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中国是渔业大国,但与其他渔业大国相比,存在显著不同的发展环境、条件和特点。本文在以往讨论我国渔业大国的基础上,综合学者的研究成果,以"大国效应"为视点,讨论我国渔业大国现象特征、研究其规律;归纳分析了秘鲁、日本和前苏联等渔业大国的"优势陷阱";对我国渔业战略发展提出积极运用渔业大国效应、保持领先发展战略的政策建议。  相似文献   

苏联是世界上第二个渔业大国,仅次于日本。近年来苏联渔业发展发生了变化,本文作者搜集大量资料,围绕苏联近几年的渔业开发、水产品需求状况、流通和消费、水产品加工以及渔业比重、政策等进行概述。  相似文献   

作者从苏联优越的自然条件、苏维埃政权对渔业的重视,大力造船、发展水产品加工业、改良渔业水域、发展海、淡水养殖业以及重视科学研究和人才培养等方面来说明苏联渔业的发展道路。  相似文献   

一、苏联的国外渔业合作世界各国200海里经济区的建立,加速了海洋渔业国际间合作趋势的发展.要发展渔业,实现资源共享,必须重视和依靠国际间的联系和合作,这种联系和合作常以国际渔业协定的形式出现.目前所见的国际渔业  相似文献   

院士专家为“十三五”渔业科技发展建言献策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>本刊讯(特约记者于秀娟王雪光报道)近日,农业部渔业渔政管理局在江苏省苏州市举办了"十三五"渔业科技发展战略研究启动暨院士专家研讨活动,唐启升、曹文宣、林浩然、雷霁霖、麦康森和桂建芳院士、第九届农业部科学技术委员会渔业组委员以及渔业各研究领域的专家代表参加了研讨。研讨中院士、专家积极建言献策,对"十三五"渔业科技发展规划和今后一段时期渔业发展提出了意见和建议。现摘登部分内容,供  相似文献   

澳大利亚政府最近对苏联企图在南太平洋地区设立渔业基地的动向提高了警惕,将在7月26-28日于瑙鲁召开的南太平洋协议会上提醒各国注意。澳大利亚和新西兰都认为,苏联在南太平洋建成渔业基地将会大大加强间谍船和海军舰艇的活动。  相似文献   

<正>《福建省"十二五"渔业发展规划》中提出着力培育发展休闲渔业,积极打造休闲渔业发展平台、壮大"水乡渔村"发展规模、培育发展观赏鱼产业等,在吸引更多游客前来旅游的同时,加速休闲渔业的崛起,促使休闲渔业成为当地旅游经济的主导产业。一、福建山区发展休闲渔业的优势1.福建旅游资源丰富而且独特福建省位于我国东南沿海,全省大部分属中亚热带,闽东南部分地区属南亚热带。土地总面积12.4万km2,森林覆盖率居全国首位。境内峰岭耸  相似文献   

6月4~8日,"中亚和高加索国家负责任水产养殖和渔业发展区域合作规划研讨会"在新疆乌鲁木齐市召开,农业部国际合作司副司长屈四喜、农业部渔业局副局长崔利锋、新疆水产局局长古力努阿不都热扎克出席会议并致辞。本次会议由联合国粮农组织(FAO)和农业部联合主办、新疆水产科学研究所承办,来自联合国粮农组织、中亚和高加索地区14个国家、农业部、水科院无锡淡水渔业研究中心及新疆水产科学研究所的近50名代表参加了会议。  相似文献   

苏联渔业战略重点苏联渔业部计划和经济司长叶夫基纳、罗曼诺夫在讲述苏联的渔业发展规划时说:“由于海洋水产资源量的下降,苏联计划把渔业发展重点放在水产加工和增养殖上”。罗曼诺夫说:“谁也不相信海洋资源是无穷的神话,在过去几十年里,人们每年在海洋捕获  相似文献   

<正>"十三五"时期,是我国全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段,也是大力推进渔业供给侧结构性改革、加快渔业转方式调结构,促进渔业转型升级的关键时期。为明确"十三五"时期水产技术推广工作思路和目标任务,切实提高水产技术推广服务能力和水平,根据《全国渔业发展第十三个五年规划》和《"十三五"渔业科技发展规划》,制定本规划。一、"十二五"水产技术推广工作主要成效"十二五"时期是我国渔业发展历程中具有里程碑意义的五年。渔业成为国  相似文献   

Abstract The dismantling of the Soviet Union and the corresponding independence of the Central Asian states in the early 1990s had severe economic consequences for the Central Asian Region. The transition from command to free‐market economies was (and sometimes still is) accompanied by dramatic contractions in production in virtually all primary resource sectors. However, arguably the most catastrophic and ongoing declines in output were to be found in the fisheries sector. This study shows how a combination of ecological (most notably the introduction of alien invasive species and pollution), economic (increasing abstraction of water for irrigation and power generating purposes), social (increased impoverishment following the removal of employment guarantees) and governance (collapse of local management structures, decrease of support to the sector and deterioration of trade relationships with neighbouring countries) affected fisheries production and consumption in the Central Asian transition economies. In the light of these findings, some general observations as how this decline might be arrested or reversed are provided.  相似文献   

Depletion of sturgeon stocks world-wide has increased interest in aquaculture-based restoration programmes. The Caspian Sea Sturgeon Ranching Programme (SRP) of the former Soviet Union represents a unique opportunity to evaluate expense, benefits and potential ecological and genetic effects of such restoration programmes. The SRP was initiated in the 1950s to compensate for lost spawning habitat in the Volga River and elsewhere. After its completion in 1962, the Volgograd Dam reduced spawning grounds in the Volga River system, the principal spawning tributary of the Caspian Sea, by ∼80%. For two of the three commercial sturgeon species (Russian sturgeon, Acipenser güldenstädti , and stellate sturgeon, A. stellatus ), yields improved after the imposition of the 1962 moratorium on sturgeon harvests in the Caspian Sea. Volga River fisheries were managed for spawning escapement. Although imprecisely known, the contribution of the millions of stocked Russian and stellate juveniles during 1962–91 was most likely important to sustaining fisheries, although less so (contributing to <30% of the adult stock) than natural recruitment. Apparently, reduced spawning grounds, supplemented with artificial spawning reefs were sufficient to support reproduction and large fishery yields of Russian and stellate sturgeons. For beluga sturgeon, Huso huso , harvests in the Volga River were nearly all dependent upon hatchery stocking. Beluga sturgeon spawning grounds were mostly eliminated with the construction of the Volgograd Dam. Without the hatchery programme, beluga sturgeon in the Volga River and Caspian Sea would in all likelihood have been extirpated. Currently, sturgeons are severely depleted in the Volga River and Caspian Sea due to poaching and lack of co-operation between countries exploiting the species. Aquaculture-based restoration in Russia is now viewed a chief means of rebuilding stocks of Caspian Sea sturgeons.  相似文献   

World aquaculture production in 1990 reached some 15 million tonnes, and predictions indicate that future production will reach 19.6 million tonnes by 2000, 37.5 million tonnes by 2010, and 62.4 million tonnes by 2025. Meanwhile, world fisheries production from capture will remain stable at about 100 million tonnes. Thus, all future increase in seafood supplies will have to come from aquaculture.Possibilities for development of aquaculture exist in a number of areas around the world. Technology and natural conditions determine the choice of sites and species to be produced, but current research indicates that a number of new species will be added to the present aquaculture production in the coming years. However, well-known species such as carp, tilapia, trout, salmon, turbot, halibut, cod, and sturgeon will be the most important in the immediate future. Among the crustaceans, shrimp will continue to be an important item, as will various kinds of gastropods and bivalves.Regions with a particular suitability for development of aquaculture include Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Freshwater aquaculture may also be developed on a larger scale in the former Eastern European countries, including the former Soviet Union, but here (and in Africa), political and economic constraints will slow down development for the next decade. A major constraint for development of aquaculture in Africa is the lack of infrastructure, as well as political problems, slow or deficient bureaucracies, and to some extent pollution. In Eastern Europe, development will be hindered by the lack of capital, and uncertainty about the political and economic development. Eastern Europe also has a major environmental problem, which may limit growth within this field. In Asia, space and availability of suitable sites are becoming a problem, as are pollution, diseases, and in some cases overproduction.A general constraint to global development of aquaculture may be price fluctuations, which affect the investment willingness of interested investors. This question must be seen in connection with the economics of operation. As new species are being launched, there is usually a short period of high profits, followed by a period of price reductions, and the collapse of several operators. After such turbulence, serious operators with proper management survive, and go on to operate a reasonably profitable business. The mechanism seems to be true for all new business areas, and does create a problem for sustained investor interest in aquaculture development.  相似文献   

We present a new, intuitive approach for the representation of fisheries catches within profiles perpendicular to coast of the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) of countries, or of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). These ‘catch transects’ show where catch is extracted in the water column and near the sea bottom on plots of log‐bathymetry versus log‐distance offshore and thus allow for representation of the catch density of pelagic and benthic fisheries. Hence, they also allow direct visual comparison of the intensity of fishing through time and space. The California Current, North Sea and the South China Sea LMEs and the EEZs of Australia, Canada, Chile, China, India and Thailand are presented as examples, revealing the general intensification and extension of fishing offshore and into the depths over the decades from the 1950s. Catch transects reveal how these trends have accelerated in some areas, but surprisingly have reversed themselves in some others. It is proposed that these catch transects will be particularly useful for communicating the results of large‐scale fisheries studies to a wide spectrum of groups ranging from the fishing industry to the general public.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic global warming has significantly influenced physical and biological processes at global and regional scales. The observed and anticipated changes in global climate present significant opportunities and challenges for societies and economies. We compare the vulnerability of 132 national economies to potential climate change impacts on their capture fisheries using an indicator-based approach. Countries in Central and Western Africa (e.g. Malawi, Guinea, Senegal, and Uganda), Peru and Colombia in north-western South America, and four tropical Asian countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Pakistan, and Yemen) were identified as most vulnerable. This vulnerability was due to the combined effect of predicted warming, the relative importance of fisheries to national economies and diets, and limited societal capacity to adapt to potential impacts and opportunities. Many vulnerable countries were also among the world's least developed countries whose inhabitants are among the world's poorest and twice as reliant on fish, which provides 27% of dietary protein compared to 13% in less vulnerable countries. These countries also produce 20% of the world's fish exports and are in greatest need of adaptation planning to maintain or enhance the contribution that fisheries can make to poverty reduction. Although the precise impacts and direction of climate-driven change for particular fish stocks and fisheries are uncertain, our analysis suggests they are likely to lead to either increased economic hardship or missed opportunities for development in countries that depend upon fisheries but lack the capacity to adapt.  相似文献   

发展我国南极磷虾渔业的探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
南极磷虾不但资源量巨大,而且营养价值高,已引起世界各国的极大关注。自60年代初期前苏联进行试捕调查以来,至今已有几十个国家对南极磷虾进行调查研究。前苏联、日本等国先后从70年代开始对南极磷虾进行商业性捕捞,已形成年捕捞量数十万t的规模。我国是海洋渔业资源不多,渔民人数多及捕捞生产能力较高,渔业技术较发达的国家。国内市场需求水产品数量很大,急切地谋求对外发展。重视发展我国的南极磷虾渔业,积极开发利用  相似文献   

全球主要渔业国家2011年水产品生产和与国际贸易回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年,全球渔业生产和水产品国际贸易基本保持平稳。渔业捕捞产量出现上升,水产品国际贸易保持活跃。全球主要渔业国家的渔业生产大多呈现了不同程度的增长。本文针对不同国家的渔业特征,对全球主要渔业国家2011年的渔业生产和国际贸易状况进行了回顾与分析。由于发达国家经济滞长,亚洲和拉美的新兴经济体和国家将成为今后全球渔业发展的主要推动力。  相似文献   

渔业管理理论与中国实践的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黄硕琳  唐议 《水产学报》2019,43(1):211-231
渔业管理一直是世界各渔业国家所面临的难题。本文首先分析了中国渔业的特点,指出中国的渔业管理比世界上任何国家都更为复杂、更为困难,描述了中国渔业管理的历史沿革和中国渔业政策的发展脉络,指出在中国的渔业发展中渔业政策对渔业生产始终起着指导和推动的作用,认为中国初步形成了以《中华人民共和国渔业法》为基本框架,层次结构完备,措施有力,不断完善和强化的渔业管理制度。然后,介绍了渔业管理的主要理论,梳理了中国学者对渔业管理研究的主要文献,指出中国通过水产养殖支撑不断增长的水产品消费需求,成功解决了水产品需求与资源环境约束之间的矛盾,对减少捕捞野生渔业资源发挥了重大作用。文章归纳了中国渔业管理的主要制度和措施,并对其效果进行综合评述,认为几十年来,特别是改革开放以来,中国不断引进先进的渔业管理理念,促进养殖业、捕捞业、加工流通业、增殖渔业、休闲渔业等五大产业蓬勃发展,渔业生态环境修复力度不断加大,依法治渔能力显著提升;但是由于中国渔业的特点和渔业的复杂性和不确定性,中国渔业仍存在着一些明显的问题。最后,本文根据相关的渔业发展规划,展望了中国的渔业管理将朝着渔业资源总量控制、强化资源保护及生态修复的方向发展。  相似文献   

1. The development of the new Oslo and Paris (OSPAR) Convention and its relationship with the International Conferences for the Protection of the North Sea (North Sea Conferences) and the European Union (EU) are described. 2. It is debatable whether the EU, through its Habitats Directive, is able to take action beyond Territorial Waters and could be applied to International Waters. 3. Implementation of EC and international legislation is realized through Member States legislature. There is variation between countries. 4. An additional annex to the new OSPAR Convention was to be adopted in July 1998 to cover the protection of species and habitats in the Exclusive Economic Zones of the North East Atlantic. 5. Classification systems in the EU and the North East Atlantic are complementary to the scientific knowledge and ecological understanding which is required for sound management. 6. Through the example of the control of fisheries, it is demonstrated that the protection of fish species could be incorporated in a general framework and not separated from the rest of the marine ecosystem, especially the pelagic and benthic trophic levels. 7. Wider international collaboration is recommended, notably on biological monitoring and on the production of periodic assessments of the quality of the environment. 8. Simplification of the regulatory framework is suggested to the benefit of more integrated scientific research. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The UN Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) and one of the implementing agreements of the Convention—the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA)—mandates all states to cooperate in the management of highly migratory and straddling fish stocks. In doing so, the UNFSA specifies that the special requirements of developing states need to be taken into account. To date, except in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), there is no formal mechanism to identify these differential responsibilities in tuna regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs). Although some conservation and management measures exempt small-scale and artisanal fishing vessels, power imbalances within RFMOs tend to favour the interests of more developed and larger distant water fishing nations over those of small developing coastal states. To facilitate the implementation of differentiated responsibilities as mandated in UNFSA, in this study we develop a three-step framework that could be applied in the case of new conservation and management measure proposals. The framework has also been tested based on two developing countries and compared with a developed state in the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission and the adopted resolutions in 2019. To facilitate better transparency and equitable decision-making processes across RFMOs, this framework could be adapted based on member states' fisheries management objectives and target and non-target species.  相似文献   

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