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中国水产健康养殖的关键技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
健康养殖包括养殖设施、苗种培育、放养密度、水质处理、饵料质量、药物使用、养殖管理等诸多方面,采用合理的、科学的、先进的养殖手段,从而获得质量好、产量高的产品及环境均无污染,使经济、社会、生态产生综合效益,并能保持稳定、可持续发展。今后工作重点应是:(1)优化养殖条件,保护生态环境。(2)加强病害综合防治措施,规范渔用药物使用。(3)开展抗病、抗逆养殖新品种的选育。(4)开发优质高效饲料与合理使用饲料并举。(5)加快研究和推广健康养殖技术,提高经济和生态效益。(6)加快制定健康养殖标准,加强质量监督检测体系建设(不属健康养殖技术的范畴)。  相似文献   

The increasing number of depleted, overexploited and recovering world marine stocks, together with increasing demand for fish and need for sustainable management of aquatic resources has led to a gradual shift to inland intensive aquaculture with water reuse. Intensive recirculating systems are becoming a rapidly developing sector of aquaculture, with the objectives to increase production and minimize environmental impact. However, transfer of technologies from original sites to locations of different climate is not always successful. The present study evaluates the use of an open recirculating system in a temperate climate. The 3‐year study showed successful production with better fish growth and feed utilization than in a flow‐through facility at the same site, but presented significant issues necessitating changes in technology as well as physical adaptations. A positive effect of the technology with respect to the environment is possible, but systems must be adapted to temperate climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Tilapia are the second most farmed fish worldwide and their production has quadrupled over the past decade due to ease of aquaculture, marketability and stable market prices. Tilapia aquaculture must adopt sustainable practices (such as polyculture) for continuing increased production and improved sustainability. This article reviews tilapia polyculture around the world and discusses its benefits, strategies and practices. Tilapia polyculture improves feed utilization, enhances water quality, increases total yield and profit. Further investment will increase these gains. Research on tilapia polyculture in China was also summarized and addressed that polyculture in semi‐intensive systems was a way of improving sustainability for tilapia aquaculture.  相似文献   


Although aquaculture in Egypt has the potential for satisfying the increased demand for protein and has been experiencing unprecedented growth during the last decade, questions remain regarding the sustainable development of the industry. It is thus the objective of this article to review the current status and practices of the aquaculture industry in Egypt, highlighting the major issues confronting the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry.

Several issues are identified as limitations to future sustainable development, namely, production technology, fry supply, a feed industry sufficient to meet the demands of a growing aquaculture industry, and marketing and distribution systems necessary to accommodate the strong seasonal supply pattern. The article then concludes with a discussion of recommendations for alleviating these limitations.  相似文献   


India is a very populous country with more than one billion people. In order to provide food for this growing population, serious environmental problems may result. Despite many benefits from the green, blue, and silver revolutions adopted in India, there has been much concern resulting from intensive agricultural practices that led to environmental problems in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Increasing demand for aquatic resources also caused inland fisheries to decrease over the past few decades. The location of aquaculture projects, landscape destruction, soil and water pollution by pond effluents, over-exploitation of important fish stocks, depletion in biodiversity, conflicts over agriculture and aquaculture among various stakeholder groups over resource and space allocation, and international fish trade controversies have threatened the long-term sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture industries. The subject of sustainable aquaculture has not been adequately projected in terms of current aquaculture practices aimed to boost a rural economy. This review briefly describes the key issues of aquaculture unsustainability in terms of intensive aquaculture, nutrient enrichment syndrome, soil and groundwater salinization, destruction of mangroves, loss of biodiversity, marine pollution and loss of fish stock, use of aquachemicals and therapeutics, hormone residues, etc. The strategies for sustainability have been highlighted with respect to rice-cum-fish culture, carp polyculture, integrated farming with livestock, rural aquaculture, intensification of small farms, wastewater-fed aquaculture, crop rotation, probiotics, feed quality, socioeconomic considerations, environmental regulations and fisheries acts, transboundary aquatic ecosystems, impact of alien species, ethical aspects of intensive aquaculture, responsible fisheries, and environmental impact assessment. A suggested model outlines the feedback mechanisms for achieving long-term sustainability through improved farm management practices, integrated farming, use of selective aquachemicals and probiotics, conservation of natural resources, regulatory mechanism, and policy instruments.  相似文献   

鱼类营养和饲料研究始于70年前并借鉴陆生动物营养研究经验形成了研究范式。在过去70年中,鱼类营养和饲料研究取得了大量的成果,这些研究成果推动了水产配合饲料技术的进步,为水产饲料产业从无到有、从小到大做出了贡献。然而,随着全球水产养殖规模的不断扩大,水产养殖发展面临的资源和环境压力日益增加,对水产饲料也提出了更高的要求。事实表明,根据一些鱼类营养和饲料研究成果所配方的饲料在养殖生产实践中往往不能取得预期的应用效果,这意味着在已有范式下取得的研究成果有时难以很好地满足现代鱼类养殖产业的需要。本文叙述了具有重要经济价值的两种肉食性鱼类大口黑鲈和大黄鱼配合饲料研发与应用的历程,指出对饲料蛋白需求的低估是限制配合饲料长期未能在大口黑鲈和大黄鱼养殖生产中应用的主要原因。早期研究报道大口黑鲈的饲料蛋白需求为400-440 g/kg,大黄鱼的饲料蛋白需求为450-470 g/kg。经过重新评估后将大口黑鲈和大黄鱼的最适饲料蛋白水平分别提高到480-510 g/kg和490-520 g/kg。在适宜的饲料蛋白水平下,投喂配合饲料的大口黑鲈和大黄鱼生长与投喂冰鲜鱼时相当。作者认为对饲料蛋白需求的低估与已有鱼类营养和饲料研究范式存在的不足有关,其表现为:(1)强调食物对鱼类生长的作用,但忽视了实验鱼遗传背景和食物以外的环境条件对生长和摄食的影响;(2)强调鱼类个体生长对评价营养需求和饲料质量的重要性,但忽视了鱼类个体生长差异并不能完全反映养殖产量和效益的事实;(3)强调生长和饲料利用效率作为鱼类营养和饲料研究评价指标的重要性,但忽视了养殖对环境和自然资源的负面影响是限制水产养殖产业可持续发展的瓶颈;(4)没有足够重视基础饲料配方在评价营养需求或饲料质量方面的影响,一些研究因基础饲料组成不当而产生没有实际意义的评价结果。针对上述问题,作者建议从概念、理论和研究方法方面对已有的范式做如下修改:(1)重视鱼类遗传背景和食物以外的环境条件对鱼类生长的影响,明确鱼类营养需求取决于其生长需求;(2)重视食物中各种营养素之间的相互作用,明确不同饲料原料在实现配方的营养平衡方面发挥着不同的作用;(3)重视对实验鱼种质和种群结构的选择,重视对照组和处理组个体生长差异的幅度对判断饲料处理效应的指示作用,重视饲料配方对渔业资源和环境等水产养殖可持续发展相关的内容的影响。经过修改后的研究范式更符合养殖生产实际,在此基础上开展研究所获得的成果也能够更好地指导配合饲料生产,为鱼类养殖产业的可持续发展提供更好的科技支撑。  相似文献   

The United States today imports most of the seafood it consumes. Half of these imports are from aquaculture. Domestic wild capture production is limited and U.S. aquaculture production has declined in recent years. Policy, socioeconomic, and regulatory obstacles stand in the way of expanded U.S. aquaculture production. In this article, we examine the implications of two future paths for seafood supply: an increasing reliance on imports, and a shift toward increased domestic aquaculture production. We examine global trends, likely future developments in U.S. seafood demand and supply, and implications of the path of U.S. aquaculture development for U.S. seafood supply and prices, employment, ecological footprint, and seafood supply security and safety. We conclude with recommendations for a path forward that serves the interests of the nation and the global community in the search for economically sound and sustainable ways to feed a growing population.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA), a tool used to assess the environmental impacts of products and processes, has been used to evaluate a range of aquaculture systems. Eighteen LCA studies were reviewed which included assessments of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), flow-through systems, net cages, and pond systems. This review considered the potential to mitigate environmental burdens with a movement from extensive to intensive aquaculture systems. Due to the diversity in study results, specific processes (feed, energy, and infrastructure) and specific impact categories (land use, water use, and eutrophication potential) were analyzed in-depth. The comparative analysis indicated there was a possible shift from local to global impacts with a progression from extensive to intensive systems, if mitigation strategies were not performed. The shift was partially due to increased electricity requirements but also varied with electricity source. The impacts from infrastructure were less than 13 % of the environmental impact and considered negligible. For feed, the environmental impacts were typically more dependent on feed conversion ratio (FCR) than the type of system. Feed also contributed to over 50 % of the impacts on land use, second only to energy carriers. The analysis of water use indicated intensive recirculating systems efficiently reduce water use as compared to extensive systems; however, at present, studies have only considered direct water use and future work is required that incorporates indirect and consumptive water use. Alternative aquaculture systems that can improve the total nutrient uptake and production yield per material and energy based input, thereby reducing the overall emissions per unit of feed, should be further investigated to optimize the overall of aquaculture systems, considering both global and local environmental impacts. While LCA can be a valuable tool to evaluate trade-offs in system designs, the results are often location and species specific. Therefore, it is critical to consider both of these criteria in conjunction with LCA results when developing aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

我国水产养殖设施模式发展研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
徐皓  倪琦  刘晃 《渔业现代化》2007,34(6):1-6,10
作为世界水产养殖大国,我国的养殖设施模式要走上可持续发展的轨道,应该在为健康养殖提供进一步保障的前提下,更加注重系统在"节水、节地、节能、减排"方面的功效。养殖池塘、流水型养殖设施、循环水养殖设施和网箱养殖设施是我国集约化养殖的主要设施模式。这些设施在发挥巨大生产力的同时,在养殖水环境控制、水资源利用、生产系统效益、系统对环境的影响等方面,不同程度地存在着问题或矛盾,没能发挥出现代设施系统在健康养殖和产业可持续发展上应有的作用。本文在对以上4种主要养殖设施模式进行分析的基础上,结合养殖设施科技领域的研究成果,提出未来我国水产养殖设施模式的发展方向以及需要解决的重大科技问题,包括池塘工程化生态养殖设施、节水型养殖设施、经济型循环水养殖设施、系统化深水网箱养殖设施等4种发展模式。  相似文献   


The Partitioned Aquaculture System (PAS) provides a promising intensive aquaculture technology that is efficient and profitable, while simultaneously solving a variety of culture problems. This creates a sustainable aquaculture technology, which is environmentally safe and economically feasible. The PAS eliminates water discharge and reduces land usage and ground water requirements.

The PAS system production process was modeled for catfish production using a growth model developed from observed data. The results of the PAS economic analysis were compared with two traditional catfish production scenarios. Comparisons were made between estimated investment requirements, operating costs and internal rates of return and breakeven points for alternate production systems and land ownership status. The results look promising, but research is ongoing on how best to manage the filter feeder component of the PAS.  相似文献   

生物絮团技术在水产养殖中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统的水产养殖模式所带来的环境污染、资源浪费和病害频发等问题已成为制约我国水产养殖业可持续发展的主要因素。生物絮团技术(BFT)具有净化水质、提高饵料利用率及病害防控等优点,被认为是有望解决上述问题的新型健康生态养殖技术,已在国内外得到一定规模的应用,并获得了良好的经济、社会和生态效益。本文重点介绍了生物絮团的形成与培养、生物絮团的主要影响因素及其在水产养殖中的应用效果。研究认为,BFT能够改良水质、节约养殖用水、降低饲料成本、提高养殖对象存活率、增加养殖产量和效益;将BFT与生物膜技术相结合,能够更有效地维持养殖水体中适宜的生物絮团含量,避免生物絮团的过量沉积,并能提高水质改良及增产增收的应用效果,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   


The paper reviews freshwater and coastal aquaculture practices in Thailand, and compares the productivity, costs, and benefits across various types of cultivation and various intensities of production. The paper is based on data that were collected in surveys conducted during 1998–2001 by the Department of Fisheries (DOF), Thailand and the WorldFish Center. More than 22% of Thailand's fish supply comes from aquaculture, with coastal aquaculture accounting for more than 88% of this in terms of value. Intensive culture of shrimp is the dominant form of coastal aquaculture, occupying 69% of the area under production. However, in some regions, the average net profit/kg of intensive shrimp culture is negative, and semi-intensive farming, with relatively lower fixed investment and operating costs, delivers the highest rate of return on investment. On the coast, grouper and sea bass are the most important cage-cultivated species, achieving an economic rate of return as high as 92%. In the same environment, culture of mollusks, such as green mussels, oysters, and blood cockles, is widespread. It can also be economically sustainable, with relatively low capital and operating costs. Although the relative share of freshwater aquaculture production is declining, the level of output has been increasing rapidly. While the average production from monoculture of carnivorous species is higher than that from polyculture, the average capital investment and operating costs associated with the former are also higher. The expansion of freshwater polyculture and of mollusk culture in coastal areas would greatly assist poor fish farmers.  相似文献   

This article analyses the challenges of different live‐feed regimes for the rearing of marine finfish larvae and discusses the potential alternative live feeds to avert a future live‐feed trap. Live feeds are indispensable for the successful rearing of larvae of most marine fish species. Brine shrimps (Artemia) and rotifers comprise the live feeds of choice in marine aquaculture today. However, their nutritional composition is deficient in especially essential fatty acids, and enrichment with fish oil is needed. Fish oil is considered a limited resource owing to its origin in fully exploited wild fish stocks. Moreover, fluctuations of the natural population of Artemia will, most likely, influence future availability and prices. This emphasizes the need for optimal exploitation of available live‐feed resources and development of new sustainable alternatives, such as copepods. An array of solutions to these problems are presented to avoid a future live‐feed trap and to reduce dependence on limited resources that influence future production possibilities, species diversification, price volatility and productivity in the aquaculture sector.  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal techniques in aquaculture for a sustainable production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the aquaculture industry intensively develops, its environmental impact increases. Discharges from aquaculture deteriorate the receiving environment and the need for fishmeal and fish oil for fish feed production increases. Rotating biological contactors, trickling filters, bead filters and fluidized sand biofilters are conventionally used in intensive aquaculture systems to remove nitrogen from culture water. Besides these conventional water treatment systems, there are other possible modi operandi to recycle aquaculture water and simultaneously produce fish feed. These double-purpose techniques are the periphyton treatment technique, which is applicable to extensive systems, and the proteinaceous bio-flocs technology, which can be used in extensive as well as in intensive systems. In addition to maintenance of good water quality, both techniques provide an inexpensive feed source and a higher efficiency of nutrient conversion of feed. The bio-flocs technology has the advantage over the other techniques that it is relatively inexpensive; this makes it an economically viable approach for sustainable aquaculture.  相似文献   

The rising share of aquaculture in supplying seafood changes the mixture of species in the world's market, because capture fisheries target carnivorous species whereas aquaculture focuses on species that are lower in the food chain. Trophic level correlates with production volume (tons/yr) and with unit value (US$/ton) in aquaculture but not in capture fisheries (FAO's fisheries data). Apparently, sustainability and economics in aquaculture both depend on ecological efficiency, i.e., the use of resources and the production of waste. Species feeding low in the food chain use efficiently the natural resources. Each level up the food chain inflates costs related to the use of resources, the production of waste and the maintenance of water quality. This effect has further repercussions on the economics of aquaculture: (1) cost influences profit and unit price, and (2) price influences demand and market share. The overall ecological efficiency, sustainability and economics of culturing carnivorous fish are improved by growing them in an ecological balance with species from low trophic levels in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture.  相似文献   

李健  李吉涛 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119607-119607
池塘养殖是我国海水养殖的传统方式,也是当前陆基海水养殖的主体。自20世纪70年代,海水池塘养殖经历了粗放式、半集约、集约化和多营养层次生态养殖的发展历程。然而,海水池塘养殖产业中仍存在养殖生物生态适应性机制不清、养殖系统产出不稳定、营养物质利用效率低等“瓶颈”问题,严重制约了海水池塘养殖产业的发展。因此开展海水养殖虾蟹良种与生态环境的互作机制解析,研发养殖生态系统结构优化和营养物质资源化高效利用技术,搭建养殖信息采集与智能化管控平台,创建生态工程化养殖新模式,实现养殖系统高效可持续产出,是我国海水池塘养殖产业绿色高质量发展的关键。  相似文献   

Organic aquaculture has lagged behind the agriculture sector in terms of the quantities and diversity of certified organic products because of the absence of detailed accepted standards and criteria until recently. The main challenges for organic aquaculture are to improve the coordination between production and market and to achieve an appropriate framework to drive further development. Priorities for research include organic feeds and fish nutrition, consumers’ needs, food safety, environmental concerns and trade issues. In organically cultured fish, differences in feeds and nutrition compared to conventional systems are likely to result in differences in the quality of the flesh, and this is a significant factor in consumer choice. The review covers aspects of current use of eco‐certification, formulated feeds, feed composition, aquafeed technology, sustainable alternatives to common feed ingredients, nutritional physiology and general nutritional principles and product quality in the context of the organic aquaculture. There is a future for the development of organic aquaculture but its success depends on new knowledge and technical development to meet consumers’ growing interest. The industry has to utilize the research results and update and modify the criteria and standards and thus provide high‐quality products.  相似文献   

Aquaculture (freshwater and marine) has largely supplemented fisheries, but in theory could help reduce fishing pressure on wild stocks. Although not the sole factors, some potential benefits depend on aquaculture pressures on fished species, including collection of wild ‘seed’ material—earlier to later life stages—for rearing in captivity and the capacity of aquaculture to increase. Here we first classify 203 marine (saltwater and brackish) animal species as being produced by either open-cycle capture-based aquaculture (CBA) or closed-cycle domesticated aquaculture (DA)—based on their likely reliance on wild seed—and assess the extent to which these forms of aquaculture could support seafood production and greater wild biomass. Using a data-limited modelling approach, we find evidence that current aquaculture practices are not necessarily helping reduce fishing to sustainable levels for their wild counterparts—consistent with emerging scientific research. However, if some wild capture species (87 equivalent spp.) were instead produced through CBA, almost a million extra tonnes could theoretically be left in the wild, without reducing seafood production. Alternatively, if reliance on wild seed inputs is further reduced by shifting to DA production, then a little less than doubling of aquaculture of the overexploited species in our study could help fill the ‘production gap’ to support fishing at maximum sustainable levels. While other ecological (e.g. escapes), social and economic considerations (e.g. market substitution) are important, we focused on a critical biological linkage between wild fisheries and aquaculture that provides another aspect on how to improve management alignment of the sectors.  相似文献   

发展山东省海水健康养殖的构想和主要对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山东作为海水养殖大省,产量约占全国的1/3。在传统捕捞业面临近海渔业资源枯竭、传统渔场面积减小的形势下,加大现代生物技术、新材料等在海水养殖业中的应用,挖掘海水养殖潜力,推动海水养殖业可持续发展,对于发展渔区经济,增加渔民收入更具有现实意义和历史意义。本文针对山东海水养殖的现状和问题,对健康养殖的发展构想及对策进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Aquaculture is emerging as one of the most viable and promising enterprises for keeping pace with the surging need for animal protein, providing nutritional and food security to humans, particularly those residing in regions where livestock is relatively scarce. With every step toward intensification of aquaculture practices, there is an increase in the stress level in the animal as well as the environment. Hence, disease outbreak is being increasingly recognized as one of the most important constraints to aquaculture production in many countries, including India. Conventionally, the disease control in aquaculture has relied on the use of chemical compounds and antibiotics. The development of non-antibiotic and environmentally friendly agents is one of the key factors for health management in aquaculture. Consequently, with the emerging need for environmentally friendly aquaculture, the use of alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in fish nutrition is now widely accepted. In recent years, probiotics have taken center stage and are being used as an unconventional approach that has numerous beneficial effects in fish and shellfish culture: improved activity of gastrointestinal microbiota and enhanced immune status, disease resistance, survival, feed utilization and growth performance. As natural products, probiotics have much potential to increase the efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture production. Therefore, comprehensive research to fully characterize the intestinal microbiota of prominent fish species, mechanisms of action of probiotics and their effects on the intestinal ecosystem, immunity, fish health and performance is reasonable. This review highlights the classifications and applications of probiotics in aquaculture. The review also summarizes the advancement and research highlights of the probiotic status and mode of action, which are of great significance from an ecofriendly, sustainable, intensive aquaculture point of view.  相似文献   

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