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介绍了中等职业学校教学质量监控与评价的基本含义,分析了中等职业学校教学质量监控与评价的主体,阐述了教学质量监控与评价的基本做法,研究了教学质量监控与评价的三个阶段。  相似文献   

众所周知,电压崩溃事故会造成重大的经济损失,因此,各大电力公司都非常重视建立优化监控系统来解决电压无功监控的问题.本文分析了我国当前电网监控的现状,阐明了无功监控精益化系统的特点,最后提出了基于无功监控精益化系统的实现.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,高速公路视频联网监控技术取得了一定的发展.就目前来看,高速公路视频联网监控系统已经向着数字化、网络化和集成化的方向发展开来.而在数字视频监控系统得到广泛应用的同时,高清视频监控技术也得到了应用,从而满足系统的高清化发展需求.因此,基于这种情况,本文研究了高速公路视频联网监控技术的高清化发展问题,并对第三代高清监控技术进行了探究,以便对视频联网监控技术的发展趋势进行探究.  相似文献   

对连续刚构桥梁施工监控的工作内容作了总结,提出了其施工监控技术的运用,包括:监控预测计算、施工参数计算、利模标高的监测、挂篮施工过程的监控、误差监控五个方面。只有对连续刚构桥梁进行严格的施工监控,才能使施工满足设计要求,提升桥梁整体质量。  相似文献   

食品安全与兽药残留监控   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
分析了食品安全与兽药残留监控的关系,全面总结我国兽药残留监控法规体系、工作状况、运行成效及存在的不足,深入分析现行工作机制的优缺点,提出了建立残留风险分析机制,实行从养殖环节到餐桌的全程监控,依法监控,科学监控的措施和建议。  相似文献   

建立企业药残监控计划是对我国监控体系的有益补充.本文结合当前形式,对供港禽肉生产企业建立药残监控计划的现实意义和文件依据进行了分析和总结,并根据自身实践经验,对供港禽肉生产企业如何建立药残监控计划进行了探讨,旨在引导企业如何建立监控计划,为出口禽肉企业建立药残监控计划提供帮助.  相似文献   

智能变电站集中监控需要注意很多技术问题,无论是设计、施工、验收还是管理都要考虑集中监控的需求,因为智能变电站有很多新技术,需要监控人员、运维必须做好相应的技术性培训,以此保证监控质量。本文首先阐述了智能变电站集中监控的注意事项;其次概述了智能变电站施工、验收、运维影响集中监控的要素,最后探讨了其运行管理,仅此提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于教学质量监控的内涵及当前高职院校教学质量监控的主要问题,以系统视域为导向重点探讨了内部监控的系统设计及实践运行中的特点,并给出了教学质量内部监控组织结构及运行示意图和现行的教学评价子系统组成图。  相似文献   

文中阐述了福建农林大学本科教学质量监控的实践情况,指出了当前高校本科教学质量监控存在的主要问题,提出了加强多科性大学本科教学质量监控的建设思路。  相似文献   

为提高生猪定点屠宰企业远程视频监控效能,江苏省通过建章立制、通报处置情况、对照数据信息等方式,全面开展远程视频监控巡查工作。实践证明,开展远程监控巡查,一是强化了监督责任。全省共落实监控负责人和巡查人员254名,监控在线率同比提高10%,工作记录均有案可查。二是提高了监督效率。监控方便了线索排查和证据固定,促进了飞行检查。三是增强了震慑作用。省市县联动,通过手机或电脑实时登陆巡查,既不影响企业生产秩序,又能及时规范企业生产。同时发现部分地方重视不够、巡查欠深入、设备功能不够完善等问题,提示应探索建立激励机制,增强监控系统功能,突出监控工作重点,争取更好地发挥监控效能。  相似文献   

超声波影像诊断技术在牛繁殖中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细阐述了超声波影像诊断技术,在卵泡测、妊娠诊断、胎儿性别鉴定、卵泡穿刺、生殖器官诊断、胎膜穿刺、雄性生殖力检查等牛繁殖领域的应用现状,并论述了存在的问题与不足。  相似文献   

内蒙古天然草地资源丰富,占全国草地面积的22%,目前草原遥感研究采用的数据在精度和效率上不能完全满足内蒙古自治区草原遥感研究与大面积应用需求。介绍了高分一号卫星数据长时效、高时空分辨率、大幅宽、高效能的特点,分析了其在草地分类,面积监测,生产力监测,牧草品质监测,病虫、鼠害监测及草地生态安全业务化监测体系研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   

澳大利亚草原监测工作概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨智  杨季  刘帅  陶伟国 《草业科学》2010,27(11):166-170
草原监测是草原保护建设中一个重要的基础性工作,通过长期观测,可以准确获取草原资源与生态等动态变化数据,为草原资源可持续利用和草原生态恢复与保护提供及时、科学、准确的决策参考。简要论述了澳大利亚草原监测体系的发展和监测工作的主要内容,认为澳大利亚草原监测工作具有稳定的投入机制、重视长期固定监测点建设,以及监测内容丰富等特点,值得我国草原监测工作借鉴。  相似文献   

Use of continuous glucose monitoring in veterinary medicine is gaining popularity. Through use of a commercially available continuous glucose monitor system, insights into daily glucose changes in dogs and cats are achievable. The continuous glucose monitoring system measures glucose concentrations in the interstitial fluid of the subcutaneous space by use of a small, flexible probe. When placed in the subcutaneous tissue, the probe is connected to a recording device that is attached to the animal and records the interstitial fluid glucose concentration every 5 minutes (288 readings per 24 hours). Once attached and properly calibrated, the instrument can remain in place for several days, hospitalization of the patient is not necessary, and the normal daily routine of the animal can be maintained. The data from the recording device are then downloaded and a very detailed picture of the interstitial fluid glucose concentration over that time period can be obtained. Subcutaneous interstitial fluid glucose concentrations have a good correlation to blood glucose concentrations within a defined range. The continuous glucose monitoring system has distinct advantages over traditional blood glucose curves and is a valuable tool for managing diabetic dogs and cats. In addition, other clinical uses for continuous glucose monitoring are being developed. This review is designed to outline the technology behind the continuous glucose monitoring system, describe the clinical use of the instrument, provide clinical examples in which it may be useful, and discuss future directions for continuous glucose monitoring in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Results of serological monitoring for Salmonella in finishing pigs are used to classify herds and target control measures at herds with high prevalence. The outcome of monitoring is determined by three factors: (a) the cut-off value for the optical density percentage (OD%) to declare a sample positive, (b) the classification scheme to allocate farms to different Salmonella prevalence classes, and (c) the annual number of samples per herd to calculate its Salmonella prevalence. Our goal was to analyse the impact of these three factors on (i) the accuracy of Salmonella monitoring in finishing pigs and (ii) the total number of tests required. We constructed a stochastic simulation model in Excel and @Risk to evaluate 12 monitoring scenarios based on: (a) four cut-off values for the OD% (10, 20, 30, and 40) and (b) three herd classification schemes. Furthermore, eight different sampling schemes were evaluated. The main outputs of the model are (a) the accuracy of monitoring which is reflected by the percentage of herds that retain classification when re-sampled at the same moment in time and (b) the total number of tests. To illustrate the model, we used input data from Salmonella monitoring in Lower Saxony, Germany. Model calculations demonstrated that - with the tests in use - monitoring scenarios based on cut-off OD% 10 are most accurate with 80-90% of herds retaining classification. Monitoring scenarios based on cut-off OD% 20 or 30 are, however, comparable to those based on cut-off OD% 40 with 50-70% of herds retaining classification. Besides, we predicted that herd classifications based on three classes (low-, moderate-, and high-prevalence) give more accurate results than when a zero-prevalence class is included. The total number of tests depends heavily on the sampling scheme and - if sampling is based on Salmonella prevalence class - the distribution of herds over the different classes. We predicted that the current German sampling scheme that is based on herd size requires more tests than those sampling schemes based on herd classification. Of these, the sampling scheme in which most samples are taken from high-prevalence herds is most accurate and might be a good incentive to reduce Salmonella prevalence at herd level if farmers had to pay for the tests themselves.  相似文献   

牧区积雪光学与微波遥感研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在总结国内外积雪监测常用卫星资料甚高分辨率扫描辐射仪(AVHRR)、多光谱扫描仪(MSS)、专题绘图仪(TM)、中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)、多通道微波辐射计(SMMR)、微波成像专用传感器(SSM/I)、改进型微波辐射扫描仪(AMSR/AMSR-E)、合成孔径雷达(SAR)和FY系列传感器优缺点的基础上,系统研究了牧区积雪可见光遥感研究进展以及微波积雪深度反演、积雪分类决策树遥感研究进展,提出了积雪监测中存在的一些问题及未来发展趋势和研究重点,为进一步做好牧区积雪监测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The use of uterine and fetal monitoring improves the outcome of canine obstetrics. Much of the guesswork of managing whelping can be eliminated. At normal term, absolute indications for cesarean section are detected with monitoring, before multiple fetal deaths or any serious maternal compromise occurs. Bitches with previous history of cesarean section may be able to whelp vaginally successfully, having medical intervention based on monitoring. The anxiety level of owners during whelping is diminished, and the level of participation of the veterinarian improves.  相似文献   

Real-time, B-mode ultrasonography provides the opportunity to improve the methods of evaluation of ovarian function and diagnoses of pregnancy in beef cattle. Determination of the sex of a fetus early in pregnancy (d 55 to 85) and verification of embryo viability by monitoring fetal heartbeat are unique methods involving ultrasound scanning. These techniques and a method for evaluating the technique of artificial insemination can be used to improve reproductive management of cattle. The way in which ultrasound technology may have its greatest impact is as a tool for improving on the method of palpation per rectum for monitoring ovarian function and pregnancy in beef cows and heifers. Determination of fetal sex and monitoring embryo mortality are less likely to be applied regularly in herd management, but these procedures will be valuable in conducting research in reproductive physiology of beef cattle.  相似文献   

Rapid and complete postmortal degradation of furazolidone and furaltadone occurred in liver, kidney and muscle tissues of veal calves. Different degradation half-lives were observed between these tissues, the mean ranging from less than 7 minutes to 63 minutes. At 24 h after slaughter the parent nitrofurans were no longer detectable in edible tissues. For residue monitoring purposes plasma and/or urine can be used, if these matrices are treated in a specific way immediately after slaughter; muscle tissues and organs are unsuitable for residue monitoring of parent nitrofurans.  相似文献   

分析2012年青海省4个国家级鼠疫监测点的监测结果,为进一步制定鼠疫预防控制措施提供科学依据.按《全国鼠疫监测工作方案》和《青海省鼠疫监测方案》的要求,对监测点主要宿主动物和媒介昆虫进行病原学和血清学监测;采用路线法调查旱獭密度、五米夹线法调查小型啮齿动物种类和数量分布;对检获的宿主动物体的媒介昆虫进行分类鉴定和计数.结果表明4个监测点的平均旱獭密度为0.039只/hm2,早獭平均蚤指数为0.021,染蚤率 2.13%,共检测各类动物材料938份,检出鼠疫菌2株,检测动物血清536份,IHA阳性2份.  相似文献   

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