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在新的一年快要到来之际,全国饲料工业协会会长秘书长工作会议在福州市召开。这次会议是在今年农业和农村经济取得丰硕成果、畜牧业加快发展的形势下,召开的一次重要会议,也是中国饲料工业协会新领导班子组建后召开的第一次全国会长秘书长工作会议。部领导对这次会议很重视,尽管年底部里工作很忙,还是批准我来参加这次会议。2004年对于畜牧业和饲料工业来说是不平凡的一年。年初打赢了高致病性禽流感阻击战,中国饲料工业协会和各省、市、区饲料工业协会充分发挥桥梁和纽带作用,在协助各级政府工作、当好助手参谋,加强行业自律、积极为企业排…  相似文献   

全国饲料工业协会会长秘书长工作会议现在开幕了!参加本次会议的有中国饲料工业协会会长、秘书长,有全国31个省、区、市和计划单列市的饲料工业协会的会长、秘书长,有农业部畜牧业司的负责同志。还邀请有关省区市的饲料工业办公室主任,广州、西安、沈阳三市的饲料工业协会秘书长参加会议。在此,我谨代表中国饲料工业协会向与会同事们表示热烈的欢迎!这次会议,由福建省饲料工业协会承办,让我们表示衷心的感谢!这次工作会议,是我们饲料行业的一次重要会议。会议的内容有:总结交流各省饲料工业协会工作经验,研究中国饲料工业协会明年工作重点,…  相似文献   

[本刊讯]近年来,因饲料质量问题引发的经济纠纷日益增多,但由于目前的饲料卫生标准覆盖面小,无法对饲料质量进行有效判别。为此,国家技术监督局和全国饲料工业标委会决定把饲料卫生标准的制、修订当作近期工作的重点来抓。这是本刊从全国饲料工业标准化技术委员会日前在北京召开的全国饲料工业标委会联络员及有关委员会议上得到的消息。出席这次会议的领导有中国饲料工业协会副秘书长王随元、全国饲料工业标委会主任委员齐文英和国家技术监督局标准化司处长刘文博。据悉,经国务院批准,国家技术监督局和农业部将于今年9月份联合召开全…  相似文献   

全国饲料工业协会会长秘书长工作会议去年末在福州市召开。在这次会议上沈镇昭主任就去年全国畜牧业、饲料工业的发展情况和对今年畜牧业、饲料工业的一些初步想法和打算,以及对做好协会工作,发挥桥梁纽带作用作了重要讲话。他主要讲了:  相似文献   

日前,中国饲料工业协会和农业部饲料工业职业技能鉴定指导站在厦门市召开了全国饲料工业职业技能鉴定站工作研讨会。出席研讨会的有中国饲料工业协会副秘书长王随元、颜小军、农业部人事劳动司处长唐宝振、农业部职业技能鉴定指导中心副处长莫广刚等。全国21个省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市负责职业技能鉴定工作的同志参加了会议。研讨会上,唐宝振同志首先概括介绍了全国农业行业开展职业技能鉴定的情况。王随元同志在谈到农业部饲料工业职业技能鉴定指导站工作情况时指出,这次会议是《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》颁布后一次重要的饲料工…  相似文献   

各位同志:这次会议是在全国农业大丰收、国民经济持续快速发展的大好形势下召开的。这次会议讨论了明年协会的重点工作,召开中饲协第5届代表大会和举办中国饲料工业展览交易会等3项议题。会议听取了农业部畜牧司(全国饲料工作办公室)司长沈镇昭同志的讲话和中饲协谢洪钧秘书长的工作报告,会议交流了今年的工作经验,研究了明年的工作重点,这是中饲协领导班子调整充实后的一次重要会议,是团结务实开拓奋进的一次会议,会议当中提出了很多好的意见,我们将在会后加以研究。今天我想就今后的工作主要讲两个问题:一是以整合提升为主线,把饲料行业和…  相似文献   

在日前召开的全国饲料工业协会会长秘书长工作会议上,农业部畜牧业司(全国饲料工作办公室)沈镇昭司长在谈到2005年饲料工业发展时,要求具体抓好五个方面的工作重点:  相似文献   

这次会议是在全国农业全面丰收、国民经济快速发展的大好形势下召开的。这次会议讨论了明年协会的工作安排、召开中国饲料工业协会第五次会员代表大会、举办饲料工业展示交易会等三项议题。大家集思广益,畅所欲言,提出了许多宝贵的意见与建议。会议听取了农业部畜牧业司司长、全国饲料办主任沈镇昭同志的讲话和中饲协秘书长谢洪钧同志的报告。会议还交流了经验,部署了明年的工作。这是今年中国饲料工业协会秘书长班子调整充实后的一次重要会议,是团结务实、开拓奋进的会议。今天,我想就今后的工作讲两个问题:一是以整合提升为主线,把饲料行…  相似文献   

10月16日至18日,全国饲料工业协会秘书长工作会议在河南省洛阳市召开.这次会议是我国饲料工业行业一次共商发展大计的重要会议. 召开全国饲料工业协会秘书长工作会议,在我国饲料行业还是第一次,具有重要的意义.其意义在于:在关键时期,研究了符合实际的重要议题.会议的议题是,在新形势下如何切实加强协会的自身建设,开创性的搞好各项工作,促进我国饲料工业的健康发展.  相似文献   

2001年10月,全国饲料工业协会秘书长工作会议在洛阳召开、这是饲料行业第一次召开备省、区、市饲料协会秘书长工作会议。这次会议对协会自身建设提出了完整思路,强调协会要向民间性、服务性、国际性方面发展;强调开创性搞好工作和多方面搞好服务.  相似文献   

雷一也 《饲料广角》2004,(14):19-21
1重庆饲料工业发展情况自2002年初重庆市饲料企业工作会召开以来,全市饲料工业行业在以下几个方面取得了新的进步和发展:1.1加强饲料行业法制建设2002年7月26日市人大常委会颁布了《重庆市饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》。该《条例》在国务院《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》基础上进一步明确了全市饲料工业行业的管理体制,充实了饲料主管部门职能,赋予了必要的管理职权,规定了对配合饲料、浓缩饲料、精料补充料、单一饲料4类产品实行准产证制度和产品批准文号制度;经营企业条件审查制度;产品质量举报受理制度;产品质量标准审查制度;明确了全市饲…  相似文献   


The honour of being President gives one the opportunity of repaying the Association and the profession for the right to practise veterinary science in an environment which they have helped to create. It also gives the President the opportunity of a close association with other groups of people who are directly associated with our profession for it has been said that no man is an island and this is exceptionally so as far as the veterinary profession is concerned. While we are individuals, some more so than others, it is only as a cohesive organization that we can survive and progress. It is sometimes forgotten that the President and Council of the Association are elected by veterinarians, to make decisions on behalf of the veterinary profession. It is sometimes forgotten that the President and Council of the New Zealand Veterinary Association are veterinarians who are affected by decisions made, just as much as any colleague. To make a decision is to invite criticism; time will prove many decisions to be wrong, but there is a great satisfaction when a decision made proves to be the right one. I believe that a correct decision made is progress and this is the subject that I choose to discuss with you. I could talk about the past but that was yesterday and it is argued that there is no guidance in the past, for the problems of the future. I could talk about the future, but the future is tomorrow, so I will confine myself to the present and the problems associated with making progress in our present environment. I have said that the Veterinary Association is not an island, that its future, present and past are intricately tied to the farming endeavour of New Zealand as are many other organizations. I have had the, pleasure over the last 18 months of sitting on a ministerial committee called “The Committee of Veterinary Development”. As many will know, this committee was established at the request of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. Of major concern to us was the representations on this committee, for it consisted of administrative officers of the Department of Agriculture, Federated Farmers, the New Zealand Veterinary Association, and an independent chairman.  相似文献   

苏氨酸在肉鸡、蛋鸡饲料中的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡倡华 《中国家禽》2001,23(2):35-36
苏氨酸(Thr)的化学名称为α-氨基-β羟丁酸,分子式为NH2-CH(COOH)-CHOH-CH3。它有4种异构体,其中D-苏氨酸难以被动物吸收和利用(Baker.D.H等,1998),天然存在的是L-苏氨酸,通常添加的苏氨酸一般都指L-苏氨酸,是动物生长所必需的氨基酸。苏氨酸已被证明是鸡饲料中继蛋氨酸、赖氨酸之后的第三个限制性氨基酸。由于苏氨酸的这种重要性,已成为影响肉鸡、蛋鸡生产性能的一个限制性因素,在日粮中添加适量苏氨酸已越来越为人们所重视。1肉鸡、蛋鸡苏氨酸缺乏症以及日粮中添加苏氨酸的效果  鸡日粮缺乏苏氨酸时整体表现采…  相似文献   

我们诚挚邀请您参加“中国动物保健品协会第四届会员代表大会暨动物保健品行业发展研讨会”。中国动物保健品协会第三届理事会在农业部兽医局、中国兽医药品监察所及全国各省、市、区有关单位的大力支持、指导下,顺利完成任期各项工作,根据协会章程,协会定于2005年7月31日至8月1日在辽宁沈阳市召开第四届会员代表大会,选举产生新一届领导集体,同期将举办“动保行业发展研讨会”,邀请有关领导、专家就后GMP时代,我国动物保健品行业发展态势作专题论述。  相似文献   

在明确了可持续发展的概念、内涵基础上,综述了国内外林业可持续发展研究动态;从绿洲概念、特点及内涵出发,综述了荒漠绿洲林业可持续发展的研究现状,指出今后应从景观生态学角度研究绿洲林业可持续发展问题。  相似文献   

At birth the piglet's immune system is immature and it is dependent upon passive maternal protection until weaning.The piglet's mucosal immune system develops over the first few weeks but has not reached maturity at weaning ages which are common on commercial farms. At weaning piglets are presented with a vast and diverse range of microbial and dietary/environmental antigens. Their ability to distinguish between antigens and mount a protective response to potential pathogens and to develop tolerance to dietary antigens is critical to their survival and failure to do so is reflected in the high incidence of morbidity and mortality in the post-weaning period. A growing recognition that the widespread use of antibiotics to control infection during this critical period should be controlled has led to detailed studies of those factors which drive the development of the mucosal immune system, the role of gut microbiota in driving this process, the origin of the bacteria that colonise the young piglet's intestine and the impact of rearing environment. This review briefly describes how the mucosal immune system is equipped to respond "appropriately" to antigenic challenge and the programmed sequence by which it develops. The results of studies on the critical interplay between the host immune system and gut microbiota are discussed along with the effects of rearing environment. By comparing these with results from human studies on the development of allergies in children, an approach to promote an earlier maturation of the piglet immune system to resist the challenges of weaning are outlined.  相似文献   

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