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奶牛生产性能测定(DHI)被誉为奶牛养殖革命中两大利器之一,对奶牛生产管理、选种选配及遗传改良具有重要作用。本文在详细介绍北京市奶牛生产性能测定工作的基础上,剖析了北京市奶牛生产性能测定工作存在的主要问题,并就奶牛生产性能测定工作提出了7点建议,即加大数据核查力度,确保数据准确;多渠道拓宽奶牛生产性能测定报告解读培训,加强技术人才培养;加大采样设备与测定仪器技术创新,提高采样与测定效率;加强信息通路的集成与优化,不断提高测定体系的数智化水平;不断加大资金支持力度,保障测定工作稳定运行;积极探讨、构建奶牛全产业链参与的性能测定体系,提高奶牛生产性能测定技术应用水平;尝试开展有偿服务,增强奶牛生产性能测定技术竞争力,以期为其他省市同行提供借鉴与参考,促进我国奶牛产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

奶牛生产性能测定(DHI)在奶业发达国家已经是一项非常成熟的技术服务体系,极大地推动了奶业的发展。随着奶牛生产性能测定工作在我国各省份的陆续开展,黑龙江省于2005年开始开展奶牛生产性能测定工作,经过7年来持续不断地发展、推进,目前全省奶牛生产性能测定工作已经取得新进展。本文对黑龙江省近年来DHI工作开展情况进行了概述,总结了开展DHI工作以来取得的成绩,并对将来的DHI工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

自治奶业办公室派人参加第七期全国奶牛生产性能测定技术培训班2012年4月23~25日,中国奶业协会和全国畜牧总站在北京共同举办了第七期全国奶牛生产性能测定技术培训班。自治区奶业办公室下设的奶牛生产性能测定中心是国家奶牛生产性能测定重点实验室。自治区奶业办公室为进一步加强我区奶牛生产性能测定工作,提高实验室技术人员的技术水平,积极派人参加了这次培训班。本次培训是全国奶牛生产  相似文献   

2012年4月23-25日,中国奶业协会和全国畜牧总站在北京共同举办了第七期全国奶牛生产性能测定技术培训班。自治区奶业办公室下设的奶牛生产性能测定中心是国家奶牛生产性能测定重点实验室。自治区奶业办公室为进一步加强我区奶牛生产性能测定工作,提高实验室技术人员的技术水平,积极派人参加了这次培训班。  相似文献   

<正>奶牛生产性能测定(DHI),其含义是奶牛群体改良。广泛推广DHI测试体系,同时结合后裔鉴定技术,可以持续性提高奶牛群品质,也有助于建立有效的奶牛育种与良种登记体系。1完善奶牛生产记录体系首先,生产性能测定工作为奶牛场提供了完整的生产性能记录体系,为牛场进行科学管理提供了  相似文献   

本文介绍了奶牛生产性能测定的概念和测定工作在我国和新疆开展的基本情况、存在的问题,以及对奶牛生产性能测定工作的重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>为了规范奶山羊养殖场科学化管理,提高奶山羊科学管理水平,增加经济效益,陕西省千阳县奶牛生产性能测定中心选定千阳县种羊场、崔家头五里坡羊场等不同饲养条件的奶山羊养殖场,参照奶牛生产性能测定工作规范,开展奶山羊生产性能测定研究工作。为了更好探索奶山羊生产性能测定工作模式和技术措施,确保研究工作顺利开展,笔者对全县部分奶山羊规模养殖场进行了调研,现将调研情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

为提高奶牛养殖水平,保证德州平原县乳产品质量安全,平原县畜牧局于2011年3月9日举办奶牛生产性能测定技术培训班。此次培训邀请中国农业大学动物营养博士李军前来授课,县畜牧局领导对这次测定工作进行具体部署,标志着2011年奶牛生产性能测定项目在平原县正式启动。  相似文献   

奶牛生产性能测定(DHI)技术能够辅助奶牛场进行科学管理,揭露养殖过程中的潜在问题,对奶牛场提高饲养管理水平、提质增效效果显著。本文旨在通过对河北省2011-2020年近10年的DHI测定指标的变化情况,分析不同年度月份的奶牛生产性能指标变化规律,为河北省奶牛生产性能测定工作进一步实施提供参考。  相似文献   

2008年以来,在国家奶牛生产性能测定补贴项目的推动下,奶牛生产性能测定技术在宁夏奶业优势区域12个县(市、区)全面实施。DHI技术已越来越被广大奶农所重视、接受,利用DHI报告已为牛场解决了一些生产中的实际问题,带来了相应的经济效益。实施DHI测定已成为指导养殖者科学管理牛群的依据,但随着这项工作的不断深入,数据精准性问题已成为制约应用DHI技术指导奶牛养殖场(户)精准化健康养殖的瓶颈问题,如何解决好这个问题对今后DHI工作的发展意义重大。本文总结了宁夏奶牛生产性能测定数据精准性的因素并提出相应的解决措施和建议。  相似文献   

DHI报告解读及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着奶牛养殖业的迅速发展,DHI技术在奶牛场中的应用已经普及,依据DHI报告,可以了解牛场的饲养管理、繁殖配种、乳房保健及疾病防治等状况,进行科学的饲养管理及选种选配,有效地防治乳腺炎,合理地淘汰牛只,进而显著提高奶牛生产性能和经济效益。全面、准确解读DHI报告,在解决奶牛场的实际问题和牛群改良中,起着越来越重要的作用。主要以宁夏某奶牛场2016年2月的DHI报告为例,就DHI报告中的关键指标作一介绍,旨在使DHI报告在实际生产中发挥重要指导作用。  相似文献   

An 87-cow dairy herd with a history of high milk production was visited because of reduced reproductive performance and decreasing milk production. Cows that had recently delivered calves were thin, and many cows had evidence of previous episodes of laminitis. A ration that provided an unfavorable forage-to-concentrate ratio was being fed. In addition to various diagnostic efforts, management changes that were made included alteration of the ration and installation of a computer-operated feeder. After the initial visit, the herd was monitored for 30 months by the use of Dairy Herd Improvement monthly herd summary data. Several potential strengths and weaknesses of using selective production and reproduction monthly summary statistics were illustrated by this study. Milk production, as monitored by mature-equivalent production and average relative value-milk, continued to increase throughout the 30 months after intervention. Reproductive performance, as indicated by first-service conception rate, did not begin to improve until the final 6 months of the monitoring period. Overall, in addition to assisting in diagnostic efforts. Dairy Herd Improvement monthly herd summary data may be used to establish goals, provide comparisons, and maintain producer interest after practitioner intervention in herd management.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the accuracy of a Dairy Herd Improvement Association test compared with bacterial culture to report the prevalence of chronic intramammary infections in dairy cattle. The Association classification considers a cow to have a chronic intramammary infection when her linear score is 4 or greater for more than one test in a lactation. The threshold level of linear score 6 minimized the sum of the misclassification errors. The Association test was not sensitive or specific enough compared with bacterial culture to classify individual cows accurately.  相似文献   

[目的]DHI(Dairy Herd Improvement牛群改良)牛奶测定技术是奶牛饲养的核心技术,旨在加强牧场的管理基础和遗传基础,提高奶牛生产的产量、质量和效率。本文在西北农林科技大学教学实验奶牛场和西安草滩奶牛一场进行了DHI测定。[方法]对DHI报表中体细胞数、乳脂率、乳蛋白率、产奶量四项基本测定内容进行了分析。[结果]表明,西安草滩奶牛一场奶牛乳中体细胞数(35.0万个/mL42.0万个/mL)和产奶高峰日(89.30d66.20d)均大于校实验牛场。[结论]西安草滩奶牛一场脂蛋比低于正常水平(F/P1.12),校实验牛场脂蛋比高于正常水平(F/P1.12)。  相似文献   

Some farmers in Fillmore County, Minnesota, U.S.A., considered that contaminated well water was associated with lowered milk production in their dairy herds. Wells in shallow limestone-dolomite aquifers were easily contaminated by surface water. Fifty Dairy Herd Improvement Association dairies were classified by whether well water originated in deep, protected aquifers or in shallow, easily contaminated aquifers. No statistically significant differences in milk fat production were demonstrated between the two groups before or after the use of linear multiple regression models to control for differences in management practices.  相似文献   

Some farmers in Fillmore County, Minnesota, U.S.A., considered that contaminated well water was associated with lowered milk production in their dairy herds. Wells in shallow limestone-dolomite aquifers were easily contaminated by surface water. Fifty Dairy Herd Improvement Association dairies were classified by whether well water originated in deep, protected aquifers or in shallow, easily contaminated aquifers. No statistically significant differences in milk fat production were demonstrated between the two groups before or after the use of linear multiple regression models to control for differences in management practices.  相似文献   

Dairy Herd Management Program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dairy Herd Management Program has served both dairymen and veterinarians very well over the past several years under a variety of conditions. A number of veterinarians have used the Dairy Herd Management Program to provide computerized dairy record service to their clients. In many of these situations, clients have decided to purchase a computer system of their own after discovering the value of having improved, computerized dairy records. The Dairy Herd Management Program is able to efficiently handle data from large dairies without disrupting daily record-keeping routines. With this data, useful reports are generated that measure actual reproductive performance against target levels or goals. Because the Dairy Herd Management Program focuses on specific time intervals and includes data from culled cows, trends or drops in reproductive performance are more quickly detected so that corrective action can be taken to minimize economic losses. The Dairy Herd Management Program's strong points include batch entry of data, an inclusive yet flexible Vet Check List of cows to be examined, and a detailed, comprehensive Reproductive Summary report. Its major weakness is the lack of a custom report generator for specific situations or conditions. This problem is being addressed in the new version. With the improvements scheduled for the new version, the Dairy Herd Management Program should be able to meet all of the needs of dairy managers and veterinarians alike, as well as become a powerful tool for conducting dairy reproductive field trials and research.  相似文献   

For efficient disease management in dairy production, the influence of disease prevention strategies on farm profitability must be known. A survey of mastitis control practices, milking machine function and maintenance, and cow environmental conditions was conducted with 406 dairy producers on the Michigan Dairy Herd Improvement-somatic cell counting program responding. These survey data, in conjunction with Dairy Herd Improvement production data, were used to develop a model estimating the marginal value products of mastitis control practices. Lost milk production associated with increased somatic cell count was calculated for each herd. Mastitis control practices, milking machine function and maintenance, and cow environmental conditions were used as independent variables in an analysis of covariance model with lost milk production as the dependent variable. Variables significant in explaining changes in production from increased somatic cell count were the use of teat dip, use of sanitizer in the wash water, milking cow bedding, summer nonlactating cow housing, summer calving locations, type of regulator, alternating pulsation, and rolling herd average milk production. The marginal value product (change in revenues received) from the use of iodine, chlorhexidine, and quaternary ammonium-type teat dips were $13.79, $16.09, and $22.17/cow/year, respectively, and these changes were statistically significant. However, sanitizer in the wash water was associated with a decrease in production. Management practices that have previously been shown to be economical and did not appear in the final model included nonlactating cow therapy and single-use paper towels.  相似文献   

本文介绍了我国开展奶牛生产性能测定工作的相关情况和取得的成效,分析了当前存在的主要问题,并对下一步发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

A case-control study was undertaken during the summer of 1989 in central Alberta dairy herds to identify independent predictors of nocardial mastitis. Thirty-seven herds with nocardial mastitis were matched with control herds based on herd size, milk production, and enrolment in Alberta Dairy Herd Improvement Services. Control herds were considered free of nocardial mastitis based on negative cultures of four weekly bulk tank milk samples and one composite milk sample collected during the same period from each lactating cow in the herd. A detailed questionnaire on herd management was completed during farm visits. The use of blanket dry cow therapy was not found to be a risk factor for nocardial mastitis. Dry cow therapy with intramammary products containing neomycin and the use of multidose vials of dry cow medications were the only predisposing factors identified as being significantly associated with nocardial mastitis in central Alberta dairy herds. Use of neomycin as a dry cow therapy increased the odds of nocardial mastitis occurring in these dairy herds by 169 times.  相似文献   

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