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采用活性炭涂层改性悬浮填料,在连续曝气的条件下,考察了SBBR反应器脱氮性能。结果表明,SBBR反应器表现出良好的同步硝化反硝化(SND)脱氮性能,对NH3-N和TN的去除率分别为80.7%和63.1%。典型周期内反应器同步硝化反硝化率可达82.7%。单因素试验发现,脱氮率随着曝气时间t的增加而增加,随着溶解氧质量浓度ρDO和填料投加量δ增大而先增大后减小。同时,以溶解氧质量浓度、填料投加量和曝气时间为考察因素,脱氮率为评价指标,采用响应曲面法建立了二次多元回归模型。通过模型求解得出最佳工况:溶解氧浓度为2.37 mg/L,填料投加量为40.10%,曝气时间为5.17 h,此时,脱氮率得到最大值为69.28%。验证试验表明,回归模型的预测值与实测值偏差率为1.57%。  相似文献   

序批式生物膜滤池(SBBF)是基于序批式生物膜法的改进污水处理新型工艺,针对SBBF处理城市污水的除磷的效果较差的弊端,通过直接投加FeSO4 7H2O到反应体系实现协同除磷,使得该工艺能够较好地应用于污水脱氮除磷。Fe(Ⅱ)的投加量从0.03~0.3 mM进行协同除磷试验,结果表明0.2 mM的Fe(Ⅱ)投加可为有效投加量。进一步将0.2 mM的Fe(Ⅱ)在进水阶段后投加到反应体系,稳定运行1个月,发现出水的TP稳定保持在0.5 mg/L以下,而COD和氮的去除基本不受影响。COD、NH4+-N、TN和TP的平均去除率分别为84.9%、83.2%、46.3%和88.2%。反应器出水的各项指标均稳定达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)的一级A排放标准。  相似文献   

基于CuFe2O4纳米粒子能显著增强Luminol-EDTA体系的发光,首次建立了Luminol-EDTA-CuFe2O4 NPs化学发光新体系。紫外吸收光谱和化学发光光谱表明纳米CuFe2O4注入Luminol-EDTA体系后,未生成新发光物质,结合纳米CuFe2O4的特性,提出了CuFe2O4 NPs参与Luminol-EDTA体系可能的发光机理。研究发现芦丁能抑制Luminol-EDTA-CuFe2O4 NPs体系的化学发光,结合流动注射技术,将此化学发光体系应用于芦丁片中芦丁含量的测定。在优化实验条件下,芦丁浓度在2×10-8~2×10-5 mol/L范围内芦丁浓度的对数和相对化学发光值呈线性,芦丁浓度检出限(LOD)为1.21×10-9 mol/L。将本方法应用于芦丁片中的芦丁含量测定,回收率为97%~102%,RSD为2.54%(c=1×10-7mol/L,n=11)。  相似文献   

混凝-活性炭吸附工艺去除水中甲氰菊酯农药   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对含甲氰菊酯农药的模拟水样进行混凝活性炭吸附处理,分别考察了混凝剂种类、投加量、pH等因素对混凝效果的影响以及木质粉末活性炭投加量、吸附时间、pH等因素对吸附效果的影响。结果表明,对水样作常规混凝处理时,氯化铁的处理效果优于其他混凝剂,当氯化铁的投加量为20 mg/L,pH为8时,甲氰菊酯去除率可达59.4 %。对水样做活性炭吸附处理时,适宜pH范围为6~9,木质粉末活性炭最佳投加量为40 mg/L,最佳吸附时间为70 min,在最优吸附条件下,甲氰菊酯去除率可达81.6 %。在最优混凝吸附条件下,氯化铁混凝协同木质粉末活性炭吸附去除甲氰菊酯的去除率均大于90%,对水中甲氰菊酯去除效果较好。  相似文献   

为了研究灰分对煤自燃能力的影响作用,利用绝热氧化实验装置对不同灰分含量煤样进行升温氧化实验,采用R70TCPTB 3种指标表征灰分含量对煤样自发氧化过程的影响。结果表明:1)灰分含量越大,煤样低温氧化阶段温升速率越小,温升加速点温度越高,煤样的自发氧化过程越慢,煤越不易自燃;灰分含量大于40%后,煤自燃倾向性快速减弱。温升加速点是反应微观信息的零活化能温度的宏观累计结果,具有直观且滞后的特点。灰分越大,滞后越明显,温差越大。2)R70TCPTB 3种指标与灰分关系表现为二次函数。R70TCPT两种指标显示灰分越大,自燃倾向性越弱,与实践经验相符。受水分权重影响,B指标显示煤样在灰分小于40%时,灰分越大,煤样自燃倾向性越强,这与实践经验相悖。因此,B在判定灰分对煤样自燃倾向性的影响时具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

五星形桩是一种横截面异形桩,是在圆桩的基础上向内切割5个圆弧,形成截面类似五星形的异形桩。按其截面性质分为周长最大化五星形桩F1、周长面积比最大化五星形桩F2两种桩型,为掌握五星形桩的水平承载性能进行了与圆桩的对比模型试验研究。试验用土为干砂,砂雨法土样制作,模型桩为预制钢筋混凝土桩,相似比为1∶8。模型试验桩包括:五星形桩F1、五星形桩F2、与五星形桩F2截面周长相同的圆桩C1、与五星形桩F2截面面积相同的圆桩C2。由于五星形桩水平承载性能具有方向性,试验采用理论计算中水平承载力最大的方向施加水平荷载,试验结果表明:F1C1F2的水平极限承载力相当,但F2的截面面积最小,仅为C1的0.44倍;与C2相比,F2的水平极限承载力是其1.63倍,可见,合理截面形式的五星形桩可以提供更大的水平承载能力;五星形桩与圆桩弯矩分布规律基本一致,都在4倍直径左右(五星形桩为外接圆直径)达到最大,但五星形桩截面面积小,抗弯刚度不足,容易折断,总体水平承载性能不及截面周长相同的圆形桩,但优于截面面积相同的圆形桩。  相似文献   

通过对医院信息化投入、医院运营管理对医疗效益的影响规律进行分析,根据重庆市某三级甲等医院在2009-2015年间的信息化投入、医院运营管理2个方面与医疗毛收入的数据资料,通过Pearson相关分析得到医疗毛收入与11个影响指标均相关(P<0.05),通过熵值法,选择指标权重值大于0.08的指标有医院全年财务信息化投入x1、医院全年门诊量x4、医院全年入院患者人数x6、医院全年手术量x7以及医院初级职称人数x10,其权重分别为0.190、0.086、0.085、0.084、0.084。建立多因素回归分析的数学模型,得到了指标x1x4x6x7x10与医疗毛收入拟合函数,可决系数分别为0.948 8、0.927 1、0.994 1、0.993 0、0.948 1,医疗毛收入的回归方程的可决系数为0.996 3,因此,本研究通过熵值法得到的影响医疗毛收入的5个指标,并建立得到的回归方程可应用于医院信息化投入决策的制定,为医疗卫生管理提供新的依据。  相似文献   

为研究多因素对不同热工分区办公建筑总负荷指标的综合影响,在分析了单一因素对建筑总负荷指标影响规律的基础上,采用层次分析法对分别位于哈尔滨、兰州、重庆、广州的办公建筑负荷指标进行了评价。得到了窗户传热系数Kw、玻璃遮阳系数Sc、窗墙比R在不同热工分区办公建筑总负荷指标影响因素中的权重值,并对此进行了一致性检验。结果表明:对于严寒地区的哈尔滨和寒冷地区的兰州节能建筑,各因素重要程度为R > Kw > Sc;对于夏热冬冷地区的重庆和夏热冬暖地区的广州节能建筑,各因素重要程度为Sc > R > Kw。在建筑结构优化设计中应根据各热工分区负荷影响因素的比重不同进行优先控制相应因素。  相似文献   

人工环境实验室对温度的控制精度低于工艺性环境要求,但冬季若采用分体式空调制热模式控制,实验室温度的波动范围过大,影响采集实验数据的准确性。提出冬季采用空调制冷模式联合电取暖器稳定人工环境实验室内温度的新方法,在背景实验中将新方法和传统空调制热温度控制方法进行对比,结果表明:采用新方法能大幅度提高人工环境实验房间温度的稳定性。为对新方法中空调的设定制冷温度与电取暖器功率匹配问题做进一步研究而进行探究试验,实验结果表明:空调制冷量Q1、测试房间热负荷Q2、电取暖器功率Q3和测试房间其他设备功率Q4存在匹配关系,当空调设定温度相同时,|Q1+Q2-Q3-Q4|值越小,人工环境实验室内温度波动频率越稳定,振幅越小。  相似文献   

The removal of Phthalate Esters (PAEs) from water was measured by using enhanced coagulation technology.Cationic coagulant poly-diallyl-dimethyl-ammonium-chloride (PDMDAAC) and polyacrylamide (CPAM) were employed to remove the dimethyl phthalate (DMP),and the residual concentration of DMP is determined by the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).During the coagulation/flocculation process,parameters such as coagulant dosage,pH value,and sedimentation time are investigated.The results show the use of coagulant PDMDAAC/CPAM together has better coagulation effect than PDMDAAC.DMP removal rate is 99.87% when initial DMP concentration is 0.50 mg/L,the addition of a PDMDAAC dosage 50 mg/L,the addition of a CPAM dosage 2.5 mg/L,pH value 6.0 and sedimentation time 3 hours.Therefore,the removal of PAEs by coagulation is effective,and the application of coagulation by PDMDAAC/CPAM in water supply will enhance the removal of PAEs and at the same time reduce the water turbidity.  相似文献   

The experiment took bath wastewater as research object and adopted aluminum, iron and organic macromolecule as coagulants to examine the removal rates of LAS from bathing wasterwater,Determinted the PAC as the furthest coagulation,and the influenced factors such as the dosage of coagulation,the pH value,the sedimentation time,the stirring speed and stirring time were discussed using a method of one factor experiment,the result showed that the best operating conditions is that the doesage of45mg/L for PAC, 6.0~8.0 pH, 15min sedimentation time, 150r/min for 3min and 50r/min for 10min, the removal rates of LAS is 45.75%.  相似文献   

In-beaker flocculation experiments are performed on the treatment of thick organic wastewater from sodium glutamate production. The effects of different flocculantand its dosage, pH value, and the effects of the composition between the inorganic polymer flocculants and the organic polymer flocculants are investigated.The best flocculation effect is achieved by adopting an inorganic polymeric flocculant PFSS(self-made). Under the condition of pH value within (7.5) to 8.5, the optimum dosage of PFSS is 20 mg/L, the COD_(cr)removal ratio was 68%, and the turbidity removal efficiency was over 89.7%. While, the organic polymer flocculants can synergistic coagulation effects when it is compounded with PFSS. The results demonstrate that the application of such flocculation technology to the pretreatment of thick effluent from sodium glutamate production is effective and economic.  相似文献   

According to the algae outbreak (the dominant species was synedra acus belonging to Diatoms) in source water, the effects of PAFS, PAC, and PFC coagulants on algae removal and turbidity removal were compared. PAFS was chosen as the optimal coagulant. In addition, different pro-oxidations and coagulant aids were added to enhance flocculation removal effects of algae. The experimental results show that PDMDAAC combined with PAFC shows the best effect, and the order of other promoting coagulation effect was PPC>ClO2>PAM>H2O2>HCA-1. Based on the box-Behnken Design(BBD) experiment design principle, the effects of pH, stirring rate and stirring time on algae removal using PAFS+PDMDAAC were investigated. The results show that the three factors play significant effect on the removal of synedra acus, and the influence degree is pH>stirring rate>stirring time, while the interactive influence of the three factors is not significant. Moreover, the optimum condition of enhanced coagulation is obtained, in which pH is of 7.5, stirring rate is 75r/min and stirring time is 15 min, and the alga removal effect is 98.75%.  相似文献   

研究了改性钢渣吸附除磷影响因素、等温吸附线特征和吸附动力学,并对生物处理后的出水进行吸附除磷研究。结果表明:在初始磷浓度10 mg/L,投加量10 g/L、pH为7时,改性钢渣吸附后总磷浓度为0.687 mg/L,去除率达93%;改性钢渣对磷的吸附符合Langmuir模型,理论饱和吸附量是1.977 mg/g,吸附动力学符合准二级动力学模型(R2>0.99);实际生活污水的吸附除磷中,投加量为50 g/L,反应2 h后出水总磷浓度达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)一级B标的排放要求。  相似文献   

Taking a coconut shell powder activated carbon (PAC) as the carrier and butyl acetate titanate with ethanol as raw materials, TiO2/AC(activated carbon) photocatalyst was prepared through sol-gel and impregnation method, and batch experiments were carried out to investigate its performances of removing Carbamazepine from artificial water. The results indicate that TiO2/AC has a better removal of carbamazepine than powder TiO2 and PAC. In the same condition, the removal of carbamazepine in TiO2/AC system is 1.7 times than that in TiO2. When the initial concentration of Carbamazepine is 10 mg/L, and the dosage of TiO2/AC is 500 mg/L, in which the load capacity of TiO2 is 11.2%, the removal rate reaches at 91.5% while the PH is 1.0. The reaction of photocatalytic degradation process can be accorded with two-step dynamics kinetics with different concentrations. The constant of secondary reaction is inversely proportional to concentration. Using Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) model, it concludes that the apparent adsorption equilibrium constant Ka is 9.215×10 3 L/mol, and the surface reaction rate constant Kr is 3.678×10 -6 mol/(L·min). Thus, microwave irradiation is the best way for catalyst regeneration.  相似文献   

Applications of plant growth regulators such as paclobutrazol (PAC) to grain maize frequently caused depressions in grain yield. This negative impact probably originated from treatments at an early growth stage during plant ontogenesis when the determination of potential kernel number coincided with time of regulator application. However, stability of grain yield itself is of high relevance, and it is also the key determinant for harvest index (HI) and the use efficiencies of water (WUE) and nutrients (NUE). Therefore, in a container experiment, the effect of delayed PAC application at growth stage V8 was tested with the maize ( Zea mays L.) cultivars Galactus and Fabregas. Immediately after PAC treatment, differential N fertilization was introduced in order to meet the demand of the control plants (100% N), and with a supply of 75% N. With late PAC application (V8), grain yield depressions could not only successfully be avoided; moreover, in Galactus-75%N, a significant increase in grain yield was achieved combined with an extended duration of pollen shed by 28%. Straw yield decreased less strongly after late compared with early PAC application, leading to small, but significant increases in HI for the maize plants with 75% N supply. An increase in PAC dosage combined with later application will certainly lead to stronger decreases in straw yield, but it will also enhance the risk for grain yield depressions, and thus, an overall stronger improvement of HI is uncertain. For the time around silking, remarkable improvements of WUEgrain by 18% were achieved after delayed PAC application to Galactus-75%N. After PAC treatment, significant increases in nitrogen-harvest index (NHI) and thus N partitioning to grain were achieved for Fabregas and for Galactus-75%N. Although luxurious N consumption did not occur, late PAC application showed neither an effect on N-utilization efficiency (NUtEgrain) nor on N-uptake efficiency (NUpE). It can be concluded that it is a very complex task to achieve the right balance between PAC dosage, stability of grain yield and optimal N supply in order to avoid both, luxurious N consumption and N deficiency, and to achieve an improvement of NUtEgrain of maize plants.  相似文献   

超声波联合混凝法处理制药废水的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了探讨单独超声波降解法、混凝法及2种方法联合处理制药废水的可行性,研究了超声波辐射时间、功率以及混凝剂的种类、浓度对制药废水中COD和NH3-N去除的影响。结果表明:(1)超声波单独处理制药废水时,COD和NH3-N去除率先随着超声波辐射时间(200~1000 s)的增大而增大,最佳时间为1000 s,COD和NH3-N的最大去除率分别为27.80%、45.34%;超声波辐射时间为1000 s,COD和NH3-N去除率随着超声波辐射功率的增大而先增大后减小。(2)单独用混凝剂处理制药废水时,COD的去除率随着混凝剂的浓度(0.1~0.6 g/L)的增大而先增大后减小,PAC在0.3 g/L时为最佳,COD的去除率为40.10%,NH3-N的平均去除率保持在5%左右。(3)在各自的最佳状态下,先用超声波处理后加混凝剂比先加混凝剂后用超声波处理的COD和NH3-N的去除率高,分别为61.24%、58.63%。试验表明,先用超声波处理后加混凝剂比先加混凝剂后用超声波处理对COD和NH3-N的去除率高。  相似文献   

In order to explore the best adsorbent and new way of removing phosphorus, this trial uses coal fly ash with PFS and alkali modified coal fly ash to deal with phosphorus in Secondary Effluent. The results: using the coal fly ash with PFS to deal with the model wastewater of 3mg/L, the removing rate can reach 72%. The combination of coal fly ash and PFS can make adsorption and coagulation express synergistic effect, and strengthen the Coagulation Effect. Using the NaOH modified coal fly ash to deal with phosphorus in Secondary Effluent, when dosage is 8g and stirs for 5min in 30r/min, the removing rate can reach 90%. After modified, coal fly ash expresses the adsorption, at the same time coal fly ash and phosphoric acid root ion settles, and strengths the treatment effect. Comparative analysis of the two methods, the NaOH modified coal fly ash can remove phosphorus effective and realize spate separation. This method can reduce the cost, and the metod is easy. It is worth to extensive application.  相似文献   

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