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积极吸引外商直接投资我国渔业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在针对当前我国渔业发展现状,促进外商直接投资我国渔业,提升我国渔业的科技水平,进而实现我国渔业产业的不断升级。通过分析我国渔业利用外资的现状及存在的问题,从而对扩大利用外资规模、提高利用外资质量等方面提出相应对策。  相似文献   

江苏启东市利用外资发展渔业经济江苏启东市滨江临海,拥有国内四大渔港之一的吕四港。1993年兴办渔业"三资"企业28家,引进外资850多万美元,产品远销日本、美国、南朝鲜等国家,促进了渔业生产的发展。(钟谷)江苏启东市利用外资发展渔业经济@钟谷...  相似文献   

李崇浩 《齐鲁渔业》2004,21(7):43-44
随着我国加入WTO和民营企业的崛起,外商投资趋势发生了一些变化,给渔业利用外资带来不同程度的影响。认真分析外商投资趋势并关注其特征及变化,制定相应完善的政策法规和优惠政策,才能更有效地吸引外资。  相似文献   

试论我国渔业的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了渔业可持续发展的定义,介绍了我国渔业的发展现状,分析了制约我国渔业可持续发展的主要因素,提出了实施渔业可持续发展的主要对策。  相似文献   

我区利用外资进行开发性生产的渔业项目,自1984年11月到1986年底止,已有98个,贷款额达2000多万元。其中淡水项目94个,贷款额约1,800万元;开发面积7万多亩,并陆续投产。如桂平白沙渔场千亩鱼塘,只用一年时间就建成,于1986年初投产,为广西利用外资加快开发,发展水产事业作出了榜样。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国渔业迅速发展,去年水产品总产量将近1800万吨,连续4年居世界首位。为保持渔业发展势头,我国又提出新的渔业发展指导思想和方针。  相似文献   

浅谈加入WTO后渔业法规的发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜巧阁  李晶 《河南水产》2004,58(1):33-34
在改革开放的大背景下,我国提出了“依法治渔、以法兴渔”的现代渔业管理思想,大力推进渔业法制建设,强化法制管理,这既符合世界渔业的发展潮流,也是我国渔业自身发展的需要。  相似文献   

本文就我国水库渔业发展情况作一概述。初步把我国水库渔业划分为天然捕捞,兴起和发展三个阶段。将我国水库渔业中的拦鱼设备,人工放养,捕捞等方面所积累的经验作一粗略的概括,提出当前水库渔业中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

我国渔业水域环境保护面临的问题与对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了我国渔业水域环境监测体系的状况;分析了我国业水域环境保护面临的问题,如渔业水域环境损害严重,渔业水域的监督管理分散和渔业水域环境保护法规不完善;介绍了国外在渔业水域环境控制方面的经验,就如何解决我国渔业水域环境保护存在的问题,本文从建立集中的海洋环境监督,完善渔业水域环境保护的法律法规,健全渔业水域环境监测网络及加强水污染监测治理的科学技术研究等方面提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

龙华 《现代渔业信息》2002,17(11):14-16
我国的渔业科技工作取得了重大的成就,但科技在渔业增长中的贡献率并不高,渔业科技成果的转化在我国渔业发展中极为重要,本文提出了渔业科技成果的转化和三个途径:一是依靠政府行政主管部门来转化渔业科技成果;二是通过民间投资来转化渔业科技成果;三是通过科研机构来转化渔业科技成果;三个转化途径之间相互依存,相互补充,它们的发展好坏关系到我国渔业和农村经济的发展,关系到整个国民经济协调、快速,健康的发展,关系到社会的稳定和人民生活水平的提高。  相似文献   

水产科技是应水产业的发展需要,在生产实践的基础上不断总结经验,融汇相关学科知识,形成的一套专门的知识体系。随着信息时代的来到,各项产业对科技进步的依靠越来越显得重要。作者从我国的水产业现状出发,对新世纪的水产科技发展作出了预测。  相似文献   

阿根廷渔业生产以捕捞为主,资源量较大,捕捞品种丰富,是世界著名的水产品出口国.本文介绍了阿根廷的捕捞渔业概况、主要捕捞品种、主要出口产品,以及滑柔鱼生产情况,并对阿根廷与中国的鱿钓渔业合作的历史、现状和运作模式进行了介绍.中阿两国渔业各具特点和优势,互补性强,具有很大的合作空间,开展中阿渔业合作不仅有利于我国渔业发展,更对两国间的关系产生良性影响.  相似文献   

张海萍 《河北渔业》2012,(12):37-40,53
渔业补贴是促进世界各国自身渔业发展的一项重要措施,但是近年来随着全球海洋渔业资源日趋衰退以及水产品国际贸易关系扭曲,渔业补贴的作用越来越遭到许多国家和国际组织的质疑。世贸组织《多哈部长宣言》已将渔业补贴纪律列为规则谈判之一,近些年也举行了多次谈判,在WTO主要成员国的努力下,相关规则草案的出台表明了在WTO框架下解决渔业补贴问题的可行性。本文主要对渔业补贴的定义及分类,典型国家与地区的渔业补贴状况作了分析,然后基于WTO渔业补贴谈判的进展及前景,对WTO框架下我国的渔业补贴政策现状及改进方向进行了总结。  相似文献   

Despite increased fisheries science output and publication outlets, the global crisis in fisheries management is as present as ever. Since a narrow research focus may be a contributing factor to this failure, this study uncovers topics in fisheries research and their trends over time. This interdisciplinary research evaluates whether science is diversifying fisheries research topics in an attempt to capture the complexity of the fisheries system, or whether it is multiplying research on similar topics, attempting to achieve an in‐depth, but possibly marginal, understanding of a few selected components of this system. By utilizing latent Dirichlet allocation as a generative probabilistic topic model, we analyse a unique dataset consisting of 46,582 full‐text articles published in the last 26 years in 21 specialized scientific fisheries journals. Among the 25 topics uncovered by the model, only one (Fisheries management) refers to the human dimension of fisheries understood as socio‐ecological complex adaptive systems. The most prevalent topics in our dataset directly relating to fisheries refer to Fisheries management, Stock assessment, and Fishing gear, with Fisheries management attracting the most interest. We propose directions for future research focus that most likely could contribute to providing useful advice for successful management of fisheries.  相似文献   

渔业资源可持续利用的灰色相对关联评价   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
陈新军 《水产学报》2002,26(4):331-336
渔业资源可持续利用是涉及经济,社会,资源环境等各方面的综合性问题,本文以灰色系统理论为基础,提出了渔业资源可持续利用综合评价方法和步骤。该方法具有比传统的生物-经济模型更为全面,它可量化地反映渔业资源可持续利用的各个方面。本文以1978-1990年东海区渔业资源的发展状况作为实证分析,结果表明,1978年以后,东海区渔业资源可持续利用水平基本上呈现下降的趋势,1983-1986年处在较低的水平,1987年后可持续利用水平有所上升。  相似文献   

本文介绍了文莱的渔业近况,包括文莱的捕捞渔业、水产养殖业、渔业经济和对外渔业合作等情况,并对文莱渔业的发展趋势、我国与文莱进行渔业合作的趋势和前景等进行了分析。文莱的水产养殖业具有很大发展潜力,利用我国在水产养殖技术与人才上的优势与文莱开展渔业合作,不仅有利于两国渔业发展,也有利于维护我国在南海的权益。  相似文献   

渔业在我国国民经济中占有重要地位和作用,水产技术推广体系是保证我国渔业持续健康发展的基础。本文采用数据包络分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)中的BCC模型分析2013—2015年全国各地区的水产技术推广资源配置效率,以探究我国各地区水产技术推广资源配置效率的差异。结果表明,我国水产技术推广资源整体配置效率不高,区域间的配置效率差异明显,中南地区水产技术推广资源配置综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率都高于全国平均水平,东北地区低于全国平均水平。建议通过增加水产技术推广资源总量、因地制宜的配置水产技术推广资源、建立水产技术推广体系联合协作工作机制等方法来提高水产资源配置效率。  相似文献   

China is the world’s biggest fishing nation and a major player in the global seafood trade. Its fisheries development can decisively influence the global seafood trade, food security and marine conservation. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in China’s fisheries management priorities, policies and regulations. In this paper, we review the evolving fisheries management practices in China to delineate changes in the management policies, methods and their performances from 1949 to 2019. We determined that the following issues impede the development, implementation and enforcement of fisheries policies and regulations, namely the large size of the fishing fleet, large and poorly organized fisheries population, the “hidden” fishing capacity, uniform management approaches that sometimes fail to account for local conditions, lack of clearly defined and allocated fishing rights, limited data quality and availability, insufficient fisheries monitoring programmes, absence of a robust scientific input framework and insufficient stakeholder involvement. Combining those problems with China’s current management initiatives, we propose recommendations for China’s future fisheries reforms. We hope this paper can inform China’s marine fisheries policies and provide valuable references for further researches related to China’s sustainable fisheries management.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamic spatial distribution characteristics and evolving trends in recreational fisheries development is of great importance for formulating policy for responsibly managing recreational fisheries. However, regional economic differences among China's recreational fisheries have yet to be examined and quantified. In this study, a methodological approach applies a series of techniques, including Kernel density estimates, Gini coefficients and Theil indexes, to provide a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic distribution and evolution of recreational fisheries in China. Results showed that recreational fisheries in China have been developing rapidly since the early 21st Century. The total economic value of recreational fisheries in China increased from 5.4 billion Yuan in 2003 to 90.2 billion Yuan in 2018. However, there is a serious imbalance of development of recreational fisheries between regions. Specifically, the combined economic value of recreational fisheries in the main provinces of Shandong, Hubei and Guangdong accounted for 53.4% of recreational value for the whole country, whereas the combined contribution for the bottom 20 of the 31 provinces in the country together accounted for only 10.1%. Analysis of temporal variation at four points in time by kernel density estimation revealed that the development of recreational fisheries exhibited a polarised tendency both among the provinces within the eastern, central and western regions and among the 31 provinces of China. Based on the results of the Theil index decomposition, the overall differences in China's recreational fisheries economy mostly came from differences within each region, which accounted for over 90% of the overall difference. This study provided a means to understand and visualise how key dimensions of recreational fisheries development vary within each region and within the 31 provinces of China, and provides a basis for making short-term and long-term policies aimed at promoting coordinated and sustainable development of recreational fisheries in China.  相似文献   

柳岸林 《南方水产》2005,1(4):69-72
渔业合作是我国与东盟合作的重要内容之一。在南海较为复杂的国际形势和背景下,探讨中国与东盟的渔业合作符合双方的长远利益。南海问题的顺利解决有利于中国与东盟渔业合作的开展,而双方渔业合作的进一步开展又可以促进双方南海问题的早日解决。近年来,随着中国与东盟在2001年把农业确定为面向21世纪合作的重点领域之一,中国与东盟的渔业合作又取得了一些新进展。  相似文献   

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