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在河北省饲料工业协会成立大会召开之际,河北省省长叶连松、副省长陈立友为河北省饲料工业协会成立发来贺词祝贺,同时省编制委员会批准协会事业编制12名,它充分体现了河北省委、省政府对饲料工业的高度重视和大力支持,也反映了饲料工业欣欣向荣,蓬勃发展的大好局面。我们相信,河北省饲料工业协会的成立,必将推动河北省饲料工业进入一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

河北省饲料工业协会成立10年来,在中国饲料工业协会和河北省委、省政府的指导下,在省畜牧局的关心和帮助下,认真遵循《河北省饲料工业协会章程》,坚持“双向服务”的方针,以企业为本,以服务为宗旨,围绕行业发展和企业的要求,积极探索,大胆创新,扎实工作,取得了较好的成绩,极大地促进了河北饲料工业健康快速发展.  相似文献   

经贵州省人民政府批准,贵州省饲料工业协会于3月25日正式成立,协会主要职责是协助政府对全省饲料工业进行统筹、规划、监督、协调和服务等。在1992年3月25日协会成立大会上,省饲料工业办公室主任吴荣启同志受协会筹备组委托,将有关贵州省饲料工业协会第一届理事候选人推荐情况和协会筹备工作情况向大会作了汇报。经过充分酝酿,会议选举产生了第一届理事会,当选理事共有111名,  相似文献   

中国饲料工业协会,是国务院1985年批准成立的三个试点行业协会之一,至今已经20年了。当时,与同期批准成立的饲料工业办公室、中国饲料工业技术开发总公司,三块牌子、一套人马。1992年,政府机构改革,协会与全国饲料工业办公室分开办公,为农业部领导下的事业单位,形成了“政府主管部门——行业协会——饲料企业”的饲料工业行业管理体制。实践证明,这样一个管理体制,适合中国饲料工业的发展,是正确的。20年来,中国饲料工业协会配合政府主管部门,做了大量的工作,发挥了重要的作用,为我国饲料工业、畜牧水产养殖业的发展,做出了重要的贡献。在饲…  相似文献   

2007年6月28日至29日,河北省饲料工业协会在石家庄举办了“河北省饲料工业协会成立十周年庆典系列活动”。  相似文献   

广东省饲料工业协会关于表彰先进会员单位、协会工作积极分子的决定省饲料工业协会自1990年7月成立以来,按照党和政府发展饲料工业的方针政策和《全国饲料工业发展纲要》的要求,积极开展行业管理工作,在协调关系、传递信息、促进交流、搞好服务。推动科技进步等方...  相似文献   

晓舟 《中国饲料》2007,(14):1-2
[本刊讯]6月28日,河北省饲料工业协会喜气洋洋,以"绿色梦想金色未来"为主题的庆祝河北省饲料工业协会成立十周庆典系列活动在石家庄拉开了帷幕。  相似文献   

为进一步推动河北省饲料工业的发展,协助政府搞好行业管理,河北省饲料工业协会于1996年10月经省政府批准、省民政厅注册登记正式成立。 河北省饲料工业协会以省政协副主席张润身为会长,由省计委、经委、科委、财政厅、粮食局、畜牧局、农行、化工厅、供销社、工商银行、乡镇企业局、农垦局、工商局、技术监督局、河北大学、张家口农业高等专科学校、畜牧兽医研究所、畜牧兽医技术推广站、饲料监察所、饲料研究所以及各大饲料厂等单位的负责人组成理  相似文献   

坚持服务宗旨做好协会工作──中国饲料工业协会常务副会长王维四在广东省饲料工业协会第二次会员代表大会上的讲话一九九五年八月三十一日首先,我代表中国饲料工业协会对广东省饲料工业协会第二次会员代表大会的胜利召开表示热烈祝贺!广东省饲料工业协会成立几年来.工...  相似文献   

广东省饲料工业协会成立于1990年7月,是全国较早成立协会的省份之一.协会成立以来,本着为行业服务,为企业办实事的宗旨,配合省饲料办积极有效地开展行业管理工作,在协调关系、传递信息、促进交流、搞好服务、推动科技进步等方面,为广东饲料工业健康发展作出了应有的贡献,并为开展协会工作积累了宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

An 18‐year‐old stallion was presented for castration because of insidious, bilateral scrotal enlargement of one year's duration. The left testis was firm, while the right was soft and lobulated; both were larger than normal. Palpation of the scrotum and its contents did not cause the horse to show signs of discomfort. Ultrasonography of scrotal contents revealed abnormal, heterogeneous tissue with ill defined regions of hyper‐ and hypoechogenity throughout both testes. Several hours after admission the horse developed severe signs of colic. On the basis of anamnesis, clinical findings, and results of ultrasonography and transrectal palpation bilateral testicular neoplasia and incarcerated inguinal hernia were tentatively diagnosed. Because the horse's owner did not consent to surgical treatment, the stallion was subjected to euthanasia. Histological and immunohistochemical examination of the testicular tissue collected post mortem revealed a seminoma in the left testis and a leiomyoma in the right testis. The post mortem examination also revealed incarceration of the small intestine in addition to the testicular tumours. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the simultaneous presence of bilateral, yet different testicular tumour types in a stallion.  相似文献   

Two cases of extensor process fracture of the distal phalanx in the forelimb in a Holstein bull and a lactating Holstein cow are described. Each animal showed acute onset of severe lameness with a gait characterised by lengthening of the cranial phase of the step in order to place more weight on the heel. Mild swelling and a localised pain response upon application of deep pressure above the coronet were also observed. A definitive diagnosis was made by radiography with complementary ultrasonography, which provided the best definition of the fracture fragment over the dorsal aspect of the distal interphalangeal joint. Applying a wooden block to a sound claw for three weeks was curative and provided a good prognosis in both cases.  相似文献   

A case of multicentric fibrosarcoma in a ten month old domestic short-haired cat is presented and discussed. Tumor tissue was found to involve the right distal forepaw, right shoulder area and a popliteal lymph node. This anaplastic neoplasm was concentrated primarily in subcutaneous tissues but also extended to muscle, bone and lung. The cat was found to be positive for feline leukemia virus by the ELISA test. Based on these findings, it is likely that the lesions in this case result from an interaction between the feline leukemia virus and feline sarcoma virus.  相似文献   

Cholelithiasis is the presence of concretions in the gall bladder or bile duct. The veterinary literature is reviewed and a case reported. The subject was a seven-year-old male Schnauzer with presenting signs of depression, dehydration, pyrexia, icterus, vomiting and diarrhoea. Laboratory evaluation revealed a marked neutrophilia and elevation of SGPT and BUN. A radiopaque cholelith was seen on an abdominal X-ray. Euthanasia was requested because of the patient's poor condition. On post mortem examination, local peritonitis and abscess formation around the common bile duct were occluding the outflow of bile and causing adhesions to small and large intestine. The cholelith was analysed and was found to consist mainly of calcium bilirubinate.  相似文献   

SUMMARY To test the hypothesis that joint incongruity contributes to the pathogenesis of elbow osteochondrosis, the left and right radius and ulna of 20 young large breed dogs were measured to determine any variation in length and to observe any incongruity of the elbow joint. Both lame and normal dogs were included in the study. Nine of the 20 dogs had marked disparity in radial and ulnar lengths yet only one had obvious elbow joint incongruity. The use of a sliding osteotomy for the treatment of fragmented coronoid process and a lengthening osteotomy for the treatment of an ununited anconeal process is also discussed. All four dogs treated with a sliding osteotomy showed a marked clinical improvement, and two of the three dogs treated with a lengthening osteotomy showed radiographic fusion of the anconeal process.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old, 520 kg Standardbred mare was admitted for an osteosarcoma of the right premaxilla. Two horizontal incisions of the labial mucosa and lingual surface were made 1 cm around the ulceration from the canine tooth to the premaxillary symphysis. The premaxilla and rostral portion of the maxilla were transected 1 cm caudal to the canine tooth with an oscillating saw. The maxillary symphysis was transected using an oscillating saw and a hammer. The wound was closed by primary intention and healed without complication. The cosmetic appearance of the mare was good. The mare was able to prehend hay and grain and grazed without difficulty and the tongue did not protrude. The neoplasm had not recurred 18 months after the surgery. A premaxilla and rostral portion of the adjacent maxilla can be resected to treat horses for a unilateral lesion of the premaxilla but care must be taken to avoid the palatine and incisive arteries which lie within the interincisive canal.  相似文献   

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