉。为了缓解交通压力,高速公路的改扩建工程尤为重要。由于在高速公路改扩建工程施工时存在诸多不确定因素,并且对改扩建工程中涵洞设计质量方面有着更高的要求,直接影响了高速公路改扩建工程中涵洞设计的施工进度。基于这种情况,本文针对高速公路改扩建工程中涵洞设计进行了分析和研究,从高速公路改扩建工程中涵洞设计的基本内容着手,对高速公路改扩建工程中涵洞设计的规划予以详细的论述,望此次研究成果,能辅助制定高速公路改扩建工程中涵洞的设计方案,从而提高工程的质量。  相似文献   

针对古满公路前段涵洞破坏严重这一事实,分析了造成这一现象的几方面原因,同时指出冻害是造成这一现象的主要原因,供多年冻土地区的公路涵洞的设计、施工和使用管理单位参考。  相似文献   

涵洞的病害分析及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据涵洞工程的特点从设计上、施工上分析病害的产生原因,提出防治措施。  相似文献   

在地形复杂的山区,为了使林区公路的涵洞设置得更经济合理,常需设置斜交涵洞。位于平曲线上的斜交涵洞,影响其长度计算的因素很多,如洞口的正作或斜作;线路的纵坡值为零或不为零;路基有无加宽、加宽的位置;路基有无超高,超高横坡方向是否与洞底纵坡方向相同,超高的设置是按中轴还是按边轴旋转;路基坡度为一种或是两种;洞身为缓坡涵或是陡坡涵等等。因此,其计算较为繁杂。  相似文献   

根据石拱涵涵洞工程的特点.从设计上、施工上分析病害的产生原因.并提出防治措施.  相似文献   

阜宁堤防兴林富水见实效阜宁县水利局葵坤,潘炳成,张健阜宁县堤防管理所始建于1953年,现有在岗员工157人,离退休35人。其职责是:苏北灌溉总渠阜宁段78公里堆堤防洪管护,4500亩宜林面积绿化,10座灌溉涵洞(83万亩农田供水)和13道渡口的管理以...  相似文献   

详细分析了桥梁水毁、涵洞水毁、公路水毁的原因,例如对桥梁水毁有以下几点:1.忽视河道加固;2.基础埋置深度浅;3.忽视河道障碍物的清理;4.忽视调治构造物的设置;为此在设计、施工、养护方面应注意采取一定的措施和对策。要加强排水系统的设计及桥涵的位置选择,对资料及标准的采用一定要因地制宜;建造前要考虑洪水的冲击力等。  相似文献   

王玏  魏雷  高翅 《广东园林》2009,31(5):18-22
蒙·保罗·弗理德伯格作为ASLA(美国风景园林师协会)的主要成员之一,于2004年获得了ASLA的最高设计荣誉奖(the ASLA Design Medal)。文章通过分析他在城市公共空间领域的设计作品,总结归纳了他提出的"互动式娱乐空间"(Play and Inter-Play)、"公园广场"(Park plaza)、"低收入住区人居环境改造"的独特设计理念与设计方法。这些方法对我国当今城市公共空间的建设具有指导意义与参考价值。  相似文献   

新世纪木工机械新理论研究的成果综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了国内外木材加工机械行业的理论发展现状,找出了国内木材加工行业与国际先进水平的差距,提出了木材加工行业未来的发展趋势,总结了木工机械机电一体化技术的新成果和木工机械检测技术的新进展。着重介绍了新西兰林科院在木材视频技术和木材缺陷探测方面的一些研究成果,综述了人造板加工机械和木材加工机械的新理论研究。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic Characteristics of Ash and Larch in Mixture and Pure stands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionDuringthepasttwodecades,studieshaverevealedthatgrowingash(Fnainusmandshurica)andlarch(LarlksPP.)togetherinaproperwaycanincreasetheproduc-tivityQfthestandsI"'}'-'].Theyieldimprovementmechanismsattributetotwoaspects,i.e.,theabovegroundandundergr…  相似文献   

In natural ecosystems, nutrition available for plants shows great spatial heterogeneity. Much is known about plant root responses to the spatial heterogeneity of nutrition, but little is known about carbon usage in roots in nutrition-deficient patches and its effect on root longevity. In this study, split-room boxes were used for culture of Cercis chinensis seedlings, and the small rooms were supplied with different nutrition levels. The number of the first-order roots in the rooms with nutrition supply was significantly higher than that in the rooms with deficient nutrition. Specific root length (SRL) of the first-order roots in the rooms with deficient nutrition reached its peak at day 64 after nutrition treatment. There was no significant SRL differences between the two order roots during the experiment. Biomass of the first-order roots in the rooms without nutrition supply was significantly less than that of the first-order roots in the rooms with nutrition supply from day 64 to 96. The total biomass of the lateral roots in the rooms without nutrition supply decreased from day 64 to 96. The activities of the enzymes in roots in the rooms without nutrition supply increased and the activities of alkaline invertases in roots in the two sides of split box did not change significantly. The activities of the enzymes in roots in the rooms without nutrition supply increased gradually. These results suggest that nutrition spatial heterogeneity induced the changes in root traits and plants actively controlled carbon usage in roots in nutrition-deficient patches by regulating the activities of invertases and sucrose synthases, resulting in the reduction in carbon usage in the roots in nutrition-deficient patches.  相似文献   

In natural ecosystems, nutrition available for plants shows great spatial heterogeneity. Much is known about plant root responses to the spatial heterogeneity of nutrition, but little is known about carbon usage in roots in nutrition-deficient patches and its effect on root longevity. In this study, split-room boxes were used for culture of Cercis chinensis seedlings, and the small rooms were supplied with different nutrition levels. The number of the first-order roots in the rooms with nutrition supply was significantly higher than that in the rooms with deficient nutrition. Specific root length (SRL) of the first-order roots in the rooms with deficient nutrition reached its peak at day 64 after nutrition treatment. There was no significant SRL differences between the two order roots during the experiment. Biomass of the first-order roots in the rooms without nutrition supply was significantly less than that of the first-order roots in the rooms with nutrition supply from day 64 to 96. The total biomass of the lateral roots in the rooms without nu-trition supply decreased from day 64 to 96. The activities of the enzymes in roots in the rooms without nutrition supply increased and the activities of alkaline invertases in roots in the two sides of split box did not change significantly. The activities of the enzymes in roots in the rooms without nutrition supply increased gradually. These results suggest that nutrition spatial heterogeneity induced the changes in root traits and plants actively controlled carbon usage in roots in nutrition-deficient patches by regulating the activities of invertases and sucrose synthases, resulting in the reduction in carbon usage in the roots in nutrition-deficient patches.  相似文献   

桤木人工林细根与土壤养分含量季节动态变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对桤木人工林细根、土壤养分含量的季节变化及其两者之间的关系进行了研究.结果表明:(1)桤木细根中大量元素N、Ca、K、Mg、P含量冬季高,春季最低;微量元素Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Pb、Ni、Cd含量冬季最低,春夏季较高.(2)土壤各层中大量元素N、Ca、K、Mg、P含量冬季最低,夏季最高;微量元素Mn、Zn含量在冬季最低,秋季最高;Fe、Ni、Pb、Cu、Cd含量在冬季最高,春秋较低.(3)细根和土壤中大量元素含量在冬季存在负相关关系,微量元素Fe、Ni、Cd含量在一年四季均存在显著负相关关系,Mn、Cu含量在春季、夏季和秋季存在负相关关系,Zn、Pb含量在春季、夏季和秋季存在正相关关系.  相似文献   

落叶松水曲柳纯林与混交林根际土壤中养分浓度的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张彦东 《林业研究》2002,13(4):269-272
在落叶松水曲柳纯林与混交林中,采集林地土和根际土,测定了氮、磷、钾浓度,目的是探讨养分条件变化在混交林增产上的作用。结果表明:混交林林地土全氮浓度和水解氮浓度与水曲柳纯林相近,但要高于落叶松纯林。水曲柳在混交林中根际土全氮和水解氮浓度与纯林中的相近,而落叶松在混交林中根际土水解氮浓度明显高于纯林中的。混交林林地土全磷和全钾浓度与两个树种的纯林相差不大。混交林林地土有效磷、有效钾浓度均高于水曲柳纯林,而且水曲柳在混交林中根际土的有效磷和有效钾浓度与纯林中的相比明显增加,分别高出44.1%~79.6%和13.5%~25.6%。这说明水曲柳在混交林中磷和钾的利用状况得到了改善。表2参15。  相似文献   

杉木林林下植被的生长与发育,对林地地力的恢复具有重要意义.通过对定位试验地杉木人工林林下植被营养元素的分析,研究了杉木林间伐后林下植被营养元素含量与积累状况.结果表明;营养元素在植物不同器官中的含量是不同的;问伐区灌木层和草本层植物中大量元素和微量元素的积累量大于对照区,草本植物中营养元素积累的增长幅度不如灌木层植物大;间伐后林下死地被物中大多数营养元素含量和积累量均有所增加.  相似文献   

Transverse swelling and its anisotropy in hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) in several kinds of organic liquids and in water were investigated by means the replica method. There was more cross-sectional swelling of cell walls and cell wall thickness in earlywood than in latewood. Marked swelling toward cell lumens was observed in wood swollen in liquids that had higher swelling potentials than water. This suggests that the swelling of cell walls in these liquids is much greater than the external swelling. Feret's diameters of the cell lumens were reduced by swelling in all the observed cases except in the tangential direction of earlywood, suggesting that cell walls swell to a much less extent in width than in thickness. Deformation of cell shapes caused by the tensile force from the latewood were observed in the earlywood and in the transitional region from earlywood to latewood. When swollen in water, transverse swelling anisotropy caused only by the swelling in cell wall thickness were calculated to be 1.2 for the whole region over an annual ring and 1.4 for the earlywood. These values could not account for the external swelling anisotropy of 2.1. Considering obvious deformations of cell shapes in the earlywood and in the transitional region, we conclude that the interaction between earlywood and latewood is one of the prime factors contributing to the transverse swelling anisotropy of coniferous wood.Part of this report was presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Nagoya, April 1998  相似文献   

Understanding the factors driving past fire regimes is crucial in the context of global change as a basis for predicting future changes. In this study, we aimed to identify the impact of climate and human activities on fire occurrence in the most fire-prone regions of Switzerland. We considered forest fires, land use and meteorological data over the period 1904-2008 in the neighboring mountain cantons (states) of Valais and Ticino, which are characterized by distinct climatic regimes.The presence/absence of fire ignitions was analyzed using the Nesterov ignition index (as a proxy for fire weather), road density (for ignition sources), livestock density (for biomass removal), and change in forest area (for fire-prone abandoned agricultural areas).We found that fire weather played a key role in fire occurrence in both regions. Road and livestock densities had similar influences in the two cantons. However, while the increase in forest area was well correlated with fire occurrence in Ticino, no such correlation was evident in Valais, probably because land abandonment and forest cover change have been less extensive there. Our findings emphasize the non-linear nature of the relationships between fire occurrence and anthropogenic drivers, as we found thresholds above which road density was no longer correlated with fire occurrence. This implies that the projected future increase and spatial concentration of the human population may not result in a further increase in fire risk in intermediately to densely populated areas in both cantons.The driving factors behind fire activity differ slightly in the two cantons, in particular with increasing forest area enhancing fire occurrence in Ticino but not in Valais. These differences should be taken into account when assessing future fire risk, especially in Valais where the potential for an increase in the fire-prone area is still high. Fires are likely to become more frequent in a warmer climate, but future fire activity may develop differently in the two cantons. This should be taken into account when planning optimized fire prevention measures. This case study should help to better understand fire activity in highly populated regions where fire activity is still moderate but might markedly increase under a projected more fire-prone climate.  相似文献   

北京八达岭植物群落多样性特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据34个样地的调查资料,分析了该地区森林植物群落物种多样性的特征:群落内各层物种丰富度指数的大小为草本层>灌木层>乔木层;多样性指数的大小为乔木层<灌木层和草本层。灌木层与草本层的多样性指数随林分郁闭度变化而变化,在林分郁闭度为25%的侧柏黄栌混交林中,灌木层的多样性指数和丰富度指数小于草本层;在郁闭度53%的杂木林中,灌木层和草本层的多样性指数接近;在郁闭度53%以上的各个群落内,草本层的多样性指数和丰富度指数基本上都大于灌木层。人工林中的物种多样性变化多样,明显低于天然林,林分层次单一,更新不良,缺乏灌木层和地被植物,生态系统很不稳定。  相似文献   

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